Alexander Trocchi

Alexander Trocchi

Nascimento : 1925-07-30, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Morte : 1984-04-15


Alexander Trocchi


Pecados Ardentes
Joe Taylor (Ewan McGregor) é um jovem escocês perdido. Ele consegue emprego na barca de um casal, Leslie (Peter Mullan) e Ella (Tilda Swinton), que viaja de Glasgow para Edinburgh. Um dia ele descobre o corpo de uma mulher boiando no canal. A polícia investiga o caso e chega a prender um suspeito, mas aos poucos Joe deixa transparecer que sabe mais sobre o caso do que aparenta. Na realidade ele conhecia a mulher. Enquanto isso uma atração entre Joe e Ella fica evidente e Leslie acaba percebendo. A tensão entre os três é agravada pelo pequeno espaço que há na barca.
Cain's Film
A film about Alexander Trocchi. Scottish born poet, writer, translator and author of "Young Adam" and "Cain's Book". Part of the film was made at the old Arts Laboratory and includes a discussion with William Burroughs. A portrait of Alexander Trocchi, covering his history as a writer, his interest in drugs, his family life, and ‘Sigma’, the organisation he founded to bring together like-minded people.
Wholly Communion
A short film documenting what was referred to as "The International Poetry Incarnation". It was billed as Great Britain's first full-scale "happening", with the world's leading Beat poets together under one roof at the Royal Albert Hall on June 11, 1965, for an evening of near-hallucinatory revelry. It came to be seen as one of the cultural high points of the Swinging Sixties.
Towers Open Fire
Antony Balch tackles key themes and ideas from the writing of William S. Burroughs in a unique, cinematic style.