Arthur J. Ornitz
출생 : 1916-11-27, New York City, New York, USA
사망 : 1985-07-10
Arthur J. Ornitz (November 28, 1916 – July 10, 1985) was an American cinematographer.
Director of Photography
The second Charles and Diana movie, with two virtual unknowns in the leads: Christopher Baines had acted on the British stage and on the BBC, but Catherine Oxenberg, a U.S.-born, British-raised professional model, here made her acting debut. Of particular interest was the casting of Dana Wynter as Queen Elizabeth, Stewart Granger as Prince Philip, Olivia de Havilland as the Queen Mother, and Ray Milland as a general factotum around the Palace.
Director of Photography
The complete innocent, Michael Jordon, is drawn into a web of secrecy and government secrets when a girl carrying a mysterious package gets into a taxi with him. When she is later murdered, Michael is the chief suspect and on the run.
Director of Photography
Karl Kinsky, an unbalanced tattoo artist, becomes obsessed with Maddy, a model he meets when he is hired to body-paint several women for a photo shoot, making the women look like they have large tattoos. As Kinsky grows more obsessed with Maddy, he becomes increasingly determined that Maddy should bear his "mark" -- forever.
Director of Photography
In a 1940s New York, two Jewish teenage boys are determined to remain friends despite the deep differences between their two families.
Director of Photography
대량 학살을 하는 가스실을 보유한 아우슈비츠 수용소에서 살아남기 위해 노래하고 연주하며 혹독한 삶을 연장해 나가는 내용.
Director of Photography
A sex education teacher falls for a construction worker with a gambling problem.
Director of Photography
In 1620, the Assembly of the Pilgrims decides to emigrate to the young America because of the persecution they suffer by the English crown. The film tells the adventurous journey of the Pilgrims to an unknown land and future.
Director of Photography
사랑하는 여인 제니를 잃은지 벌써 1년반, 옛 사랑의 그림자를 지닌 채 생활을 하는 올리버(Oliver Barrett: 라이언 오닐 분)에게 제니와는 전혀 다른 세계의 여성이 다가온다. 그녀는 화려한 캐리어우먼으로 이지적이며 독립적인 성격을 소유했으며 또한 부유하고 아름답다. 올리버는 마시(Marcie Bonwit: 캔디스 버겐 분)와의 사랑으로 새로운 인생을 개척하면서 또다른 사랑의 가능성을 확인한다. 이 두사람은 누가 보아도 완벽한 조화를 이루는 썩 잘어올리는 연인이다.
Director of Photography
에리카(Erica Benton: 질 클레이버 분)는 자신의 결혼 생활이 성공적이고 행복하다고 자부하고 있는 삼십대 중반의 여성이다. 남편은 주식 중매인이고 자신은 화랑에서 일하며, 딸은 사립 고등학교에 다닌다. 전망 좋은 고층 아파트에서 전형적인 뉴욕의 중산층 가정을 이루고 평화로운 일상을 보내던 어느 날의 점심 때, 남편에게 사랑하는 여자가 있다는 고백을 듣는다. 갑자기 17년간의 결혼 생활이 끝나고 혼자가 된 에리카는 현실을 감당하기 어려워진다. 정신과 상담을 받거나 친한 친구들과 만나 수다를 떨며 위안을 얻으려 해보지만 그녀의 정신적인 공허함은 사라지지 않는다. 새로운 남자를 사귀어 보라는 정신과 상담의의 권유에 따라 화랑에서 일하면서 알게 된 남자와 즉흥적으로 밤을 보내 보지만, 사랑이 없는 섹스는 허전하다는 것을 깨닫게 된다. 그 때 그녀가 일하는 화랑에 한 영국인 화가가 찾아 오고 그녀는 서서히 그에게 끌리는 자신을 발견하는데...
Director of Photography
The story of American track sprinter Wilma Rudolph, who overcame physical handicaps to win three gold medals in the 1960 Olympics.
Director of Photography
A drama about three generations of Irish-American firefighters in the New York City Fire Department, and their careers, romances, and growing pains. This pilot film was not picked up to series.
Director of Photography
Martin and Sally Cramer grew up on the hardscrabble Lower East Side, where Sally still teaches; meanwhile, Martin's the head of a fancy private school. Romantic dalliances with others convince them that they're meant to be together despite their differences, a decision that's cemented, oddly enough, by an over-the-top argument that draws the police.
Director of Photography
An aspiring Jewish actor moves out of his parents' Brooklyn apartment to seek his fortune in the bohemian life of Greenwich Village in 1953.
Director of Photography
"e’Lollipop" is the extraordinary story of two inseparable South African children, Tsepo and his orphaned friend Jannie. Jannie is sent to a missionary station in Tsepo’s village where they become best friends as Jannie finds his place in his new home. Life is full of childhood fun and antics until tragedy strikes: Jannie, now 10 years old, is seriously injured. In the face of much adversity, Tsepo and his community pull together so that Jannie can get specialised medical treatment. A daunting challenge lies ahead... At what cost will Jannie survive? Tsepo and Jannie’s inspirational story unfolds against the breathtaking backdrops of a dramatic African landscape and New York City in the mid-1970s. "e’Lollipop" is a life-changing story that reminds us of the true value of friendship, community, sacrifice and family - despite our color or creed.
Director of Photography
In crime ridden New York of the seventies two cops has had enough. They decide to take justice into their own hands. Things turn exciting and humorous. No hoodlum goes safe.
Director of Photography
폴은 어느날 자신이 집을 비운 사이 침범한 흉악범들에게 아내와 딸을 잃고 만다. 평범한 시민이였던 그는 경찰과 법이 그에게 아무런 도움이 되지 않는다는 것을 깨닫고 스스로 도시의 악과 대결할 것을 결심하고 뉴욕의 흉악범들을 하나 둘 처치해 나간다. 법을 무시한 그의 행동에 골머리를 앓던 경찰은 폴에게서 무기를 압수하고 뉴욕에서 추방시키고 마는데....
Director of Photography
갓 부임한 신참 형사 프랭크 서피코(알 파치노)는 자신의 방식을 고수하겠다는 결심이 대단하다. 그의 방식이란 정직하게 일한다는 것과 자유롭게 복장을 입는 것이다. 서피코는 히피처럼 옷을 입고, 정성스럽게 턱수염을 기르고, 목에는 염주 목걸이를 주렁주렁 달고 다닌다. 동료 경찰들은 서피코는 괴짜로 취급하면서 공공연히 그를 따돌린다. 하지만 서피코는 누구보다도 청렴결백하고 경찰로서의 의무에 충실하다. 그러던 어느 날 편지로 알고 받은 봉투 속에 거액의 돈이 들어 있는 것을 보게 되는데 그것은 다름 아닌 뇌물이었다. 서피코는 이를 거절하지만 동료 경찰들의 비웃음 사고 경찰이 뇌물을 받는 게 아주 당연시 되어 있는 분위기에 경악케 된다. 상관을 찾아가 뇌물 수수의 부당함을 알리지만 무시만 당하자 서피코는 경찰 고위층을 찾아가 시정을 요구한다. 서피코의 정의의 폭로는 경찰 내부조사의 계기가 되지만 그는 요주의 인물이 되어 경계의 대상이 된다. 하지만 뿌리 깊은 경찰 부패의 고리는 쉽게 끊어지지 않고 서피코는 이에 실망해 뉴욕 타임즈 기자를 만나 경찰들의 부정행위를 고발한다. 여론은 들끓고, 경찰에서는 개혁의 조짐이 보이기 시작한다. 마약반으로 부서를 이동한 서피코는 의문의 총기 사고를 당한다.
Director of Photography
When his partner is killed, tough Irish detective Eddie Ryan vows to avenge the death, whatever the cost. As he begins unraveling clues, his behavior becomes so outrageous that he's obliged to turn in his badge, but the experience only emboldens him. Ryan eventually learns that his partner was caught up in a Puerto Rican gun-running scheme masterminded by a crook named Sweet Willie, who wants to foment revolutionary war.
Director of Photography
A man searches for his brother on an island where a vicious woman keeps slaves on a plantation.
Director of Photography
Joseph Bologna stars as Bill Bonanno in this made-for-television adaptation of the controversial bestseller from Gay Talese, chronicling the rise of New York's infamous Bonanno organized crime family. When his father disappears in 1964 and Bill is compelled to take over the "empire," other mafiosi attempt to take what's theirs. Brenda Vaccaro and Richard S. Castellano fill out the impressive cast of this gripping crime tale.
Director of Photography
Manhattan socialite begins to fear for her troubled younger brother when he starts behaving bizarrely and he seems to have been friends with a backstreet murderer.
Director of Photography
주차장서 일하는 노총각 모스코비치와 미술관서 일하는 노처녀 미니는 우연히 만나 첫눈에 반한다. 그러나 자존심 강하고 오랜세월 독신으로 살아온 미니는 직선적이고 질투심 많은 모스코비치를 받아들이지 못한다. 여기에 양가의 가족도 상대방을 탐탁지 않게 생각, 이들의 결합은 위기를 맞는다.
Director of Photography
10년의 형기를 마치고 출옥한 금고털이 전문가 앤더슨은 출소하자마자 또다른 계획을 추진한다. 조직의 재건을 위한 자금 마련을 위해 뉴욕동쪽의 호화 빌딩을 매입하려는 계획을 세운다. 앤더슨은 7명의 전문가들을 모아서 계획을 추진하는데 이들은 FBI 경찰 등 모든 수사기관의 감시망에 그들의 계획이 도청되고 있다는 것을 알지 못하고 있다. 하지만 이들은 이 상황을 역이용하는데.
Director of Photography
The story of vampire Barnabas Collins, the possible cure offered him by Dr. Julia Hoffman, and his search for love amidst the horror.
Director of Photography
A witty, perceptive and devastating look at the personal agendas and suppressed revelations swirling among a group of gay men in Manhattan. Harold is celebrating a birthday, and his friend Michael has drafted some other friends to help commemorate the event. As the evening progresses, the alcohol flows, the knives come out, and Michael's demand that the group participate in a devious telephone game, unleashing dormant and unspoken emotions.
Director of Photography
A white man's brain is transplanted into a black man's skull.
Director of Photography
한 젊은 여인이 독립을 위해 투쟁한다.
Director of Photography
정박아가 수술 실험의 대상이 되어 천재로 변했다가 다시 정박아로 되돌아간다는 내용의 매우 감동적인 작품. 영화의 원작인 다니엘 키이즈(Daniel Keyes)의 소설 '알제논에게 바치는 꽃다발(Flowers for Algernon)' 역시 미국의 교과서에도 실릴 정도로 수작이며 이웃 일본에서는 번역 소설 중에서 손꼽히는 스테디셀러이다. 주인공인 찰리 역을 열연한 클리프 로버트슨(Cliff Robertson)은 아카데미상 남우주연상을 수상하였다.
Director of Photography
During a typically disaster-filled day, Ben Harris, an angry and frustrated bachelor mailman living in a cluttered Greenwich Village basement, learns he has been paying rent to a woman who hasn't owned his building in 6 years. No longer able to endure the injustices of society, he decides to activate the ferocious tiger within himself by abducting a helpless female and dragging her back to his lair.
Director of Photography
Twelve-year-old Nick lives with his Uncle Murray, a Mr.Micawber-like Dickensian character who keeps hoping something won't turn up. What turns up is a social worker, who falls in love with Murray and a bit in love with Nick. As the child welfare people try to force Murray to become a conventional man (as the price they demand for allowing him to keep Nick), the nephew, who until now has gloried in his Uncle's iconoclastic approach to life, tries to play mediator. But when he succeeds, he is alarmed by the uncle's willingness to cave in to society in order to save the relationship.
Director of Photography
Daniel Grudge, a wealthy industrialist and fierce isolationist long embittered by the loss of his son in World War II, is visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve who lead him to reconsider his attitude toward his fellow man.
Director of Photography
뉴욕시, 젊은 친구 길과 발은 피아니스트 헨리 오리언트가 유부녀 스텔라를 유혹하기 위해 노력하는 동안 그를 따라 온 동네를 다니는데...
Director of Photography
This autobiographical story traces the career of playwright Moss Hart. Moss struggles as a dramatic writer until he concentrates his efforts on writing comedy. He suffers through a series of professional and romantic failures before a meeting with George S. Kaufman which changes his fortunes.
Director of Photography
Mountain Rivera is a veteran heavyweight and near-champion who suddenly finds himself washed up in the only trade he knows—prizefighting. Yet, threatened by gangsters for welshing on a gambling debt, Mountain’s opportunistic manager, Maish Rennick, schemes to get the ex-boxer into a phony wrestling match to make some quick money. Although he and his loyal trainer, Army, oppose the degrading proposition, the disillusioned Mountain begins to wonder if he has any options left.
A young man is charged with statutory rape.
Director of Photography
An aging doctor's resentment of his young assistant could lead to tragedy.
Director of Photography
A teenager whose father is a millionaire radio station owner secretly records a song and plays it on one of his father's stations. It becomes a hit.
Director of Photography
A title card announces that the film is a result of found footage assembled by cameraman J.J. Burden working for the acclaimed documentary filmmaker Jim Dunn, who has disappeared. Leach, a heroin addict, introduces the audience to his apartment where other heroin addicts, a mix of current and former jazz musicians, are waiting for Cowboy, their drug connection, to appear. Things go out of control as the men grow increasingly nervous and the cameraman keeps recording.
Director of Photography
Documentary short showcasing the genius of jazz greats Coleman Hawkins, Roy Eldridge, Cozy Cole, and Milt Hinton, among others.
Director of Photography
A detective investigating the murder of a heroin addict discovers that there is a connection between the junkie and his fiance, who is his boss' daughter.
Director of Photography
In this tense psychological drama, an emotionally unstable young woman and her brother drift from town to town. When a sympathetic motel maid takes pity on the girl -- and becomes romantically involved with her brother -- it could inadvertently spell doom for all of them.
Director of Photography
Booze, pills and loneliness mark a young actress' rise to stardom.
Director of Photography
Erik Dahl escapes from prison where he is serving a sentence for smuggling. He seeks out his family, but the police have already been there, and he will have to flee. Erik alters their appearance and start a new life as fishmonger in a small town, but he plans to leave the country...
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A documentary showing the struggle to bring electricity to rural areas of the United States.
A dog living in a junkyard learns that all stray dogs will be exterminated by 3 o'clock that afternoon, so sets off to find a master before the deadline.