Horror-mystery movie based on an adult party game of social deduction created by Dimitry Davidoff in 1986. Twelve kidnapped strangers must play a game where they vote on who amongst them to murder. At night, the "werewolves" hidden among them come out to brutally kill one of the 12 "villagers" in return. The days repeat until one winning group remains.
James is still in love with his ex-wife Barbara and has one last chance to win her back. While his friends and parents try to help, they're dealing with their own complicated love lives. But, in a crazy world, love is the only thing that makes sense.
O caçador Frank Walsh (Nicolas Cage) trabalha para alguns zoológicos dos Estados Unidos e está dedicando sua vida para proteger uns animais que capturou na Floresta Amazônica. Ele embarca num navio cargueiro sem saber que está ao lado de Richard Loffler, um assassino que está sendo extraditado para os EUA em segredo, e, com isso, a viagem começa a ter problemas.