Horror-mystery movie based on an adult party game of social deduction created by Dimitry Davidoff in 1986. Twelve kidnapped strangers must play a game where they vote on who amongst them to murder. At night, the "werewolves" hidden among them come out to brutally kill one of the 12 "villagers" in return. The days repeat until one winning group remains.
James is still in love with his ex-wife Barbara and has one last chance to win her back. While his friends and parents try to help, they're dealing with their own complicated love lives. But, in a crazy world, love is the only thing that makes sense.
Un cazador que se dedica a capturar animales para luego venderlos a distintos zoológicos compra un pasaje para embarcarse en un crucero repleto de animales exóticos con los que piensa hacerse de oro, entre los que se incluye un jaguar y otros animales del Amazonas. Sin embargo, desconoce que en el mismo barco se está extraditando a un asesino en serie que, tras escapar del control de sus captores, liberta a los animales y con ellos el caos total.