Riccardo Cucciolla

Riccardo Cucciolla

Nacimiento : 1924-09-05, Bari, Puglia, Italy

Muerte : 1999-09-17


Riccardo Cucciolla (5 September 1924 – 17 September 1999) was an Italian actor and voice actor. He appeared in 60 films between 1953 and 1999. He won the Best Actor Award at the 1971 Cannes Film Festival for the film Sacco & Vanzetti. Born in Bari, in southern Italy, Cucciolla gained a degree in law, then made his stage debut in an amateur production in his home city. From 1946, he started working in radio as a voice actor and as the narrator of documentaries; at the same time, he started working in cinema, as a dubber and a voice actor. Cucciolla made his film debut in 1953, in Anton Giulio Majano's Good Folk's Sunday. After some minor roles, he had his first important role in Italiani brava gente (1965), followed by a further significant role in Giuliano Montaldo's Grand Slam (1967). Cucciolla came to national and international recognition with the leading role in Montaldo's Sacco e Vanzetti, for which he was awarded best actor at Cannes and won a Silver Ribbon. In the wake of that sudden popularity, he intensively worked throughout the decade, alternating notable films with others of more modest quality and ambition. Starting from eighties he thinned out his appearances, mainly focusing on dubbing and television roles. As a dubber, he provided voice-overs for Roger Moore, Claudio Villa, Erland Josephson, John Cazale, Jonathan Pryce, Richard Egan, James Caan, Robert Duvall and more. On 17 September 1999, Cucciolla died in Rome at the age of 75. He is survived by his wife, the poet Alida Sessa; their son Riccardo; and two children by his first wife, Francesco and Lietta. Source: Article "Riccardo Cucciolla" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Riccardo Cucciolla


Our God's Brother
The Monk
In this adaptation of an historical play by Pope John Paul II, painter Albert Chmielowski decides to devote his life to helping the homeless.
Lucky Punch
Corruption on the boxing circuit at the turn of the century provides the basis of this French drama. The story centers on a talented young fighter, a logger that Abel Ginoux and his Italian partner Zipolino, a crooked doctor, discover during a fight in a woodland town. The logger, Passe Partout, is in a fight with Ginoux's best fighter and ends up accidentally killing the pugilist. Ever the opportunist, Ginoux lures Partout into the ring to replace the late fighter. Partout proves to be the classic provincial innocent with high, rugged ideals and little knowledge about the modern world. Ginoux takes him to town for the first time and the logger is delighted to discover amenities such as electricity and silent films. He soon falls in love with the beauteous Camille who works in her late father's cafe with her mother. Her father made many of the films, most of which are boxing matches, because he believed that the presence of a camera rendered a fight unfixable.
Blinde Augen klagen an
In Calabria
Narrator (voice)
Vittorio De Seta's documentary about the Calabria, revisiting the territory he documented in I Dimenticati in 1959.
Pizza Colonia
Massimo Serboli
Italian Francesco ( Mario Adorf ) runs a restaurant in Cologne , partnership is the brewer Zach ( Willy Millowitsch ) . Francesco has problems : a " Godfather" makes Zach an offer he can not refuse , the wedding between Francesco's daughter and Zach son bursts , and his wife threatened behind his affair to come up with kiosk owner Hilde , which lasts at least 18 or older to ...
Vanille fraise
Husband finds out that his wife is a secret agent and that she has a handsome partner.
32nd of December
Generale Emanuele Anselmi
Three episodes about the relativity of time.
Il segreto dell'uomo solitario
Christian, well-off of a certain age, lives alone in a house between the moors and the sea on the Sardinian coast, she loved dearly by Ghiana, a peasant married. The arrival in the farmhouse near the young and charming Sara, who takes care of the mentally ill husband, upsets the life of Christian and his relationship with Ghiana, arousing in him love and anguish.
Il coraggio di parlare
Don Carmelo Fiorillo
Tottering in the Dark
Teodoro detto Teo
An elderly trio tries to adjust to each other when they all move into an apartment in Rome. When Giovanni (Ricardo Cucciolla) inherits the unit, he invites the Russian immigrant Maria (Marina Vlady) and his shy friend from college Teo (Luigi Pistilli) to live with him. Maria tries to get Teo to marry her friend so she can receive Italian citizenship. The three do their best to live in harmony in this bittersweet drama.
Los clandestinos de Asís
Luigi Brizzi
Historia sobre la ayuda que prestó la Iglesia Católica y la población de Asís (Italia) para rescatar a los judíos italianos que habían sido capturados por los nazis en 1943.
The Kid From Ebalus
Old Farmer
During the Years of Lead in Italy, a student approaches extra-parliamentary terrorist groups, but comes to realize that he has to get away from those circles as he's hunted by both his former comrades and the police.
Sophia Loren: Her Own Story
Dominico Villani
This biopic about actress Sophia Loren covers her life from childhood through international stardom, her marriage to Carlo Ponti following a romantic fling with Cary Grant, and the birth of her first child, and is tied together with actual clips from some of her movies.
Lost in the City of Sarzana
Terzi, sindaco di Sarzana
Italian TV-Drama
Adiós al último hombre
Narrator (voice)
Documental dedicado a diferentes culturas ancestrales Africanas a las que el progreso amenaza, tribus como Kaksiki de Africa central, Nuba de Sudán o los Silluk. Escenas de la lucha por la supervivencia, la guerra trival, la superstición, Danzas eróticas, cultos al Falo, Rituales de deflorazión y de muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
Lo increible del sexo
Narrator (voice)
Película documental sobre el sexo
Antonio Gramsci. Los días de la cárcel
"Gramsci, los años de cárcel" es un riguroso drama biográfico que realiza un recorrido por el complejo devenir personal e ideológico de este líder y teórico político italiano. El filme se detiene concretamente en los años que Gramsci estuvo recluido en prisión a causa de su praxis política y en la intensa actividad teórica que desarrolló hasta su muerte en abril de 1937.
Meet Him And Die
Commissioner Sacchi
Ray Lovelock stars as Massimo, a young undercover cop with a taste for violence and a thirst for revenge! Massimo gets himself arrested and quickly infiltrates the ranks of the underworld figure serving a sentence. Eventually a breakout is planned and Massimo is to be included. Just about as soon as they hit the street an attempt is made on the boss' (Martin Balsam) life. Massimo acts quickly in helping to save him and that's the in he has been waiting for
The Last Concert
Stella's father
Love story of a young woman Stella who is dying of leukemia. A man is mistaken for a family member at the hospital and is informed by a doctor the diagnosis of Stella. Stella cheerfully follows the man. He is reluctant at first but after some shaky moments the two develop a relationship. The two fall in love in the short period of time left to experience.
Stream Line
Dr. Roder
Un niño judío de ocho años huye de Roma con la intención de llegar a Londres y reencontrarse con su padre, un locutor preso de los ingleses, que lanza mensajes favorables a los Aliados.
Rain over Santiago
A semi-fictional account on the fatidic September 11, 1973, when the military commanded by General Pinochet took over the power from socialist president Salvador Allende, initiating a dictatorship that lasted until 1988 causing the deaths and disappearances of many people.
Terrorismo oficial
Giuseppe Pinelli
Incursión en el universo de la CIA, a través de algunos de sus más famosos casos.
The Last Day of School Before Christmas
Directed by Gian Vittorio Baldi
L'Italia vista dal cielo: Lazio
Narrator (voice)
Borsalino & Cía.
Durante los años 30, Marsella se parece enormemente a Chicago: las luchas entre bandas por el control de las lucrativas actividades ilegales acaban en carnicerías y baños de sangre. Roch Siffredi ha perdido a su compañero, François Capella, cobardemente asesinado por un matón... y está dispuesto a todo para vengarlo.
Mi prima carnal
Celio D'Altamura
La historia plantea el triángulo sentimental que se establece durante unas vacaciones entre un adolescente, su muy atractiva prima y el padre del chico.
Semáforo rojo
Tres desesperados delincuentes, Doctor, Treintaidós y Bisturí, llevan a cabo un precipitado robo matando a varías personas, pero su vehículo queda destrozado en un encontronazo con la policía. En su desesperación, huyen a un garaje para apropiarse de otro coche y toman como rehén a María, una inocente transeúnte. Pese a que la policía les permite huir, los criminales saben que no tardarán en atraparlos. Es por esta razón, que al llegar a un semáforo en rojo secuestran un nuevo vehículo. Su conductor, Ricardo, es obligado a servirles de chófer. Él tiene que llevar a su hijo enfermo al hospital, pero los asesinos no se lo van a permitir.
The Assassination of Matteotti
Antonio Gramsci
How the Italian Fascist Party managed to turn the physical elimination of a political enemy into a test of strength fundamental for the ascent into the totalitarian regime.
Justicia para todos
Professor Eduardo Ranieri
El testigo de un asesinato brutal decide no testificar. Entonces, el asesino acude a la policía, se hace pasar por testigo del crimen y lo delata a él como el verdadero culpable.
24 ore... non un minuto di più
Minister Handras
L'Italia vista dal cielo: Liguria
Los amores de Paolo
Paolo's Father
Desde su juventud, Paolo Castorini, un hombre siciliano, se siente tan atraído por las mujeres como éstas hacia él. Hace el amor con todas. Se siente insatisfecho con una vida de cuerpos solamente, comparándola con su amigo periodista Vincenzo, o con su padre, un sobrio y estricto pensador. Cuando su padre está en el lecho de muerte, Paolo descubre de la existencia de sífilis en la familia. Algunos años después, consigue casarse con Katrina, la casta hija de la mujer con la que tendría que haberse casado. Quiero que la pureza de su esposa lo redima y poder hacer algo de provecho con su vida. Pero, ¿es demasiado tarde? (FILMAFFINITY)
Incensurato, provata disonestà, carriera assicurata cercasi
Crónica negra
Paul Weber
Un grupo de ladrones roba los fondos que una rica heredera tiene depositados en un banco. Pero, durante el atraco, uno de ellos resulta herido. El cabecilla de la banda debe enfrentarse al comisario Colemane, que es uno de sus mejores amigos.
One Appreciated Professional of Sure Future
Nicola Perella
Un abogado arribista se casa con una mujer rica y se vuelve impotente. Con el fin de tener hijos, convence a un amigo cura de que engendre por él, pero el sacerdote le coge gusto al menester. El abogado lo mata...
The Sicilian Checkmate
Professor Salemi
Taking place almost entirely during a murder trial, the film details in significant detail the deep roots sunk by organised crime into the business and political life of Sicily.
Africa Uncensored
Documentary film making at its best as it narrates very exotic and esoteric rituals of the primitive peoples of Africa.
El caso está cerrado, olvídelo
Debido a una violación de las normas de tráfico, un arquitecto es encarcelado. Allí será testigo de la cruda realidad de las prisiones: funcionarios y presos corruptos, un sistema judicial inhumano y el poder omnipresente de la Mafia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sacco y Vanzetti
Nicola Sacco
Basada en hechos reales. En 1920, en Massachusets, Nicola Sacco y Bartolomeo Vanzetti, dos inmigrantes italianos de ideología anarquista, fueron acusados de un atraco a mano armada y del asesinato de dos personas.
Al Fatah - Palestina
Narratore (voice)
A documentary about the birth of the palestinian liberation movement Al Fatah, lead by the young Yasser Arafat.
Secret Africa
Documentary about French Equatorial Africa, including sequences on adult circumcision rites of Bariba tribe; whipping of young Peuls; a secret asylum in the jungle; new-born tattooing in Haussa tribe; Muslim Tabaski tribe's rites; blood rites.
Una historia perversa
Benjamin Wormser
Una estafa al seguro provoca que un hombre acabe en el corredor de la muerte por asesinar a su esposa. Lo que nadie sabe es si ella está realmente muerta...
Intolerance: il caso Liuzzo
With a screenplay by Liliana Cavani, this film is based on a true story, events that happened in Alabama in 1965. A daughter of Italian immigrants, Liuzzo participated in the march led by Martin Luther King. As she returned home, she was accosted and murdered by four members of the Ku Klux Klan.
The Sexual Revolution
Emilio Missiroli
14 personas de diferentes edades, 7 hombres y 7 mujeres, se reúnen en un cómodo hotel junto al mar para realizar un experimento inspirado en las teorías de Wilhelm Reich.
Bandits in Rome
Vice Commissioner Pascuttini
After professional stickup man Mario Corda is jailed, his young, ambitious partner -- who covets both Corda's life and his wife -- cuts loose, leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake.
The Seven Cervi Brothers
Gelindo Cervi
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Los siete hermanos Cervi, campesinos católicos y antifascistas del pueblo de Campegine (Emilia Romagna), organizaron con su padre Alcide la lucha partisana y llevaron a cabo acciones guerrilleras contra fascistas y tropas alemanas. En 1943 fueron capturados y fusilados en la ciudad de Reggio Emilia. La película describe con gran realismo el ambiente emiliano. Basada en hechos reales.
Diamantes a gogó
Agostino Rossi
James Anders, un tranquilo profesor estadounidense planea con su viejo amigo Mark Milford, dueño de un club nocturno de Nueva York, apoderarse de los diamantes que se guardan en la caja fuerte de la Sociedad Diamantífera de Río de Janeiro. (FILMAFFINITY)
La batalla de Germania
Narrator (uncredited)
En la primera mitad del siglo I a. C., las tribus teutónicas, dirigidas por Arminius el Terrible, un rebelde en contra el cruel y conquistador Imperio Romano. Entre rabia, tormentos y batallas sangrientas, las tribus bárbaras y las legiones romanas luchan en una guerra de desgaste brutal y terrible, por lo que Arminio se convierte en una leyenda en todo el imperio. Sólo Augusto, emperador de Roma que es malvado y traicionero es capaz de esclavizar a los bárbaros teutones y poner fin a su levantamiento.
La via del petrolio
La Via del Petrolio is a three-part documentary Bernardo Bertolucci made for the Italian oil giant ENI that aired in 1967. The film was made following Bertolucci’s breakthrough second feature Before the Revolution, and the director has said that it’s a documentary made by a man who is desperate to direct another feature. The film was presented in three parts: "The Origins", "At Sea" and "In the Heart of Europe".
L'ultimo pugno di terra
La fantarca
Lo speaker
Francesco d'Assisi
Cavani made her first full-length feature film in 1966 with Francis of Assisi (Francesco d'Assisi). Made for television and aired in two parts, it was deeply influenced by the style of Rossellini and the atmosphere typical of the films of Pasolini. Made in a period of political unrest, it was to become a kind of manifesto of dissenting Catholicism. Starring Lou Castel, it portrays Francis of Assisi as a slightly depressed protestor and an avid, albeit mad, supporter of armed brotherhood. The ideal defender of the 1968 student movement. The film was a great success, but also triggered many negative reactions. It was called "heretical, blasphemous and offensive for the faith of the Italian people". It was the first of many polemical reactions to Cavani's work.
Vita di Dante
Una mini-serie de televisión sobre la vida de Dante.
Women of the Resistance
Documentary composed of interviews with female partisans who survived the German invasion of Italy in World War II.
La mentirosa
Tres días de cada semana, María es la amante del conde Adriani Silveri, alto funcionario del Vaticano; durante otros tres días es la novia de Arturo Santini, dentista romano que quiere casarse con ella; y finalmente, el séptimo día sale con Gianni, antiguo compañero de estudios. Para todos ellos finge ser Silvana, azafata de vuelo, quien en realidad es su compañera de piso. ¿Por cuánto tiempo podrá mantener esta farsa? (FILMAFFINITY)
En pleno boom económico, la vida en un pequeño pueblo del Gargano donde los hombres se dedican a la pesca de la anguila en unas condiciones de miseria absoluta.
Attack and Retreat
Giuseppe Sanna
Chronicle of the unheralded and unsuccessful invasion of the Soviet Union by the Italian army during World War II.
Documental que trata sobre los jóvenes europeos. Estos jóvenes se nos muestran en varios episodios, analizando sus manías y sus defectos más evidentes. Paolo Cavara examina algunas naciones cuidadosamente y nos documenta sobre algunas de sus costumbres más interesantes.
La quieta febbre
A documentary based largely on images of violence, abuses, crimes and genocide that occurred in the world, accompanied by the poems of Dylan Thomas ( “Hands have no tears to shed”)
Badoglio: generale e uomo di stato
El valle de los hombres de piedra
(Voice dubbing for Richard Harrison)
La Medusa es un monstruo que acecha un lago y ataca a un grupo de soldados; la visión de su único ojo es capaz de convertir en piedra a sus víctimas y el reino de Argos se vale de ella para imponer asfixiantes peajes a quienes pasen por allí. Perseo, el desaparecido hijo del verdadero rey de Argos ( asesinado por un usurpador que se casó con su viuda), es capturado por las tropas de un monarca maléfico y obligado a batirse como gladiador. Pero escapa y conspira para derrocar al malvado, teniendo tiempo aún para enfrentar a la Medusa y probar suerte si puede volver a la vida a los soldados petrificados.
Nascita e morte nel meridione (S. Cataldo)
In a southern town, San Cataldo, a woman gives birth to a child, but the latter is destined to live a life of hardship like the other members of her family.
The Seducer
Alberto is forced to face his wife and his two lovers at the same time.
Los inútiles
Los vecinos de un pueblo de la costa adriática italiana son gentes amables y corteses que se dedican afanosamente al trabajo. Sólo cinco jóvenes rompen la armonía de la comunidad: ninguno de ellos ha trabajado nunca y ni siquiera se avergüenza de ello.
Sucedió en Roma
La película se divide en tres episodios distintos, pero paralelos, que se desarrollan durante un domingo de fútbol. En el primero, un ex-futbolista ve esfumarse la posibilidad de encontrar un nuevo trabajo cuando su mujer decide dejarlo. En el segundo, un jubilado hace proyectos con una quiniela que ha acertado. Y en el tercero, en el campo de fútbol, Giulio encuentra a una mujer que medita matar a su amante.