Alain Goraguer

Alain Goraguer

Nacimiento : 1931-08-20, Rosny-sous-Bois, Seine-Saint-Denis, France

Muerte : 2023-02-13


Alain Goraguer was a French jazz pianist, music arranger and music composer for film productions. He was known for his work alongside Boris Vian and Serge Gainsbourg.


Alain Goraguer


Dejad de quererme
Original Music Composer
Antoine, un publicista de éxito, está casado, tiene dos hijos, vive en una bonita casa no lejos de París y sus relaciones con los vecinos son excelentes. La discreta relación que mantiene con la guapa Marion no es tan seria como para perturbar su equilibrio. Sin embargo, un buen día su vida experimenta un vuelco. Durante una reunión con un cliente importante, pierde los estribos y, de paso, el proyecto. Su socio le propone que se tome unos días de vacaciones para descansar, pero Antoine, que ya ha decidido abandonar su trabajo, le ofrece su parte en el negocio. Cuando regresa a casa para pasar el fin de semana, empieza a destruir sistemáticamente todo lo que ha construido durante años
À notre regrettable époux
Original Music Composer
When her husband Alexander dies, Hermione, a squire, discovers that he was a bigamist on the one hand and a swindler on the other. In the company of Alexander's second wife, she sets out to find the loot hidden in his vast estate.
Cómo se salvó Wang Fo
Original Music Composer
Una antigua historia china acerca de cómo el pintor Wang-Fo se salvó de su sentencia de muerte. Aprovechando el rodaje del largometraje "Gandahar", con la colaboración de Philippe Caza, surgen dos cortos: "Comment Wang Fô fut sauvé / Como se salvó Wang Fô", inspirado en una novela corta de la escritora Margueritte Yourcenar; y "La prisonnière / La prisionera" (1987), un sketch realizado por el propio Laloux con la ayuda del mismo asistente y dibujante (Caza).
Initiation of a Married Woman
Original Music Composer
Thirty six actors and actresses support the initiation of this married woman brilliantly played by breathtaking Cathy Menard. As Burd Tranbaree's final film and the last production by Alpha-France, this film was intended to bring a golden age to a close with a bang!
Matrimonio liberado busca pareja liberada
Original Music Composer
La historia tierna, maliciosa, audaz y pervertida de una pareja joven (Marianne Aubert y Guy Royer) cuyas vidas sexuales se vuelven más intensas cuando deciden animar su relación al buscar posibles participantes para sus juegos sexuales salvajes.
Jóvenes muy especiales
Original Music Composer
Used as a rendezvous for illicit lovemaking, two Paris apartments have a devilishly deceptive TWO-WAY Mirror installed between the bedrooms. Let's take a peek at what goes on when a married couple inherits a key to each separate love nest...without each other's knowledge. What you see is what you get in this passionate saga of lusting spouses that's worth looking into!
Safari porno
Original Music Composer
Película erótica francesa
The Nymphomaniacs
Original Music Composer
Matthieu has affairs with three women at the same time: a married woman, a stewardess and a nurse. He manages to keep them separate and secret from each other with the help of his maid Marinette.
Charlie Bravo
Original Music Composer
Durante los últimos días de la guerra entre Francia y los rebeldes comunistas en Indochina en 1954, doce paracaidistas franceses toman tierra en la jungla para llevar a cabo una misión de rescate.
Take Me Down
Original Music Composer
Adult Comedy featuring Brigitte Lahaie.
Original Music Composer
Monsieur Matthieu forces his young wife Clarisse into various sexual situations of his design.
Two at Once
Original Music Composer
François gets to live out his fantasy of picking up several women on the road and having sex with them. He even takes two female hitchhikers home to meet his wife.
La gran mamada
Original Music Composer
Money can't buy you everything, but it sure goes a long way for all the fun that one of the richest men in France is having. Wine, women, and more women make up his modern day harem. He traipses around Paris, tasting the joys of scintillating new flesh. That is, after his trusty butler breaks them in with a suitcase filled with tools. An endless parade of flesh sets this Casanova on a mad search through the bedrooms of Paris for a cure for Flesh Fever!
Perversion of a Young Bride
Original Music Composer
Everybody knows the French don't waist any time when it comes to the art of making love. At the start of "Perversions of a Young Bride", aka "French Blues" (?) we witness a couple (Ghislain van Hove and Danièle David ) just finishing a bout of intercourse, only to find out they are just friends. In fact, she's the best friend of his fiancée. Turns out they had some time on their hands while the bride, Marie-Christine (the legend known as Brigitte Lahaie) is getting ready. So, the groom (already in his tux) and the best friend flip through Marie-Christine's scrapbook of love, a photo album featuring pictures of lovers and their private parts. Of course, each one has a story attached, and luckily Danièle knows them all. After all, every guy loves to hear about the sex live of the woman he loves.
Passionate Pleasures
Original Music Composer
Pierre has sexual fantasies about his next door neighbor Marianne leading his wife to get him an appointment with a sex therapist. Jean-Louis Vattier dreams about his lovely downstairs neighbor, Brigitte Lahaie, although his dreams occasionally turn into nightmares involving his hard hat co-worker Dominique Aveline. One particularly strange and violent sequence is not made any more watchable by some slow motion fighting accompanied by the usual ‘arousing’ sax music instead of more threatening music, but this entire film is one big incomprehensible trip anyway, so the viewer had better prepare for more far out scenes. Pierre awakes to find his beautiful blond wife (although she’s no Brigitte) played by Ursula White. Obviously their marriage is in trouble, with him living in a fantasy world of his own making while she, Janine, has taken a lover of the same sex (Liliane Lemieuvre as Rosette). Pierre spots Brigitte in a book store and begins to fantasize once more.
Sarabande porno
Original Music Composer
Philippe & Jean-Pierre enjoy the companionship of several women who's services they have willingly purchased from a female auction. Each time they are unsatisfied with one, they simply return her to the auction and bid on a new one. After a while both men decide to put themselves out to stud, and are purchased as a pair by rich Emmanuelle Paréze.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Lena, the operator of a lingerie shop where she models the merchandise for some of her male customers in order to make a sale, is approached by a mysterious woman.
Hurlements de plaisir
Original Music Composer
Película erótica francesa
P... comme pénétration
Original Music Composer
Película erótica francesa
Furor en el vientre
Original Music Composer
Un chulazo castigador, chicas fáciles ligeras de ropa, motos… y mucho furor en el vientre.
Au-delà de la peur
Original Music Composer
French movie
Bacanal en el aniversario de boda
Original Music Composer
Para celebrar su décimo aniversario de boda, Vruno y Jeanne invitan a sus amigos a pasar un fin de semana en su casa de campo. Bruno ha querido realzar el acontecimiento con todo el ceremonial propio de la sociedad bruguesa en que vive. Pero ha querido también que todos y cada uno de los asistentes a la velada se olviden por unas horas de la hipocresia que atenaza sus vidad para que puedan manifestarse tal y como son en realidad, sin tapujos ni mentiras. Durante toda la noche, mientras la campiña cercana sufre la violencia de la tormenta que acaba de desencadenarse, el grupo, olvidándose de tabúes y prejuicios se entrega a una especie de bacanal sin limites, yendo a encontrar en el amor carnal la solución definitiva a todos sus problemas. (FILMAFFINITY)
El planeta salvaje
Original Music Composer
En el planeta Ygam, los Draags, humanoides azules extremadamente avanzados tecnológica y espiritualmente, consideran a los diminutos Oms, seres humanos descendientes de los habitantes de Terra, como animales ignorantes. Los que viven en la esclavitud son tratados como simples mascotas y utilizados para entretener a los niños Draag; los que viven escondidos en los hostiles desiertos del planeta son periódicamente cazados y masacrados sin piedad como si fueran alimañas.
El Affaire Dominici
Original Music Composer
En 1952, y a la edad de 75 años, Gaston Dominici fue oficialmente declarado culpable del brutal asesinato de Sir Jack Drummond, su mujer y su hija. La familia inglesa, de paso por la Provenza, había acampado en las tierras de una familia de granjeros, los Dominici, cuyo patriarca era Gaston. El suceso y el posterior juicio tuvo repercusión internacional. En el año 2003 se hizo una adaptación para la televisión de la historia, protagonizada por Michel Serrault y Michel Blanc. (FILMAFFINITY)
El silencioso
Original Music Composer
Tras sufrir un accidente en Londres, un reputado científico soviético es secuestrado por el servicio secreto británico, que finge su muerte. De él pretenden conseguir los nombres de los agentes dobles que trabajan para los rusos. En realidad, el científico es Clément Tibère, un francés obligado a trabajar para los soviéticos años atrás. Los británicos le prometen una nueva identidad y un futuro tranquilo en Francia, pero él sabe que la KGB no descansará hasta matarle. (FILMAFFINITY)
La montaña que da a luz
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Caídos sobre un árbol
Original Music Composer
Volviendo de Italia, Henri Roubier recoge a una elegante autoestopista, y también a un joven. Tras un brusco giro, el coche y sus pasajeros acaban sobre la copa de un pino que hay en un acantilado. Atrapados entre el mar y el cielo, su situación es incómoda cuanto menos...
The Servant
Original Music Composer
18-year-old small town Aline arrives in Paris and is employed as house servant in Robert and Ulla Marbois' home. Robert takes a fancy towards Aline and they begin an affair.
Original Music Composer
Los caracoles
Original Music Composer
Una serie de individuos mudos plasman visualmente sus pasiones y traumas. Especie de preludio artístico de lo que sería posteriormente la película "El planeta salvaje". Se trata de una pequeña producción de muy bajo presupuesto cuyo guión, escrito por Laloux y Topor, fue inspirado por los internos de un centro psiquiátrico.
Seventeenth Heaven
Original Music Composer
Nick Carter y el trébol rojo
Original Music Composer
Nick Carter intenta recuperar unos misiles nucleares robados.
Tiempo muerto
Original Music Composer
Este film narra, mediante el escrito del belga Jacques Sternberg, esa fascinación morbosa pero poética que el ser humano siente hacia la muerte.
Strip-tease has a pleasing Paris setting and a convincing strip club atmosphere, where a roster of exotic dancers do their thing. Making the club atmosphere work is the animated Dany Saval, as a charming gossip and outspoken cheerleader for the art of the strip-tease. Berthe encourages Ariane to loosen up and enjoy what she's doing.
Un jour à Paris
A young man finds love on the streets of Paris, thanks to an Umbrella
Le Bel Âge
Original Music Composer
Steph, Jean-Claude and Jacques work in a Parisian art shop, but they mainly work in the field of eroticism, which they conceive as a wide-ranging field of exercises and experiments.
Alain Mimoun
Original Music Composer
A documentary about French marathon runner Alain Mimoun at the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne.
I Spit on Your Grave
Original Music Composer
Joe Grant, a light-skinned African American, heads to a small Southern town to investigate the lynching death of his brother. He draws the attention of a gorgeous heiress whom he learns may have been involved in the killing.
No Escape
Original Music Composer
In Provence , Father Caillé runs a family pension backed by his daughter-in-law Cora and a maid. The old man persecutes Cora for her assiduity until the day when she, in a particularly violent confrontation, knocks him down before the eyes of Gino, an Italian pensioner of whom she is in love. The two accomplices will try to make up the murder.
A Girl in a Pocket
Original Music Composer
A professor experimenting in suspended animation accidentally shrinks his dog and later, his female lab assistant, when she drinks the liquid by accident and shrinks to 3 inches tall. The professor keeps her in his pocket until he can find an antidote. Sometimes she's naked, too.