Alain Goraguer

Alain Goraguer

Рождение : 1931-08-20, Rosny-sous-Bois, Seine-Saint-Denis, France

Смерть : 2023-02-13


Alain Goraguer was a French jazz pianist, music arranger and music composer for film productions. He was known for his work alongside Boris Vian and Serge Gainsbourg.


Alain Goraguer


Два дня для убийства
Original Music Composer
У Антуана Мелио есть всё, чтобы быть счастливым: красивая супруга, два восхитительных ребенка, друзья, на которых он может положиться в любой момент, красивый дом в Ивелине и достаточно денег. Но однажды, за пару дней он бросает всё. Что случилось с этим человеком, что он так резко изменил своё поведение?
À notre regrettable époux
Original Music Composer
When her husband Alexander dies, Hermione, a squire, discovers that he was a bigamist on the one hand and a swindler on the other. In the company of Alexander's second wife, she sets out to find the loot hidden in his vast estate.
Как был спасен Вонг Фо
Original Music Composer
Wang Fo, the greatest master of medieval China, aided by his assistant who has given up everything to follow him, desperately seeks aesthetic perfection. A day comes when he thinks he has achieved it. But his genius arouses both the curiosity and the jealousy of the Emperor. Wang Fo will be able to escape the Emperor's vindictiveness only by going to the limit of his talents.
Initiation of a Married Woman
Original Music Composer
Thirty six actors and actresses support the initiation of this married woman brilliantly played by breathtaking Cathy Menard. As Burd Tranbaree's final film and the last production by Alpha-France, this film was intended to bring a golden age to a close with a bang!
Couple Seeking Liberated Girl
Original Music Composer
A hedonistic delight, both tender, malicious, audacious and perverted, showcasing happy young lovers who share multiple sexual experiences that increase tenfold after the couple marries, thanks to the "honorable" status marriage bestows upon them.
Two Way Mirror
Original Music Composer
Used as a rendezvous for illicit lovemaking, two Paris apartments have a devilishly deceptive TWO-WAY Mirror installed between the bedrooms. Let's take a peek at what goes on when a married couple inherits a key to each separate love nest...without each other's knowledge. What you see is what you get in this passionate saga of lusting spouses that's worth looking into!
Safari porno
Original Music Composer
This is a very elusive film which few people have ever seen. Le Dico only has a description of the plot and quotes from a secondary, contemporary source for the review. But the film does, or did, exist although there is the possibility that this title was also used for a re-release of P ...comme pénétration. Footage from it was probably used in other films such as Bachelières en chaleur.
The Nymphomaniacs
Original Music Composer
Matthieu has affairs with three women at the same time: a married woman, a stewardess and a nurse. He manages to keep them separate and secret from each other with the help of his maid Marinette.
Charlie Bravo
Original Music Composer
After a nurse is captured in Vietnam and held prisoner in a small jungle village, a group of soldiers is tasked with rescuing her.
Take Me Down
Original Music Composer
Adult Comedy featuring Brigitte Lahaie.
Original Music Composer
Monsieur Matthieu forces his young wife Clarisse into various sexual situations of his design.
Two at Once
Original Music Composer
François gets to live out his fantasy of picking up several women on the road and having sex with them. He even takes two female hitchhikers home to meet his wife.
Flesh Fever
Original Music Composer
Money can't buy you everything, but it sure goes a long way for all the fun that one of the richest men in France is having. Wine, women, and more women make up his modern day harem. He traipses around Paris, tasting the joys of scintillating new flesh. That is, after his trusty butler breaks them in with a suitcase filled with tools. An endless parade of flesh sets this Casanova on a mad search through the bedrooms of Paris for a cure for Flesh Fever!
Perversion of a Young Bride
Original Music Composer
Everybody knows the French don't waist any time when it comes to the art of making love. At the start of "Perversions of a Young Bride", aka "French Blues" (?) we witness a couple (Ghislain van Hove and Danièle David ) just finishing a bout of intercourse, only to find out they are just friends. In fact, she's the best friend of his fiancée. Turns out they had some time on their hands while the bride, Marie-Christine (the legend known as Brigitte Lahaie) is getting ready. So, the groom (already in his tux) and the best friend flip through Marie-Christine's scrapbook of love, a photo album featuring pictures of lovers and their private parts. Of course, each one has a story attached, and luckily Danièle knows them all. After all, every guy loves to hear about the sex live of the woman he loves.
Passionate Pleasures
Original Music Composer
Pierre has sexual fantasies about his next door neighbor Marianne leading his wife to get him an appointment with a sex therapist. Jean-Louis Vattier dreams about his lovely downstairs neighbor, Brigitte Lahaie, although his dreams occasionally turn into nightmares involving his hard hat co-worker Dominique Aveline. One particularly strange and violent sequence is not made any more watchable by some slow motion fighting accompanied by the usual ‘arousing’ sax music instead of more threatening music, but this entire film is one big incomprehensible trip anyway, so the viewer had better prepare for more far out scenes. Pierre awakes to find his beautiful blond wife (although she’s no Brigitte) played by Ursula White. Obviously their marriage is in trouble, with him living in a fantasy world of his own making while she, Janine, has taken a lover of the same sex (Liliane Lemieuvre as Rosette). Pierre spots Brigitte in a book store and begins to fantasize once more.
Sarabande porno
Original Music Composer
Philippe & Jean-Pierre enjoy the companionship of several women who's services they have willingly purchased from a female auction. Each time they are unsatisfied with one, they simply return her to the auction and bid on a new one. After a while both men decide to put themselves out to stud, and are purchased as a pair by rich Emmanuelle Paréze.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Lena, the operator of a lingerie shop where she models the merchandise for some of her male customers in order to make a sale, is approached by a mysterious woman.
Hurlements de plaisir
Original Music Composer
P... comme pénétration
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Helena goes to the French coastline to meet up with old flame Roy. At Roy's swanky house Helena is told by a man at the door named Frank that Roy is preoccupied with another woman. Helena immediately hits it off with Frank only for things to turn sour after a gang of vicious thugs break into the house.
Au-delà de la peur
Original Music Composer
French movie
The Porcelain Anniversary
Original Music Composer
Guests gather for the porcelain anniversary of a couple. When another woman's husband leaves her in front of everyone's eyes, the anniversary-celebrating husband gallantly makes loves to her in front of the same people. Then a sexual and confessional free-for-all erupts, until one of the wives, repulsed, runs away.
Дикая планета
Original Music Composer
Где-то в глубинах космоса затерялась странная планета Игам. Правят ею драги — гигантские голубые существа с красными глазами, обладающие сверхвысоким уровнем развития. Кроме них на Игаме живут омы, розовотелые миниатюрные гуманоиды — одомашненные игрушки драгов. Постепенно на Игаме разворачивается борьба угнетенных омов против своих хозяев-гигантов за теплое место под тусклым солнцем, за жизнь и свободу. В итоге драги решают полностью уничтожить омов…
Дело Доминичи
Original Music Composer
Джек и Анн Драммонд, сопровождаемые своей дочерью десяти лет, отправились к друзьям на Лазурный берег. Они решили провести ночь 4 августа 1952 года на берегу моря. На следующий день там были обнаружены их изуродованные тела. Подозрения пали на семью Доминичи, проживавшую неподалеку на ферме возле деревни Лурс в Провансе…
Original Music Composer
Шпионский детектив о похищении французского физика Клемана Тибера сначала КГБ, а затем западными спецслужбами во время его поездки в Лондон спустя 16 лет, когда он уже стал вполне советским человеком со странной фамилией Халяков.
Гора в родах
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
На древо взгромоздясь
Original Music Composer
Индустриальный магнат, возвращаясь из Италии в хорошем настроении, по дороге подбирает двух непредвиденных пассажиров. Ночью в результате небольшого инцидента он теряет контроль над управлением машиной. На следующее утро, на фоне горного пейзажа французской Ривьеры, открывается удивительная картина: автомобиль с тремя пассажирами надежно устроился в ветвях кроны большого дерева, растущего над обрывом.
The Servant
Original Music Composer
18-year-old small town Aline arrives in Paris and is employed as house servant in Robert and Ulla Marbois' home. Robert takes a fancy towards Aline and they begin an affair.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
In a distant planetoid, an industrious but hapless old farmer strives to make his vegetables flourish, however, to no avail.
Seventeenth Heaven
Original Music Composer
Nick Carter and Red Club
Original Music Composer
A secret agent uncovers four atomic rockets with a lethal gas warhead which have been stolen from a secret factory, and a dastardly plot.
Время смерти
Original Music Composer
What is man? Man makes war, man kills man, man hunts, man is executed. A montage mixing original drawings by Topor, original shots and stock shots that ironically analyze what man is.
Молодая девушка Ариан грезит танцем и мечтает стать прима-балериной шоу-балета, в котором она работает. В тот миг, когда ее меча уже практически осуществилась, судьба наносит девушке пощечину: на ее место берут другую, более известную танцовщицу. В отчаянии наша героиня увольняется из театра и все время проводит в поисках работы. Случайно встреченная старая знакомая предлагает ей устроиться в стриптиз-шоу. Сможет ли Ариан сохранить свое «я» и найти любовь в этом, новом для себя, мире? Мире, в котором все покупается и продается...
Un jour à Paris
A young man finds love on the streets of Paris, thanks to an Umbrella
Le Bel Âge
Original Music Composer
Steph, Jean-Claude and Jacques work in a Parisian art shop, but they mainly work in the field of eroticism, which they conceive as a wide-ranging field of exercises and experiments.
Alain Mimoun
Original Music Composer
A documentary about French marathon runner Alain Mimoun at the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne.
И приду плюнуть на ваши могилы
Original Music Composer
Это история жестокой мести «белого негра» (то есть метиса с ярко выраженными чертами белого человека), Джо Гранта, за линчевание и убийство его младшего брата с темной кожей.
No Escape
Original Music Composer
In Provence , Father Caillé runs a family pension backed by his daughter-in-law Cora and a maid. The old man persecutes Cora for her assiduity until the day when she, in a particularly violent confrontation, knocks him down before the eyes of Gino, an Italian pensioner of whom she is in love. The two accomplices will try to make up the murder.
Обнажённая у него в кармане
Original Music Composer
Некий профессор проводит эксперименты в области приостановления жизненных функций. Внезапно, в результате экспериментов, он уменьшает свою собаку, а затем свою лаборантку, которая выпивает жидкость, чтобы не быть «застуканной» женой профессора. Девушка уменьшается в росте до 3-х дюймов. Профессор вынужден держать обнаженную девушку в своем кармане. Процедура уменьшения оказалась очень удобной для тайных свиданий. Все бы ничего, но жена профессора начинает подозревать неладное...