Frank Reicher

Frank Reicher

Nacimiento : 1875-12-02, München, Germany

Muerte : 1965-01-19


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Frank Reicher (December 2, 1875 – January 19, 1965) was a German-born American stage and film actor, director and producer. He is best known for playing Captain Englehorn in the 1933 film King Kong. Reicher made his Broadway debut the year he came to America playing Lord Tarquin in Harrison Fiske's production of Becky Sharp, a comedy by Langdon Mitchell based on William Makepeace Thackeray’s Vanity Fair. His early career was spent in legitimate theater on and off Broadway. He was head of the Brooklyn Stock Company when Jacob P. Adler performed The Merchant of Venice in Yiddish while the rest of the cast remained in English. Reicher was for a number of years affiliated with the Little Theatre on West Forty-Fourth Street as an actor and manager and would remain active on Broadway as actor, director or producer well into the 1920s. On stage, Reicher starred in such plays as the first Broadway production of Georg Kaiser's From Morning to Midnight (as the cashier), and the original production of Percy MacKaye's The Scarecrow (in the title role). Frank Reicher is probably more familiar to modern audiences as a supporting character actor in films. He began his cinema career with an uncredited role in the 1915 film The Case for Becky and would go on to work in over two hundred motion pictures. He is probably best remembered for playing the character of Captain Englehorn in King Kong and The Son of Kong, and for his work in such films as The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1947) and Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950). His last Hollywood role was in the very first theatrical Superman movie, Superman and the Mole Men, in 1951. Frank Reicher died at a hospital in Inglewood, California, aged 89. He was survived by his sister and a brother. His interment was at Inglewood Park Cemetery.


Frank Reicher


Superman y los Hombres Topo
Hospital Superintendent
Los reporteros Clark Kent y Lois Lane llegan a la pequeña ciudad de Silsby para presenciar la perforación del pozo de petróleo más profundo del mundo. El taladro, sin embargo, ha penetrado en la casa subterránea de una raza de personas pequeñas y peludas que luego salen a la superficie por la noche para mirar a su alrededor. El hecho de que brillen en la oscuridad asusta a la gente de la ciudad, que forma una mafia, dirigida por el vicioso Luke Benson, decidido a matar a las personas extrañas. Solo Superman tiene la oportunidad de prevenir esta tragedia.
The Lady and the Bandit
Count Eckhardt
Highwayman Dick Turpin rides 200 miles to save his wife from the gallows in 18th-century England.
Corazón de hielo
Darius 'Doc' Green
Un psicópata, que se ha fugado de la cárcel donde cumplía cadena perpetua, trata de subsistir reanudando sus actividades delictivas. Para ello corromperá a personajes de las altas esferas…
Sansón y Dalila
Village Barber
Adaptación del famoso relato bíblico del forzudo Sansón y la bella Dalila, ambientado en la Palestina del año 1000 A.C.
Barbary Pirate
U.S. agent Major Tom Blake is sent to Tripoli to uncover who it is in Washington that is tipping off the pirates as to what's being shipped where. A fast-moving story with lots of sabers and rapiers.
I, Jane Doe
While stationed in France during World War II, an American fighter pilot marries a French girl but leaves her behind when he returns to the U.S. The French woman follows him to America only to discover he’s already married to a successful lawyer.
Carson City Raiders
Razor the Barber
Carson City Raiders is a western film directed by Yakima Canutt in 1948. Rocky Lane (Allan Lane) wants to help Nugget Clark (Eddy Waller) save his freight line. Meanwhile, Dave Starky (Harold Goodwin) is impersonating the outlaw Fargo Jack (Steve Darrell). But why? There's a lot of confusion in Carson City in this Western about hidden identities. Who is truly behind the gang of stagecoach robbers?
Joe Palooka in Fighting Mad
Dr. MacKenzie
Joe Palooka goes blind during a fight. An operation restores his vision, but he's told not to fight for a year. His trainer Knobby has picked up another fighter, but gangsters are pressing him to fix fights. Joe decides to risk his eyesight to save Knobby's honor.
Nunca huyas de mí
The Minister
Venecia 1900. Cuando Fenella se entera de que su prometido, el compositor Caryl Dubrok, está viviendo con Gemma, una madre soltera, rompe su compromiso. En un viaje a los Alpes conoce a otro compositor llamado Sebastian Dubrok; ignora que es el hermano de Caryl y el hombre con quien vive Gemma. Se enamora de él, pero no puede evitar que se case con Gemma. Al volver a Inglaterra, se compromete otra vez con Caryl, pero el ballet que le dedica Sebastian hará que no pueda olvidar su amor por él.
Monsieur Verdoux
Doctor (uncredited)
Basada en hechos reales, esta obra maestra del genio Chaplin cuenta la historia de Henri Verdoux, un hombre de doble vida. Por un lado es un respetable hombre casado padre de un hijo, pero por otro es un seductor que, bajo otra identidad, se dedica a casarse con viudas ricas a las que posteriormente asesina para quedarse con su fortuna.
La vida secreta de Walter Mitty
Walter Mitty, es un escritor soñador con una madre sobreprotectora, al que le gusta imaginar que es un héroe que vive fantásticas aventuras. Su sueño se convierte en realidad cuando conoce accidentalmente a una misteriosa mujer que le entrega un pequeño libro negro. Según ella, contiene las ubicaciones de las joyas de la corona holandesa, ocultas desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Pronto, Mitty se encuentra en medio de una conspiración, donde tendrá dificultades para diferenciar entre la realidad y la ficción.
Pop, apartment concierge
Magazine writer Ann Mason infiltrates the United Defenders, a public service organization which is actually a front for racketeers. But a case of amnesia threatens to blow her cover.
Yankee Fakir
H.W. Randall
A medicine show pitchman investigates a small town murder in Arizona.
Home in Oklahoma
Jason Cragmyle
In this Roy Rogers entry, featuring a song written by Oklahoma Governor Roy J. Turner (making him and Lousiania's Jimmie Davis and Texas' W.E. "Pappy" O'Daniel possibly the only state governors to write songs used in a western), Flying U ranch owner Sam Talbot is killed by a fall from a horse. St. Louis reporter Connie Edwards comes to check a rumor that he might have been murdered. She goes to Roy Rogers, editor of the local newspaper, and he takes her to the reading of Talbot's will. The ranch is left to Talbot's 12-year-old ward, Duke Lowery, much to the dismay of Talbot's niece, Jan Holloway. After some attempts on Duke's life, Roy finally proves that Jan, Steve McClory and coroner Jim Judnick had Talbot killed and are conspiring to do the same for Duke, making Jan the last heir.
Amor sublime
Dr. Chuter (uncredited)
Biografía sobre la enfermera Elisabeth Kenny, que consiguió notoriedad por sus revolucionarios tratamientos para la parálisis infantil tras su experiencia en los campos australianos con pacientes con polio.
La Sombra regresa
Michael Hasdon
The Shadow (Kane Richmond) resuelve un caso de joyas perdidas, asesinatos y plásticos.
A Guy Could Change
A playboy is reformed by his daughter and fiancee.
The Tiger Woman
Murder mystery programmer from Republic pictures
Voice of the Whistler
Dr. Rose (uncredited)
A dying millionaire marries his nurse for companionship, only to experience a miracle cure.
Phantoms, Inc.
Philip Kenneson, Sr.
This Crime Does Not Pay entry focuses on fake spiritualists. A mother is worried about her son, who is missing in action. Over time, she gives a con man all of the family savings to find reassurance that her son is all right. When she can no longer pay, events take a tragic turn.
Donde nacen los héroes
Father Bly (uncredited)
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En un pequeño pueblo del sur de California, un hombre de origen indio (Arturo de Cordova) trata de conquistar a una bella joven (Dorothy Lamour), pero a ella sólo parece interesarle su novio, que está combatiendo en el Pacífico.
Charlie Chan in The Jade Mask
The latest assignment for respected detective Charlie Chan has come directly from the government and involves the disappearance of a scientist named Harper, who was working on an extremely important serum. When the scientist is killed, Chan must sort through all very likely suspects, including the man's sister and his butler.
The Strange Mr. Gregory
William Riker, the Butler
The title character, played by Edmund Lowe, is a famous magician who fakes his own death -- then reappears as his nonexistent twin brother. It's all part of Gregory's master scheme to pin his "murder" on innocent John Randall (Don Douglas), the husband of Ellen (Jean Rogers), the woman Gregory loves.
The Big Bonanza
Dr. Ballou
Having been falsely court marshaled for cowardice and sentenced to prison by the Army, Jed Kilton escapes and heads to Nevada Springs to see his kid brother. There he meets his old school friend Sam Ballou. But the two old friends soon find themselves on opposite sides and Sam has Jed arrested. Then when Jed's young brother sees one of Sam's men kill another man, the boy becomes Sam's intended victim.
La zíngara y los monstruos (La mansión de Frankenstein)
Frederick Ullman (uncredited)
El científico trastornado Gistar Niemann (Boris Karloff) escapa de prisión y se convierte en el director de un macabro viaje a través de la cámara de los horrores. Retirando la estaca en el pecho de un esqueleto, resucitará al famoso Conde Drácula (John Carradine), y le enviará a matar al responsable de sus años de presidio. Además, encontrará congelados al Monstruo Frankenstein (Glenn Strange) y al Hombre Lobo (Lon Chaney Jr.), enterrados bajo las ruinas del conocido laboratorio del Doctor Frankenstein. Cuando les devuelve a la vida, el monstruo se volverá incontrolable.
The conspirators
Casino Attendant (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundiial (1939-1945), el holandés Vincent Van Der Lyn, se ve obligado a huir a la neutral Lisboa para escapar de los nazis. Allí conoce a un pequeño grupo de conspiradores, cuyo líder Ricardo Quintanilla, que sabe que entre ellos hay un espía de los nazis, pide ayuda a Van Der Lyn para identificar al traidor.
El fantasma de la momia
Prof. Matthew Norman
La Momia busca por todas partes la última reencarnación de su amada, la princesa Ananka. Mientras tanto, el Sumo Sacerdote de la Secta instruye a uno de sus acólitos sobre la manera de resucitar a la Momia hirviendo unas hierbas milenarias.
Domicilio desconocido
Professor Schmidt
Un empresario artístico regresa a su Alemania natal para una visita y allí quedará sorprendido por la propaganda nazi.
Gildersleeve's Ghost
Dr. Wells
Gildersleeve, running for office, is aided by two ghosts and hindered by a mad scientist and an invisible woman.
Capitán América
Una serie de misteriosos asesinatos llama la atención del Presidente de Estados Unidos, que entrena a Grant Gardner para convertirlo en un superhéroe. El Dr. Clinton Lyman le confía a Cyrus Maldor sus planes y que él es el responsable de los asesinatos. Maldor avisa a la policía pero Lyman activa el Vibrador Dinámico y convierte a Maldor en el malvado Escarabajo. El Escarabajo huye del laboratorio y empieza a hacer el mal. Grant Gardner, ahora convertido en el Capitán América, va a derrotarlo.
Linden, Sr.
The owner of an Illinois coal mine struggles to keep his business in operation, all the while unaware that among his employees is a saboteur planning destruction and chaos.
Bomber's Moon
Dr. Hartman
An American pilot swears to get revenge on the German ace who shot his brother in this war movie set in war-torn Europe. Montgomery is the pilot. After he sees his brother die while trying to parachute to safety, Montgomery's plane is shot down over Germany. He is placed in a POW camp. There he meets a Russian medic and a Czech. Together the trio escapes.
Background to Danger
Rudick - the Assasin
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Aunque Turquía permanece neutral, Ankara es una ciudad llena de espías e intrigas. Los alemanes planean filtrar mapas falsos que prueben que los rusos están a punto de invadir el país. El americano Joe Barton está involucrado en esta intriga junto a dos agentes: Zaloshoff y su hermana, que quizá sean rusos. Lo que es seguro es que el odioso Coronel Robinson es un nazi.
Bajo sospecha
Colonel Gerold (Uncredited)
En 1939, Richard Myles (Fred MacMurray), un profesor estadounidense que enseña en Oxford, y su nueva esposa Frances (Joan Crawford) se encuentran de luna de miel por Europa. Antes de salir de viaje, el servicio secreto británico le encarga a Myles que lleve a cabo una misión en Alemania. Al principio, tanto a Myles como a su esposa les divierte su papel de espías; pero poco a poco las cosas se irán complicando.
Misión en Moscú
General von Koestrich - German ambassador (uncredited)
El empresario Joseph E. Davies es nombrado por el presidente Roosevelt embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Soviética para que averigüe cuáles son las intenciones de este país respecto a la inminente Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). El embajador se llevará algunas sorpresas en una nación que pocos conocen realmente.
Plan for Destruction
Karl Ernst Haushofer
Plan for Destruction is a 1943 American short propaganda film directed by Edward Cahn. It looks at the Geopolitik ideas of the ex-World War I professor, General Karl Haushofer, who is portrayed as the head of a huge organization for gathering information of strategic value and the mastermind behind Adolf Hitler's wars and plans to enslave the world. The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.
La tumba de la momia
Professor Matthew Norman
Un fanático instruido por un adorador egipcio utiliza el secreto para revivir a la momia para que cumplimente su venganza.
Night Monster
Dr. Timmons
Kurt Ingston, a rich recluse, invites the doctors who left him a hopeless cripple to his desolate mansion in the swamps as one by one they meet horrible deaths.
Scattergood Survives a Murder
Thaddeus Quentin
Rural sage Scattergood Baines (Guy Kibbee) shows big-city newsman how to solve a mystery.
Secret Enemies
Henry Bremmer
FBI agents Carl Becker and John Trent raid a New York hotel, sending Nazi spies to an upstate hunting lodge.
The Gay Sisters
Dr. Thomas Bigelow
The eldest (Barbara Stanwyck) of three sisters protects their Fifth Avenue mansion from a developer (George Brent) she once married.
Horizontes salvajes
Una mujer que ha permanecido en una isla desierta desde que sus padres fueran asesinados por una manada de furiosos elefantes, es rescatada y llevada de nuevo a San Francisco, donde tiene que reclamar su herencia.
The Mystery of Marie Roget
A detective investigates the mysterious death of a young actress.
Ser o no ser
Polish Official (uncredited)
Las tropas de Hitler invaden Varsovia. En la ciudad, una compañía de teatro que iba a representar una obra, se ve obligada a sustituirla por Hamlet. Mientras, la esposa del actor principal empieza a flirtear con un apuesto oficial.
Nazi Agent
Humble stamp dealer Otto Becker has little to do with international politics, so when he receives a surprise visit from his estranged twin brother and Nazi spy, Baron Hugo von Detner, his world is thrown into turmoil. Threatening Becker with deportation, Hugo forces him to use his shop as a front for espionage.
Dangerously They Live
Jarvis, Goodwin's Butler
A doctor tries to rescue a young innocent from Nazi agents.
One Foot in Heaven
Board Member (uncredited)
Episodic look at the life of a minister and his family as they move from one parish to another.
Professor Baumer
Un joven se siente especialmente atraído por la parafernalia exhibida por el Partido Nazi, siendo un ferviente admirador de las políticas expansionistas de Hitler. Sin embargo, cuando sus amigos comienzan a ser asesinados por la Gestapo, el muchacho cambia de parecer y decide ayudar a la resistencia alemana a acabar con la tiranía del Führer.
Shining Victory
Dr. Esterhazy
In a Scottish sanitarium, a brilliant research psychiatrist works on a treatment for dementia praecox. He falls for his altruistic female lab assistant and they begin a passionate, tragic relationship.
The Nurse's Secret
Wiley Henderson
An apparent suicide by a rich woman leads her nurse and a policeman to an insurance scam.
They Dare Not Love
Durante la huida que emprende un grupo de personas tras la invasión de las tropas alemanas, el príncipe austriaco Kurt von Rotenberg se enamora de Marta Keller. Al ser descubiertos por los nazis en Checoslovaquia, Von Rotenberg decide entregarse a cambio de que liberen a cuatro detenidos, entre ellos el novio de Marta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Flight from Destiny
Edvaard Kreindling
After his doctor informs him he will die in six months, Professor Henry Todhunter decides to spend his last days killing someone who contributes nothing but harm to society. When Henry learns that his friend Betty's husband, Michael, has been painting forgeries of ancient paintings for gallery owner Ketti Moret, he investigates the fraudulent dealer's life. Judging that Ketti is truly evil, Henry prepares to murder her.
Four Mothers
Festival Committee Member (uncredited)
Four married sisters face motherhood, financial, marital and family issues together.
Sky Murder
Dr. Crattan
This final Carter film is a lot of fun, with Nick (unwillingly, at first) taking on a ring of Fifth Columnists (since this was filmed before the US entered the war, we're not told the villains are Nazis, but it's pretty clear anyway). Of course, the helpful and persistent Bartholomew is at his side--much to Nick's irritation. To further complicate things--and to make them still funnier--Joyce Compton is along for the ride too, as a delightfully brainless "detective" named Christine Cross.
The Man I Married
An American vacations in Europe with her husband and watches him turn into a Nazi.
La dama en cuestión
Natalie (Rita Hayworth) es acusada de asesinato. André (Brian Aherne), uno de los miembros del jurado, está tan seguro de su inocencia que logra convencer a sus compañeros para que la declaren inocente. Además, compadecido de ella, le ofrece trabajo en su tienda de bicicletas. Por su parte, Pierre (Glenn Ford), el hijo de André, se enamora de Natalie, aunque cree que su padre tiene un lío con ella.
South to Karanga
Dr. Greenleaf
Passengers bound to an African copper mine at Karanga to quell a native uprising encounter murder and intrigue on the way.
El cielo y tú
Police Official (uncredited)
París, 1840. Una institutriz mantiene una escandalosa relación con un noble. Cuando la mujer de él aparece muerta, ambos se convierten en los principales sospechosos.
Dos hombres que buscan perlas en una isla, quedan atrapados con su equipo. Allí conocerán a una hermosa joven que estaba abandonada en el lugar desde que su barco naufragó cuando era una niña. Los marineros tendrán que luchar contra los disgustados habitantes de la isla a la vez que azota un tifón de proporciones catastróficas.
Doctor Cíclope
Prof. Kendall
Alertados por ciertos rumores procedentes de la jungla amazónica, un grupo de científicos y exploradores parte hacia la selva en busca de un compañero investigador que se hallaba realizando ciertos experimentos extraños en compañía de otro erudito. Una vez allí, descubrirán que el lugar está dominado por el malvado doctor Cyclops y su capacidad de reducir de tamaño todo ser vivo...
La bala mágica
Old Man
True story of the doctor who considered it was not immoral to search for a drug that would cure syphillis.
Everything Happens at Night
Two reporters compete to discover a scientist living in hiding and win his daughter.
South of the Border
Don Diego Mendoza
A federal agent and his partner hang out in Mexico to check a revolution.
Soviet Lawyer (uncredited)
Los camaradas Iranoff, Buljanoff y Kopalski han sido enviados a París para obtener dinero para el Gobierno ruso mediante la venta de las joyas confiscadas a la gran duquesa Swana, que vive en la capital francesa. Los tres camaradas se instalan en un hotel de lujo mientras los tribunales franceses deciden quién es el verdadero propietario de las joyas. El Gobierno ruso envía a Nina 'Ninotchka' Ivanovna Yakushova a arreglar las cosas.
The night before his grandson, Tommy Grayson, a mechanic at the Midland Aircraft Corporation, is to marry Gail, a former showgirl, Major Matt Grayson, a war veteran and watchman at the plant, catches two men breaking into the machine shop. The men run, but the major shoots one of them.....
The Escape
Dr. Shumaker
An embittered Louie Peronni returns from prison to find that his sister, Juli Peronni, is engaged to policeman Eddie Farrell, and also finds that his secret wife Annie Qualen has placed their baby girl in a foundling home. With his old gang again, Louie plans a robbery of a fur warehouse. Louie shoots down the night watchman and is trailed home where his father Guiseppe Peronni persuades him not to fight it out with the police. Determined to let Louie take the full rap, the gang kidnaps the district attorney's daughter.
Nurse Edith Cavell
Baron von Bissing
British nurse Edith Cavell is stationed at a hospital in Brussels during World War I. When the son of a former patient escapes from a German prisoner-of-war camp, she helps him flee to Holland. Outraged at the number of soldiers detained in the camps, Edith, along with a group of sympathizers, devises a plan to help the prisoners escape. As the group works to free the soldiers, Edith must keep her activities secret from the Germans
The Magnificent Fraud
Mendietta Garcia
A Chicago con man pays an actor to pose as a slain South American dictator.
Duc de Morny (uncredited)
La lucha de Juárez contra Maximiliano I de Habsburgo, emperador de México por voluntad del emperador Napoleón III.
Sons of Liberty
Lyons the Storekeeper (uncredited)
Set during the American Revolution, this colorful 2 reel short tells the story of Haym Salomon, American patriot and financier of the American Revolution.
Mystery of the White Room
Dr. Amos Thornton
A doctor and nurse solve an operating-room murder.
Never Say Die
Man in Charge of Duel
John, un joven e hipocondríaco multimillonario, se halla en un balneario de los Alpes cuando su médico le dice que sólo le quedan 30 días de vida. Deseando librarse del acoso de una viuda sin escrúpulos, John acuerda una boda express y de conveniencia con Mickey, una muchacha tejana que tiene novio pero cuyo padre quiere enlazar con un príncipe local corrupto y arruinado.
Society Smugglers
The Treasury Department plants a female agent in the office of a luggage company that is suspected of smuggling diamonds.
Woman Doctor
Dr. Mathews
Woman Doctor is a 1939 American drama film
Devil's Island
President of Assize Court
A French doctor sentenced for treason performs brain surgery on the prison commandant's daughter.
The Girl Downstairs
Police Official (uncredited)
A wealthy playboy surreptitiously romances a scullery maid to gain access to her mistress with whom he is in love, but doesn't count on the maid falling in love with him.
Torchy Gets Her Man
The Professor - Henchman
A notorious counterfeiter passes himself off as a Secret Service agent to Steve and gets him to unwittingly help him bilk the racetrack out of tens of thousands.
General Changarnier
Ferdinand de Lesseps fue un joven aristócrata e ingeniero francés que proyectó la construcción del Canal de Suez (inaugurado en 1869), pero tuvo que afrontar numerosos problemas para llevar a cabo su proyecto.
I'll Give a Million
Prefect of Police
After saving a tramp from suicide, a millionaire takes his clothing and disappears. Word is out that he will give a million dollars to anyone who is kind to a tramp.
El sorprendente Dr. Clitterhouse
Professor O.J. Ludwig (uncredited)
El eminente doctor Clitterhouse (Edward G. Robinson) llega más lejos que todos sus colegas en su afán por desentrañar el misterio que hace que un hombre se convierta en un delincuente. Propulsor de un particular método y, convencido de que él es el mejor sujeto de experimentación, decide llevar a cabo una extraña prueba que le permita concluir si el hombre cae en el delito por necesidad o por la sublimación de los sentidos.
City Streets
Dr. Ferenc Waller
When her mother dies, wheel-chair bound Winnie Brady is taken in by shopkeeper and neighbor "Uncle" Joe Carmine. Joe convinces Father Ryan to let him informally adopt her. Joe and Winnie live together with Tommy Devlin and his grandmother, Mrs. Devlin, and a dog Winnie names Muriel. Joe sells his shop to pay for an unsuccessful operation on Winnie's legs. This bankrupts Carmine, who then earns a meager living selling fruits and vegetables on the streets. Winnie is sent to live in an orphanage, and Carmine is discouraged from continuing his relationship with her. Carmine is so distraught by grief that he slowly begins to die. Winnie is brought to him by Father Ryan, and she finds the strength to stand and walk to his bedside and sings his favorite song, "Santa Maria." Later, after Winnie has acquired full use of her legs, Joe, in his new catering truck, takes the children on a picnic in the country.
Dr. C.M. Garvey
A Gypsy band takes lots of stuff but always in a good cause. Led by Jane Withers, they pick up a socialite (Hundson) who has amnesia. She works as a fortune teller and raises enough money for an operation to regain her memory.
Prison Nurse
Doctor Hartman
A state prison is threatened by approaching floods, an epidemic of typhoid fever breaks out among the inmates, the prison's only doctor falls sick, there are only three nurses to administer vaccines and take care of stricken patients--and a group of prisoners is planning to use the chaos as a cover for a mass escape.
Prescription for Romance
In this romance, a detective teams up with a count and travels to Budapest in search of an embezzler. While there, the two get involved with a female physician in whose house the criminal is concealed (the doctor doesn't know this). Soon the detective and the doctor are involved.
Beg, Borrow or Steal
Monsieur Debillon (uncredited)
We find con-man Ingraham Steward living by his wits by steering wealthy Paris visitors to sellers of fake paintings and other assorted dodges. He and his wife, Agatha, have been separated for 15 years, but he promises to give their daughter, Joyce, a lavish wedding at his "château" in France. The fact that he doesn't have a château in France is just a minor trifle. He induces the caretaker, Bill Cherau, of a large country estate to allow it to be used for the wedding. The wedding party arrives and Bill falls madly in love with Joyce and she with him, but a gal has gotta do what a gal has gotta do, and her intended marriage to stuffed-shirt Horace Miller stays on the books. But Steward has a change of heart and he tells one and all that he and his friends, Von Gersdorff, Lefevre, Iznamof, Clifton Summitt and Sasch, are all frauds and crooks. Horace and his family stalk out, which is just fine with Joyce as her true love, the caretaker, is waiting on the grounds.
Damas del teatro
Stage Director
Un grupo de chicas, unidas por el mismo deseo de triunfar en el teatro, conviven en una residencia regentada por antiguas actrices, las cuales muestran su entusiasmo y envidia al mismo tiempo ante el futuro que espera a sus pupilas. Algunas logran alcanzar el éxito, pero otras no tendrán más remedio que olvidar sus sueños y volver al pueblo del que partieron un día.
Fit for a King
Newspaper reporter "Scoops" is sent out on assignment, to investigate the failed assassination attempts on Archduke Julio. Trying to get the story, he runs into Jane Hamilton who is really Princess Helen. He doesn't realize that she is the story: a princess in exile, in danger of assassination; and, falling in love with "Scoops", while engaged to a prince.
West Bound Limited
Pop Martin
Talbot works as a dispatcher at a small rural railway station. One rainy night, shortly after a company payroll has arrived at the station, a masked criminal arrives to steal it. Talbot intercepts the villain's plan and a struggle ensues. He manages to fight off the masked man and save the payroll. But during the fight he is away from his station and misses a call to change the tracks for an oncoming train. This causes a terrible train crash resulting in many lost lives.
El secreto del candelabro
Un agente secreto polaco y una agente secreta rusa se infiltran en la Nobleza mientras llevan a cabo sus planes. Pero tras conocerse, se acabarán enamorando.
Midnight Madonna
Vincent Long II
A habitual gambler comes to the aid of a desperate woman after her daughter inherits a fortune and is underhandedly taken by her estranged father.
The Road Back
Ernst's Father
After the First World War a group of German soldiers try to readjust to civilian life. A sequel to 'All Quiet on the Western Front'.
Night Key
Carl - gang engineer
The inventor of a new top-of-the-line burglar alarm system is kidnapped by a gang in order to get him to help them commit robberies.
Von Cram
Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.
The Great O'Malley
Dr. Larson
El oficial O'Malley detiene a John Phillips por una infracción de tráfico, perdiendo así la posibilidad de conseguir un buen trabajo. Dado que Phillips tiene una esposa y una hija lisiada, decide cometer un robo desesperado...
Stolen Holiday
A young model is set up with her own fashion business by a crooked financier, who sells worthless bonds.
Man Of The People
An Italian immigrant studying the law gets mixed up with crooks.
The Mighty Treve
Eben McClelland
Story of a dog that is fanatically devoted to its master.
Under Cover of Night
Rudolph Brehmer
A detective (Edmund Lowe) trails a professor (Henry Daniell) who stole credit for his wife's research, then killed her.
La dama de las camelias
Creditor Agent (uncredited)
La vida en Paris en 1847 es tan animada como el champagne y tan implacable como la siguiente mañana gris. En la guarida del juego y las veladas lujosas, hombres mezquinos ejercen su voluntad y las mujeres se convierten en cortesanas regocijándose de placer.
Sinner Take All
Theo Drukker (uncredited)
A young lawyer is determined to identify who is murdering members of a wealthy New York publishing family.
Laughing at Trouble
Dr. Larson
A man convicted of murder escapes from jail and hides out in the home of a small town newspaper publisher who has befriended him. She knows who the real killer is.
Along Came Love
Planetarium Lecturer
The shop girl Emmy Grant meets the handsome doorman John Patrick O'Ryan outside of a theater and she is convinced that he is her true love. O'Ryan is a zealous medical student, soon to be a pediatrician, and is oblivious to Emmy's frantic attempts to gain his attention. O'Ryan is totally focused on babies. Undaunted, she 'borrows' a baby and a buggy, determined to catch O'Ryan.
El caballero Adverse
Coachman to Paris
Anthony Adverse, un niño huérfano que crece en un convento, se enamora de la hija del cocinero. Pero el muchacho se verá envuelto en un sinfín de aventuras que lo llevarán de Cuba a África y después a París. Allí encontrará a su amada convertida en una estrella de la ópera; él, por su parte, llegará a descubrir los secretos que oculta su pasado.
Star for a Night
Doctor Heimkin
Blind Mrs. Lind comes to American to visit her three children whom she thinks are successful.
La espléndida descarada
Commander of U.S.S. Constitution (uncredited)
Un senador rechaza a Peggy O'Neal, y ella, despechada, decide casarse con un teniente. Muerto éste en combate, se casa con un miembro del Gobierno, pasando así a formar parte de la alta sociedad. Pero esto no impide que se deje seducir por un joven, dando lugar a toda clase de habladurías en los círculos de Washington.
Second Wife
Kenneth discovers that his son by his first wife is ill in a remote Swiss village, and is forced to leave Wife Number Two alone during childbirth.
Aula de señoritas
Dr. Hoffenreich
Cuando una maestra de entrometidos en una escuela de niñas encuentra una carta de amor de un estudiante a un hombre desconocido, un escándalo menor estalla. Supuso el primer papel de cierta enjundia para Tyrone Power, que se labraría una extensa filmografía en la Fox.
Muñecos infernales
Doctor (uncredited)
Un preso condenado injustamente se escapa del penal de la Isla del Diablo. Para evitar ser descubierto, se disfraza de anciana y lleva consigo una extraña pócima que tiene el poder de reducir el tamaño y la inteligencia de los seres humanos. A continuación, se esconde en un laboratorio para planear su venganza contra los que lo enviaron a prisión.
Bajo dos banderas
French General
Melodrama de aventuras que manejaba los tópicos de la mitología sobre la Legión Francesa.
Mi Ex, Mi Mujer y Yo
Henry Strand (uncredited)
A doctor is driven into an investigation of sinister goings-on at a race track by his mystery writer ex-wife.
Till We Meet Again
Colonel Von Diegel
In London, August 1914, Austrian star Elsa Duranyi (Gertrude Michael) and English matinee idol Alan Barclay (Herbert Marshall) are in love and plan an immediate marriage. But the War comes and Elsa mysteriously disappears. Alan's ease in speaking German results in his appointment to the British Intelligence and, to aid his use as a spy, they announce he was killed in action. He takes the name and personality of "shell-shocked" Hans Teller, a German prisoner, and is sent into Germany on an exchange of prisoners.
The Country Doctor
Dr. Paul Luke
A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.
Sutter's Gold
Governor Felipe Vega
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
La tragedia de Louis Pasteur
Dr. Pfeiffer
Tragedia que depende de la incomprensión, de la incultura, de la injusticia y de la ingratitud, magnificadas en un hombre para el que su bandera era la ciencia y de su aplicación dependía el bien de la Humanidad. Está estructurada en tres partes marcadas por acontecimientos relacionados con los estudios de Pasteur en el campo de la Microbiología y las enfermedades infecciosas: teoría microbiana de la enfermedad, mantenida a lo largo de la película y eje vertebrador de la trama, estudios sobre el carbunco e investigaciones sobre la rabia. (FILMAFFINITY)
El poder invisible
Professor Meiklejohn
Un científico está realizando unos experimentos para conseguir un nuevo rayo láser con el que ayudar a la humanidad, pero para ello necesita un elemento llamado Radium X. En su búsqueda viaja África con su esposa, pero las radiaciones que recibe van cambiando poco a poco su carácter.
The Murder of Dr. Harrigan
Dr. Coate
A young doctor is determined to expose the killer when a surgeon is found stabbed to death in a hospital elevator.
Sublime obsesión
Dr. Rochard
El filántrópico doctor Hudson muere ahogado, pues la bombona de oxígeno que podría haberle salvado la vida se utilizó en beneficio del joven Robert Merrick (Robert Taylor), un frívolo heredero. Éste inmediatamente se da cuenta del rechazo que inpira a los demás, sobre todo, a Helen (Irene Dunne), la viuda del doctor, de la que se ha enamorado. Para conquistarla, decide convertirse en un filántropo anónimo como Hudson. Sin embargo, cuando Helen se queda ciega en un accidente, todos lo culpan a él. Robert decide entonces, oculto bajo una identidad falsa, llegar a ser un gran médico para poder devolverle la vista.
The Great Impersonation
Dr. Trenk
The second of the three film versions of the E. Phillips Oppenheim espionage thriller set largely in an old dark house where a tremulous wife wonders if her husband is really his double, a dastardly German spy.
Kind Lady
Gustave Roubet (as Frank Reigher)
Mary, a woman with good intentions, takes pity on Henry, an artist with no home. What begins as a simple offer to come inside from the cold for tea gradually turns into more. Before the unsuspecting woman knows it, Henry, his family, and his friends con their way into her home. Eventually, Mary creates a ruse to rid herself of the parasites, but they have a different plan.
The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo
2nd Assistant Director
A Russian prince goes to Monte Carlo just after World War I with money supplied to him by Parisian Russians. He wins but the casino operators want him to honor the tradition of returning to the tables.
Dr. R.A. Jackson
A decoding expert tangles with enemy spies.
Charlie Chan en Egipto
Dr. Jaipur
Charlie Chan (Warren Oland) va a la tierra de las pirámides para investigar el crimen de un arqueólogo momificado.
Star of Midnight
Abe Ohlman (uncredited)
When a dancer disappears from a theater, Clay Dalzell is asked to investigate, leading him on a trail of murder and deception.
The Florentine Dagger
Von Stein
A playwright descended from the Borgias family becomes a murder suspect.
A Dog of Flanders
Herr Vanderkloot
Adaptation of Ouida's sentimental classic about a poor Flemish boy (Frankie Thomas) whose ambition is to become a painter.
Life Returns
Dr. James
A doctor who has spent his career working on ways to revive the dead sees his chance to prove his theory by performing his procedures on a recently deceased dog.
Mills of the Gods
Fay Wray plays Jean Hastings, the wealthy and spoiled scion of a factory-owning family led by her irrepressible grandmother. Sparks fly when Jean meets Jim Devlin, the labor leader who’s spearheading a tense worker’s strike against the factory. After circumstances force Jean and Jim to spend a night together in his cabin, she begins questioning her family’s ruthless tactics. This hard-to-see Columbia film by British director Roy William Neill not only features Wray as a brunette but also includes an explosive depiction of labor strife. (Block Cinema)
Secret of the Chateau
Murder results when a group of houseguests converge on a chateau, each plotting to steal a valuable Gutenberg Bible.
I Am a Thief
Max Bolen
A man dodges jewel thieves while carrying a fortune in diamonds on the Orient Express.
The Case of the Howling Dog
Dr. Carl Cooper
A very nervous man named Cartwright comes into Perry's office to have the neighbor arrested for his howling dog. He states that the howling is a sign that there is a death in the neighborhood. He also wants a will written giving his estate to the lady living at the neighbors house. It is all very mysterious and by the next day, his will is changed and Cartwright is missing, as is the lady of the house next door. Perry has a will and a retainer and must find out whether he has a client or a beneficiary.
El agente británico
Mr. X
El servicio de inteligencia Británico le encarga a Stephen Locke (Leslie Howard) que persuada a la Unión Soviética para que no firme con Alemania un acuerdo de paz que sería muy perjudicial para los intereses de Inglaterra. Durante su misión, Locke se enamora de Elena (Kay Francis), la secretaria del líder ruso, que corresponde a sus sentimientos, pero que no está dispuesta a traicionar la causa bolchevique.
Un amor prohibido
Historia de un triángulo amoroso en la Holanda neutral de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Cuando un oficial británico vuelve a ver a su antigua novia, que está casada con un militar alemán, su viejo amor se reaviva. Ella, por su parte, tratará de mantenerse fiel a su marido, que ha sido herido en la guerra.
Return of the Terror
Franz Reinhardt
"The Terror", a killer whose identity is unknown, occupies an English country house that has been converted into an inn.
Let's Talk It Over
A young sailor saves a woman from drowning. The woman turns out to be a rich heiress; unfortunately for the sailor, she was only pretending to be drowning so that another young man she had her eye on would save her.
Hombres de blanco
Doctor (uncredited)
Un joven médico (Clark Gable), que vive absolutamente entregado a sus pacientes, tiene una novia que no logra entender que ponga a los enfermos por encima de cualquier clase de diversión. Las desavenencias entre ambos llegan al límite cuando él conoce a una bella enfermera que comparte su pasión por la medicina.
No Greater Glory
A frail boy fights to win acceptance from the leader of a street gang.
The Countess of Monte Cristo
Police Commissioner
A distraught movie extra flees a movie set with a fancy costume and car. Circumstances lead her to begin impersonating a Countess, while a fellow extra takes on the role of her servant.
Journal of a Crime
Herr Winterstein
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
¿Qué hay, Nellie?
En esta ocasión, Paul Muni –especializado en papeles de gángster– intentó un cambio de registro al encarnar al editor de un periódico que, firmando con el pseudónimo de Nellie, comienza a investigar por su cuenta el asesinato de un banquero. Sus pesquisas le llevarán hasta los bajos fondos, donde conoce a algunos mafiosos y a la rubia de rigor (Glenda Farrell).
El hijo de Kong
Captain Englehorn
Tras el desastroso final de su anterior aventura, Carl Denham monta otra expedición y parte de nuevo desde Nueva York para regresar a la isla de Kong. Allí descubre a su hijo, un gorila blanco que simpatizará con los exploradores.
Herr Hauptman
While waiting out World War I in a German POW camp, Captain Fred Allison discovers that his oldest and dearest friend Digby has also been captured and put into the same camp with him. Fred longs for news of his wife, Monica, but Digby speaks little of her. Digby knows a secret about Monica, a secret he must keep from his friend, and it wears at his conscience so much that he attempts a reckless escape.
Antes del amanecer
Joe Valerie
Un delincuente (Frank Reicher) revela el escondite de un fabuloso botín de un millón de dólares. Su médico personal (Warner Oland) sueña con apoderarse de él, pero debe competir con un detective privado (Stuart Erwin) y una mentalista (Dorothy Wilson). (FILMAFFINITY)
Jennie Gerhardt
Old Weaver
This turn-of-the-century tragedy chronicles the sorrowful travails of a woman who endures a series of devastating losses.
A Bedtime Story
Parisian playboy plays father to an abandoned baby who interferes with his womanising.
King Kong
Captain Englehorn
Un equipo de cine va a rodar una película a la misteriosa isla de Teschio, al este de Sumatra. Allí descubren la existencia de una civilización prehistórica y de una tribu ancestral que secuestra a la atractiva Ann, la actriz protagonista, para ofrecerla en sacrificio ritual a King, un gigantesco gorila.
Dr. Stegg
Un honesto e ingenuo maestro recibe una lección sobre cómo funciona el mundo fuera del aula, cuando un rico barón y su amante usan al maestro y su sobresaliente reputación para comercializar bajo su nombre una bebida de dudosa calidad.
Employees' Entrance
Kurt Anderson is the tyrannical manager of a New York department store in financial straits. He thinks nothing of firing an employee of more than 20 years or of toying with the affections of every woman he meets. One such victim is Madeline, a beautiful young woman in need of a job. Anderson hires her as a salesgirl, but not before the two spend the night together. Madeline is ashamed, especially after she falls for Martin West, a rising young star at the store. Her biggest fear is that Martin finds out the truth about her "career move."
Warden in Germany (uncredited)
Un alemán de mente llana y modales toscos está perdidamente enamorado de una joven, a su vez fascinada por un hombre poco recomendable.
Scarlet Dawn
Plotsky (Uncredited)
During the Russian Revolution, a young nobleman and his peasant maid flee from their homeland to Constantinople where they marry and begin a challenging new life.
The Crooked Circle
A group of amateur detectives sets out to expose The Crooked Circle, a secretive group of hooded occultists.
A Woman Commands
The General
In order to keep his lover, Maria Draga, in luxury, Captain Alex Pastitsch contracts huge debts which threaten his military career. To save Alex's career, his superior officer, Colonel Strádimirovitsch has an idea of how to fix it.
Mata Hari
The Cook - Spy
Año 1917. Mata Hari es una seductora bailarina que vive en París y que ejerce de espía para los alemanes.
Suicide Fleet
Three US sailors aboard a decoy ship fight German U-boats in World War I and try to win Sally who works on the Coney Island midway.
El pecado de Madelon Claudet
Arresting Detective (uncredited)
La joven Madelon Claudet es una prostituta que ha de pasar diez años en la cárcel por un delito que no ha cometido. (FILMAFFINITY)
We're switching to Hollywood
A German reporter visits Hollywood and is escorted through the MGM Studio by a German nobleman, who is working there as an extra. They meet and speak to several actors, primarily Buster Keaton, John Gilbert, Joan Crawford and Heinrich George. Then they meet Adolphe Menjou, who rehearses a long scene in German. A final scene shows stars arriving at a film premiere, including Jean Harlow, Norma Shearer and Wallace Beery.
Beyond Victory
German Hospital Chief
Four battle-weary American soldiers under fire reflect on the women they left behind.
El destino de un caballero
Francesco Tomasulo
Jack vive a lo grande y desea casarse con Marjorie. De pronto, se entera de que su padre no murió, sino que está agonizando. Le alejó de su vida veinte años antes para mantenerle al margen de las bandas, pero ahora quiere dividir el negocio entre Jack y su otro hijo. Parte del negocio consiste en pasar bebida de contrabando desde Canadá.
Anna Christie
A young woman reunites with the father she's not seen since early childhood, also falls in love with a sailor who wishes to marry her, and eventually is forced to reveal to each man about her dark past. (NOTE: This is the German language version.)
Billy el niño :  El terror de la pradera
General Lew Wallace (uncredited)
Después de vengar a su jefe, Billy el niño es perseguido y posteriormente capturado por el sheriff Pat Garret. No obstante, el forajido consigue fugarse para huir en dirección a México, reanudando una vez más la cacería, ¿será la definitiva?. ---------------------- En esta versión de la leyenda de Billy the Kid, Billy, después de derribar a los secuaces del barón de la tierra William Donovan por matar al jefe de Billy, es perseguido y capturado por su amigo, el sheriff Pat Garrett. Se escapa y se dirige a México cuando Garrett, recapturándolo, debe decidir si lo trae o lo deja ir.
Every woman's longing
Tony, a prosperous Italian vineyardist in California, advertises for a young wife, passing off a photograph of his handsome hired man, Buck, as himself.
Strictly Unconventional
Duke of Brocklehurst
An adaptation of W. Somerset Maugham's The Circle. A young woman married into an aristocratic English family finds life with her husband dull and decides to elope with a Canadian. However her mother-in-law, who did something similar thirty years before, tries to prevent her.
The Grand Parade
No one suffered more magnificently in the early-talkie era than the inimitable Helen Twelvetrees. In Grand Parade, the actress is cast as Molly, the sweetheart of minstrel-show performer Jack Kelly. Rising to the top of his profession, Kelly plummets to the bottom thanks to his fondness for intoxicating beverages. Molly nurses and coddles Kelly back to health, giving nary a thought for her own comfort or happiness.
Girl of the Port
Josie, a New York showgirl with a mind of her own and a heart of gold, finds herself stranded on the island of Fiji. While seeking a way home she is befriended by a local man who gets her a job working as a barmaid at The Bamboo Bar. There she meets an alcoholic World War I veteran who is haunted by his wartime experiences and has an irrational fear of fire. Under her concerned care, he begins to recover and they fall in love. But then her jealous self-appointed boyfriend forces the veteran to participate in a traditional Fijian fire-walking ritual. To overcome his terror he must walk across 20 feet of burning coals and fight his rival to reach Josie's loving arms.
Girl of the Port
Josie, a New York showgirl with a mind of her own and a heart of gold, finds herself stranded on the island of Fiji. While seeking a way home she is befriended by a local man who gets her a job working as a barmaid at The Bamboo Bar. There she meets an alcoholic World War I veteran who is haunted by his wartime experiences and has an irrational fear of fire. Under her concerned care, he begins to recover and they fall in love. But then her jealous self-appointed boyfriend forces the veteran to participate in a traditional Fijian fire-walking ritual. To overcome his terror he must walk across 20 feet of burning coals and fight his rival to reach Josie's loving arms.
Mister Antonio
Milton Jorny
Antonio Camaradino, florist and street musician, befriends a man robbed of his overcoat and money in a disreputable bar. Tony recognizes the man as Jorny, mayor of Avalonia, a straitlaced town where Tony was once arrested for playing his hurdy-gurdy. After this meeting, Tony's travels take him again to Avalonia. Camped on the outskirts of town, he meets June Ramsey, a cousin of the mayor's wife, ejected from town by the mayor because his reelection campaign is jeopardized by her having been seen in a roadhouse. Under considerable pressure because he wishes to conceal his previous encounter with Tony from the opposition, Jorny returns Tony's favor by asking June's forgiveness and inviting her to return to Avalonia. June accepts his apologies; she then follows Tony, with whom she has fallen in love.
Mister Antonio
Antonio Camaradino, florist and street musician, befriends a man robbed of his overcoat and money in a disreputable bar. Tony recognizes the man as Jorny, mayor of Avalonia, a straitlaced town where Tony was once arrested for playing his hurdy-gurdy. After this meeting, Tony's travels take him again to Avalonia. Camped on the outskirts of town, he meets June Ramsey, a cousin of the mayor's wife, ejected from town by the mayor because his reelection campaign is jeopardized by her having been seen in a roadhouse. Under considerable pressure because he wishes to conceal his previous encounter with Tony from the opposition, Jorny returns Tony's favor by asking June's forgiveness and inviting her to return to Avalonia. June accepts his apologies; she then follows Tony, with whom she has fallen in love.
Her Private Affair
State's Attorney
A married society woman accidentally kills her would-be lover and blackmailer and then suffers a crisis of conscience when his disgruntled butler is charged with the crime.
Paris Bound
Jim Hutton and Mary Archer are two liberals who are content to remain faithful to each other in spirit only. They are married with all the ritual of a church wedding, the bride believing that each should be allowed perfect freedom in personal contacts. Complications arise when these ideals are put into practice.
Paris Bound
Jim Hutton and Mary Archer are two liberals who are content to remain faithful to each other in spirit only. They are married with all the ritual of a church wedding, the bride believing that each should be allowed perfect freedom in personal contacts. Complications arise when these ideals are put into practice.
Black Waters
A mad captain poses as a cleric to murder people aboard a fogbound ship.
Strange Cargo
Dr. Stecker
On board a yacht sailing from India to Britain, the owner of the vessel is murdered by one of the passengers. (This film was produced both in full sound and silent versions, the latter for theaters that had not yet been wired for sound.)
His Captive Woman
Cabaret dancer Anna Janssen kills her sugardaddy and escapes to a South Seas island on the yacht of a wealthy admirer. Stolid, conscientious Tom McCarthy, a New York detective, is sent after Anna and arrests her, chartering a steamer to bring her back to the United States. The steamer sinks, and Anna and Tom are stranded on a small island. They fall in love, and Tom's influence brings about a benign change in Anna's character. They are rescued, however, and Anna is placed on trial for her life. Tom takes the stand in her defense and informs the judge of Anna's conversion in the solitude of the island. The judge instructs Tom to marry Anna and then sentences them to life--on the island where they found happiness together.
Sins of the Fathers
The Eye Specialist
A married restaurant owner is persuaded to become a bootlegger by a beautiful young girl. When he starts making money at it, she steals it, then runs off with another man. His wife finds out what happened. Complications ensue.
El barbero de Napoleón
Napoleon's Barber
"Napoleon's Barber" es la versión cinematográfica hablada del notable drama de Arthur Caesar, que George Bernard Shaw calificó como la mejor obra de un acto en inglés. (Prin Ad- The Angola Record, ((Angola, NY)) 21 de febrero de 1929)
The Masks of the Devil
Count Zellner
Baron Reiner, a charming though unscrupulous Viennese aristocrat, becomes infatuated with Virginia, an innocent schoolgirl who is engaged to his best friend, Manfred. In order to seduce the girl, Reiner finances an oceanographic expedition for Manfred that takes him away for months (TCM).
The Blue Danube
Marguerite, the beauty of an Austrian village, loves the poverty-stricken Baron Erich von Statzen, although her mother is opposed to the affair, having been made suspicious by the hunchback Ludwig, who is smitten by Marguerite's charms and insanely jealous of Statzen. Statzen's uncle would have him marry Helena Boursch, the local brewer's daughter, to save his dwindling estate. Ordered to the front when war is declared, Statzen is forced to leave without saying goodby to Marguerite.
Cuatro hijos
The Schoolmaster
Tres hijos de una viuda de Baviera luchan en la Primera Guerra Mundial en el bando alemán, mientras que un cuarto lucha por los Estados Unidos, enemigo de Alemania... En 1940 el director Archie Mayo adaptaría nuevamente esta historia de I.A.R. Wylie, en esa ocasión ambientada en la II Guerra Mundial.
Beau Sabreur
Gen. de Beaujolais
Un miembro de la Legión extranjera francesa descubre a un traidor entre sus filas y luego es enviado a una misión entre los árabes para lograr la firma de un Tratado de paz crucial.
Her Man o' War
Professor Krantz
During World War I, an American soldier is captured and taken prisoner by the Germans. However, instead of being placed in a prisoner-of-war camp, he is assigned to the small farm of a young woman and her son to help raise crops to help feed the German army and people.
Behind Masks
Jeanne, an orphaned young heiress, is about to be married off to an elderly man by her scheming aunt, who stands to make money on the marriage, a fact of which Jeanne is unaware. Jeanne is also unaware that her aunt heads a ring that runs crooked card games, and one night Jeanne attends a fixed bridge game at which her aunt hopes to cheat a wealthy young man out of his money...
The Trap
A schoolteacher in the Yukon promises her hand in marriage to a rich prospector, but instead she marries his no-good brother. After her husband disappears and is reported dead, she marries a rich New York stockbroker, but doesn't tell him about her first marriage. Soon she is contacted by someone who threatens to tell her new husband all about her past if she doesn't pay up.
When government security files entrusted to a Rear Admiral go missing, his daughter aims to track them down.
The Sea Waif
Harry Caton, a popular New York musical-comedy star, loses his voice on stage and then journeys to a small town on the New England coast to recuperate. Here Harry meets the beautiful Nancy Potter when he defends her against the drunken advances of Silas Jones, her father's friend. Although his daughter believes that he is a fisherman, Cail Potter is actually a thief, robbing houses along the coast with Silas as his accomplice. When Cail robs the wealthy Col. Brett's home, he finds an old miniature of a woman who exactly resembles Nancy, whom Cail rescued from a wrecked boat when she was just a year old. Soon after the robbery, Harry learns that the police are about to raid Cail's house, but Silas knocks him unconscious when he attempts to warn Nancy.
The Only Road
Tomboy Nita, a vegetable seller in a small Californian town, believes herself to be the daughter of poor ranch workers, but she is actually the daughter of Clara Hawkins, a wealthy neighbour who was stolen at birth and presumed dead. (NFA Catalogue)
An American Widow
Wealthy American widow Elizabeth Carter plans to marry the Earl of Dettminster when lawyer Augustus Tucker informs her of a codicil in her late husband's will. The Carter fortune will go to nephew Pitney Carter, who is in love with Elizabeth, if her second husband is not an American. Elizabeth therefore pays penniless playwright Jasper Mallory $50,000 to marry her and schemes with actress Mme. Albani to provide grounds for divorce so that she may then make the earl her third husband.
The Eternal Mother
Maris, having married Lynch, a worthless man who deserts her, taking their daughter Felice with him, marries mill owner Dwight Alden after receiving notification that her husband and child are dead. Discovering that Alden employs child labor, Maris, assisted by the village minister, tries to persuade him that this is wrong, but he will tolerate no interference in his business.
The Inner Shrine
Bad woman turns good, but as a recent widow finds her past a roadblock in terms of accepting remarriage.
Castles for Two
An American heiress who goes to Ireland meets a bankrupt lord. She switches places with her maid to avoid fortune hunters.
The Sacrifice
Stephen Stephani leaves Nordhoff with his daughter Mary to visit Zandria, an enemy country, where he tries to steal the war plans of the hostile nation. There, Mary meets Paul Ekald, a Zandrian captain, falling in love with him at first sight. While Mary remains in Zandria for the moment, Stephani returns to Nordhoff. Meanwhile, Vesta, Mary's illegitimate half-sister, has managed to get hold of important war plans stolen from Count Wenzel. But, to get them, she had to kill the count.
The Black Wolf
In the Spanish Mountains, the Black Wolf, a bandit, reigns at the head of his band, known as "The Charcoal Burners."
Lost and Won
A newswoman meets a man who has bet his colleagues he can make her beautiful.
The Love Mask
During the California gold rush, four unsuccessful miners assume that a woman prospector will give in without a fight, so they jump the claim of Kate Kenner and take her gold away from her. Afterward, although she is Sheriff Dan Deering's sweetheart, Kate decides to take the law into her own hands.
For the Defense
Two playboys stumble drunkenly home, where the owner falls asleep and the other attacks the maid. The butler intervenes and a fight results in the death of the assailant. A French girl, escaping from a pimp who kidnapped her, witnesses the crime. The butler convinces his master he is the killer, and must flee. He joins the girl but is caught. She helps police expose the real killer by going undercover as another maid.
Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo
"Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo" is an interesting play of intrigue between the Grand Duke Augustus Peter of Russia, whose incognito is Mr. Grex, an English Secret Service agent, Lord Huntersley and a young American millionaire on pleasure bent, Richard Lane. Mr. Grex and two other diplomats who unofficially represent France and Germany, plan to meet as if by chance in Monte Carlo for the purpose of arranging a secret pact.
The Secret Sin
Blanche Sweet has a dual role in this picture -- she plays twin sisters, Edith, a sweet, normal young girl, and Grace, who is a drug fiend. They live in poverty with their parents and their father (Hal Clements) finally finds work. Because he is faithful to his boss (Thomas Meighan), he is offered a partnership.
The Chorus Lady
As baby-faced chorine "Pat" O'Brien, the star protects her virtue against various and sundry stage-door Johnnies and sugar daddies. Implicated in a crime, Pat is pursued by detective Danny Mallory, who of course eventually falls in love with her and seeks to prove her innocence.
The Case of Becky
When a young girl is placed under hypnotism, it's discovered that she has a split personality.
The Clue
Russian brothers Count Boris and Alexis Rabourdin obtain a Japanese coastline defense map and plan to sell it to German agents in London. In America, Alexis schemes to marry wealthy Eve Bertram, who loves him. Boris, meanwhile, falls in love with Christine Lesley, Eve's neighbor whom Eve's brother Guy, an amateur inventor experimenting with explosives, also loves.