사악한 치즈 독재자의 파시스트 통치하에 놓인 디스토피아 스위스에서 하이디는 스위스 알프스에서 순수하고 소박한 삶을 살고 있다. 할아버지 알포히는 하이디를 보호하기 위해 최선을 다하지만, 자유를 갈망하는 하이디는 곧 독재자의 부하들에게 곤경에 처하게 됩니다. 순진한 소녀는 미친 치즈 파시스트들로부터 나라를 해방시키기 위해 용감한 여성 전투원으로 변신한다.
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.
Noah Morellenbaum
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.
One deal. One boss. Two cops and a pair of twins who thwart everybody's plans. Three suitcases. One bag full of coke and a traveling salesman who falls victim to a sneaky seductress. A pump-gun. A pair of Reebok Pumps. A tiramisu and a mother who knows that her kids are up to no good. A new job. A job interview at a swimming pool and two stressed out gangster chicks - that's ZÜRI ZOO.