Sarah Wilson

Sarah Wilson


Sarah Wilson (aka Sarah Ludington) was born and raised in Arizona in 1990. Following in the long line of iconic ancestors such as Sybil Ludington, at only 16 years old, a heroine of the American Revolutionary War who is famous for her night ride on April 26, 1777 to alert American colonial forces the approach of the British. As well as her Grandfather, Alan Ludington, an NBC producer of the iconic "Howdy Doody Show" and her grandmother who was the card holder and friend of get ready for it, "Princess summer-fall-winter-spring". Sarah, began her acting career at age 4 doing theatre working her way up the ladder and has been in several Hollywood films and magazines. Sarah is best known for her role in "Anthem" as Maddie, a young married woman with dilutions of grandeur. She continues her career by traveling back and forth from Los Angeles to Arizona.


Sarah Wilson


Battlefield 2025
Unos campistas de fin de semana, un convicto fugitivo, unos jóvenes amantes y un oficial de policía experimentan una noche de terror cuando un visitante hostil de otro mundo desciende a un pequeño pueblo de Arizona.
Girltrash: All Night Long
Sorority Girl (uncredited)
La historia de cinco mujeres y una noche épica. Las chicas van a encontrar el amor, la lujuria, rock and roll, y un montón de chicas de la hermandad.
Camp 139
A drug fueled camping trip goes to hell when a militant killing machine stalks four teens through the wilderness, luring them toward an abandoned Army hospital.
Piraña 2 3DD
Massacre victim (uncredited)
Hay algo en el agua. . . otra vez. Y esta vez nadie está a salvo de ser comido por un pescado, ya que hunden sus dientes afilados en los visitantes de la mejor atracción del verano, el parque acuático Big Wet. Un pueblo verá como las pirañas ya no sólo permanecerán en un lago sino que se abrirán paso a través de las tuberías llegando a hogares, piscinas e incluso a un parque acuático conocido como "Wilderness Waters" donde seguir con su orgía sangrienta. Secuela de "Piraña 3D" (Alexandre Aja, 2010).
A young writer and his attractive wife looking to climb the social ladder move to an affluent area outside of Scottsdale AZ. Little do they know... Once you say yes... it's hard to say no.
Piraña 3D
Spring Breaker (uncredited)
El lago Victoria (Arizona) es un lugar que se llena de gente joven durante las vacaciones de primavera. De repente, se producen una serie de temblores submarinos que liberan unos peces prehistóricos antropófagos. Todos deberán unir sus fuerzas para sobrevivir a estas criaturas. Remake del clásico de terror dirigido por Joe Dante