La venganza del hombre invisible (1944)
A Trail Of Terror!
Género : Terror, Ciencia ficción
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 18M
Director : Ford Beebe
Escritor : Bertram Millhauser
El doctor Drury vuelve invisible a Robert Griffin, un asesino psicópata, quien tiene el problema que cuando quiere volver a la visibilidad debe inyectarse sangre de otra persona, matándola en el proceso. Griffin aprovechará su invisibilidad para vengarse de unos antigüos amigos a los que acusa de robarle y haber intentado matarle.
The gory ax-murder of one mousy, suburban Texas housewife by another is nearly as shocking as the excuse offered by the bespectacled defendant's attorney: self-defense. Could it be so?
Hamlet comes home from university to find his uncle married to his mother, and his father's ghost haunting the battlements and scaring the watch. Then his father's ghost directs him to seek revenge.
Un profesor, que se ha visto paralizado en un ataque de sicarios de la mafia, construye un traje que le permite caminar y luchar contra el crimen.
Un granjero loco encuentra en sus tierras un monstruo escondido en una caverna prehistórica. Para alimentar a su nueva criatura, el agricultor secuestra a tres personas. Los tres tratan desesperadamente de escapar.
A mad stage hypnotist Dr. John Basso reverts his beautiful assistant Doreena into the physical form of a prehistoric sea monster she was in a past life. Using this power he attempts to find fame and fortune by predicting a series of murders and then using the monster to carry them out.
En el set de una popular telenovela diurna "Mile High", la actriz Kris Buckner está siendo obligada a abandonar por su compañero Mark Stratton. Cuando ella le dice que ella va a "matarlo antes de salir de la demostración, se hace a sí misma la principal sospechosa cuando Stratton es asesinado por envenenamiento. Como un viejo amigo, Perry Mason llega a la ayuda de Kris y se compromete a defenderla. Mientras tanto, Ken va en busca de información con la ayuda de un fan de la serie.
Navin Johnson heads to Los Angeles to attend the wedding of his pen pal, Marie. On the way, he runs across a gang of hobos whose leader, Diesel, takes him to Las Vegas after learning of his skills at poker.
El popular detective Perry Mason (Raymond Burr) investiga el asesinato de una cantante de éxito.
Drew Peterson es un policía que, a pesar de su carácter dominante y prepotente, ejerce un irresistible atractivo para las mujeres. Un día, su esposa decide abandonarlo y Drew inicia una nueva relación con una joven recepcionista que cree haber encontrado en él al hombre de su vida. Cuando recibe la noticia del extraño suicidio de la exmujer de Drew, la nueva esposa, embarazada del segundo hijo de éste, decide hacerse cargo del niño de la víctima como si fuera propio. Pero, al pasar el tiempo, advierte un exceso de control y manipulación por parte de su marido que enturbiará su relación.
One year after a young girl dies in a car accident, her sister begins seeing visions of her, while the family home is plagued by strange happenings.
One man decides to wage war against a gang of teenage punks besieging an affluent California community. Based on a true incident.
Un guerrero de la carretera busca vengar la muerte de su hermano a manos de un motorista irresponsable.
When Chiara, a violinist at the conservatory, is brutally murdered after a performance, inspector Maccari is put on the case. Maccari, whose own wife was once murdered by a serial killer, suspect professor Baraldi, the director of the conservatory. But as more fall prey to the killer, Maccari comes to a shocking conclusion...
Un profesor de secundaria, recientemente divorciado y separado de su hijo, planea su venganza contra su ex-mujer.
The stickup that started it all! Lupin III and Fujiko are both after an ancient artifact Jigen is supposed to protect, while Goemon happens to be searching for his clan’s lost treasure nearby. Of course, Inspector Zenigata isn’t far behind. This is the story of our heroes’ very first meeting!
El policía Paul Fein investiga el asesinato de un sacerdote que le pondrá a él y a su familia en el punto de mira de la mafia rusa.
El inspector de policía Paul Fein (Bronson) hace frente a problemas familiares a la vez que trata de la posibilidad de ascender a jefe de la policía. Mientras tanto, su hijo (Joe Penny) está investigando el asesinato de un banquero. (FILMAFFINITY)
Harry Orwell has been retired from the force ever since he caught a bullet that lodged inoperably in his back. But that doesn’t mean the man called Harry O is out of the action. Moonlighting as a private sleuth, fighting off daily back pain and typically traveling by public bus instead of his own car (“It gives a man a chance to think”), he’s on the trail of the lowlife who murdered his pal’s son-in-law. It won’t be the only time the killer strikes before Harry closes in. David Janssen (The Fugitive) portrays dogged detective Harry in the telefilm that was the second of two pilots preceding his memorable Harry O series. Among the highlights: young Jodie Foster as Liberty, the wise-beyond-her-years homeless waif Harry befriends.
Edward's father walked out on his family years ago. In the years since, his mother has become a fundamentalist Christian and fallen for the school's self-righteous principal, Henry Howland. When Howland begins to mistreat Edward's mother, Edward's troubled older brother decides to get revenge. Now, Edward must protect his family from his brother's wrath.