Shellby King

Shellby King


Shellby is a Native American - Cherokee and Creek - actress. She grew up on a small farm in Alabama, but always knew she would leave to follow her dreams. Shellby is a versatile actor working in both comedy and drama alike. She is strategic, detail oriented, professional, and pours her heart into her art above all else.


Shellby King


Corona Viral Monologues
A poignant and hilarious tour of the new pandemic normal, the (Corona) Viral Monologues brings together the stories of the Viral Monologues - an episodic play written by the actors at Chubbuck Studio - linking all of our worlds in the stages of grieving, regardless of if you are trying to stop of spread… or the steal.
O Amadurecer de Andy
Quando Andy, de dezesseis anos, herda o pomar de seu avô e se torna protegida por sua tia na cidade, ela deve trilhar o caminho para seu futuro a partir de uma pequena cidade onde jovens mulheres nunca tiveram liberdade e opção de escolha.