Tanja Georgieva-Waldhauer


The Editorial Office
In the wild steppes of southern Ukraine, a young nature researcher named Yura is looking for an endangered species of groundhog but instead witnesses a crime. Eager to expose the truth, Yura takes his photo evidence to the local newspaper's editorial office. However, he quickly realizes that nobody there cares about pursuing justice. While a big war is looming over the horizon, Yura's naive worldview is splintering in a storm of fake news, rigged political elections, and mysterious cult rituals. On his quest, the hero is about to find out who he really is-an endangered species of a good man or just a loser?
Anatolian Leopard
At Turkey’s oldest zoo, a lonely manager and a neglected female officer form an unlikely bond: as they hide the death of the zoo’s oldest inhabitant, an Anatolian leopard, in order to stop the privatization process and fake its escape, they set in motion an absurd charade that spins out of control. In Turkey’s grey and quiet capital, the ghost of the leopard persists.
Magnetic beats
Bretaña, Francia, años ochenta. Un grupo de amigos, hartos de la aburrida vida campestre y ávidos de experimentar emociones, crean una emisora de radio.
Tailor (El sastre)
Un sastre soñador, al borde de la ruina, intenta reinventar su vida y alegrar la vida a las novias de Atenas. Nikos vive en el ático de la sastrería familiar. Cuando el banco amenaza con embargar la sastrería y su padre cae enfermo, Nikos entra en acción: con una maravillosa aunque extraña sastrería sobre ruedas, consigue reinventarse a sí mismo aportando estilo y confianza a las mujeres de Atenas con preciosos vestidos.
Invisible to the Eye
The same route after three and a half centuries... A creative documentary following the footsteps of the Ottoman-Armenian intellectual and traveler Eremya Celebi Komurciyan into the cosmopolitan Istanbul of the 17th century. Long before the invention of cinema, Komurciyan situates himself as a subject who observes the city of Istanbul as if he had a camera in hand. Borrowing Komurciyan’s timeless cine-eye, we delve into contemporary Istanbul to capture what is “inaccessible to the human eye” through the remnants of his route.