Henry Koster
Nacimiento : 1905-05-01, Berlin, Germany
Muerte : 1988-09-21
Henry Koster (May 1, 1905 – September 21, 1988), born Hermann Kosterlitz, was a German-born film director, who worked in Europe as well as in Hollywood. Although he never won an Oscar, Koster directed six different actors in Oscar-nominated performances.
In 1932, Koster directed his first film in Berlin, the comedy Thea Roland. In the midst of directing his second film Das häßliche Mädchen, Jewish Koster had been the subject of antisemitism, and knew he had to leave the country. He left Germany for France, where he was rehired by director Curtis Bernhardt, who had also fled. Eventually Koster went to Budapest, where he met and married Kató Király in 1934. There he also met Joe Pasternak, who represented Universal in Europe, and directed three films for him. Through his friend Gabriel Levy he ended up directing Dutch sound film De Kribbebijter, released internationally as The Cross-Patch, which proved a success both in the Netherlands - where it played in cinemas for no less than seven years - and in the UK. Soon after, Koster signed a deal with Universal Pictures in Hollywood and moved to the United States.
Although Koster did not speak English, he convinced the studio to let him make Three Smart Girls, for which he personally coached to-be star Deanna Durbin. This picture, a big success, pulled Universal out of bankruptcy. Koster's second Universal film, One Hundred Men and a Girl, also was successful. After this, Koster discovered Abbott and Costello at a nightclub in New York. He returned to Hollywood and convinced Universal to hire them. Their first picture was One Night in the Tropics; the female lead, Peggy Moran, became Koster's second wife in 1942.
Ironically, despite Koster's escape from Nazi Germany, when the United States entered World War II Koster was considered an enemy alien and had to stay in his house in the evening. Actor Charles Laughton would visit Koster and play chess with him. Nonetheless, Koster's postwar career proved equally successful. He was nominated for an Academy Award for The Bishop's Wife (1947). In 1950, he directed his biggest success: the James Stewart comedy Harvey. He directed Richard Burton's first U.S. film, My Cousin Rachel, and then in 1953, he was given The Robe, the first CinemaScope film. His last picture was The Singing Nun in 1965. Koster retired to Leisure Village in Camarillo, California, where he painted a series of portraits of the movie stars with whom he worked.
An episode from the war in 1806 when a small troop of Prussian soldiers digs in at a mill in order to defend itself against the overwhelming advance of the French army.
Una joven monja (Debbie Reynolds) alcanza los primeros puestos de las listas de éxitos musicales. Además, el reencuentro con un viejo amor pone en peligro su fe. (FILMAFFINITY)
Al profesor Leaf (James Stewart), un poeta bohemio cuyos ideales son incompatibles con la ciencia, le cuesta trabajo aceptar que su hijo sea un prodigio de las matemáticas, pero carezca de talento artístico.
Al profesor Leaf (James Stewart), un poeta bohemio cuyos ideales son incompatibles con la ciencia, le cuesta trabajo aceptar que su hijo sea un prodigio de las matemáticas, pero carezca de talento artístico.
Frank Michaelson (James Stewart) se afana por proteger a su adorada hija Mollie (Sandra Dee) de los muchos problemas que, supone, le sucederán en el colegio, causando él mismo suficientes problemas.
This 1963 documentary, released less than a year after Marilyn Monroe's death, showcases the star in memorable scenes from her 20th Century Fox films, including wardrobe tests and clips from her last, uncompleted project, "Something's Got To Give". Hosted and narrated by Rock Hudson.
Un padre de familia de clase media (James Stewart) tiene que sufrir un sinfín de incomodidades y resolver problemas sin cuento cuando se marcha de vacaciones a la playa con su numerosísima familia.
A young woman arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown from Hong Kong with the intention of marrying a rakish nightclub owner, unaware he is involved with one of his singers.
Basada en el Antiguo Testamento. La hermosa Ruth (Elana Eden) fue vendida, siendo una niña, a unos seguidores del dios moabita Quemos. Siendo ya una jovencita, se conmueve profundamente ante el sufrimiento de un esclavo judío (Tom Tryon); entonces, decidida a renegar de la idolatría, lo libera y traba amistad con su madre (Peggy Wood). Un hecho trágico lleva a las dos mujeres a emprender un difícil viaje hasta Jerusalén. Allí Ruth conoce a Boaz (Stuart Whitman) y se enamora de él. El problema es que ella ya está comprometida con otro hombre, de modo que debe valerse de su ingenio, de su valor y de su nueva fe para resolver el conflicto y hallar la paz.
Una ficción histórica sobre las relaciones entre el pintor Francisco de Goya y María Teresa, duquesa de Alba, coloquialmente llamada Cayetana. En la realidad, la relación no acabó muy bien, puesto que Goya la retrata como bruja en una obra posterior: Volavérunt.
A punto de terminar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una atractiva joven alemana llamada Erika Angermann (Dana Wynter) comenzará a sentir que su vida ha entrado en un sendero oscuro en el que se avecinan una serie de desventuras. Entre tanto, sigue guardando la esperanza de que aparezca su antiguo prometido, un militar del ejército alemán, pero será cuando se reencuentre con el Mayor americano Foster McLain, que abrirá para ella un nuevo camino.
Irene Bullock (June Allyson) necesita un nuevo mayordomo, y su hija Irene encuentra a un camarero en el puerto llamado Godfrey Godfrey (David Niven). Empieza a trabajar al servicio de la excéntrica familia Bullock, resultando un hombre tan eficiente como elegante, pero muy reservado para hablar de sí mismo.
George Salt, un poderoso hombre de negocios, contrata a Cliff Burton para que lo sustituya al frente de su empresa. Lo envía a Gran Bretaña a negociar un contrato, pero allí, además de tener que resolver un dilema moral, encontrará el amor.
El Capitán Brad Parker, un oficial americano, se encuentra en el frente el 6 de junio de 1944, el Día D, cuando 3.000.000 de hombres, 11.000 aviones y 4.000 barcos están preparados para llevar a cabo la invasión de Normandía, hecho que determinará el futuro del mundo. La casualidad ha querido que Parker y su comandante, además de combatir juntos, estén enamorados de la misma mujer.
Miss Dove, una entusiasta y vocacional profesora, se ha dedicado en cuerpo y alma durante toda su vida a la enseñanza, y sus alumnos siempre la han apreciado a pesar de su carácter estricto y riguroso. Ahora ha caído enferma y ha sido ingresada en un hospital, donde dispondrá, quizá por primera vez, de tiempo para reflexionar sobre su vida.
Inglaterra siglo XVI. Relato sobre la atracción que la ya madura Reina Isabel I Tudor (Bette Davis) siente por el seductor Sir Walter Raleigh (Richard Todd) y su enconado enfrentamiento con una maquiavélica rival más joven que ella (Collins).
Based on the true story of a young Scottish lad, Peter Marshall, who dreams of only going to sea but finds out there is a different future for him when he receives a "calling" from God to be a minister. He leaves Scotland and goes to America where after a few small congregations he lands the position of pastor of the Church of the Presidents in Washington, D.C. and eventually he becomes Chaplain of the U.S. Senate.
En 1794 Napoleón (Marlon Brando) conoce a Desirée (Jean Simmons), una bella joven de la que se enamora locamente. Sin embargo, el absorbente mundo de la política y de la guerra llega atrapar por completo la atención y el interés del brillante general. El dilema que se le plantea es el siguiente: renunciar a la gloria o renunciar al amor.
Siglo I d.C. En la Roma de Tiberio, el joven y noble Marcelo Galio encuentra en una subasta de esclavos a la bella Diana, enamorada de él desde que eran niños, y ahora pupila del emperador. Marcelo se enfrenta en una violenta puja con Calígula, hijo y sucesor de Tiberio, y consigue quitarle al esclavo griego Demetrio. Enterado el emperador de la disputa, castiga a Marcelo enviándolo a Palestina en calidad de tribuno. Cuando llega, Poncio Pilato acaba de condenar a Cristo a morir en la cruz.
Mientras investiga la misteriosa muerte de su primo, Philip empieza a sospechar que quizás la afligida viuda tenga algo que ver con la muerte de su marido.
Película basada en relatos del escritor inglés O. Henry. Consta de varios episodios independientes ambientados en Nueva York, a finales del siglo XIX, y presentados por John Steinbeck. Fue rodada por cinco de los mejores directores del momento: Henry Hathaway, Howard Hawks, Henry King, Henry Koster y Jean Negulesco.
Marine bandmaster John Philip Sousa (Clifton Webb) becomes famous for his marches and inspires the sousaphone.
Two sets of parents frantically race to stop their eloping children's wedding.
Mr. Belvedere (Clifton Webb) se ha vuelto un experto en "cómo conservarse joven" y, queriendo probar su teoría, se infiltra en una residencia de ancianos donde se propone levantar el ánimo de sus ocupantes.
Theodore, un ingeniero aeronáutico, debe someter a revisión un avión de su compañía. Después de examinarlo, detecta un cierto desgaste de los materiales que implicaría un riesgo lo bastante alto como para que le parezca oportuno advertir a la tripulación de un aparato que se encuentra en pleno vuelo.
Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) es un hombre afable, cariñoso y siempre dispuesto a ayudar a los demás. Su único problema es que va a todas partes acompañado por un imaginario conejo gigante al que llama Harvey. La familia de Elwood no sabe qué hacer y opta por llevarlo a un psiquiátrico.
Radio star Kitty Moran, long married to partner Jack, finds she's pregnant, but miscarries. For a change, the couple turn their act into a series on early TV and try to adopt a baby. Finally they acquiring a girl in a somewhat back alley manner.
Andy Clark discovers he was cheated out of a half interest in partner Mike's business, now a thriving dance hall in 1892 Chicago. Unable to win it back, Andy schemes to make Mike's position untenable. He also hopes to turn Ruby Summers, Mike's motor-mouthed burlesque queen, into a classier entertainer, and incidentally to make her his own. But at the last minute, Andy's revenge comes unravelled.
Siendo Napoleón emperador de Francia, a un estafador de poca monta lo confunden con el temible Inspector General, un enviado oficial de Bonaparte para controlar y acabar con la corrupción generalizada en los vastos territorios del imperio.
Two nuns arrive unannounced in the small New England town of Bethlehem, where they recruit various townspeople to help them build a children's hospital.
Steven Fitzgerald es un periodista neoyorquino que, durante un viaje a Irlanda, se cruza con un duende y con una bella joven. Cuando regresa a su ciudad, inexplicablemente, vuelve a encontrárselos.
El espítiru navideño parece dominarlo todo, pero no tiene cabida en el hogar del obispo Henry Brougham. En su lucha por recaudar fondos para construir una nueva catedral, el joven clérigo ha desatendido de tal manera a su afectuosa esposa Julia, que ahora lo único que puede salvar su matrimonio es un milagro. Pero el poderoso ángel envíado desde el cielo no se conformará con darle a Henry una lección inmortal de romanticismo
Meg (Margaret O'Brien), una joven huérfana estudiante de ballet, idolatra a Ariane Bouchet (Cyd Charisse) gran estrella de la danza. Esa admiración la lleva a provocar un grave accidente durante la representación de la obra "El lago de los cisnes", que supone una fractura de la columna vertebral de una nueva bailarina (Karin Booth). Lo que ocurre es que la niña cree, erróneamente, que la recién llegada constituye una seria amenaza para la supremacía de Ariane.
Dos muchachas de Boston deciden trasladarse a Nueva York. Una de ellas trabaja como cantante en el local de un viejo amigo de la familia, mientras que la otra se enamora del hijo de un importante mecenas de la ópera.
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Historia de dos hermanas. Una de ellas, que está embarazada y forma parte de una orquesta, se preocupa por el destino de su marido en el frente.
A 20-year-old stage actress takes on her most challenging role when she pretends to be her own mother's 12-year-old daughter. Comedy.
Un joven le pide a una encargada del guardarropa que finja ser su prometida para hacer a su padre feliz en su lecho de muerte. Sin embargo, la salud del anciano mejora y ahora su hijo no sabe cómo decirle que está comprometido con alguien más, en especial porque su padre se ha encariñado con la impostora.
In this light and lovely romantic musical, a Hungarian woman attends a Viennese fair and buys a card from a gypsy fortune teller. It says that she will meet someone important and is destined for a happy marriage. Afterward she gets a job as a baker's assistant. She then meets a handsome army drummer who secretly dreams of becoming a famous composer and conductor. Unfortunately the military forbids the young corporal to create his own music. But then Ilonka secretly sends one of the drummer's waltzes to the Austrian Emperor with his weekly order of pastries. Her act paves the way toward the tuneful and joyous fulfillment of the gypsy's prediction.
In this reworking of Cinderella, orphaned Connie Harding is sent to live with her rich aunt and uncle after graduating from boarding school. She's hardly received with open arms, especially by her snobby cousin Barbara. When the entire family is invited to a major social ball, Barbara sees to it that Connie is forced to stay home. With the aid of her uncle, who acts as her fairy godfather, Connie makes it to the ball and meets her Prince Charming in Ted Drake, her cousin's boyfriend.
In this reworking of Cinderella, orphaned Connie Harding is sent to live with her rich aunt and uncle after graduating from boarding school. She's hardly received with open arms, especially by her snobby cousin Barbara. When the entire family is invited to a major social ball, Barbara sees to it that Connie is forced to stay home. With the aid of her uncle, who acts as her fairy godfather, Connie makes it to the ball and meets her Prince Charming in Ted Drake, her cousin's boyfriend.
Three sisters who believe life is going to be easy, now that their parents are back together, until one sister falls in love with another's fiancé, and the youngest sister plays matchmaker.
Nicole has no job and is several weeks behind with her rent. Her solution to her problems is to try and snare a rich husband. Enlisting the help of her friend Gloria and the maitre'd at a ritzy New York City hotel, the trio plot to have Gloria catch the eye of Bill Duncan, a millionaire staying at the hotel. The plan works and the two quickly become engaged. Nicole's plan may be thwarted by Bill's friend, Jim Trevor, who's met Nicole before and sees through her plot.
Nicole has no job and is several weeks behind with her rent. Her solution to her problems is to try and snare a rich husband. Enlisting the help of her friend Gloria and the maitre'd at a ritzy New York City hotel, the trio plot to have Gloria catch the eye of Bill Duncan, a millionaire staying at the hotel. The plan works and the two quickly become engaged. Nicole's plan may be thwarted by Bill's friend, Jim Trevor, who's met Nicole before and sees through her plot.
Una joven cantante muy generosa intenta ayudar a alcanzar el éxito a la orquesta los "Cien Hombres", un grupo de músicos ya retirados que viven en una casa de huéspedes. Sin embargo, la persona que más le preocupa es su padre (Adolphe Menjou), el más desafortunado del grupo. En realidad, a la orquesta lo que le falta es un líder con carisma. Entra entonces en escena el legendario director de orquesta Leopold Stowkowski, quien, después de mostrarse reacio a escuchar a la chica, queda cautivado al escuchar la Rapsodia Húngara nº 2 de Liszt interpretada por los cien andrajosos músicos en las escaleras de un edificio
Farewell Again is a multiplotted British comedy/drama about soldiers on leave and the people they've left. Given a six-hour pass after a tour of duty in India, several British Tommies (among them Robert Newton, Sebastian Shaw and Anthony Bushell) try to unravel their domestic tribulations before having to ship out again. American expatriate Tim Whelan was the directorial hand who kept the various plot threads from entangling, while another Hollywood vet, James Wong Howe, manned the cameras. The film became instantly dated with the advent of World War II, but in its own time Farewell Again was a box-office smash. The film was issued in the US as Troopship.
The three Craig sisters Penny, Kay, and Joan, go to New York to stop their divorced father from marrying gold digger Donna Lyons and re-unite him with their mother.
Story of a naive kitchen maid who falls in love with a wealthy womanizer.
Dr.Halmi a nokkel szemben nagyon szigoru elveket vall. Alkalmazottkent irodajaban csak csunya noket tur meg. Igy mit tehet a szegeny allastalan titkarno? Egy paroka es egy szemuveg segitsegevel, ven satrafanak alcazva magat hamarosan az ugyved nelkulozhetetlen titkarnojeve valik...
Willy, the son of baron Van Hergershuizen, finds himself disinherited after he marries an untitled girl. His wife decides to take action and applies for the job of the baron's housekeeper.
Musical comedy set in a Grand Hotel.
Starring Francisca Gaál in a breeches role. Dressed as a boy, a street musician gets a job pumping gas. When s/he starts to have feelings for her patron, watch out for complications in this comedy shot in German in Budapest.
The engineer MacAllan designs a tunnel, which will join America and Europe together on the seabed. A group of American billionaires are financing the gigantic project, but the construction of the tunnel is proving to be as tedious as it is dangerous. MacAllan's worst enemy is the speculator Woolf, who had embezzled the money for the construction and who is attempting to cover up his crime by carrying out acts of sabotage. Also filmed in 1933 in a French-language version, LE TUNNEL, and remade in 1935 in England as TRANSATLATIC TUNNEL.
Escaping from a policeman who has caught h.im with a stolen dog, Toto (Albert Préjean), a petty crook, hides in the apartment of a typist, Ginette (Renée Saint-Cyr). The two quickly fall in love, and after a brief incarceration, Toto returns to her and schemes to have her win a beauty contest.
The accounting department of an insurance company is looking for a new secretary. To prevent a repeat of the eternal love affairs between the employees, the head of personnel -- no doubt taking advantage of the not-yet-existent anti-discrimination laws -- is seeking the ugliest troll of a woman he can find to do the office typing. And he believes he's found her in the nondescript Lotte. But the bookkeeper Fritz is deeply offended by such mean, discriminatory practices. He decides he's going to correct the boss' disgusting behaviour by going one better: to prove that even ugly people deserve to reproduce, he's going to hit up on Lotte. And obviously, this leads to all sorts of problems and funny situations...
The accounting department of an insurance company is looking for a new secretary. To prevent a repeat of the eternal love affairs between the employees, the head of personnel -- no doubt taking advantage of the not-yet-existent anti-discrimination laws -- is seeking the ugliest troll of a woman he can find to do the office typing. And he believes he's found her in the nondescript Lotte. But the bookkeeper Fritz is deeply offended by such mean, discriminatory practices. He decides he's going to correct the boss' disgusting behaviour by going one better: to prove that even ugly people deserve to reproduce, he's going to hit up on Lotte. And obviously, this leads to all sorts of problems and funny situations...
The story of Madame Leroy-Gomez, a wealthy divorcee living in Paris. Together with her servant Antoine she schemes to marry off her unmarried children and fix any issues that arise for those already married.
A young medical student returns to his Tyrolean home to find out that Napoleon's troops have taken over the area and that his mother and sister have been murdered.
A young man, Charles, operator in a neighborhood cinema, is suspected of involvement in the theft of jewelry. His fiancée, Lucette, but it would save would necessitate denounce his brother Olivier who is the leader of the band of thieves. Lucette will see the victim, the jeweler Van Hoolst who agrees to withdraw its complaint against restitution jewelry. Thieves do not meet the market but ultimately, the operator is cleared and becomes the owner of the cinema.
A businessman's daughter runs away from an arranged marriage, only to find herself penniless and suspected of theft after she becomes the victim of a bag thief in the train. When she refuses to tell him who she really is, her accuser decides to take her home where he can keep an eye on her until 12 o'clock the next day, the time at which she has calculated that it will be safe to tell the truth! But when his fiancée arrives unexpectedly and then his 'guest' is mistaken for her, it all gets rather embarrassing...
By pure chance, Jessie and his four jazz musicians are hired to play at the cabaret theatre “Trocadero”. Unfortunately, she knows nothing about music and it doesn’t help that all four musicians are in love with her. Jessie doesn’t reciprocate their feelings, because she has a thing for Martin. Unfortunately, Martin believes that Jessie stole his car … and so, right before the premiere at the cabaret, she ends up in jail.
In the lead-up to the First World War, a French military attaché falls in love with the wife of a prominent German in Stamboul in the Ottoman Empire
Lydia is a spoiled young woman who thinks she can get anything for money. One day she causes an accident in which a motorcyclist is killed. At the trial she meets prosecutor Dan O'Bannon. She is sentenced to prison for manslaughter.
El marqués de Sévigné se encuentra en una situación difícil cuando se enamora de la encantadora Lady Falkland, una mujer casada cuyo marido, el estricto Lord Falkland, la somete a constantes abusos.
The new French military attaché at the Constantinople embassy helps a young woman being blackmailed by her own husband.
Marooned on a rubber plantation in the East Indies, Leslie turns to Geoffrey for the love and diversion that she does not find with her husband.
Children's Souls Accuse You is a 1927 German silent drama film directed by Curtis Bernhardt and starring Albert Steinrück, Nathalie Lissenko and Walter Rilla. It was made with an anti-abortion theme.
Children's Souls Accuse You is a 1927 German silent drama film directed by Curtis Bernhardt and starring Albert Steinrück, Nathalie Lissenko and Walter Rilla. It was made with an anti-abortion theme.
A film based on novel Jane Eyre.