Gregory D. Widmer


Mad Heidi
En una Suiza distópica que ha caído bajo el dominio fascista de un malvado tirano del queso, Heidi vive la vida pura y simple en los Alpes suizos. El abuelo Alpöhi hace todo lo posible para proteger a Heidi, pero su anhelo de libertad pronto la mete en problemas con los secuaces del dictador. La niña inocente se transforma en una fuerza de lucha que se propone liberar al país de los locos fascistas del queso.
Züri Zoo
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.
Züri Zoo
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.
Züri Zoo
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.
Züri Zoo
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.
Züri Zoo
Noah Morellenbaum
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.
Züri Zoo
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.