Yvonne Martin


French film editor.


Les fleurs
Expansion attempted of documentary techniques.
El proceso
Un hombre se despierta por la mañana, y se encuentra con que la policía ha entrado en su habitación y lo arresta, tras acusarlo de haber cometido un crimen.
Gatti focuses on two men in a German concentration camp who have been cruelly penned inside an enclosure. One of the men, Karl (Herbert Wochinz), is a strong, bitter anti-Nazi German -- a target of the Gestapo. The SS wants information on a rumored organization of resistance fighters inside the prison and they know he has it. The other man, David (Jean Negroni) is a Jew. If one of the men dies within a certain time then the other will be released. He will not be killed. Otherwise, both will be executed. The resistance fighters in the prison try to help the two as best they can, while the pair inside the enclosure slowly come to know each other as though they were brothers.
The Battle of Austerlitz
En la batalla de Austerlitz (2-XII- 1805) Napoleón obtuvo una de sus más brillantes victorias contra las potencias absolutistas europeas. Más de tres décadas después de la publicación de su biografía sobre Napoleón, Abel Gance volvió a inspirarse en la figura de Bonaparte para dirigir esta épica y colosal reconstrucción de la batalla de Austerlitz (o de los Tres Emperadores), en la que Bonaparte derrotó a los austríacos y a los rusos. Fue producida por Alexander Salkind (Superman) y contó con un extenso reparto de estrellas internacionales.
The Night is a Witch
Short musical based upon a choreography by Pierre Lacotte.
The Great Deception
Burgundy 1728. Old count Antoine d'Eon is overjoyed. His daughter-in-law has finally given birth to a boy and he will at long last be able to transmit his inheritance to his son Pascal. At least this is what he thinks, for Pascal has concealed from his father the fact that his son was ... a daughter, his eighth daughter! Well, enough is enough and Geneviève has no other choice but become a boy first, then a soldier and even the special envoy of Louis XV, King of France, to Catherine II, the Czarina of Russia.
Venetian Honeymoon
There is a lot of excitement in the high society of Venice: An Arab prince, who always travels incognito, is said to be in the city. By chance, the elegant Isabella gets to know the handsome heir to the throne - and it does not take long for her to fall madly in love with him. Isabella has no idea that her dream man is really the impostor Gérard, who looks remarkably like the prince and was hounded by the sleazy crook Alfredo on Isabella to steal their precious jewelry.
La Garçonne
La Garçonne is a 1957 French film directed by Jacqueline Audry. It follows Monique, an ingenue and a clueless girl who believes in true love. When she discovers her future husband has a lover, she rebels against her bourgeois life:s he will lead a free and wild life and she will live like a man. Soon she becomes the toast of Gay Paris, sleeping with all the men around, and even with a woman.
Ballet terrain vague
Short film based upon a ballet by Yves Bonnat & Françoise Adret
During the First World War, the Empyrée Montmartre, a Paris music-hall, is dedicated to patriotic revues whose star is the charming Mitsou. The young artist is not without talent but she is mainly well-connected. She is indeed the cherished mistress of Pierre Duroy-Lelong, a rich industrialist. One night, thanks to Petite-Chose, an ebullient singer-dancer and her co-star, she gets to know a handsome army, Lieutenant Bleu. Mitsou falls madly in love with him and Lieutenant Bleu is physically attracted to her. The trouble is that Bleu comes from a distinguished family and cannot put up with her lack of culture and artistic bad taste...
Sofía y el crimen
Las aventuras de una joven periodista que se enamora de un hombre acusado del asesinato de su esposa.
The Blonde Gypsy
As in a Hollywood western, rice growers and bull cultivators come into conflict in the Camargue.
The Lovers of Midnight
Marcel, rich and alone for Christmas, invite Françoise to celebrate whim him. Soon, the fairy tale turns into a bad dream.
The Ironmaster
A young noblewoman regrets having to marry the village ironmaster for money reasons, but later comes to appreciate her new husband.
A drifting woman hangs out in the suburbs of Marseille. A young engineer picks her up drunk and takes her to the hospital. He does not know then that it is the Countess Armance de Lunegarde, driven from her home and performing as a gummy in third-rate music halls.
Los ángeles del pecado
Anne-Marie, una acaudalada joven, cree que ha encontrado su verdadera vocación al ingresar como novicia en un convento de monjas dominicas, que se dedica a la rehabilitación de mujeres delincuentes. La muchacha siente una extraña fascinación por Thérèse, acusada injustamente de homicidio, e intenta convencerla para que tome los hábitos y se arrepienta de sus pecados. Thérèse insiste en su inocencia, pero, cuando es puesta en libertad, asesina a balazos al autor del crimen por el que la encarcelaron y se refugia en el convento. Allí, no revela a nadie su secreto, mientras la investigación de la policía sigue su implacable curso.
Love Letters
A plucky businesswoman agrees to receive love letters to a prefect’s wife from a young official, and soon finds herself embroiled in a scandal that inflames a town’s class tensions.
Cap au large
Father Boquet, old and sad, hopes that François, his son, will be a fisherman like him. Alas, François follows his evil genius Simon to town and succumbs to the charms of the great Lisa. The wise village teacher sets out to find him when his father is ill, and brings François back in a violent storm. Love is on the way
The Four-Poster Bed
In his prison cell, the composer Remi Bonvent composed an opera, The columns bed. The director of the prison, Porey Cave, succeeds made believe he is the author of this work. The death of the two protagonists will prevent the discovery of the truth.
Stormy Waters
A married tugboat captain falls for a woman he rescues from a sinking ship.
The Emigrant
Fearing a gangster's vengeance,his moll sails away to South Africa ,where many emigrants intend to work in the mines there.
Personal Column
To try solving the strange disappearances of 11 young Parisian women, the police obtain the services of Adrienne Charpentier, friend of the latest missing person.
The mistress of an engineer meets the man's pregnant wife and decides to give up the liaison.