Evelyn Ankers

Evelyn Ankers

Nacimiento : 1918-08-17, Valparaíso, Chile

Muerte : 1985-08-29


Evelyn Felisa Ankers (August 17, 1918 - August 29, 1985) was an American actress best known for playing roles in American horror films during the 1940s.


Evelyn Ankers
Evelyn Ankers


Monster by Moonlight! The Immortal Saga of 'The Wolf Man'
Self (archive footage)
Starting with "The Wolf Man" (in 1941), Universal Studios made five movies featuring The Wolf Man, a character portrayed by Lon Chaney, Jr. Monster by Moonlight! explores these movies. Rick Baker explains how the make-up was done on Chaney's character. Screenwriter Curtis Siodmak took very little from earlier werewolf legends, providing his own story for some of the films. This documentary displays clips from several other movies, including "Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein" (1948) and "House of Dracula" (1945).
No Greater Love
Helen Lund
A dentist and his wife join Christian missionaries for duty in Africa.
The Texan Meets Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
A western in which Calamity Jane's (Evelyn Ankers) rightful ownership of a gambling hall is challenged. She nearly loses the business to a shady crook, but Texas lawyer Ellison puts up a legal battle to help her stay in charge. After a sensational fight, the letters proving her right are discovered.
The Adventure of the Speckled Band
Miss Stoner
Sherlock Holmes gets the clues he needs to solve a murder, and to prevent another one from occurring, when he finds out that a doctor owns a poisonous snake--the deadly swamp adder. Filmed on the expensive sets leftover from the movie Joan of Arc at Hal Roach Studios in Culver City and produced for the "Your Show Time" series, the short has been released as a solo feature on many DVDs that chronicle classic Sherlock Holmes films..
Tarzán y la fuente mágica
Gloria James
Una mujer piloto emerge de la jungla tan joven como cuando su avión se había estrellado muchos años antes. Unos cazadores descubren que este fenómeno se debe a la existencia de una fuente secreta cuyas aguas proporcionan la eterna juventud. Tarzán tratará de mantener a los cazadores alejados del valle donde se esconde la fuente.
Parole, Inc.
Jojo Dumont
A federal agent's life is in danger when he's exposed while investigating a parole scheme.
The Lone Wolf in London
Iris Chatham
Michael Lanyard (Gerald Mohr) is suspected of stealing two fabulous diamonds from a vault in Scotland Yard, where they were being held for safekeeping, but the Yard can't prove he did it. Later, Lanyard is summoned by a member of the nobility to help the latter raise money to pay a blackmailer. Lanyard later finds evidence to reveal the diamonds as having been stolen by a famous stage star.
Last of the Redmen
Alice Munro
A family-oriented adaption of James Fenimore Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans." As the French-Indian War rages across the untamed territory of the Great Northwest, the embattled wilderness gives birth to a legend -- the proud legend of "The Last of the Red Men." August, 1757, General Montcalm and his Iroquois alalies are on the war path -- and General Munro fears for the lives of his children as they travel to join him at Fort William Henry. Although Munro dispatches a letter urging them to take refuge at Fort Edward until the road is safe, an Iroquois scout intercepts the warning. So Major Duncan Hayward, handsomely portrayed by Jon Hall, is unaware of the danger as he escorts Alice Munro (Evelyn Ankers), her sister Cora (Julie Bishop), and her young brother Davy (Buzz Henry) from the sanctuary of the fort. When their guide Magua, a vengeful Iroquois played by Buster Crabbe, betrays them, only one man can save the travelers from his savage trap. Starring Jon Hall and Michael O'Shea.
Spoilers of the North
Laura Reed
An unscrupulous salmon fisherman faces opposition from his honest brother, who runs a cannery.
Flight to Nowhere
Catherine Forrest
A couple on board a plane find themselves mixed up in a plot to steal atomic secrets.
Black Beauty
Evelyn Carrington
Based on Anna Sewell's novel. In rural England of the 1880's, widower Squire Wendon is rearing his young daughter Anne. Her father has forbidden her to be present when their mare, "Duchess," gives birth. Anne sneaks out to the stable, however, and is discovered by her father who forbids her ever to ride Duchess again. Despite this punishment, he gives Anne Duchess's colt because it is her birthday, and she names him "Black Beauty."
Queen of Burlesque
Crystal McCoy
Various performers and backstage crew come under suspicion when a dancer is found murdered at a burlesque theatre.
The French Key
Janet Morgan
Private detective Johnny Fletcher and his sidekick Sam Cragg skip out on their rented room, but when they sneak back to retrieve their luggage, they discover a dead body on the bed, holding a gold coin in its hand. Fletcher is told by a coin collector that the piece is an old and valuable Spanish coin, but Fletcher soon begins to suspect that the man is himself involved in the murder. Fletcher's investigation leads to he and Sam getting caught up in a murder and gold smuggling scheme.
The Fatal Witness
Priscilla Ames
A playboy produces an airtight alibi when he is questioned about the murder of his wealthy aunt.
The Frozen Ghost
Maura Daniel
When a man dies of a heart attack, a stage and radio mentalist believes he has willed him to die because he was angry with the man. Riddled with guilt, the mentalist cancels further shows, breaks off his engagement to his female partner, who can read minds while in a hypnotic trance, and takes refuge in the eerie wax-museum-cum-home of another woman friend.
Bowery to Broadway
Bonnie LaTour
Dos actores de vodevil encuentran el éxito produciendo espectáculos en Broadway, pero cuando uno de ellos se pone a trabajar para una hermosa mujer, se enemistan ferozmente.
La perla maldita
Naomi Drake
Sherlock Holmes, debido a un exceso de confianza en sí mismo, comete un error que le obliga a encontrar una perla que ha sido robada de un museo por un ladrón profesional. A medida que avanza su investigación, se producen una serie de brutales asesinatos que, aparentemente, han sido cometidos por Creeper, una fuerza maléfica.
La venganza del hombre invisible
Julie Herrick
El doctor Drury vuelve invisible a Robert Griffin, un asesino psicópata, quien tiene el problema que cuando quiere volver a la visibilidad debe inyectarse sangre de otra persona, matándola en el proceso. Griffin aprovechará su invisibilidad para vengarse de unos antigüos amigos a los que acusa de robarle y haber intentado matarle.
Jungle Woman
Beth Mason
Paula, the ape woman, has survived the ending of CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN and is running around a creepy old sanitarium run by the kindly Dr. Fletcher, reverting to her true gorilla form every once in a while to kill somebody.
Sueños de gloria
Evelyn Ankers (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, todos los estudios ponen "all-star" que incluía prácticamente todas las estrellas en los números musicales y sketches cómicos, y se entiende como la moral y refuerzos tanto las tropas en el extranjero y los civiles en el país. Este esfuerzo fue de Pictures Universal. Cuenta con todo el mundo,a Donald O'Connor a las Hermanas Andrews a Orson Welles a WC Fields a George Raft o Marlene Dietrich, y decenas de otros actores Universal.
Pardon My Rhythm
Julia Munson
A high school bandleader captures the interest of a popular co-ed.
Weird Woman
Illona Carr
After bringing his beautiful new wife Paula home to America from a remote island on which she was raised, Professor Norman Reed begins to feel the clash between his world of rational science and hers of bizarre dancing and freaky voodoo rituals. Norman's stuck-up friends also sense Paula's strangeness, and soon their meddling gossip and suspicious scheming push the poor woman to use her magic to defend herself and her husband – and maybe even to kill! Or is it just the power of suggestion...?
Ladies Courageous
Wilhelmina Van Kronk
Loretta Young stars in this drama about female pilots during WWII.
His Butler's Sister
Elizabeth Campbell
Aspiring singer Ann Carter visits her stepbrother in New York, hoping to make it on Broadway.
The Mad Ghoul
Isabel Lewis
Dr. Alfred Morris, a university chemistry professor, rediscovers an ancient Mayan formula for a gas which turns men into pliant, obedient, zombie-like ghouls. After medical student Ted Allison becomes a guinea pig for Morris, the professor imagines that Allison's fiancée, a beautiful concert singer Isabel Lewis, wants to break off the engagement because she prefers the professor as a more "mature" lover but in reality loves Eric, her accompanist. In order to bring Ted back from his trance-like states, Morris commands him to perform a cardiectomy on recently deceased or living bodies in order to use serum from their hearts as a temporary antidote. When the serial murders seem to coincide with Isabel's touring schedule, ace reporter "Scoop" McClure gets on the mad scientist's trail.
El hijo de Drácula
Claire Caldwell
El hijo del Conde Drácula, utilizando una identidad falsa (Alucard), viaja a una plantación del sur de los Estados Unidos invitado por Katherine, una bella joven que vive obsesionada por la muerte. Inmediatamente después de su llegada, el conde Alucard intenta seducirla.
You're a Lucky Fellow, Mr. Smith
Lynn Smith
A young woman marries a soldier to fulfill the conditions of a will. However, when she gets ready to divorce him, she realizes that she actually loves him, and determines to find a way to keep him.
Crazy House
Cameo Appearance
Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson are Broadway stars who return to Universal Studios to make another movie. The mere mention of Olsen and Johnson's names evacuates the studio and terrorizes the management and personnel. Undaunted, the comedians hire an assistant director and unknown talent, and set out to make their own movie.
Hers to Hold
Flo Simpson
Deanna Durbin is all grown up in Hers to Hold, the unofficial sequel to her "Three Smart Girls" films of the 1930s. Durbin plays Penelope Craig, the starry-eyed daughter of wealthy Judson and Dorothy Craig (Charles Winninger, Nella Walker). Developing a crush on much-older playboy Bill Morley (Joseph Cotton), Penelope stops at nothing to land the elusive Morley as her husband. Highlights include Durbin's renditions of "Begin the Beguine" and the "Seguidilla" from Carmen, and a captivating sequence that includes highlights from Durbin's earlier films, presented as home movies!
All by Myself
Jean Wells
Career woman Jean. almost a partner in Mark's advertising firm, has been falling in love with Mark, who of course is unaware of it. But unknown to Jean, Mark has become engaged to singer Val. When Jean finds out she tries to save face by saying that she is also engaged, and then uses a little social blackmail to get psychiatrist Bill Perry to pretend to be her fiancé for an evening out with Mark and Val.
Captive Wild Woman
Beth Colman
Cuando Beth lleva a su hermana para que sea asistida quirúrgicamente, conoce al misterioso doctor Walters, quien efectúa extraños experimentos con animales. El prometido de Beth es Fred, un domador de fieras. En una visita casual del doctor, éste conoce a Fred… y también a una preciosa gorila, Cheela, a quien secuestrará para perpetrar experimentos con ella: primero le hace una transfusión con la sangre de la hermana de Beth, consiguiendo que adquiera apariencia levemente humana, y después le trasplanta el cerebro de una enfermera entrometida, convirtiéndose en la bellísima Paula Dupree... Primera entrega de la "trilogía de Paula Dupree, la mujer simio", formada por Captive Wild Woman (1943), Jungle Woman (1944) y The Jungle Captive (1945).
Keep 'Em Slugging
A gang of tough street kids decide to go straight and get jobs in order to free draft-age men for the war effort. However, because of their past tangles with the law, they can't find anybody who'll hire them. Finally one of them gets a job at the department store where his sister works, but runs afoul of a store executive who is in league with a ring of hijackers.
The Great Impersonation
Lady Muriel Dominey
An Englishman kills a German look-alike and poses as a Nazi spy in London.
Sherlock Holmes y la voz del terror
La historia traslada a una época en la que el conflicto con la Alemania nazi es la orden del día. En esos días, una serie de emisiones de radio llegan de parte del bando alemán, en la que se relatan operaciones recientes de estos en contra del ejército británico, muchas de estas acciones se llevan a cabo a misiones de alto secreto británico, por lo que hay algo que no funciona bien en el alto mando, así que solicitarán la ayuda del gran detective para poder llegar al fondo del asunto.
Pierre of the Plains
Celia Wellsby
A French-Canadian trapper's adventures jeopardize his romance with an innkeeper.
Eagle Squadron
Nancy Mitchell
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
El fantasma de Frankenstein
Elsa Frankenstein
Otro hijo del viejo Frankenstein (Cedrick Hardwicke) intenta aclarar la verdad sobre el monstruo (Lon Chaney Jr.) y debe lidiar con un ambicioso colega (Lionel Atwill) y con el jorobado Ygor (Bela Lugosi). Ejemplo efectivo de comedia negra, con transplantes de cerebro, un monstruo que trepa a los tejados para bajar el globo de una niña, aparatos de ciencia loca, y una implausible y divertida trama de conquista del mundo por parte de Ygor, en su más alto rango de protagonismo en toda la saga.
North to the Klondike
Mary Sloan
Based upon the novel by Jack London, two friends in the Klondike aid settlers being terrorized by outlaws.
El hombre lobo
Gwen Conliffe
Tras varios años en Estados Unidos, el hijo de un noble inglés regresa a la mansión de su padre en Gales. Una noche que asiste a una feria zíngara es mordido por un lobo y su vida comienza a cambiar cuando teme ser el responsable de las muertes que se están produciendo en la localidad.
Burma Convoy
Ann McBragel
A truck convoy traveling the Burma Road is menaced by a group of smugglers.
¡Agárrame ese fantasma!
Norma Lind
Unos gángters quieren hacer que un grupo de gente abandone una casa donde ellos se han escondido. Para ello intentarán asustarles hasta conseguir que se marchen.
Hit the Road
Patience Ryan
Kids look to get revenge when their fathers are all killed in a mob war.
Bachelor Daddy
Beth Chase
The lives of three bachelors is disrupted when one of them is left with a baby.
Over the Moon
Sanitarium Patient (uncredited)
Jane apenas se las arregla para llegar a fin de mes en la casa de la familia en Yorkshire. Enamorada del médico local Freddie, ella sugiere matrimonio, pero descubre que heredó dieciocho millones libras.
The Claydon Treasure Mystery
Rosemary Shackleford
"The Claydon Treasure Mystery" stars reliable John Stuart as an engineer (Peter Kerrigan) interested in solving mysteries, who becomes involved in investigating murders at Marsh Manor, home of the wealthy Claydon family. Plenty of suspects to choose from, Kerrigan believes that the murders may be connected to hidden treasure on the estate.
Second Thoughts
Molly Frame
A chemist is left unhinged following a laboratory explosion and begins to plot a murder.
Murder in the Family
Dorothy Osborne
After a wealthy woman is killed, her extended family all fall under suspicion of murder.
The Villiers Diamond
Joan Raymond
A man is threatend with scandal when he accidentally acquires a stolen diamond.
Eso que llaman amor
Party Guest
En 1889, un lord irlandés se casa con una hermosa gitana, pero muere a consecuencia de una caída del caballo. La familia, que odia a la gitana, la expulsa y va a refugiarse en España. Casi medio siglo después, la gitana, que huye de la Guerra Civil española, vuelve a Inglaterra en compañía de María, su hermoasa nieta, la cual se enamora de de un entrenador de caballos, pero el problema es que está comprometida con un hombre en España. Un día, éste reaparece.
Fire Over England
The film is a historical drama set during the reign of Elizabeth I (Flora Robson), focusing on the English defeat of the Spanish Armada, whence the title. In 1588, relations between Spain and England are at the breaking point. With the support of Queen Elizabeth I, British sea raiders such as Sir Francis Drake regularly capture Spanish merchantmen bringing gold from the New World.
Party Girl (uncredited)
Película biográfica sobre el célebre pintor holandés. En 1642, habiendo alcanzado la cima de la fama, muere repentinamente su adorada esposa. Desde entonces su pintura es más oscura, pesimista y dramática, lo que disgusta a sus mecenas. En 1656 Rembrandt está arruinado, pero se consuela con la compañía de la bella Hendrickje, con la que no llega a casarse. Sin embargo esta relación extraconyugal lo condena al ostracismo, aunque también le proporciona algunos momentos de felicidad.