Shirley is a woman who wants to be in control of everything. Working as a librarian in a public school, a firm "Sshhh!" from her makes the students tremble in fear. But in her family, her unwarranted intervention in the lives of her children and their families keeps her emotionally detached from them. Realizing that she has lost the command she once had, she goes to New York to reunite with Mark , her estranged gay son who is now suffering from colon cancer. But Shirley doesn't know this and living with Mark in New York comes with a cost. She has to live with her son's lover Noel who is an illegal immigrant. Everything is going right until circumstances forces Shirley to go back to the Philippines. Now that she's back with her family, she realizes that something is wrong she is not happy.
Gallery Guest
Adaptación actualizada de la famosa novela de Dickens, que ya había sido llevada al cine por David Lean. Gracias al dinero de un benefactor desconocido, Finn (Hawke), un joven pobre, llega a Nueva York para dedicarse a la pintura. Desde que era niño Finn vive obsesionado por la bella Estella (Gwyneth Paltrow), que se convierte en la musa que inspira sus cuadros.
P.O.W. #5
Rambo es excarcelado y enviado de vuelta al Vietnam con una nueva misión: averiguar el paradero de unos soldados norteamericanos desaparecidos. Tras saltar en paracaídas en la jungla, portando únicamente un cuchillo y un arco con flechas, se le dice que no ataque al enemigo y que sólo haga fotografías de reconocimiento. Pero el plan no saldrá como estaba previsto.
Young Man
During the brief 'Threshold' of time and space between life and death, the love that was denied during life comes briefly. 'Death' as personified by John Carradine, allows one last afternoon of love and peace before claiming with devastating finality.
El presidente del Perú asigna al último descendiente de los incas la tarea de tratar de detener una tribu indígena, con la ayuda de un jefe de los bandidos y de revolucionario, y que tratar de expulsar a todos los blancos y resucitar el Imperio Inca.