Henry Koster

Henry Koster

Nascimento : 1905-05-01, Berlin, Germany

Morte : 1988-09-21


Henry Koster (May 1, 1905 – September 21, 1988), born Hermann Kosterlitz, was a German-born film director, who worked in Europe as well as in Hollywood. Although he never won an Oscar, Koster directed six different actors in Oscar-nominated performances. In 1932, Koster directed his first film in Berlin, the comedy Thea Roland. In the midst of directing his second film Das häßliche Mädchen, Jewish Koster had been the subject of antisemitism, and knew he had to leave the country. He left Germany for France, where he was rehired by director Curtis Bernhardt, who had also fled. Eventually Koster went to Budapest, where he met and married Kató Király in 1934. There he also met Joe Pasternak, who represented Universal in Europe, and directed three films for him. Through his friend Gabriel Levy he ended up directing Dutch sound film De Kribbebijter, released internationally as The Cross-Patch, which proved a success both in the Netherlands - where it played in cinemas for no less than seven years - and in the UK. Soon after, Koster signed a deal with Universal Pictures in Hollywood and moved to the United States. Although Koster did not speak English, he convinced the studio to let him make Three Smart Girls, for which he personally coached to-be star Deanna Durbin. This picture, a big success, pulled Universal out of bankruptcy. Koster's second Universal film, One Hundred Men and a Girl, also was successful. After this, Koster discovered Abbott and Costello at a nightclub in New York. He returned to Hollywood and convinced Universal to hire them. Their first picture was One Night in the Tropics; the female lead, Peggy Moran, became Koster's second wife in 1942. Ironically, despite Koster's escape from Nazi Germany, when the United States entered World War II Koster was considered an enemy alien and had to stay in his house in the evening. Actor Charles Laughton would visit Koster and play chess with him. Nonetheless, Koster's postwar career proved equally successful. He was nominated for an Academy Award for The Bishop's Wife (1947). In 1950, he directed his biggest success: the James Stewart comedy Harvey. He directed Richard Burton's first U.S. film, My Cousin Rachel, and then in 1953, he was given The Robe, the first CinemaScope film. His last picture was The Singing Nun in 1965. Koster retired to Leisure Village in Camarillo, California, where he painted a series of portraits of the movie stars with whom he worked.


Henry Koster
Henry Koster


Eine Handvoll Helden
An episode from the war in 1806 when a small troop of Prussian soldiers digs in at a mill in order to defend itself against the overwhelming advance of the French army. 
Musical infantil baseado em personagem real, uma freira belga que cuida de crianças pobres e adora cantar. Depois de uma apresentação no programa de TV comandado por Ed Sullivan, a freira se torna famosa e grava alguns discos.
Minha Querida Brigitte
Professor Leaf, an absent-minded poet with a prejudice against the sciences, is forced to face the fact that his son is a math prodigy with little artistic talent of his own.
Minha Querida Brigitte
Professor Leaf, an absent-minded poet with a prejudice against the sciences, is forced to face the fact that his son is a math prodigy with little artistic talent of his own.
Take Her, She's Mine
When Frank Michaelson, well-respected president of the board of education, is falsely accused of horseplay, he blames his 19-year-old daughter, who has grown into a desirable young woman.
This 1963 documentary, released less than a year after Marilyn Monroe's death, showcases the star in memorable scenes from her 20th Century Fox films, including wardrobe tests and clips from her last, uncompleted project, "Something's Got To Give". Hosted and narrated by Rock Hudson.
As Férias do Papai
Sr. Hobbs é um empresário com excesso de trabalho que sai para férias à beira-mar com sua esposa Peggy e sua família, inclusive suas filhas casadas, genros e netos. Os problemas quando ao chegar encontra uma casa de praia em ruínas, seu filho adolescente Danny só quer ver televisão, sua filha mais nova Katey, envergonhado por causa do aparelho de dentes, se recusa a deixar a casa, o casamento das filhas não parece nada bem e seus netos não gostam dele. Além disso, Sr. Hobbs deve entreter um empregador em potencial do seu genro em um entediante passeio para observar aves, arrumar um jeito de entrosar a filha envergonhada, conquistar os netos e fazer com que Danny se interesse por algo além da TV.
Flower Drum Song
A young woman arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown from Hong Kong with the intention of marrying a rakish nightclub owner, unaware he is involved with one of his singers.
A História de Rute
Ruth foi vendida quando criança a um grupo pagão e idolatrada como uma sacerdotisa. Ao crescer, conhece o hebreu Mahlon e é tocada por sua crença, mas o destino a obriga a embarcar em uma árdua jornada rumo a Jerusalém.
A Maja Desnuda
A historical fiction based on the lives of artist Goya and the Duchess of Alba
In melodramatic fashion, the film tells the tale of a young German woman who finds herself alone in the world when the rest of her family is killed in a WWII air raid. Helping an American military man escape the Gestapo, she finds herself on the run from the Russian Army. Escaping to the American (and safe) side of Berlin, she registers herself as a prostitute (unknowingly) and finds herself caught between the German officer who thinks she is for sale and the American officer who she saved and is now in love with her.
O Galante Vagabundo
The eccentric Bullock household again need a new butler. Daughter Irene encounters bedraggled Godfrey Godfrey at the docks and, fancying him and noticing his obviously good manners, gets him the job. He proves a great success, but keeps his past to himself. When an old flame turns up Irene's sister Cordelia starts making waves.
Os Grandes Deste Mundo
An ambitious executive jeopardizes his career to marry a European refugee.
D-Day the Sixth of June
En route to Normandy, an American and a British officer reminisce in flashback about their romances with the same woman.
Good Morning, Miss Dove
Beloved schoolteacher reflects back on her life and former students when she is hospitalized...
A Rainha Tirana
A rainha Elizabeth I se apaixona pelo cobiçado Sir Walter Raleigh. Além de lidar com os problemas do reino, a rainha ainda deve disputar a atração do rapaz com uma bela mulher mais nova.
A Man Called Peter
Based on the true story of a young Scottish lad, Peter Marshall, who dreams of only going to sea but finds out there is a different future for him when he receives a "calling" from God to be a minister. He leaves Scotland and goes to America where after a few small congregations he lands the position of pastor of the Church of the Presidents in Washington, D.C. and eventually he becomes Chaplain of the U.S. Senate.
Désirée: O Amor de Napoleão
In Marseilles, France in 1794, Desiree Clary, a young millinery clerk, becomes infatuated with Napoleon Bonaparte, but winds up wedding Genaral Jean-Baptiste Berandotte, an aid to Napoleon who later joins the forces that bring about the Emperor's downfall. Josephine Beauharnais, a worldly courtesan marries Napoleon and becomes Empress of France, but is then cast aside by her spouse when she proves unable to produce an heir to the throne.
O Manto Sagrado
O primeiro filme rodado em Cinema Scope, O Manto Sagrado foi indicado para cinco categorias do prêmio Oscar em 1953, incluindo Melhor Filme e Melhor Ator para Richard Burton. Burton interpreta Marcellus Gallio, o centurião romano encarregado do supervisionar a crucificação de Cristo. Mas quando ele ganha o manto de Cristo em um jogo de azar ao pé da cruz, sua vida muda para sempre.
Eu Te Matarei, Querida!
Um jovem planeja se vingar da mulher que acredita ter assassinado seu primo, mas seus planos são abalados quando ele se vê frente a frente com uma beleza enigmática. Quando o amado (e rico) primo de Philip Ashley, Ambrose, morre, ele está convencido de que Ambrose foi assassinado por sua nova esposa Rachel para herdar sua fortuna. Mas quando ele conhece Rachel e se apaixona por ela, ele acha que suas suspeitas devem ter sido infundadas. Mas será que eram infundadas? Ou Rachel está apenas tentando usar Philip para assumir a propriedade que Ambrose deixou para ele em vez de para ela? E será que ela vai matá-lo em seguida?
Páginas da Vida
Em "O Policial e o Hino" um sem-teto fica frustrado pelas inúmeras tentativas de ser preso e encarcerado por 90 dias em uma cela quente ao invés de enfrentar os rigores de um inverno de Nova York. Em "O Toque do Clarim" um detetive da Policia de NY tem uma crise de consciência quando fica dividido entre o dever de prender um amigo de infância por um crime que só ele sabe e a dívida de honra que ainda tem para com o amigo. Em "A Última Folha" uma jovem ingênua pega pneumonia depois de ser seduzida e abandonada por ator venal. Quando perde a vontade de viver, sua irmã e um excêntrico artista de Greenwich Village tentam ajudá-la a sobreviver. Em "O Resgate do Chefe Vermelho" 2 vigaristas trapalhões sequestram o filho de um xerife rural, mas começam a achar que pegaram mais do que podem lidar. Finalmente, em "O Presente dos Magos" um jovem casal pobre luta para pagar Presentes de Natal dignos de seu amor.
Stars and Stripes Forever
Marine bandmaster John Philip Sousa (Clifton Webb) becomes famous for his marches and inspires the sousaphone.
Two sets of parents frantically race to stop their eloping children's wedding.
Mr. Belvedere Rings the Bell
Posing as a man over 70, a lecturer (Clifton Webb) enters an old-folks home to prove age is a state of mind.
Na Estrada do Céu
Um engenheiro aeronáutico prevê que um novo modelo de avião falhará catastroficamente e de uma maneira inédita após um número específico de horas de voo. James Stewart interpreta o engenheiro aeronáutico Theodore Honey, o protótipo de um professor: distraído, excêntrico, esquecido, mas brilhante. Seus estudos mostram que a aeronave que está sendo fabricada por seu empregador tem uma falha de design sutil, mas mortal, que se manifesta apenas após a aeronave ter voado um determinado número de horas. A caminho de um local de acidente para provar sua teoria, Honey descobre que está a bordo de um avião que se aproxima rapidamente do prazo mortal previsto.
Meu Amigo Harvey
Devido à sua insistência de que ele tem um coelho invisível de 1,80 m de altura como seu melhor amigo, um homem de meia-idade lunático é considerado por sua família como insano. Mas ele pode ser mais sábio do que se pensa. O clássico sucesso dos palcos recebe o tratamento de Hollywood na história de Elwood P. Dowd, que torna-se amigo de um fantasma na forma de um coelho de tamanho humano chamado Harvey que só ele vê (e alguns outros privilegiados na ocasião também.) Depois que sua irmã tenta interná-lo numa instituição mental, uma comédia de erros se segue. Elwood e Harvey se tornam os catalisadores para que uma família possa remendar suas feridas e para o romance florescer em lugares inesperados.
A Cegonha Demora-se
A Cegonha Demora-se é um divertido musical em Technicolor® com uma história maravilhosa, onde não faltam as gargalhadas e romance! Kitty (Betty Grable) e Jack (Dan Dailey) são uma popular dupla de marido e esposa artistas que trabalham no rádio e estão passando para a TV. No entanto, por mais inebriante que seja o sucesso e seu progresso profissional, eles têm sentido que suas vidas seriam mais completas se tivessem filhos. Mas, quando decidem pela adoção [um processo complicado e cheio de desapontamentos], eles acabam tendo mais bebês do que esperavam! Temperado com canções e números de dança, este maravilhoso filme também conta com um elenco espetacular que incluiu Mitzi Gaynor em seu primeiro papel no cinema.
Wabash Avenue
Andy Clark discovers he was cheated out of a half interest in partner Mike's business, now a thriving dance hall in 1892 Chicago. Unable to win it back, Andy schemes to make Mike's position untenable. He also hopes to turn Ruby Summers, Mike's motor-mouthed burlesque queen, into a classier entertainer, and incidentally to make her his own. But at the last minute, Andy's revenge comes unravelled.
Inspetor Geral
An illiterate stooge in a traveling medicine show wanders into a strange town and is picked up on a vagrancy charge. The town's corrupt officials mistake him for the inspector general whom they think is traveling in disguise. Fearing he will discover they've been pocketing tax money, they make several bungled attempts to kill him.
Falam os Sinos
Two nuns arrive unannounced in the small New England town of Bethlehem, where they recruit various townspeople to help them build a children's hospital.
O Toque Mágico
Following American reporter Stephen Fitzgerald from Ireland to New York, a grateful leprechaun acts as the newsman's servant and conscience.
Um Anjo Caiu do Céu
Um bispo tentando construir uma nova catedral pede a Deus uma orientação. Um anjo (Cary Grant) chega, mas a sua ajuda não é sobre a captação de recursos. Henry Brougham é um bispo dedicado à nova construção de uma catedral que será paga pela viúva Agnes Hamilton. Dudley, um anjo, é enviado pelo céu para ajudá-lo. Mas Dudley acaba sendo tão prestativo e bondoso para todos que Henry acaba se sentindo ameaçado.
A Dança Inacabada
A young dance student accidentally cripples a teacher she doesn't like.
Two Sisters from Boston
Abigail Chandler has written her stuffy Boston relatives that she's a successful opera singer in New York. In reality, she works at a burlesque house and is billed as High-C Susie. When her sister Martha comes for a visit, Abigail tries to hide the truth from her.
Music for Millions
Six-year-old "Mike" goes to live with her pregnant older sister, Babs, who plays string bass in José Iturbi's orchestra. And the orchestra is rapidly turning completely female, what with the draft. As the orchestra travels around the country, Babs' fellow orchestra members intercept and hide her War Office telegram to protect the baby.
Between Us Girls
A 20-year-old stage actress takes on her most challenging role when she pretends to be her own mother's 12-year-old daughter. Comedy.
It Started with Eve
A young man asks a hat check girl to pose as his fiancée in order to make his dying father's last moments happy. However, the old man's health takes a turn for the better and now his son doesn't know how to break the news that he's engaged to someone else, especially since his father is so taken with the impostor.
Spring Parade
In this light and lovely romantic musical, a Hungarian woman attends a Viennese fair and buys a card from a gypsy fortune teller. It says that she will meet someone important and is destined for a happy marriage. Afterward she gets a job as a baker's assistant. She then meets a handsome army drummer who secretly dreams of becoming a famous composer and conductor. Unfortunately the military forbids the young corporal to create his own music. But then Ilonka secretly sends one of the drummer's waltzes to the Austrian Emperor with his weekly order of pastries. Her act paves the way toward the tuneful and joyous fulfillment of the gypsy's prediction.
First Love
In this reworking of Cinderella, orphaned Connie Harding is sent to live with her rich aunt and uncle after graduating from boarding school. She's hardly received with open arms, especially by her snobby cousin Barbara. When the entire family is invited to a major social ball, Barbara sees to it that Connie is forced to stay home. With the aid of her uncle, who acts as her fairy godfather, Connie makes it to the ball and meets her Prince Charming in Ted Drake, her cousin's boyfriend.
First Love
In this reworking of Cinderella, orphaned Connie Harding is sent to live with her rich aunt and uncle after graduating from boarding school. She's hardly received with open arms, especially by her snobby cousin Barbara. When the entire family is invited to a major social ball, Barbara sees to it that Connie is forced to stay home. With the aid of her uncle, who acts as her fairy godfather, Connie makes it to the ball and meets her Prince Charming in Ted Drake, her cousin's boyfriend.
Três Meninas Endiabradas
Three sisters who believe life is going to be easy, now that their parents are back together, until one sister falls in love with another's fiancé, and the youngest sister plays matchmaker.
The Rage of Paris
Nicole has no job and is several weeks behind with her rent. Her solution to her problems is to try and snare a rich husband. Enlisting the help of her friend Gloria and the maitre'd at a ritzy New York City hotel, the trio plot to have Gloria catch the eye of Bill Duncan, a millionaire staying at the hotel. The plan works and the two quickly become engaged. Nicole's plan may be thwarted by Bill's friend, Jim Trevor, who's met Nicole before and sees through her plot.
The Rage of Paris
Nicole has no job and is several weeks behind with her rent. Her solution to her problems is to try and snare a rich husband. Enlisting the help of her friend Gloria and the maitre'd at a ritzy New York City hotel, the trio plot to have Gloria catch the eye of Bill Duncan, a millionaire staying at the hotel. The plan works and the two quickly become engaged. Nicole's plan may be thwarted by Bill's friend, Jim Trevor, who's met Nicole before and sees through her plot.
100 Men and a Girl
The daughter of a struggling musician forms a symphony orchestra made up of his unemployed friends and through persistence, charm and a few misunderstandings, is able to get Leopold Stokowski to lead them in a concert that leads to a radio contract.
Farewell Again
Farewell Again is a multiplotted British comedy/drama about soldiers on leave and the people they've left. Given a six-hour pass after a tour of duty in India, several British Tommies (among them Robert Newton, Sebastian Shaw and Anthony Bushell) try to unravel their domestic tribulations before having to ship out again. American expatriate Tim Whelan was the directorial hand who kept the various plot threads from entangling, while another Hollywood vet, James Wong Howe, manned the cameras. The film became instantly dated with the advent of World War II, but in its own time Farewell Again was a box-office smash. The film was issued in the US as Troopship.
Três Pequenas do Barulho
The three Craig sisters Penny, Kay, and Joan, go to New York to stop their divorced father from marrying gold digger Donna Lyons and re-unite him with their mother.
Catherine the Last
Story of a naive kitchen maid who falls in love with a wealthy womanizer.
Tagebuch der Geliebten
The Ugly Girl
Dr.Halmi a nokkel szemben nagyon szigoru elveket vall. Alkalmazottkent irodajaban csak csunya noket tur meg. Igy mit tehet a szegeny allastalan titkarno? Egy paroka es egy szemuveg segitsegevel, ven satrafanak alcazva magat hamarosan az ugyved nelkulozhetetlen titkarnojeve valik...
The Cross-Patch
Willy, the son of baron Van Hergershuizen, finds himself disinherited after he marries an untitled girl. His wife decides to take action and applies for the job of the baron's housekeeper.
Kleine Mutti
Ball im Savoy
Musical comedy set in a Grand Hotel.
Starring Francisca Gaál in a breeches role. Dressed as a boy, a street musician gets a job pumping gas. When s/he starts to have feelings for her patron, watch out for complications in this comedy shot in German in Budapest.
Die vertauschte Braut
Der Doppelgänger
Der Tunnel
The engineer MacAllan designs a tunnel, which will join America and Europe together on the seabed. A group of American billionaires are financing the gigantic project, but the construction of the tunnel is proving to be as tedious as it is dangerous. MacAllan's worst enemy is the speculator Woolf, who had embezzled the money for the construction and who is attempting to cover up his crime by carrying out acts of sabotage. Also filmed in 1933 in a French-language version, LE TUNNEL, and remade in 1935 in England as TRANSATLATIC TUNNEL.
Escaping from a policeman who has caught h.im with a stolen dog, Toto (Albert Préjean), a petty crook, hides in the apartment of a typist, Ginette (Renée Saint-Cyr). The two quickly fall in love, and after a brief incarceration, Toto returns to her and schemes to have her win a beauty contest.
The Ugly Girl
The accounting department of an insurance company is looking for a new secretary. To prevent a repeat of the eternal love affairs between the employees, the head of personnel -- no doubt taking advantage of the not-yet-existent anti-discrimination laws -- is seeking the ugliest troll of a woman he can find to do the office typing. And he believes he's found her in the nondescript Lotte. But the bookkeeper Fritz is deeply offended by such mean, discriminatory practices. He decides he's going to correct the boss' disgusting behaviour by going one better: to prove that even ugly people deserve to reproduce, he's going to hit up on Lotte. And obviously, this leads to all sorts of problems and funny situations...
The Ugly Girl
The accounting department of an insurance company is looking for a new secretary. To prevent a repeat of the eternal love affairs between the employees, the head of personnel -- no doubt taking advantage of the not-yet-existent anti-discrimination laws -- is seeking the ugliest troll of a woman he can find to do the office typing. And he believes he's found her in the nondescript Lotte. But the bookkeeper Fritz is deeply offended by such mean, discriminatory practices. He decides he's going to correct the boss' disgusting behaviour by going one better: to prove that even ugly people deserve to reproduce, he's going to hit up on Lotte. And obviously, this leads to all sorts of problems and funny situations...
Le sexe faible
The story of Madame Leroy-Gomez, a wealthy divorcee living in Paris. Together with her servant Antoine she schemes to marry off her unmarried children and fix any issues that arise for those already married.
The Rebel
A young medical student returns to his Tyrolean home to find out that Napoleon's troops have taken over the area and that his mother and sister have been murdered.
The Adventure of Thea Roland
Happy Hearts
A young man, Charles, operator in a neighborhood cinema, is suspected of involvement in the theft of jewelry. His fiancée, Lucette, but it would save would necessitate denounce his brother Olivier who is the leader of the band of thieves. Lucette will see the victim, the jeweler Van Hoolst who agrees to withdraw its complaint against restitution jewelry. Thieves do not meet the market but ultimately, the operator is cleared and becomes the owner of the cinema.
There Goes the Bride
A businessman's daughter runs away from an arranged marriage, only to find herself penniless and suspected of theft after she becomes the victim of a bag thief in the train. When she refuses to tell him who she really is, her accuser decides to take her home where he can keep an eye on her until 12 o'clock the next day, the time at which she has calculated that it will be safe to tell the truth! But when his fiancée arrives unexpectedly and then his 'guest' is mistaken for her, it all gets rather embarrassing...
Five from the Jazzband
By pure chance, Jessie and his four jazz musicians are hired to play at the cabaret theatre “Trocadero”. Unfortunately, she knows nothing about music and it doesn’t help that all four musicians are in love with her. Jessie doesn’t reciprocate their feelings, because she has a thing for Martin. Unfortunately, Martin believes that Jessie stole his car … and so, right before the premiere at the cabaret, she ends up in jail.
In the lead-up to the First World War, a French military attaché falls in love with the wife of a prominent German in Stamboul in the Ottoman Empire
Frivolous youth
Lydia is a spoiled young woman who thinks she can get anything for money. One day she causes an accident in which a motorcyclist is killed. At the trial she meets prosecutor Dan O'Bannon. She is sentenced to prison for manslaughter.
His girlfriend Annette
Le réquisitoire
The Man Who Committed the Murder
The story is about Conrad Veidt as military attache in Turkey where he learns to know an English consul (Heinrich George) and his attractive wife who is treated badly. They begin an affair and soon the husband proves to be an obstacle that has to be disposed of.
L'homme qui assassina
The new French military attaché at the Constantinople embassy helps a young woman being blackmailed by her own husband.
Woman in the Jungle
Marooned on a rubber plantation in the East Indies, Leslie turns to Geoffrey for the love and diversion that she does not find with her husband.
Das letzte Fort
Sündig und süß
Eins + Eins = Drei
Children's Souls Accuse You
Children's Souls Accuse You is a 1927 German silent drama film directed by Curtis Bernhardt and starring Albert Steinrück, Nathalie Lissenko and Walter Rilla. It was made with an anti-abortion theme.
Children's Souls Accuse You
Children's Souls Accuse You is a 1927 German silent drama film directed by Curtis Bernhardt and starring Albert Steinrück, Nathalie Lissenko and Walter Rilla. It was made with an anti-abortion theme.
Prinz Louis Ferdinand
Orphan of Lowood
A film based on novel Jane Eyre.