브뤼셀에서 건설노동자로 살고 있는 루마니아 출신의 스테판은 고향으로 휴가를 떠나기 전 정성껏 끓인 수프를 들고 가까운 지인들을 만나러 다닌다. 그러다가 우연히 이끼를 연구하는 중국계 여성 선태학자 슈시우와 만나게 되고, 숲속에서 깊은 교감의 순간을 경험한다.
Fourteen-year-old drug dealer Johnny is in a home for young people. When he learns that he cannot go home at weekends any longer, he asks one of his customers, famous successful actor Antony, to be his weekend guardian.
Sound Recordist
메탈 드러머 루빈은 청력을 잃는다. 의사가 상태가 더 나빠질 것이라 말하자, 루빈은 음악 활동과 인생이 끝났다고 생각한다. 여자 친구 루는 한때 중독자였던 루빈을 청각장애인들을 위한 재활 시설에 입원시키며 재발을 막고 새로운 삶에 적응하는 데 도움을 줄 거라 희망한다. 모두가 루빈을 있는 그대로 환영하고 받아들여주자, 루빈은 자신의 새로운 현실과 전에 살던 삶 사이에서 선택해야 한다.
Sound Engineer
Stephanie smiles as she’s applauded by the crowd. The 11-year-old gymnast just won her first international title. Her coach Patricia embraces her as they both admire the gold medal they have worked so hard for. The girl is crushed with attention, everybody wants to have a picture with her and expresses their high hopes, but the more recognition she gets, the more she realises that the game only has begun.
Sound Recordist
After a long day at work, fiftyeight-year-old Khadija falls asleep on the last subway train. When she wakes up at the end of the line, she has no choice but to make her way home on foot. On her nocturnal journey she finds herself compelled to ask for and give help to the other inhabitants of the night.
Sound Engineer
소년과 소녀의 경계에서 발레리나를 꿈꾸는 16살 라라. 호르몬 치료와 학업을 병행하며 진정한 자신을 찾기 위한 용기를 내기 시작한다.
17 year old Jasper lives in a very grey, small town. In his family, he cannot be himself. Jasper's dad is a singer, named Lukkie Luk. All the attention in the family goes to his career. Jasper searches a way to handle this and is faced with the typical questions in the life of an adolescent. Questions that will not be answered when he stays in his own routine.