Abou Djamel


Hassan Taxi
The Adventures of a Hero
In one of the tribes of the Algerian Sahara, everyone awaits the arrival of the hero who will defend the rights of the poor. A man decides one day to put the mark of the "hero" on his newborn son and the whole tribe celebrates the arrival of this eagerly awaited messiah who came to save them. This false hero then grows up by assuming his role of savior. Filled with cynicism, he crosses the countryside and has a number of adventures.
Brancaleone en las cruzadas
Secuela de "La armada Brancaleone". El caballero medieval Brancaleone organiza una expedición hacia Tierra Santa, liderada por un visionario monje, pero bastante desorientado para encontrar el camino a Jerusalén. En su camino se encontrarán con otro grupo que les acusa de herejía; además de mutilados, leprosos, brujas...