Hassan Taxi (1982)
Género : Comedia
Tiempo de ejecución : 0M
Director : Mohamed Slimane Riad
A finales del siglo pasado, en un monasterio situado en las montañas del Magreb, ocho monjes cistercienses viven en perfecta armonía con sus hermanos musulmanes. Pero una ola de violencia y terror se apodera lentamente de la región. A pesar del creciente peligro que los rodea, los monjes deciden quedarse, cueste lo que cueste, haciéndose más fuertes cada día
Pépé le Moko, uno de los delincuentes más buscados de Francia, se esconde en el barrio de la Casbah de Argel. Sabe que la policía le esperará si intenta salir de la ciudad. Cuando Pépé conoce a Gaby, una hermosa mujer de París que se ha perdido en la Casbah, se enamora de ella.
Neige, divorciada y madre de tres hijos, visita con frecuencia a Émir, su abuelo argelino que vive en una residencia de ancianos. Neige quiere y admira a este pilar de la familia, con quien se crió y quien la protegió de unos padres conflictivos, y es que las relaciones entre los numerosos miembros de la familia son complicadas y a menudo rencorosas... Menos mal que Neige cuenta con el apoyo y el humor de François, su ex marido. Cuando muere el abuelo, se desata una tormenta en el seno familiar, creando una crisis de identidad en Neige, quien decide querer comprender y conocer su ADN.
Argelia, 1954. En medio del duro invierno, Daru (Viggo Mortensen), un profesor francés, acepta de mala gana escoltar a Mohamed (Reda Kateb), un hombre acusado de asesinato, a través de las montañas Atlas para que se enfrente a juicio. Perseguidos por hombres que reclaman la ley de la sangre y por colonos revanchistas, los dos hombres se rebelan. Juntos lucharán para recuperar la libertad.
Domini es una mujer joven y atractiva que empieza una nueva vida en Argelia tras la muerte de su padre. Allí conoce a Boris, con el que se casa sin saber que éste esconde un oscuro secreto; su huida de un monasterio después de ordenar los votos como sacerdote. Este pasado inconfesable atormenta a Boris..
Happily married with a daughter, Marc is a successful real estate agent in Aix-en-Provence. One day, he has an appointment with a woman to view a traditional country house. A few hours later, Marc finally puts a name to her face. It's Cathy, the girl he was in love with growing up in Oran, Algeria, in the last days of the French colonial regime. Marc hurries to her hotel. They spend the night together. Then she's gone again. And Marc's mother tells him Cathy never left Algeria. She was killed with her father in a bombing just before independence...
Candlelight in Algeria is a 1944 British war film directed by George King and starring James Mason, Carla Lehmann and Raymond Lovell. This drama follows the exploits of Eisenhower's top aide, Mark Clark, and other important Allies as they journey to an important meeting held on Algeria's coast. The precise location of this vital secret gathering is upon a piece of film which must not fall into enemy hands
Newly-arrived Ahmed tries to integrate his family to the canadian society, while attempting to control his son's life orientation.
Argel, 1993. Corren tiempos de toque de queda. En la casa de Madame Osmane, una antigua combatiente de la guerra de la Independencia, viven su hija, su nuera, su nieta, su criada y dos mujeres a las que ha alquilado una habitación. Madame Osmane está obsesionada con la respetabilidad e impone una férrea disciplina bajo su techo. Cuando su hija se enamora, el mundo de Madame Osmane, hasta entonces perfectamente controlado, empieza a desmoronarse.
Nine people with Abdullah Le Clandestin (Illegal Taxi), in one car, on the way to Algiers.
Un pueblo de algún lugar de Argelia. Mounir, altanero y fanfarrón, quiere que todos le admiren, pero se lo impide su hermana Rym, que sufre de narcolepsia y se queda dormida en cualquier sitio, además de su fama por acostarse con el primero que pasa. Un día, al volver de la ciudad con varias copas de más, anuncia a todo el pueblo que un riquísimo hombre de negocios le ha prometido casarse a su hermana. De la noche a la mañana, todo el mundo le admira y envidia. Encerrado en su propia mentira, Mounir acabará cambiando, sin querer, el destino de los suyos… (FILMAFFINITY)
Algeria's entry for a Best Foreign Language Film Oscar, "Zabana" chronicles the life of Ahmed Zabana, a man who fought for Algerian freedom in the Battle of Algiers. This film chronicles Zabana's fight to free his country to independence, and his death at the hands of French authorities.
Structured as a labyrinth-like game and inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, Aleph is a travelogue of experience, a dreamer's journey through the lives, experiences, stories and musings of protagonists spanning ten countries and five continents.
The beginings of the Algerian Revolution as seen through the eyes of a peasant.
Algeria from above is the first documentary made entirely from the sky on Algeria. Through the eye of the famous Yann Arthus-Bertrand this documentary vividly depicts this great country, and its vibrant cultural and natural treasures. From North to South and from West to East, it shows us the entirety of Algeria, lives in the large hectic coastal cities, Atlas mountains, oases of the Sahara or gentle hills of the Sahel. With a rich past that seems to have crossed all civilizations, and a territory where all natural environments amalgamate, Algeria appears here in all its diversity and its unity.
A family or Algerian origin comes back to Algeria after having lived in France for a long time. The children, born in France, have a hard time adapting to Algerian society, and the contrast between traditionalist mentalities and youth wanting to have fun clash, reaching havoc in the village.
Directed by Moussa Haddad.
Makhlouf Bombardier, unusual, decides to be elected mayor of a dechra (village). So he surrounds himself with trusted partners to organize a great campaign for his election. Bombardier became the mayor of the village and is organizing an international film festival to compete at the Carthage festival. In his action, he is pursued by the Court of Auditors for embezzlement. So, his ultimate goal is to become the president.
A poor man rescues a rich man from burglars. as a way for thanking him The rich guy invite him and his family to come and live in his luxurious hotel. The poor family's life turns upside down in their new home.
A revolutionary militant is killed during the repression of May 1945. His son, who is unaware of the real circumstances of the murder, ends up being attached to the ideal for which his father died.