Christiane Lack


Charterston Township 1990. Professor Zamani is respected in the township. To be sure, he once raped one of his students but the community turned a blind eye. Zamani used to rail against the apartheid system but those days are long gone. Now he teaches South African history in the Afrikaner language and grudgingly organizes the picnic for National Day, which commemorates the Boers' massacre of the Zulu nation... When Zani, the rape victim's brother, returns from Swaziland where he won a place in school, he is determined to change everything. In the small hours, in the waiting room at Johannesburg station, he runs into Prof. Zamani, who's spent the night on the town. They travel back together to the harsh reality of the township. In due course, Zamani regains some of his pride and Zani, inevitably, loses some of his...under the gaze of the women, who never renounced their dignity.
Tree of Blood
Done in the style of an African folk tale, this film, a collaboration between European and African countries, is said to be among the most elaborate, high tech film in African film. Exquisitely photographed and filled with archetypal figures to create a poetic look at nature's revenge against those who would exploit her. It is set in the forest village of Amanha Lundju, a place where the birth of children is celebrated by the planting of a tree. The trees are considered spiritual twins. But for every tree planted, the rapacious state destroys many more for firewood and lumber.
Mecánicas celestes
Ana (Ariadna Gil) es una joven cantante lírica venezolana que sueña con ser cantante de ópera. Para cumplir este sueño, su primer paso es dejar plantado a su novio en el día de su boda. Con mucho entusiasmo, viaja a París para conseguir lo que desea. Una vez allí, cuatro jóvenes latinoamericanas la acogen en un pequeño ático de dos habitaciones, y vivirá varias experiencias que cambiarán su vida, conoce a unos personajes variopintos, entre ellos un brujo del Caribe y un camarero homosexual.
Black Light
When a man's best friend is shot in cold blood by two corrupt policemen, he must track down the only eyewitnesses, who have deported to Mali.
Firing Squad
Based on the controversial case of Pvt. Joseph Pringle, a Canadian soldier convicted of murder in Italy in 1945 and executed by firing squad.
Those Whom Death Refused
The story of a woman who searches through the country for her husband, a resistant, while the war for independence is raging. She finds him at last and saves his life. When peace finally arrives, they have to learn how to be together again and start living in a destroyed land.
The Mountains of the Moon
This visually striking drama is taken from the classic Japanese novel Tales Of Genji by Marasaki Shikibu. Set in modern Portugal, Joao (Luis Miguel Cintra) is a left-wing political leader and ladies man with a bright future. His ex-wife Isabel (Manuela de Freitas) both loves and hates him as Joao plays on her wavering emotional state. He is sent to Italy to retrieve wayward family member Antonia (Caroline Chaniolleau), the beautiful young woman with a terrorist boyfriend. Joao is forced to recognize his feelings as the political and amorous climate changes around him.
Scarlet Fever
En un lujoso piso de París, Roger, de diez años, vive rodeado de mujeres, su bisabuela, su abuela y su madre. Desea una presencia masculina, que se concreta en un hombre enamorado de su madre...
Tout le monde peut se tromper
A young woman, employed in a jewelry store, decides to take advantage of the heist she witnesses. She shoots down one of the burglars; the other will pursue her.
Everybody takes advantage of Fernand who has just come out of prison.
Everybody takes advantage of Fernand who has just come out of prison.
Lo importante es amar
Servais Mont es un fotógrafo freelance que trabaja para algunos gánsteres sacando fotos comprometedoras. Un día conoce a Nadine Chevalier, una actriz casada que se gana la vida actuando en cutres películas de bajo presupuesto.
La mansión bajo los árboles
Un experto en espionaje industrial retirado (Frank Langella), vive con su mujer (Faye Dunaway) e hijos en Paris, donde trabaja como experto en informática. Para obligarlo a volver a su anterior oficio, una poderosa organización secreta secuestra a sus hijos.
Santa Claus Has Blue Eyes
Daniel needs some money to buy a duffle coat that is in fashion, so he agrees to work for a photographer by dressing up as Santa Claus. He discovers that it is much easier to meet girls when he is in his costume.