Olaf Hytten

Olaf Hytten

Nacimiento : 1888-03-03, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Muerte : 1955-03-11


Olaf Hytten


Perils of the Jungle
On an African safari with his friend Grant, Clyde Beatty plans to buy some black-maned Numbian lions from Jo Carter but her animals are wiped out by a fire. Despite interference by rival dealer Gorman, who hopes to ruin Jo, Beatty saves her business by helping her to capture an adult gorilla. (2nd story) When Grant is bitten by a tsetse fly and falls ill, Beatty heads for the nearest hospital through the territory of the dangerous Matabeles tribe. They are captured and condemned to death by Grubbs, a white man living with the tribe and stealing their gold. Using the Matabele Boy King as a shield, Beatty and Grant make an escape and Grubbs is forced to accompany them, leaving his loot behind.
The Son of Dr. Jekyll
Prosecutor (Uncredited)
The son of the notorious Dr. Henry Jekyll is determined to prove that his father's reputation has been unjustly deserved. He sets out to develop his father's formula in order to prove that he was a brilliant scientist rather than a murderous monster.
The Secret Of St. Ives
Defense Officer (uncredited)
A French soldier in the Napoleonic Wars plots his escape after he's captured and imprisoned in a castle fortress in Edinburgh, Scotland. Director Philip Rosen's 1949 film, adapted from a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, stars Richard Ney, Vanessa Brown, Henry Daniell, John Dehner, Douglas Walton, Aubrey Mather, Jean Del Val, Luis Van Rooten, Maurice Marsac and Billy Bevan.
Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo
Tailor (uncredited)
Un golpe en la cabeza hace que el mecánico Hank Martin sea transportado desde 1912 a la Edad Media, concretamente a la época del Rey Arturo y los Caballeros de la Mesa Redonda. Musical de la Paramount basado en la obra de Mark Twain.
The Red Fox
In Scotland in 1752, seventeen-year-old David Balfour is cheated out of his birthright by his evil uncle Ebenezer.
Shanghai Chest
Charlie attempts to solve a triple murder in which a dead man's finger prints show up at all three murder sites, and all three victims were connected with the conviction and execution of an evidently innocent man.
Las campanas de San Angelo
Lionel Bates
Un bandido está sacando dinero de una mina mexicana e introduciéndolo en los Estadios Unidos. Pronnto será descubierto por un guardia de la frontera, Rogers, desencadenándose un torrente de sucesos...
Alias Mr. Twilight
Geoffrey Holden (Lloyd Corrigan) is an elderly con-man who is a lovable old man when providing his beloved granddaughter (Gigi Perreau) with the simple luxuries of life, yet has no qualms when working a racket devised to relieve his victims of their property. Trudy Marshall is the governess of the granddaughter, and is in love with a detective (Michael Duane) who is about to expose the old man's unsuspected activities.
The Imperfect Lady
A British peer's romance with a ballerina courts scandal in 1890s London.
Black Beauty
Mr. Gordon
Based on Anna Sewell's novel. In rural England of the 1880's, widower Squire Wendon is rearing his young daughter Anne. Her father has forbidden her to be present when their mare, "Duchess," gives birth. Anne sneaks out to the stable, however, and is discovered by her father who forbids her ever to ride Duchess again. Despite this punishment, he gives Anne Duchess's colt because it is her birthday, and she names him "Black Beauty."
Tres extraños
Prison Turnkey
Según una antigua leyenda, si varios desconocidos piden a la vez un deseo al ídolo chino Kwan Yin, éste abre los ojos y los hace realidad. Crystal Shackleford decide averiguar qué hay de cierto en todo esto. Para ello, reúne en la calle a dos extraños con problemas diferentes y les propone pedir un deseo la noche en la que comienza el nuevo año chino.
Scotland Yard Investigator
A London curator loses the Mona Lisa to a collector, who discovers it's a fake.
El caso de los dedos cortados
Fenwick's Butler Norris (uncredited)
Sherlock Holmes y el Dr. Watson investigan el caso de un asesino en serie que mutila el dedo índice a todas sus víctimas.
The Brighton Strangler
After suffering a head injury during the Blitz, John Loder, a theatre actor comes to believe himself to be the Brighton Strangler, the murderer he was playing onstage.
La zíngara y los monstruos (La mansión de Frankenstein)
Hoffman (uncredited)
El científico trastornado Gistar Niemann (Boris Karloff) escapa de prisión y se convierte en el director de un macabro viaje a través de la cámara de los horrores. Retirando la estaca en el pecho de un esqueleto, resucitará al famoso Conde Drácula (John Carradine), y le enviará a matar al responsable de sus años de presidio. Además, encontrará congelados al Monstruo Frankenstein (Glenn Strange) y al Hombre Lobo (Lon Chaney Jr.), enterrados bajo las ruinas del conocido laboratorio del Doctor Frankenstein. Cuando les devuelve a la vida, el monstruo se volverá incontrolable.
Oh, What a Night!
An international jewel thief tries to keep his secret from his neice.
Leave It to the Irish
A private eye (James Dunn) investigates the murder of a fur dealer. Monogram.
La venganza del hombre invisible
Gray, cabman at pub
El doctor Drury vuelve invisible a Robert Griffin, un asesino psicópata, quien tiene el problema que cuando quiere volver a la visibilidad debe inyectarse sangre de otra persona, matándola en el proceso. Griffin aprovechará su invisibilidad para vengarse de unos antigüos amigos a los que acusa de robarle y haber intentado matarle.
Detective Kitty O'Day
Convinced that she has what it takes to be a detective, inquisitive secretary Kitty O'Day gets her chance to put her sleuthing skills to the test when her investment broker boss is mysteriously murdered. But Kitty's investigation hits a snag when Inspector Miles Clancy begins to suspect that she's the culprit.
Jack, el destripador
Harris, the Haberdasher
En el Londres de finales del siglo XIX, en White Chapel, mueren asesinadas varias mujeres. Los vecinos del inmueble sospechan del inquilino del piso de arriba, un misterioso hombre conocido por su aversión al género femenino. Adaptación cinematográfica de la popular novela de Marie Belloc Lowndes, "Jack el Destripador".
Drums of Fu Manchu
Dr. Petrie
Feature version of the 1940 Republic serial, about Fu Manchu's attempt to conquer Asia.
El regreso del vampiro
Ben (uncredited)
En 1918, el terrible vampiro Armand Tesla es eliminado por Sir John Ansley, que le clava un enorme clavo de metal en el corazón. Años despues, durante los bombardeos alemanes de Londres, su tumba queda al descubierto y unos operarios que se encargan de enterrar los cadáveres víctimas de las bombas le quitan el clavo del corazón, devolviéndole a la vida.
Misión en Moscú
Parliament Member (uncredited)
El empresario Joseph E. Davies es nombrado por el presidente Roosevelt embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Soviética para que averigüe cuáles son las intenciones de este país respecto a la inminente Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). El embajador se llevará algunas sorpresas en una nación que pocos conocen realmente.
Mi encantadora esposa
Ruth (Deanna Durbin), misionera idealista, crea el personaje de Mrs. Holliday para así traerse a niños huérfanos chinos a los EEUU con la ayuda del camarero del barco Timothy (Barry Fitzgerarld). Ruth se hace pasar por la esposa de un famoso y rico magnate dueño de una flota de barcos a la cual se le diÓ por desaparecido en altamar. Toda esta trama le hace posible traerse a los huérfanos con la mayor de las cautelas e instalarlos en la mansión que su familia posee, para poder así elaborar su siguiente plan...
The Great Impersonation
Faye, Tobacco Shop Owner
An Englishman kills a German look-alike and poses as a Nazi spy in London.
El cisne negro
Clerk Reading Proclamation (uncredited)
Cuando es nombrado gobernador de Jamaica en 1674, el famoso pirata sir Henry Morgan pide ayuda a sus antiguos compañeros para limpiar de piratas el mar Caribe. Un clásico del cine de aventuras.
Pickpocketed Prosperous Man (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Casablanca era una ciudad a la que llegaban huyendo del nazismo gentes de todas partes: llegar era fácil, pero salir era casi imposible, especialmente si el nombre del fugitivo figuraba en las listas de la Gestapo. En esta ocasión el principal objetivo de la policía secreta alemana es el líder checo y héroe de la resistencia Victor Laszlo, cuya única esperanza es Rick Blaine, propietario del 'Rick’s Café' y antiguo amante de su mujer, Ilsa. Cuando Ilsa se ofrece a quedarse a cambio de un visado para sacar a Laszlo del país, Rick deberá elegir entre su propia felicidad o el idealismo que rigió su vida en el pasado.
Lucky Jordan
Un pillo y corredor de apuestas de Nueva York, llamado Lucky Jordan, cuenta un montón de mentiras para librarse del ejército, de ahí que las fuerzas armadas le tengan bajo vigilancia. Sin embargo, cuando una banda de espías extranjeros se inmiscuyen en los negocios de una vieja amiga a la que Jordan quiere como a una madre, este hombre reconsiderará su actitud ante la vida...
Destination Unknown
Wing Fu
Foreign spies and police pursue an attractive Dutch spy throughout Peking.
Sherlock Holmes y la voz del terror
Admiral Sir John Fabian Prentiss
La historia traslada a una época en la que el conflicto con la Alemania nazi es la orden del día. En esos días, una serie de emisiones de radio llegan de parte del bando alemán, en la que se relatan operaciones recientes de estos en contra del ejército británico, muchas de estas acciones se llevan a cabo a misiones de alto secreto británico, por lo que hay algo que no funciona bien en el alto mando, así que solicitarán la ayuda del gran detective para poder llegar al fondo del asunto.
Eagle Squadron
Day Controller
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
Spy Ship
Drake, the Butler
A radio reporter begins to suspect that a commentator at his station may be using her position to broadcast shipping information to enemy spies. With the help of the girl's sister, he sets out to expose the spy and her Nazi gang.
Sé fiel a ti mismo
Historia de un joven que se muestra desilusionado de la guerra, pero el amor que siente por una mujer, le hará recobrar su coraje y patriotismo.
The Affairs of Jimmy Valentine
A New York radio personality travels to the small town of Fernville to oversee a contest to identify retired safecracker Jimmy Valentine, believed to be living there under an assumed name. The close-knit town of upstanding citizens is understandably upset by this venture, all the moreso when some of its citizens begin to be murdered. The radio personality and the local newspaper's young daughter collaborate on solving the murders while revealing Valentine, who has become one of the suspects.
El fantasma de Frankenstein
Adolph Hussman
Otro hijo del viejo Frankenstein (Cedrick Hardwicke) intenta aclarar la verdad sobre el monstruo (Lon Chaney Jr.) y debe lidiar con un ambicioso colega (Lionel Atwill) y con el jorobado Ygor (Bela Lugosi). Ejemplo efectivo de comedia negra, con transplantes de cerebro, un monstruo que trepa a los tejados para bajar el globo de una niña, aparatos de ciencia loca, y una implausible y divertida trama de conquista del mundo por parte de Ygor, en su más alto rango de protagonismo en toda la saga.
Ser o no ser
Polonius in Warsaw (uncredited)
Las tropas de Hitler invaden Varsovia. En la ciudad, una compañía de teatro que iba a representar una obra, se ve obligada a sustituirla por Hamlet. Mientras, la esposa del actor principal empieza a flirtear con un apuesto oficial.
Bedtime Story
A Braodway playwright wants to keep on writing plays for his wife to star in, but all she wants is to retire to Connecticut and, following a few 'worlds-apart" discussion of the issue, they get a divorce. The actress marries a banker in a fit of pique only to quickly discover the divorce was not valid. She communicates this information to her not-yet ex-husband and he, to prevent consummation of the invalid marriage rescues her by sending plumbers, waiters, porters, chambermaids, bellhops, desk clerks, exterminators and, finally, a crowd of roistering conventioneers to the suite to ensure no bedtime story would take place there
El hombre lobo
Villager (uncredited)
Tras varios años en Estados Unidos, el hijo de un noble inglés regresa a la mansión de su padre en Gales. Una noche que asiste a una feria zíngara es mordido por un lobo y su vida comienza a cambiar cuando teme ser el responsable de las muertes que se están produciendo en la localidad.
Nine Lives Are Not Enough
Butler (uncredited)
A reporter is constantly in trouble for jumping to conclusions.
Cuando ellas se encuentran
Matthews, Bridget's Butler (uncredited)
Mary, una escritora que está escribiendo una novela sobre un triángulo amoroso, comienza a sentirse atraída por su editor, que es un hombre casado.
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Hobson (uncredited)
Un prestigioso científico vive obsesionado con la idea de encontrar una fórmula que le permita aislar los impulsos malignos del ser humano. Cuando lo consigue, decide experimentar consigo mismo y se bebe la poción que ha inventado. A partir de ese momento, se convierte en un monstruo de maldad que deambula por las calles durante la noche cometiendo todo tipo de fechorías. Adaptación de la obra homónima de Robert Louis Stevenson.
El hombre atrapado
Un cazador inglés que está de vacaciones en Baviera, de pronto, ve en lo alto de una colina la figura de Adolf Hitler. Convencido de que su desapariciión evitaría millones de muertos, dispara su rifle, pero se olvida de introducir una bala en la recámara. A partir de entonces será implacablemente perseguido por agentes de la Gestapo.
For Beauty's Sake
Father McKinley
A woman-hater who inherits a beauty salon gets a new perspective on females after capturing a gang of thieves.
Washington Melodrama
An elderly businessman (Frank Morgan) plans what he thinks is an innocent night on the town while his wife is away. Instead, he finds himself involved in a showgirl's murder.
Lady Hamilton
Sir William Hamilton (Alan Mowbray), embajador británico en la corte de Nápoles, se casa con la joven Emma (Vivien Leigh), que prefiere la vida en Italia a la de la alta sociedad de Londres. La pareja es feliz hasta que llega Lord Nelson (Laurence Olivier), considerado un héroe por sus gloriosas victorias navales. Sir William acepta la aventura entre Lord Nelson y su joven mujer, fingiendo no saber nada. Pero la relación no es tan sencilla.
Pasos en la oscuridad
Horace the Butler (uncredited)
Errol Flynn es un superficial caballero de la alta sociedad. Su carácter frívolo poco hace sospechar a los que le rodean que tiene una doble vida. Compagina su faceta más exclusiva con una labor como escritor de novelas de misterio y colaborador de la policía.
Adelante, mi amor
Employee (Uncredited)
Año 1939. El americano Tom Martin, que luchó con los republicanos en la Guerra Civil Española, espera el día de su ejecución. Pero una reportera que busca una exclusiva le ofrece ayuda para escapar. Drama basado en las relaciones entre una periodista y un aviador tras la guerra civil.
Pasión de libertad
Guerra de Independencia norteamericana (1775-1783). Una joven virginiana reniega de sus orígenes aristocráticos y se casa con un plebeyo con ideas democráticas. Su nueva situación le ocasionará tremendos conflictos con su padre.
No Time for Comedy
Pearson (uncredited)
Gaylord escribe una obra de teatro que triunfa en Broadway. Todo le va a las mil maravillas porque además consigue casarse con la chica a la que ama y que es quien ha protagonizado la historia. El éxito sobre los escenarios se sucede con nuevas obras pero las cosas cambian cuando decide olvidarse de las comedias e intentar escribir una buena tragedia. El nuevo reto
El capitán cautela
Stannage's Officer Aide
Al morir su padre, una muchacha ayudará a un joven a tomar el mando del barco que luchará contra los británicos en la guerra de 1812
Escape to Glory
The Grand Hotel formula that was so overworked in the 1930s made an encore appearance in 1940's Escape to Glory. The story is given timeliness by placing the characters on a British merchant ship on the very day that World War II is declared. The ship is attacked by a Nazi U-Boat, resulting in a variety of reactions from the diverse passengers--one of whom (Erwin Kalser) is a German doctor. Constance Bennett is glamorous, Pat O'Brien is boozy, John Halliday is pensive, and everybody else (except for the German medico) is plain fearful.
Gaucho Serenade
Norton School Headmaster
Gene Autry and sidekick Frog Millhouse depart Madison Square Garden and NYC heading west for home in their car and a horse trailer carrying Gene's horse, Champion. They discover that Ronnie Willoughby, a young boy just off the boat from school in England, has hitched a ride, thinking that Gene and Frog were sent by his father to meet him. Ronnie thinks his father is a big rancher in the west and doesn't know that his father, Alfred Willoughby, is serving time in San Quentin prison because of a frame-up by the officials of a packing company. To keep the father from testifying against them, the packing company officials, Carter, Jenkins and Martin, have arranged for the boy to be kidnapped. Along the way a runaway bride, Joyce Halloway, and her young sister Patsy join the troupe.
Drums of Fu Manchu
Dr. Petrie
The nefarious Dr. Fu Manchu searches for the keys to the tomb of Genghis Khan, in order to fulfill a prophecy that will enable him to conquer the world. His nemesi, Dr. Nayland Smith and his associates fight to keep the evil doctor from getting his hands on the keys. In 1943 the serial was edited together into a feature movie also called Drums of Fu Manchu.
Calling Philo Vance
Charles (uncredited)
Philo is in Vienna working for the US Government to see if Archer Coe is selling aircraft designs to foreign powers. He grabs the plans with Archer's signature, but is captured by police before he can escape. Deported he comes back to America and plans to confront Archer, but Archer is found dead in his locked bedroom with a gun in his hand. While it looks like a suicide, Vance knows better and the coroner finds that Archer has been shot, hit with a blunt instrument and stabbed - making suicide unlikely. But Vance is on the case and is looking to see if government secrets have been sold and who has murdered Coe. This is a remake of "The Kennel Murder Case" using aircraft designs and espionage instead of Chinese porcelain and dog shows.
The Earl of Chicago
Hodges (uncredited)
A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.
We Are Not Alone
Mr. Clark
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
La pequeña rebelión
General Gage
James Smith es un cazador de indios famoso en todo el territorio de Pennsylvania. Un día, merodeando por la frontera, descubre que los traficantes ingleses suministran armas a los indios, camuflándolas en los convoyes militares. Smith se propondrá entonces tomarse la justicia por su mano. Él y sus hombres, disfrazado de indios, interceptarán uno tras otro todos los convoyes.
Rulers of the Sea
Third Secretary (Uncredited)
La historia de la primera travesía del Atlántico a bordo de un barco de vapor.
Television Spy
A scientist invents a television device called the Iconoscope. Foreign agents hear about it and try to steal it.
Caballero sin espada
Butler (uncredited)
Jefferson Smith, un joven ingenuo e idealista, que parece fácilmente manipulable, es nombrado senador. Ignora que en Washington tendrá que vérselas con políticos y empresarios sin escrúpulos que le harán perder la fe. Sin embargo, gracias a su secretaria, una joven que conoce muy bien los entresijos de la política, protagoniza en el Senado una espectacular y maratoniana intervención en la que, además de defender apasionadamente la democracia, pone en evidencia una importante trama de corrupción.
The Great Commandment
Portrays the conversion to Christianity of a young Zealot, Joel, and the Roman soldier Longinus through the teachings of Jesus in his Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Our Leading Citizen
Charles, the Butler
Lem Schofield, a lawyer in a one-time small-town turned industrialized big city, runs his firm on examples set by Abraham Lincoln and is a friend to the poor. Clay Clinton, his late partner's son joins the firm but is anxious for fast success and considers Schofield's old-fashioned principles antiquated. Being in love with Schofield's daughter and impatient for success he moves to offices supplied by the city's most powerful industrialist, J.T. Tapley, who has plans to use Clay's good family lineage as a stepping stone to political power. The unscrupulous Tapley precipitates a strike in his factory mill which causes a rupture between the former partners. Schofield sets out to bring Tapley and his political henchmen to justice.
The Bill of Rights
King George III
This short subject is a lavish costumed color production which dramatizes the birth of the American Bill of Rights. It depicts leading political figures of the American Revolution and the despotic British colonial rule which led to the creation of the Bill of Rights.
Un nuevo amor de Andrés Harvey
Mr. Higgenbotham
Andy Hardy se enamora de su profesora de teatro. Cuando eligen su obra para ser interpretada en el instituto, aprovecha la oportunidad para estar el máximo de tiempo posible con ella. Entretanto, el juez Hardy tiene problemas cuando se ve obligado a formar una compañía de aluminio falsa.
The Sun Never Sets
The Randolph family have a tradition of working in the British colonial service. Clive comes home from a mission in the Gold Coast of Africa accompanied by his wife Helen. He discovers his younger brother John, is not keen on following in his footsteps. John is then persuaded to try colonial service by his grandfather. He is accompanied by Clive who has been sent to investigate the source of a series of radio broadcasts that are sewing unrest throughout the world. These may be linked to Hugo Zurof, a man plotting to rule the world.
The Flying Irishman
Irish Airport Radio Operator
This is the story of the historic 1938 flight of Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan starred in this film, which chronicled his infamous flight. On July 17, 1938, Mr. Corrigan loaded 320 gallons of gasoline (40 hours worth) into the tiny, single engine plane. While expressing his intent to fly west to Long Beach, CA, Mr. Corrigan flew out of Floyd Bennett Field heading east over the Atlantic. Instrumentation in the plane included two compasses (both malfunctioned) and a turn-and-bank indicator. The cabin door was held shut with baling wire. Nearly 29 hours later, he landed in Baldonnel near Dublin. He forever claimed to be surprised at arriving in Ireland rather than California. He returned to the US as a hero, with a ticker tape parade in New York and received numerous medals and awards.
Se llevó mi corazón
Hotel Manager (uncredited)
Hale y Jimmy Seymour son una pareja que trabaja en en pequeños clubes nocturnos con la esperanza de tener éxito. Una noche, Larry Bryant (un productor de Broadway) ve a Mary y se enamora de su belleza y su voz. Larry Bryant le pide que haga una audición para el Sr. Collier y que Jimmy la acompañe. Después de escuchar a Mary, Collier quiere que Mary esté en su show. Jimmy anima a una Mary reacia a seguir el camino sin él.
The Lady and the Mob
Brewster, Hattie's Butler
Hattie Leonard sets out to break a criminal gang controlling the dry cleaning business.
La pequeña princesa
Pedestrian Discussing the War
Cuando un oficial del ejército es llamado a las armas, deja a su única hija Sara en un internado femenino. Apodada “la princesita” porque su padre insiste en que ella reciba lo mejor de lo mejor, sin buscarlo pronto se gana la antipatía de las empleadas y otras niñas del internado. Un día el padre de Sara desaparece y es dado por muerto en la guerra, Sara se convierte en una huérfana sin dinero que tiene que trabajar como sirvienta en la escuela para poder sobrevivir. Sin perder la esperanza Sara empieza una búsqueda por todos los hospitales militares, determinada a encontrar a su padre.
Cuento de Navidad
Schoolmaster (uncredited)
Ebenezer Scrooge, el hombre más avaro de la ciudad, tiene prácticamente esclavizado a su empleado el señor Cratchit. Una noche se le aparece el espíritu de un antiguo socio, al que seguirán los fantasmas de las Navidades pasadas, presentes y futuras. Adaptación del popular cuento "A Christmas Carol", del escritor inglés Charles Dickens (1812-1870).
Arrest Bulldog Drummond
Island Police Arresting Sergeant
The invention of a machine that can cause remote explosions brings the attention of Scotland Yard and Bulldog Drummond.
Youth Takes a Fling
Dunham's Butler
McCrea plays Joe Meadows, whose only ambition as a Kansas farm boy was a life at sea. He moves to New York to try to get a job as a sailor, finds it more difficult than he thought, and meets Helen Brown, who falls for him and uses her feminine wiles to try to prevent him leaving.
Secrets of an Actress
Reynolds - Peter’s Butler (uncredited)
Two architects lose their heads over a glamorous actress.
Maria Antonieta
Monsieur Boehmer - the Jeweler (uncredited)
Siglo XVIII. La princesa de Austria María Antonieta (Shearer) se casa con el delfín de Francia, Luis XVI (Morley), un hombre tan retraído que su relación con la joven es puramente formal. Antonieta se dejará fascinar por las fiestas de París y derrochará el dinero a manos llenas, aunque esta situación no durará mucho. Un drama de época que obtuvo 4 nominaciones a los Oscar: Actriz principal (Norma Shearer), actor secundario (Robert Morley), banda sonora y dirección artística.
Horizontes de gloria
Geoffrey Bramer, un niño mimado, se une con un par de delincuentes de poca monta para hacerse pasar por un aristócrata y robar joyas en tiendas exclusivas. Cuando la policía detiene a Geoffrey, es enviado a un reformatorio, donde los jóvenes son entrenados para ser marineros. Allí se hace amigo de Terry O'Mulvaney, chico modélico del lugar, pero pronto comienza a meterse en problemas.
El engaño de una rubia
Paul Douglas
Un millonario contrata a una actriz para evitar que su hija se case con el hombre que no debe.
The Lone Wolf in Paris
Former jewel thief Michael Lanyard toys with a princess and a grand duke.
La octava mujer de Barba Azul
Store President's Valet (uncredited)
Michael Brandon (Gary Cooper) es un millonario malcriado y mujeriego que ha tenido siete esposas, todas atraídas por su fortuna. En una tienda de la Riviera conoce a Nicole de Loiselle (Claudette Colbert), pero en un principio ella le rechaza. El caso es que Nicole, hija de una familia de nobles franceses venidos a menos, decide, a instancias de su padre, aceptar finalmente la proposición de matrimonio de Brandon, pero deja claro que lo hace sólo por su dinero. Estrenada en Marzo de 1938.
First Lady
A politician's wife plots for her husband to become the next U.S. President.
Ebb Tide
English Tourist
In 1890, two British expatriates, Robert Herrick and Huish, and German Captain Jakob Thorbecke, are commissioned to sail a Yankee schooner called The Golden State , whose captain and crew have died of smallpox. From Tehua in the South Seas to Australia, they are to deliver a cargo of champagne. Thorbecke decides to head for Peru, however, so he can sell the merchandise and pocket the money. While sailing, Faith Wishart, daughter of the deceased captain, comes out of her hiding place on board and, by briefly holding Thorbecke at gunpoint, demands he make the delivery.
Doble o nada
Eustace the Butler (uncredited)
Un millonario moribundo da instrucciones a su abogado de soltar cuatro carteras en las calles de Nueva York. Cuatro personas honestas las encuentran y se las devuelven al abogado. Bajo los términos del testamento, a cada uno de ellos se les da 1 millón de dólares, los cuales deberán duplicar en los 30 siguientes días para reclamar todo su patrimonio.
Almas en el mar
Proprietor (uncredited)
En 1842, dos miembros de la tripulación de un barco que transporta esclavos intentan salvar sus vidas tras verse atrapados por un motín y un tremendo huracán que azota la embarcación.
Una chica afortunada
Joseph aka Justin - Houseman (uncredited)
J. B. Wall (Arnold) es un rico banquero de Wall Street que está harto de los dispendios económicos tanto de su ocioso hijo John (Milland) como de su esposa Jennie (Nash). Indignado, tira por la azotea la última adquisición de su mujer, un costoso abrigo de marta. El abrigo cae encima de Mary Smith (Jean Arthur), una mecanógrafa que trabaja en una revista infantil.
I Cover the War!
Sir Herbert
Un reportero viaja al norte de África para cubrir una rebelión árabe contra los británicos. Consigue su reportaje, pero sólo después de seducir a la hija del coronel, salvar a su hermano de caer en las garras de traficantes de armas, y salvar al ejército británico.
Dangerous Holiday
A young violin prodigy is assumed kidnapped after he runs away from home.
La buena tierra
Liu - Grain Merchant
China, durante los últimos años del dominio de la dinastía Qing. El matrimonio concertado entre Wang Lung, un humilde granjero, y O-Lan, una esclava doméstica, soportará a lo largo de los años las muchas dificultades de la vida; pero las incontables tentaciones de una frágil prosperidad pondrán en peligro su amor y la supervivencia de toda su familia.
The Grand Bounce
Furrier (uncredited)
A man writes a check for $1,000 to cover a gambling debt. The problem is that he doesn't have enough money in his bank account to cover it. The check was written on Friday afternoon, but cannot be cashed before the following Tuesday. The check is used to pay several debts until...
Titanes de la velocidad
Un ex conductor de autobuses escolares regenta una empresa de camiones, que compite con un tren de mercancías para entregar piezas de aviones en la Costa Oeste.
We Have Our Moments
A trio of American crooks board a ship bound for Europe, intending to get rid of $100,000 in stolen dough. With detective John Wade breathing down their necks, the crooks stash the loot in the trunk belonging to vacationing schoolmarm Mary Smith.
With Love and Kisses
A naïve farmer writing songs tries his chances in New York. Unlucky, he is helped by a crooner who lusts after one of his songs. Ignoring the real value of his composition, he sold it for the money he owed to his friends: $200.
White Hunter
Safari guide Capt. Clark Rutledge is hired by the man Michael Varek who was responsible for his father's death...
Una mujer difamada
Reporter (uncredited)
Cuando Loy, una diva social, calumnia al periodista Tracy, éste decide contraatacar implicando en el asunto a su prometida y al desafortunado Powell, un famosísimo pescador deportivo. El plan de Tracy incluye un matrimonio improvisado, una falsa seducción, la pesca de la trucha, puñetazos, promesas rotas...
Butler (uncredited)
A struggling young engineer, Bob Sanderson, refuses to marry the very-rich Edith Stuart until he can support her on his own earnings. He goes to work for her father as a messenger in the telegraph business, and, via his engineering skills, discovers a plot to kidnap Edith.
El último mohicano
King George II
Una de las primeras adaptaciones del clásico de Fenimore Cooper. La acción transcurre durante la guerra franco-india (1754-1763). Relata la masacre, perpetrada por los hurones y consentida por los franceses, de soldados angloamericanos prisioneros, sus mujeres y criados. Además los hurones secuestran a las dos hijas del comandante inglés, a cuyo rescate acudirá último mohicano.
The White Angel
Orderly in Hunt's Office (uncredited)
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
Trouble for Two
Butler (Uncredited)
A decadent prince unhappy over an impending arranged marriage, looking for a good time in London discovers the existence of a secret society called The Suicide Club, and so he seeks to become a member.
Sons o' Guns
Broadway star Jimmy Canfield stars in a patriotic show on the great white way during WWI. He plays the heroic soldier, but he is doesn't want to join the Army. To evade some troubles with fellow actress Berenice, he acts like joining the forces going over there, but that turns out to be real. In France he falls in love with a French barmaid and is arrested as spy. He escapes from prison, only to end in the uniform of a German officer leading "his" soldiers in an Allied trap. But being escaped from prison and wearing the enemy's uniform isn't that healthy in wartime.
The House of a Thousand Candles
The story of diplomatic courier Tony Carleton, who's been entrusted with a secret message vital to the cause of International peace. En route to Geneva by train, Tony is drugged by sexy cabaret dancer Raquel, who promptly steals the message -- only to be murdered by sinister master spy Sebastian, owner of a posh gambling casino known as The House of a Thousand Candles.
Doughnuts and Society
Kate Flannagan and Belle Dugan operate a downtown coffee shop and, while dispensing their locally-famous doughnuts, engage in their favorite pastime, friendly quarreling between themselves. This changes when Belle suddenly becomes heir to a small fortune which allows her to crash high-society and make her daughter,Joan, a débutante. This creates a rift between the two former partners, with the result that the proud Kate refuses to accept her friend's good fortune nor allow her son, Jerry, who is in love with Joan, to do so.
Sutter's Gold
Johann, Waiter
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
The Garden Murder Case
Vance's Butler (Uncredited)
Detective Philo Vance is in charge of the investigation of several mysterious murders. Things take a turn when he gathers evidence against Major Fenwicke-Ralston.
The Widow from Monte Carlo
Englishman at Casino
In this romantic comedy, an aspiring socialite heads for a vacation in Monte Carlo where she befriends a wealthy widowed duchess and then begins blackmailing her after she steals a scandalous letter.
Ship Cafe
Butler (uncredited)
The singing stoker and the vamp.
A Feather in Her Hat
Cab Driver (uncredited)
After the woman who raised him claims he's not her son, Richard searches for clues about his identity. Urged on by his mentor, Capt. Randolph Courtney, Richard focuses on Julia Trent Anders, a middle-aged actress who just might be his real mother. But soon, Richard begins to fall for Julia's stepdaughter. Amidst the upheaval, Richard schemes to return Julia to the stage -- but he's in for another big surprise.
She Couldn't Take It
Van Dyke Butler
The wealthy Van Dyke family are constantly in the media for outrageous behavior, much to the frustration of the patriarch, Dan Van Dyke. His self-centered wife has a fondness for foreign imports, including "pet projects" like dancers and such and his spoiled children Tony and Carol have constant run-ins with the law. When Dan himself ends up in the clink for five years for tax evasion, he becomes bunk-mates with ex-bootlegger Joe "Spots" Ricardi. Ricardi lectures him on being such a push-over for an out-of-control family, so a dying Dan makes Ricardi his estate trustee once he is released from prison. Ricardi is then thrust into high society and must do everything he once nagged Dan to do.
Two Sinners
French Judge
An ex-convict gets released after shooting a fellow who made a play for his wife. When he meets Sleeper, his life takes a change for the better, but along with her comes the boisterous little Collins, for whom she is a governess.
Atlantic Adventure
Ship's Doctor
When reporter Dan Miller is once again late to meet his girl friend, Helen Murdock, because he is working on a story, Helen breaks up with him. Later, in an effort to reconcile with her, Dan misses an appointment with the district attorney, and is fired when his editor learns that the district attorney was murdered in Dan's absence. The man suspected of the crime, Mitts Coster, is rumored to be traveling to Europe aboard an ocean liner. While Dan's friend, photographer Snapper McGillicuddy, fetches Helen to the boat, under the pretense that Dan is leaving town to forget her, Dan searches the ship for Mitts, whom he does not recognize. When Helen arrives, Dan feigns illness, and she admits her love for him. When Helen learns of Dan's ruse, however, she angrily hits him with a package that a passenger gave her when she boarded the ship. The package contains a passport for Dorothy Madden, who greatly resembles Helen, and $2,000 dollars.
Dos fusileros sin bala
Scottish Recruiting Sergeant (uncredited)
Ollie y Stanley marchan hacia tierras escocesas en busca de fortuna. Lo que allí les lleva no es otra cosa que una herencia de Stan, aquí apellidado MacLaurel. Pero, hete aquí, que cuando recibe la herencia todos sus anhelos se frustran: el montante consiste en unas gafas y una pitillera. Así las cosas, la pareja se enrola en las fuerzas de Su Majestad para luchar en las fronteras de la India.
La feria de la vanidad
The Prince Regent
Siglo XIX. Amalia y Becky son dos jóvenes que desde niñas han sido muy amigas. Según pasan los años Amalia comprobará como Becky, que perteneció siempre a una familia humilde, sólo la utiliza para acceder a las clases altas.
The Florentine Dagger
Scotland Yard Radio Operator (uncredited)
A playwright descended from the Borgias family becomes a murder suspect.
Vanessa: Her Love Story
Herries Family Member
The Victorian wife of a mad baron waits years for a British soldier sent to Egypt.
Sangre gitana
Los feligreses de una pequeña parroquia escocesa tratarán de impedir por todos los medios, las relaciones entre su clérigo y una bella joven de raza gitana. (FILMAFFINITY)
Red Morning
A captain's daughter become marooned on an island after the ship is taken over by a mutinous crew.
El velo pintado
Dr. Somerset (uncredited)
Katrin es una atractiva mujer que realiza un viaje por China mientras atraviesa una etapa de soledad. Decide casarse con el doctor Walter Fane, pero éste, debido a su profesión, no puede dedicarle mucho tiempo a su esposa, y ella comienza un romance secreto con un amante.
What Every Woman Knows
Meeting Chairman (uncredited)
Aspiring young Scottish politician John Shand enters into an unusual agreement with the wealthy Wylie family -- if they fund his education, he must marry their daughter, Maggie. Staying true to his word, John weds Maggie and begins a successful career, thanks largely to his savvy wife. The couple's relationship is placed in jeopardy when John faces temptation in the form of the lovely aristocrat Lady Sybil Tenterden.
The Moonstone
Dr. Ezra Jennings
A valuable gem from India is stolen in an old dark mansion and it is up to Scotland Yard inspector Charles Irwin to find out who did it among all the suspects who were in the house.
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back
Hotel Clerk
Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
Captain Bob Hayworth, his brother Lieutenant Gilroy Hayworth and Captain Derek Marbury are in a World-War 1 trench on the front-lines in France. Bob Hayworth resents Marbury greatly as the latter had married the girl, Lucy Neville, Marbury was courting in pre-war London. Ordered to go on a night patrol, the cowardly Gilroy committed suicide rather than face his fear. Bob and Derek arrange it to appear that Bob had been killed by a shell-burst, and Derek, with his face camouflaged, takes the patrol posing as Gilroy. While on patrol, Derek is hit by a shell-burst and found by the German Red Cross, who turn him over to a family of French peasants.
Una noche de amor
Bill's Valet
Mary quiere convertirse en cantante de ópera y empieza a recibir clases del maestro Guilio Monteverdi. Poco a poco ambos se irán enamorando. (FILMAFFINITY)
Murder in the Private Car
Man Asking About Radio (uncredited)
Ruth Raymond works on the switchboard and her boyfriend is John Blake. It has taken 14 years, but a detective named Murray has found her and confirmed.
Money Means Nothing
At Joe's Roadside, a popular but rundown New York roadhouse where the wealthy and not-so-wealthy hang out, a wealthy Manhattan girl and a struggling Brooklyn boy meet and fall in love. She marries him against the wishes of her family, believing that love can solve everything, but she soon wonders if she made the right choice when she finds herself living in a manner, and with the kinds of people, she hadn't counted on.
Let's Talk It Over
A young sailor saves a woman from drowning. The woman turns out to be a rich heiress; unfortunately for the sailor, she was only pretending to be drowning so that another young man she had her eye on would save her.
Journal of a Crime
Victor - Butler (uncredited)
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
Una mujer para dos
Englishman at Train (uncredited)
George Curtis, pintor, y Tom Chambers, autor teatral, que comparten un piso en París, conocen en el tren que se dirige a esta ciudad a Gilda Farrell, americana como ellos y dibujante publicitaria. Ambos se enamoran inmediatamente de ella y, como Gilda es incapaz de decidirse por uno, deciden vivir un menage à trois.
The House on 56th Street
Peggy's Butler (uncredited)
A beautiful chorine marries a handsome rich socialite, but her idyllic life ends when she visits a dying old beau and is charged when he commits suicide.
Berkeley Square
Sir Joshua Reynolds
A young American man is transported back to London in the time of the American Revolution and meets his ancestors.
The Masquerader
A drug-addicted member of Parliament needs to take time off and secretly pull his life together, so he gets his lookalike cousin to agree to temporarily assume his identity.
El águila y el halcón
Story-Telling Officer at Party (uncredited)
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Tres americanos (March, Grant y Oakie) se ofrecen para ir como voluntarios a combatir junto a los ingleses en la Royal Air Force.
Lost in Limehouse
Sheerluck Jones
A slapstick burlesque of 19th Century Victorian melodrama featuring a parody of Holmes and Watson who rescue a heroine held by a mustache-twirling villain in a den of caricatured Chinese gangsters.
The Man Called Back
Upper Level Court Clerk
Fresh from his success with the moody melodrama Murders in the Rue Morgue, director Robert Florey dashed off The Man Called Back at bargain-basement Tiffany Studios. The film is set in the tropics; Conrad Nagel tops the cast as a dissipated, derelict doctor, hopelessly in love with married socialite Doris Kenyon. Doris' insane husband John Halliday commits suicide, but arranges the evidence so that his wife will be charged with murder.
Beauty and the Boss
Business Associate (uncredited)
An ultra-efficient Plain Jane secretary blossoms when she accompanies her boss on a business trip to Paris.
Alcohol prohibido
Nightclubber Asking the Time (uncredited)
Los males del alcohol antes y durante la prohibición se hacen evidentes cuando vemos sus efectos en la familia Chilcote.
The Impatient Maiden
Doctor at Lecture (uncredited)
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
Arsène Lupin
Party Guest (uncredited)
Arsène Lupin (John Barrymore), un ladrón que se hace pasar por el Duque de Charmerace, vive en París y su único objetivo es desplumar a los ricos. Después del robo perpetrado en la mansión del millonario Gourney-Martin (Tully Marshall), el detective Guerchard (Lionel Barrymore) sospecha que el culpable es el famoso Lupin. En una fiesta, en la que coinciden Guerchard y Lupin, éste decide actuar: un corte abrupto de la electricidad y el robo de varios invitados, que sólo se dan cuenta cuando vuelve la luz. Gourney-Martin invita a su residencia campestre a Charmerace y a Sonia (Karen Morley), que, en realidad es una ladronzuela que trata de rehabilitarse colaborando con Guerchard.
Daughter of the Dragon
Flinders the Butler (uncredited)
At her Chinese father's bidding, a woman goes to murder an enemy and meets a Scotland Yard detective.
Newly Rich
Florist (uncredited)
Two small town widows bring their children to Hollywood, where their children become competing film stars. The girl is sweet, the boy is a killjoy sissy. For publicity, the rival families go to London to meet a middle European boy King. The three kids decide they need to escape their stifling lives and run away to the docks and join a gang.
Born to Love
Aide to Major General (uncredited)
A pregnant American nurse living in London during WWI, believing her soldier-fiance has been killed in France, marries a wealthy aristocrat so her child will have a father.
Playboy of Paris
Nightclub Waiter
Yvonne, daughter of Philibert, a Paris cafe owner, is in love with dreamy, blundering Albert, a waiter, though he pays little attention to her. Philibert plans to marry his daughter to a wealthy Parisian, but upon learning that Albert is to come into a large inheritance, he conspires to place him under a longterm contract, confident that he willingly will pay a forfeit to break it.
Bullivant es un gruñón abogado que ya está jubilado. Cuando el novio de su hija es acusado de robar un valiosísimo diamante, Bullivant decide defenderle. Primera película de George Cukor, basada en una obra de Horace Hodges.
The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu
The villainous master criminal Dr. Fu Manchu sets out to destroy the people he holds responsible for the death of his family.
The City of Play
A British drama film directed by Denison Clift
A shopgirl loves a paralysed amnesiac and kidnaps him from his interfering mother.
El fresco de las trincheras
German Officer (uncredited)
El soldado William 'Old Bill' Busby (Syd Chaplin) es un veterano fumador de pipa con treinta años al servicio de su majestad y con bigote de morsa. Nos encontramos con él en las trincheras durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, haciendo todo lo posible para evitar las bombas y las balas y en espera del mejor momento para que pueda regresar a un entorno más tranquilo.
The Salvation Hunters
The Brute
A hopelessly hopeful drifter, a bitter young woman, and a helpless child live on the docks, spending their days in poverty and listless wandering. Overhead, a dredge hauls up mud and trash from the nearby seabed-- the same mud and trash from the day before. They finally decide to leave for the city to seek fulfillment, only to encounter further privation, destitution, temptation.
It Is the Law
Bill Elliott
This silent mystery is considered a lost film.
In Baghdad a girl escapes from a robber sheikh and thwarts a plot to rob a merchant.
The White Shadow
Herbert Barnes
The White Shadow is a British drama film directed by Graham Cutts based on the novel "Children of Chance" by Michael Morton. Alfred Hitchcock worked on it as assistant director and also handled the writing, editing, and art direction. The film was long thought to be lost. In August 2011, it was announced that the first three reels of the six-reel picture had been found in a garden shed and donated to the NFPF. The film cans were mislabled Two Sisters and Unidentified American Film and only later identified. The film was restored by Park Road Studios and is now in the New Zealand Film Archive.
The Wonderful Story
Jimmy Martin
A paralytic dominates his brother and wife until their child reforms him.
The Stockbroker's Clerk
Hall Pycroft
An adaptation of a Sherlock Holmes short story starring Eille Norwood.
Trapped by the Mormons
Elder Marz
Mormons capture women for their wives in this silent anti-Mormon propaganda film featuring the original organ music.