Egon Werdin
Nacimiento : 1954-11-17, Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, Germany
Director of Photography
Conny tiene 37 años y hasta el momento siempre ha antepuesto sus necesidades para satisfacer los deseos de su familia. Se llevará una sorpresa cuando su marido le pida el divorcio.
Camera Operator
Sophie Brand is overwhelmed: as a single mother with two jobs no wonder. A mountain of unpaid traffic tickets takes her to the judge, who buzzes her 300 social hours in a home for the disabled. In addition, he puts her on his own brother: Georg, a dreaded patient in the home, who sits in a wheelchair since an accident and only bitterness for his environment left. But Sophie can not rausekeln. So it happens that something special develops out of initial antipathy: trust, friendship, love. The emotional tragicomedy knows how to implement a supposed taboo subject sensitively.
KAFKA'S THE BURROW tells the story of a man's "metamorphosis" (as Kafka would put it) in a rapidly changing and increasingly isolated world. A man (Axel Prahl), who has seemingly achieved everything, ensconces himself in his burrow, a fortress-like apartment complex. But no matter how hard he tries to keep the outside world at a distance, he gets more and more entangled in his own web of fear and paranoia: those outside know he is there, they want him, they want his wealth, and they are inevitably going to get him ...
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The life of 15 year old Alex is turned upside down, when his parents are divorced and find new partners right away. After a fight at school, the mother takes him over to England, where Alex chaotic life continues.
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
A serial killer dispassionately discusses the nuts and bolts of his grisly avocation, as well as the youthful traumas which helped to mold him into a psychopath, in this disturbing independent drama from Germany, based on the true story of of Germany's most famous child murderer Juergen Bartsch who, between the ages of 15 and 19, abused, tortured and killed four schoolboys in the Ruhr region of Germany from 1962 to 1966.
Director of Photography
Un joven americano, Andy, se encuentra de vacaciones en París, junto a dos amigos, Brad y Chris. Una noche en la que se disponen a hacer jumping en la Torre Eiffel, Andy rescata a una chica, Serafine, que trata de suicidarse. La joven se marcha y él, que queda prendado de ella, trata de localizarla. Serafine oculta un oscuro secreto, un secreto que el americano va descubrir muy pronto....
Director of Photography
Billy Hughes, una joven americana muda que trabaja en Rusia, presencia un brutal asesinato en un plató de cine. A partir de ese momento, se convierte en el objetivo de los asesinos; pero es que además tanto la policía como sus compatriotas ponen en duda su testimonio. No le queda entonces más remedio que aferrarse al único hombre que le ofrece ayuda, aunque no sepa muy bien si trata de salvarla o de asesinarla.
Director of Photography
Comic artist Brösel trades a magic pen that helps him come up with funny stories for the promise to fulfill one of Rumpelstiltskin's wishes. The resulting animated films show episodes of the life of Werner, a plumber apprentice and motorbike enthusiast and his friends. They are interspersed with the live-action portions.
Director of Photography
Otto is the only one who is able to save his Frisian fatherland; but he needs the help of his brother, who is abroad. But his brother does not want to fulfill what he has sworn as a child. So it takes Otto a while to convince him while time is running low for his plans to save East-Frisia.
Post-war Germany in 1946 while people are struggling to make ends meet, the film follows Hermann, a war veteran who finds employment at a train station. As he falls in love with an agricultural worker and starts comitting thefts, his fragile psyche seems to fall more and more out of balance.
Director of Photography
Tras la muerte de su padre, Joey cree que se comunica con él por medio de su teléfono de juguete. Pero, en realidad, Joey no habla con su padre, sino con un muñeco de ventrílocuo que hay en su habitación, un perverso muñeco que representa una amenaza para el niño.
Director of Photography
Año 1997. Una estación euroamericana consagrada a la investigación metereológica, con tan sólo dos tripulantes a bordo, está dando vueltas sobre la órbita terrestre. Max Marek, oficial científico, y Billy Hayes, oficial técnico, tienen el cometido de facilitar diagnósticos metereológicos con la máxima brevedad posible. No obstante, como los efectos de radiación resultan imprevisibles, científicos y políticos se ponen de acuerdo para suprimir la estación orbital metereológica. Marek parece conforme con esta decisión, ya que lleva tiempo temiendo los posibles efectos fatales de esta serie de ensayos en un espacio de ingravidez. Por su parte, Hayes se muestra disconforme ante esta decisión.... Debut en la realización de Roland Emmerich tras codirigir el cortometraje "Franzmann" en 1979. "1997: El principio del Arca de Noé" es un trabajo de estudiante que, dada su solidez y su gran acogida en Alemania, fue distribuida a nivel mundial.
Germany, 1937. Paul v. Kammer has lived with his grandfather in Germany for ten years. He has just finished school and faces a difficult decision: his mother, who is French, urges him to leave Germany and start university in France; his grandfather, on the other hand, demands that he enter into the family business, which would also mean conscription for Paul. Only one day left to make his decision. Paul meets his friend Max. A decisive day. Two friends and a girl in the summer of 1937.