Dennis Fimple
Nacimiento : 1940-11-11, Taft, California, U.S.
Muerte : 2002-08-23
He appeared in a variety of TV shows including Here Come the Brides, Petticoat Junction, Matt Houston, M*A*S*H, Centennial, Simon & Simon, Highway to Heaven, Sledge Hammer!, Knight Rider, Quantum Leap and ER. He also had roles in films such as Truck Stop Women (1974), The Apple Dumpling Gang (1975), Mackintosh and T.J. (1975), Stay Hungry (1976), King Kong (1976), The Shadow of Chikara (1977), Goin' South (1978), The Wild Women of Chastity Gulch (1982) and Maverick (1994), and shared the lead in Bootleggers (1974) and Creature from Black Lake (1976).
His most popular role was that of the lovable but none-too-bright Devil's Hole Gang member, Kyle Murtry, on the ABC comedy/western series, Alias Smith and Jones, starring Pete Duel and Ben Murphy. Fimple appeared in seven episodes and remains a favorite of fans of the series. In 1993-1994, he appeared as Garral in seven episodes of the Beau Bridges/Lloyd Bridges comedy/western series Harts of the West on CBS. His last role was in the 2003 Rob Zombie horror film, House of 1000 Corpses, as the foul-mouthed Grandpa Hugo.
Fimple was born in Taft, California, the son of Dolly and Elmer Fimple.[1] He graduated from Taft Union High School in 1958.[2] He died in Frazier Park, California in August 2002 from a car accident.
In Memory Of
Dos parejas de jóvenes se pierden durante la noche y van a dar a una oscura casa habitada por una familia de psicópatas. Asesinatos, canibalismo y ritos satánicos son algunos de los mil horrores que allí les esperan.
Grandpa Hugo Firefly
Dos parejas de jóvenes se pierden durante la noche y van a dar a una oscura casa habitada por una familia de psicópatas. Asesinatos, canibalismo y ritos satánicos son algunos de los mil horrores que allí les esperan.
El alto almirantazgo de la flota de los Estados Unidos se reúne para decidir si al capitán Dodge le dan su propio submarino. Como no se ponen de acuerdo, deciden darle uno que procede de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, con la peor y más disparatada tripulación, y ponerle a prueba ante una práctica de guerra.
Bret Maverick es un atractivo timador con una extraordinaria facilidad para escabullirse de los enredos que él mismo provoca. Sólo una persona es capaz de perturbarle: Annabelle, una habilidosa jugadora de póquer que se cruza en su camino.
Straw Hat
H.D. Dalton is a champion rodeo rider whose career is ruined after being gored by a bull. He returns home to discover things have drastically changed -- the family farm has been abandoned, his old girlfriend Jolie is a now a widowed mother, and his sister Cheryl has put his father in a nursing home.
A terminally ill man gets his buddy to bust him out of the hospital. But, in the process, the duo antagonizes a city policeman, who trails them to the boonies surrounding their hometown. The local sheriff and their lady friend (who think more kindly of the pair) strive to find the fugitives before the less-compassionate posse, which includes a deranged, rifle-toting foe of the two. Written by Kim Williams, IMDb.
Henderson (Townsman)
A mountain man is falsely accused of the murder of his parents.
Hawken is a rugged drifter and loner who meets and comes to rescue a young Shawnee woman, named Spirit in 1840s Tennessee, whom he leaves after saving her from a rouge group of Shawnee Indians. After taking up residence with an old fur trapper and old friend named Jeb Kline, Hawken later meets Spirit again whom runs away from a local fur trader named Tackett, whom she is sold to. Soon, Hawken is up against Tackett and a posse of hired killers, as well as a greedy and racist land owner, named Hickman, who's long abused son Noel whom narrates the entire story, comes to his and Spirit's aid to help them survive.
M. Harry Smilac is a down-on-his-luck music manager who is having a hard time attracting talent and booking gigs for his band, Kicks (The most recent of the gigs is a Dairy Queen opening!!). When making arrangements for a campaign fund-raiser, he mistakes Rick Roberts, a professional wrestler, for a musician and hires him. At that moment he becomes a wrestling manager and starts to book matches for him and his teammate Tonga Tom. The team is a success, and Harry decides to take his wrestlers and his band on a "Rock n' Wrestling" tour. The tour is a success, and Harry feels what it is like to be a winner again.
Silent since losing his hearing to meningitis, young Toby Wyler takes a bitter stance against the world and his family, refusing to accept his new stepfather. But when a highly trained orangutan named Casey is thrown from a truck near Toby's home, the boy soon has a secret friend he can communicate with via sign language.
Rupert George
1941. Como los Estados Unidos han decidido ya intervenir en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) y falta mano de obra en las fábricas, son muchas las mujeres que se incorporan, por primera vez, al mundo laboral. Entre ellas, dos vecinas, viejas enemigas, que tendrán que olvidar cuentas pendientes y librar su guerra particular. Su principal problema son las burlas, el desprecio y las atrevidas proposiciones de sus compañeros de trabajo. Una de ellas, casada, tiene al marido en la guerra; la otra, soltera, pretendía ser cantante hasta que su novio eligió a otra para que interpretara sus canciones.
It's quiet in Chastity Gulch, a small town in the Wild West. The men of the village are all in the army and fight their battles far away. The women are getting very bored! At once a bunch of robbers drops into the saloon. They love the beer but are also looking for beautiful women. Will the town whores keep these delightful men for themselves or will the doctor's wife and the mayor's wife also get a part of the fun?
George and Lenny travel through the Depression-era west working at odd jobs, hoping to make enough money to buy their own farm. George must always watch over his intellectually disabled friend, and keep him out of danger, both to himself and to others. After they take a new job at a ranch, Lenny gets into far more trouble than George can talk his way out of, leaving George to decide whether to help him, or leave him to his fate.
A debt-ridden divorced mother and factory worker strives to get a higher-paying job on the traditionally all-male main assembly line.
Blackface / Charlie Bright
Adaptación de la historia de la pandilla de los Dalton.
Mr. Bumford
Una joven pareja acaba que acaba de casarse alquila una casa en un pueblo de Luisiana. Pero no son bien recibidos porque los habitantes del pueblo les miran con desconfianza - en la casa que han alquilado venían sucediendo cosas extrañas en el pasado ...
Dewey and Wallace are small-town lawmen who are ordered by the governor to go undercover as prison inmates to find out where a gang of thieves have hidden their loot. While they're undercover, however, the governor dies, and because no one else knows about the ruse Dewey and Wallace are stranded in prison.
The Salt Flat Kid
Two guys come to Nashville and try to make it on the country music scene. Their vision is to play at the Grand IL' Opry. Rejection after rejection pushes them to the verge of quitting and moving back to wherever they came from.
En 1860, en el Oeste, Henry Moon, un forajido de medio pelo, se salva de la horca gracias a una encantadora joven que acepta casarse y hacerse cargo de él. Julia Tate, una educada pero obstinada muchacha del Sur, se casa con Moon para que le ayude a trabajar en una mina de oro que, según ella, se encuentra en su tierras.
Second Deputy
In this pilot film, B.J. McKay, a guitar-playing independent trucker who travels with a fun-loving chimpanzee named Bear, finds himself caught up with a bunch of young women trying to flee a white slaver who happens to be the local sheriff.
Confederate veterans of the last battle of the Civil War set out to find a hidden treasure.
La "Petrox Company" envía una expedición, dirigida por Fred Wilson, a la Micronesia con la intención de encontrar petróleo. Con ellos va Jack Prescott, cuyo objetivo es encontrar un monstruo prehistórico. Durante la travesía, se encuentran un bote con una mujer que se ha salvado del naufragio del barco en que viajaba con un productor de cine. Cuando desembarcan, descubren una gran empalizada, y dentro observan que unos nativos colocan a una mujer nativa en una plataforma, mientras invocan a una misteriosa deidad animal.
Dusty es el arrogante ayudante de Callahan, el encargado del vagón de tren. Debido a su ineptitud, ambos son separados del vagón y acaban perdiéndose en mitad del bosque.
Craig Blake tiene que hacerse con las riendas del negocio familiar después de la muerte de sus progenitores. A pesar de disponer de una gran fortuna, Craig aborrece el trabajo y no siente en absoluto satisfecho con lo que hace. Un día, cuando acude al gimnasio al que acaba de apuntarse, conoce a Joe Santo, un culturista marginal con una novia que pronto enamora a Craig. Su cada vez más consolidad amistad no se verá afectada por la particular relación que se establece entre los tres.
Two men exploring the Louisiana swamps run into a Bigfoot-type creature.
Roy is a ranch hand and a drifter. He takes a young man into his care and helps him to grow up.
Los pies negros sufren una epidemia de viruela y, por consejo del médico, su jefe ”Halcón de Invierno” viaja al sur en busca de alguna medicina que los blancos puedan proporcionarle. ”Halcón de Invierno” y sus hombres caen en una emboscada. Disparan contra ellos para apoderarse de sus pieles. ”Halcón de Invierno”, el único superviviente, regresa en busca de venganza. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rudy Hooks
Tres hermanos huérfanos son obligados a vivir con el soltero Donovan (Bixby) en un pueblo del siglo XIX de la ciudad Quake City. Después de que un terremoto sacuda la zona, los niños encuentran una gran pepita de oro por valor de decenas de miles de dólares. Pero su nueva riqueza les causa más problemas de los que les resuelve, por lo que se comprometen a "dar" el oro a dos torpes forajidos (Knotts y Conway). La única forma de conseguirlo es robando el oro de la caja fuerte del banco donde está guardado.
A young boy and a biker become friends on the road.
Bob Haldeman
The Nixon Administration falls apart in a farcical manner in the time of the Watergate Scandal.
Poe's fiance, Lenore, falls into a coma and is taken for dead. She is rescued at the last possible moment from being buried alive, but the experience has driven her insane. On the advice of his friend, Dr. Forrest, Poe commits Lenore to the asylum run by Dr. Grimaldi. On a visit to the asylum, Poe and Forrest sense that something strange is going on, and decide to sneak back in after dark and investigate.
Dewey Crenshaw
A bunch of bootleggers run booze in the South.
Una madre y su hija dirigen un burdel para camioneros, y deben defenderse cuando una organización mafiosa intenta hacerse cargo del negocio.
In the wild west con-man 'Candy' Johnson heads to Nevada to set up his own gambling den and teams up with Lucy Cotton, a young woman he meets there. This failed television pilot film is loosely based on Honky Tonk (1941), which starred Clark Gable.
Wounded Man in Bar
Un joven agricultor que siempre ha deseado ser vaquero es contratado por un ganadero para conducir ganado durante un largo viaje. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jerry, not a member of the 'protest generation' but is instead, an 'All American boy,' is drafted into the Army, just as things begin to go well for him. He decision to flee to Canada sparks off conflict with his parents, ending in the film's conclusion - in Vietnam.
Hotel clerk
An alcoholic drifter decides to run for sheriff in a small town. However, in order to get elected, he must find out who killed a visiting preacher.