Clara Bellar

Clara Bellar

Nacimiento : 1972-09-29, Paris, France


Clara Bellar
Clara Bellar
Clara Bellar
Clara Bellar
Clara Bellar
Clara Bellar
Clara Bellar
Clara Bellar
Clara Bellar


Being and Becoming
Being and Becoming explore the choice not to school ones children, to trust them and to let them learn freely what they are passionate about. Through four countries, the US, Germany (where it's illegal not to go to school), France and the UK, the film is a truth quest about the natural desire to learn.
The American Tetralogy
The Rohmerian Breath
Entirely made in California, the film brings together 30 American and European actors in an epic which crosses the mythical territories of that cinematic land from Zabriskie Point to Mulholland Drive. California is revisited through the movie memories incarnated by the very presence of famous actors and actresses. "The American Tetralogy" is a way of staging reality which questions the fictional nature of the movies.
Schrader's Exorcism
A documentary chronicling director Paul Schrader's ride through hell and back while making film history with his prequel to The Exorcist. Schrader, after being fired from the production and his version of the film shelved, is brought back 2 years later to complete it on a shoestring budget. In true cinéma vérité style we watch as Schrader and editor Tim Silano work all the angles to get the film on its feet and over to Europe for the world premiere.
El exorcista: El comienzo. La versión prohibida
Rachel Lesno
El Cairo, 1949. Lankester Merrin ha abandonado el sacerdocio y malvive como puede gracias a su reputación como arqueólogo. Un coleccionista privado lo contrata para que robe una imagen sagrada de un templo cristiano recién descubierto en África Oriental. Cuando Merrin acude al lugar, descubre que los hechos inexplicables que rodean el hallazgo podrían tener un origen sobrenatural.
Kill the Poor
Annabelle Peltz
When a marriage of convenience becomes the real thing, Joe moves his pregnant French wife to a tenement building on New York's Lower East Side. The street is like a war zone with none of the nostalgic appeal that Joe remembers from tales of his immigrant grandparents arriving in the same neighborhood with a new life. This is the urban frontier filled with comic mixture of gentrifies, homeboys, dealers and local residents simply bent on staying a float
El farmacéutico de guardia
Yan Lazarrec es un farmacéutico de convencidas ideas ecologistas. En su particular cruzada por dichas causas, ha decidido poner fin a los abusos de los que dañan el medio ambiente. Esto incluye a fumadores y ejecutivos que experimentan con animales, y su forma de acabar con su conducta no puede ser más terrible: asesinándolos. Tras su pista se encuentra François Barrier, un agente con convicciones también ecologistas, y que será el encargado de investigar los homicidios.
A.I. Inteligencia Artificial
FemMecha Nanny
En un futuro donde los avances científicos hacen posible la existencia, los humanos confían todos los aspectos de sus vidas a sofisticados robots denominados Mecas. La emoción es la última frontera en la evolución de las máquinas. Pero cuando un avanzado niño robótico llamado David es programado para amar, los humanos no están preparados para las consecuencias.
This Space Between Us
Zoe Goddard
It’s been two years since his wife’s sudden death, and once-promising young filmmaker Alex Harty has allowed both his life and career to come to a standstill. But after he assaults a Hollywood studio executive, Alex returns to his hometown of San Francisco to reconnect with old friends for a bittersweet odyssey. Even if Alex can manage to run away from his life, will the memory of his late wife drag him back into it?
Las primeras nueve semanas y media
Emily Dubois
Matt Wader es un joven agente de bolsa que va a Nueva Orleans a cerrar un negocio con un millonario. Enseguida se ve atrapado por los extraños excesos y desenfreno del carnaval o Mardi Gras de la ciudad. La incontrolable atracción que siente por la seductora y joven mujer de su cliente, le hace caer en un juego de engaños y deseo del que difícilmente podrá salir.
Romance and Rejection (So This Is Romance?)
Mike is a composer who dreams of creating symphonies but instead, dashes off jingles for TV commercials -- all the while pining over ex-girlfriend Helen. But Mike's life takes several unexpected turns when he meets Sara. After the two depart for an idyllic vacation together, Mike locates his mother (Susannah York), who, 35 years previous, had left his father. Writer-director Kevin W. Smith's feature-film directorial debut.
Oranges amères
Recognizing no boundaries to her love, Angele manages to foment riots, rages and tragedy in colonial Algeria. Angele, an Algerian colonist with impeccably French origins, has fallen in love with Said, the assistant in her brother-in-law's bakery shop. Said is conscious of his Arab origins and traditions, and Angele has her work cut out for her if she wants to persuade him to marry her. Once she does, all hell breaks loose, as neither her European-origin peers nor Said's conservative Arab family approve of the union. When word of the proposed marriage gets out, strikes, violence and murder quickly follow, ruining not only Angele's life, but the lives of those around her. Her brother-in-law Paco, meanwhile, has been doggedly trying to get along and raise his family in an increasingly chaotic and difficult situation.
La Biblia: David
Las tribus de Israel necesitan un rey para derrotar a la fuerza superior de los filisteos. El profeta Samuel da a los hebreos su primer rey, Saúl, un simple granjero, quien con la ayuda de Dios se convierte en un guerrero valiente y poderoso que dirige a las tribus unidas de Israel contra sus enemigos. Saulo, sin embargo, tiene dudas incesantes sobre su misión. No es lo suficientemente confiable de la sabiduría divina, actúa por su propia voluntad y por lo tanto los pecados contra el Señor. El influyente profeta Samuel se aleja de Saúl con el fin de seleccionar a un nuevo rey según la voluntad de Dios: David. Cuando David sale victorioso de su encuentro con Goliat, el guerrero de los filisteos más potente, se convierte en un héroe. Su fama despierta los celos del rey Saúl, quien siente que David le va a disputar su reinado. (FILMAFFINITY)
A quartet of Parisians embark upon a guided hike in Corsica and end up working through the sometimes comical chaos of their individual lives while becoming lost and contending with such obstacles as bad weather and aching bodies. Both of the female hikers are seeking love, though one of them is involved with their married guide and tries to push him into getting a divorce. The other, a former actress, simply wants the perfect mate. Neither of the two male hikers, one who is involved with an Australian and the other is in love with making money, qualify for her affections.
Tres romances en París
Tres relatos sobre citas en París. En el primero, mientras una joven está meditando sobre la posible traición de su novio, un joven intenta entablar conversación con ella. En el segundo, una joven pasea por París con su amante, un profesor de universidad, y se plantea si debe dejar o no a su prometido. En el tercero, un joven artista lleva a su novia sueca a un galería de arte. Allí conoce a una joven que comparte su obsesión por un cuadro de Picasso.