Sarah Wilson

Sarah Wilson


Sarah Wilson (aka Sarah Ludington) was born and raised in Arizona in 1990. Following in the long line of iconic ancestors such as Sybil Ludington, at only 16 years old, a heroine of the American Revolutionary War who is famous for her night ride on April 26, 1777 to alert American colonial forces the approach of the British. As well as her Grandfather, Alan Ludington, an NBC producer of the iconic "Howdy Doody Show" and her grandmother who was the card holder and friend of get ready for it, "Princess summer-fall-winter-spring". Sarah, began her acting career at age 4 doing theatre working her way up the ladder and has been in several Hollywood films and magazines. Sarah is best known for her role in "Anthem" as Maddie, a young married woman with dilutions of grandeur. She continues her career by traveling back and forth from Los Angeles to Arizona.


Sarah Wilson


Поле битвы 2025
Группа туристов, сбежавший заключённый, молодая парочка и офицер полиции пытаются спасти свои жизни. За ними охотится существо из другого мира, случайно оказавшееся поблизости от небольшого городка в Аризоне.
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