Arthur J. Ornitz

Nacimiento : 1916-11-27, New York City, New York, USA

Muerte : 1985-07-10


Arthur J. Ornitz (November 28, 1916 – July 10, 1985) was an American cinematographer.


The Royal Romance of Charles and Diana
Director of Photography
The second Charles and Diana movie, with two virtual unknowns in the leads: Christopher Baines had acted on the British stage and on the BBC, but Catherine Oxenberg, a U.S.-born, British-raised professional model, here made her acting debut. Of particular interest was the casting of Dana Wynter as Queen Elizabeth, Stewart Granger as Prince Philip, Olivia de Havilland as the Queen Mother, and Ray Milland as a general factotum around the Palace.
Hanky Panky (Una fuga muy chiflada)
Director of Photography
Gene Wilder y Gilda Radner aúnan su vena cómica en este thriller romántico al estilo de Hitchcock. Michael Jordon, conoce a Kate Hellman, una mujer que busca a los asesinos de su hermano y juntos caen en un mundo de intriga, suspense y asesinatos.
Director of Photography
Karl Kinsky, an unbalanced tattoo artist, becomes obsessed with Maddy, a model he meets when he is hired to body-paint several women for a photo shoot, making the women look like they have large tattoos. As Kinsky grows more obsessed with Maddy, he becomes increasingly determined that Maddy should bear his "mark" -- forever.
Elegidos Del Gheto
Director of Photography
Nueva York durante la década de 1940. Sigue la historia de dos adolescentes decididos a seguir siendo amigos a pesar de las profundas diferencias entre las dos familias.
Había que sobrevivir
Director of Photography
Retrato de la vida, sentimientos y estados de ánimo de dos prisioneras en el campo de concentración de Auschwitz, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945): miedo, degradación, odio e incluso horror a seguir viviendo.
Hardhat & Legs
Director of Photography
A sex education teacher falls for a construction worker with a gambling problem.
Mayflower: The Pilgrims' Adventure
Director of Photography
In 1620, the Assembly of the Pilgrims decides to emigrate to the young America because of the persecution they suffer by the English crown. The film tells the adventurous journey of the Pilgrims to an unknown land and future.
Historia de Oliver
Director of Photography
Continuación de "Love Story" de Erich Segal. Oliver Barrett IV (Ryan O'Neal) y Marcie Bonwit (Candice Bergen), una mujer culta y recientemente divorciada, forman la pareja perfecta: los dos son ricos, atractivos, independientes y sensibles, aunque reacios a la hora de asumir un compromiso sentimental. Sin embargo, gracias a su relación con Marcie, Oliver recupera el interés por la vida y descubre la posibilidad de un nuevo amor.
Una mujer descasada
Director of Photography
A wealthy woman from Manhattan's Upper East Side struggles to deal with her new identity and her sexuality after her husband of 16 years leaves her for a younger woman.
Director of Photography
The story of American track sprinter Wilma Rudolph, who overcame physical handicaps to win three gold medals in the 1960 Olympics.
The Quinns
Director of Photography
A drama about three generations of Irish-American firefighters in the New York City Fire Department, and their careers, romances, and growing pains. This pilot film was not picked up to series.
Director of Photography
Martin and Sally Cramer grew up on the hardscrabble Lower East Side, where Sally still teaches; meanwhile, Martin's the head of a fancy private school. Romantic dalliances with others convince them that they're meant to be together despite their differences, a decision that's cemented, oddly enough, by an over-the-top argument that draws the police.
Próxima parada, Greenwich Village
Director of Photography
An aspiring Jewish actor moves out of his parents' Brooklyn apartment to seek his fortune in the bohemian life of Greenwich Village in 1953.
Forever Young, Forever Free
Director of Photography
"e’Lollipop" is the extraordinary story of two inseparable South African children, Tsepo and his orphaned friend Jannie. Jannie is sent to a missionary station in Tsepo’s village where they become best friends as Jannie finds his place in his new home. Life is full of childhood fun and antics until tragedy strikes: Jannie, now 10 years old, is seriously injured. In the face of much adversity, Tsepo and his community pull together so that Jannie can get specialised medical treatment. A daunting challenge lies ahead... At what cost will Jannie survive? Tsepo and Jannie’s inspirational story unfolds against the breathtaking backdrops of a dramatic African landscape and New York City in the mid-1970s. "e’Lollipop" is a life-changing story that reminds us of the true value of friendship, community, sacrifice and family - despite our color or creed.
Law and Disorder
Director of Photography
En la Nueva York acosada por el crimen de los años 70, dos policías se hartan y deciden tomarse la justicia por la mano.
El justiciero de la ciudad
Director of Photography
Tras sufrir una brutal agresión su mujer y su hija, Paul Kersey, un ciudadano normal de Nueva York, decide vengarse acosando a todos los delincuentes de la ciudad que actúan por la noche.
Director of Photography
Años 70. Relato biográfico sobre Frank Serpico, un policía íntegro, de principios incorruptibles que, a diferencia de sus colegas, nunca se dejó sobornar y, precisamente por ello, siempre tuvo problemas con sus compañeros de profesión y se vio expuesto a situaciones muy peligrosas.
Tras la huella del delito
Director of Photography
El policía Eddie Ryan está obsesionado con la muerte de un compañero suyo a manos de una banda de narcotraficantes. Sus métodos expeditivos y su eficaz lucha contra la criminalidad se pondrán ahora al servicio de un solo objetivo: la venganza
Black Snake
Director of Photography
A man searches for his brother on an island where a vicious woman keeps slaves on a plantation.
Honor Thy Father
Director of Photography
Joseph Bologna stars as Bill Bonanno in this made-for-television adaptation of the controversial bestseller from Gay Talese, chronicling the rise of New York's infamous Bonanno organized crime family. When his father disappears in 1964 and Bill is compelled to take over the "empire," other mafiosi attempt to take what's theirs. Brenda Vaccaro and Richard S. Castellano fill out the impressive cast of this gripping crime tale.
La posesión de Joel Delaney
Director of Photography
Las fuerzas del mal procedentes del demonio han poseído al joven Joel Delaney (Perry King), pero su hermana Norah Benson (Shirley MacLaine) luchara por salvar su alma. Este film es un thriller donde el terror gira alrededor de la ciencia oculta y el budu.
Así habla el amor
Director of Photography
Minnie Moore trabaja en un museo y vive con un hombre que la maltrata. Seymour Moskowitz es un viejo beatnick aparcacoches que no encuentra su lugar en el mundo. No tienen nada en común, excepto su soledad. Se conocen en un parking, cuando Moskowitz defiende a Minnie de la agresión de su acompañante. A pesar de sus diferencias y su amargura, descubren la gran necesidad que tienen el uno del otro.
Supergolpe en Manhattan
Director of Photography
Duke Anderson es un ladrón que acaba de cumplir una pena de diez años de cárcel. Se reúne con su antigua novia Ingrid en su apartamento para preparar el robo de un edificio entero. Lo que ignora es que, aunque no es objeto de vigilancia policial, todos sus movimientos están siendo grabados.
Sombras en la oscuridad
Director of Photography
La película narra la historia del vampiro Barnabas Collins, la posible cura que le ofrece la Dra. Julia Hoffman, y su búsqueda del amor en medio del horror.
Los chicos de la banda
Director of Photography
Adaptación de una exitosa obra de Mart Crowley. Nueve chicos se reúnen para una fiesta de cumpleaños; ocho de ellos se declaran abiertamente gays, y el noveno sostiene que no lo es. Primer film con homosexuales con final no trágico producido en Hollywood.
Change of Mind
Director of Photography
A white man's brain is transplanted into a black man's skull.
Me, Natalie
Director of Photography
Desde que era una niña, Natalie Miller siempre pensó que era un patito feo. A pesar de que su madre la animó a crecer para ser bonita, Natalie nunca creyó que sucedería. Alquila un apartamento en Greenwich Village a una casera excéntrica y consigue un trabajo en el Topless Bottom Club. Va en motocicleta al trabajo, decora su loft con una cabeza de alce y sube y baja en un montaplatos para llegar a su apartamento. Allí, Natalie conoce a David, un artista, y los dos tienen una historia de amor antes de que ella descubra que él está casado.
Director of Photography
Charly Gordon (Cliff Robertson) sufre un retraso mental, pero se somete a una delicada operación quirúrgica que elimina sus limitaciones. Convertido en un hombre normal, se enamora y vive feliz, pero llega un día en que los efectos de la operación empiezan a desaparecer.
The Tiger Makes Out
Director of Photography
During a typically disaster-filled day, Ben Harris, an angry and frustrated bachelor mailman living in a cluttered Greenwich Village basement, learns he has been paying rent to a woman who hasn't owned his building in 6 years. No longer able to endure the injustices of society, he decides to activate the ferocious tiger within himself by abducting a helpless female and dragging her back to his lair.
El payaso de la ciudad
Director of Photography
Cansado de convencionalismos y ataduras, Murray Burns, iconoclasta escritor, deja su empleo como guionista de un programa infantil y se refugia en su apartamento donde convive con su sobrino Nick, de nueve años. Hace siete que su hermana se marchó y dejó al niño con él. Sin oficio ni beneficio, los servicios sociales deciden encargarse de Nick y una pareja de asistentes sociales, Sandra y Albert, se personan en casa de Murray. Surge entre él y Sandra una especial relación. Albert, estricto profesional, aconseja a su compañera dejar el caso y prosigue con las diligencias para buscar otro hogar al niño. Sandra convencerá a Murray de que busque un empleo para conservar a su sobrino. (FILMAFFINITY)
Carol for Another Christmas
Director of Photography
Daniel Grudge, a wealthy industrialist and fierce isolationist long embittered by the loss of his son in World War II, is visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve who lead him to reconsider his attitude toward his fellow man.
El irresistible Henry Orient
Director of Photography
Dos colegialas, fascinadas por un concertista de piano, lo espían, lo siguen por todas partes y conspiran para introducirse en su vida en una desenfrenada y loca historia. Con Nueva York como telón de fondo, las precoces adolescentes harán todo lo posible por no perder de vista a su héroe, poniendo patas arriba la vida de Henry Orient.
Act One
Director of Photography
This autobiographical story traces the career of playwright Moss Hart. Moss struggles as a dramatic writer until he concentrates his efforts on writing comedy. He suffers through a series of professional and romantic failures before a meeting with George S. Kaufman which changes his fortunes.
Réquiem por un campeón
Director of Photography
Tras ser noqueado por Cassius Clay, a Mountain Rivera ya no le queda nada que hacer en un ring. Dada su edad y las lesiones sufridas a lo largo de su carrera, su entrenador le recomienda que busque un nuevo trabajo. Sin embargo, su representante necesita que vuelva a enfrentarse a Clay...
A young man is charged with statutory rape.
The Young Doctors
Director of Photography
An aging doctor's resentment of his young assistant could lead to tragedy.
Teenage Millionaire
Director of Photography
A teenager whose father is a millionaire radio station owner secretly records a song and plays it on one of his father's stations. It becomes a hit.
The Connection
Director of Photography
A title card announces that the film is a result of found footage assembled by cameraman J.J. Burden working for the acclaimed documentary filmmaker Jim Dunn, who has disappeared. Leach, a heroin addict, introduces the audience to his apartment where other heroin addicts, a mix of current and former jazz musicians, are waiting for Cowboy, their drug connection, to appear. Things go out of control as the men grow increasingly nervous and the cameraman keeps recording.
After Hours
Director of Photography
Documentary short showcasing the genius of jazz greats Coleman Hawkins, Roy Eldridge, Cozy Cole, and Milt Hinton, among others.
The Pusher
Director of Photography
A detective investigating the murder of a heroin addict discovers that there is a connection between the junkie and his fiance, who is his boss' daughter.
Kiss Her Goodbye
Director of Photography
In this tense psychological drama, an emotionally unstable young woman and her brother drift from town to town. When a sympathetic motel maid takes pity on the girl -- and becomes romantically involved with her brother -- it could inadvertently spell doom for all of them.
La Diosa
Director of Photography
Una muchacha de origen humilde sueña con triunfar en el mundo del cine. Está dispuesta a todo con tal de conseguir su objetivo: acostarse con productores y manipular a quien sea necesario. Pero, por ese camino, acaba recubriéndose de una coraza protectora que la priva de cualquier sentimiento.
Unknown Man's Story
Director of Photography
Erik Dahl escapes from prison where he is serving a sentence for smuggling. He seeks out his family, but the police have already been there, and he will have to flee. Erik alters their appearance and start a new life as fishmonger in a small town, but he plans to leave the country...
Řecké děti
Director of Photography
Power and the Land
Director of Photography
A documentary showing the struggle to bring electricity to rural areas of the United States.
Wanted - A Master
A dog living in a junkyard learns that all stray dogs will be exterminated by 3 o'clock that afternoon, so sets off to find a master before the deadline.