Glasgow, principios de los años 50. Joe es un joven que encuentra trabajo en una barcaza propiedad de Les y su enigmática mujer Ella. Una tarde, Joe y Les encuentran el cuerpo de una mujer flotando en el agua. Aunque la policía arresta a un sospechoso, se hace cada vez más evidente que Joe sabe más de la mujer ahogada de lo que dice. Con la investigación del asesinato como telón de fondo, Joe y Ella se embarcan en una aventura íntima y pasional.
A film about Alexander Trocchi. Scottish born poet, writer, translator and author of "Young Adam" and "Cain's Book". Part of the film was made at the old Arts Laboratory and includes a discussion with William Burroughs. A portrait of Alexander Trocchi, covering his history as a writer, his interest in drugs, his family life, and ‘Sigma’, the organisation he founded to bring together like-minded people.
A short film documenting what was referred to as "The International Poetry Incarnation". It was billed as Great Britain's first full-scale "happening", with the world's leading Beat poets together under one roof at the Royal Albert Hall on June 11, 1965, for an evening of near-hallucinatory revelry. It came to be seen as one of the cultural high points of the Swinging Sixties.