Shirley is a woman who wants to be in control of everything. Working as a librarian in a public school, a firm "Sshhh!" from her makes the students tremble in fear. But in her family, her unwarranted intervention in the lives of her children and their families keeps her emotionally detached from them. Realizing that she has lost the command she once had, she goes to New York to reunite with Mark , her estranged gay son who is now suffering from colon cancer. But Shirley doesn't know this and living with Mark in New York comes with a cost. She has to live with her son's lover Noel who is an illegal immigrant. Everything is going right until circumstances forces Shirley to go back to the Philippines. Now that she's back with her family, she realizes that something is wrong she is not happy.
Gallery Guest
Modernização do clássico de Charles Dickens sobre o órfão Finn, seu amor pela bela e fria Estella, criada por senhora cruel que busca vingança contra os homens por ter sido abandonada à beira do altar, e o misterioso benfeitor que muda o destino do rapaz.
P.O.W. #5
Rambo está preso em uma penitenciária federal quando recebe uma proposta: será perdoado e reintegrado ao Exército se participar de uma missão no Vietnã, onde terá que enfrentar todo tipo de inimigos, inclusive oficiais americanos corruptos.
Young Man
During the brief 'Threshold' of time and space between life and death, the love that was denied during life comes briefly. 'Death' as personified by John Carradine, allows one last afternoon of love and peace before claiming with devastating finality.
During the 1800s, Peru's government sends 2 envoys to negotiate peace with the rebellious Incas but a treasure-hunter bandit shoots the Inca ruler and his son, leaving the 2 envoys to take the blame for it.