In December of 1925, renowned American dancer Isadora Duncan arrives at the Soviet-Latvian border, where she makes arrangements for her lover Yesenin to flee from the USSR. All he has to do is get on the train to Riga. The poet secretly travels from Moscow to snowy Leningrad, where he gets caught up in a crazy whirlwind of events. While trying to evade surveillance by secret services, he has a series of fateful encounters. He finds both solace and despair in the city’s criminal underground. Despite the many obstacles he faces along the way, he remains determined to reunite with Isadora.
Siglo XIII. Rusia está fragmentada y está a punto de caer de rodillas ante el Gran Khan Batu de la Horda de Oro del yugo mongol-tártaro. Los invasores no encuentran una seria resistencia, han quemado varias ciudades y han regado con sangre la tierra rusa. Pero surge un valiente guerrero que se atreve a desafiarlos, es un joven caballero de Riazán, Yevpatiy Kolovrat, quien junto a su escuadra de valientes, está dispuesto a vengar a su amada y a su país.
A group of friends suddenly hit jackpot in a state lottery so now they must decide how to spend the money. Unfortunately their wives don't really agree with all the plans.