Shellby King

Shellby King


Shellby is a Native American - Cherokee and Creek - actress. She grew up on a small farm in Alabama, but always knew she would leave to follow her dreams. Shellby is a versatile actor working in both comedy and drama alike. She is strategic, detail oriented, professional, and pours her heart into her art above all else.


Shellby King


Corona Viral Monologues
A poignant and hilarious tour of the new pandemic normal, the (Corona) Viral Monologues brings together the stories of the Viral Monologues - an episodic play written by the actors at Chubbuck Studio - linking all of our worlds in the stages of grieving, regardless of if you are trying to stop of spread… or the steal.
La madurez de Andy
Cuando Andy, de dieciséis años, hereda el huerto de su abuelo y se convierte en la pupila de su tía de la ciudad, debe navegar por el camino hacia su futuro desde una pequeña ciudad donde la elección y la agencia nunca han sido opciones para las mujeres jóvenes.