Hunley Cobble
A runaway truck containing the corpse of a slain gang leader rolls into a California nightclub owned by Johnny Cain, a hard bitten former free-lance adventurer. The gang threatens to kill Johnny, unless he solves the murder. The CIA also investigates - because it turns out that the slaying was part of a long-range Communist plan to take over the crime syndicate. Cain's search for clues leads him into a maze of beautiful girls, mysterious Oriental statues and murderous spies.
Un hombre viaja haciendo autostop por el desierto. Le para una bella mujer con la que inicia un idilio, pero ésta resulta estar casada.
Detective Outside Chinese Laundromat
Un grupo de automovilistas viaja por un agreste paisaje del sur de California. De pronto, un coche les adelanta a gran velocidad pero, al tomar una curva, se precipita por un barranco. Los automovilistas se detienen e intentan ayudar a los ocupantes del vehículo siniestrado, pero llegan tarde, y el conductor moribundo confiesa que tiene escondido un botín de trescientos mil dólares en el parque de Santa Rosita.
The crew of a fishing boat discovers a deserted luxury yacht at sea with a dead body on board. They claim the yacht as salvage, not knowing that a drug smuggling ring has hidden $500,000 worth of heroin on the boat.
Joe Sullivan
The adventures of a young boy who runs away from an orphanage on a search to find his father.
'Shakey' Wilson
Don Pablo Salazar steals a fortune in jewels from an Indian tribe and an Aztec medicine man puts a curse on the jewels until they are returned. Years later, an American insurance man promises to deliver the Salazar fortune to the rightful heir...
Wilbur the Angel
Thanks to the collaboration between American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) and Angels from Heaven a song writing working on his latest musical can finally go on his delayed honeymoon. The Angel Chief sends down Wilbur the Angel along with a wireless phone, from the 1950s, to help Jeff's muse , his wife Mary, inspire Jeff to complete the needed song. This while at the same time displaying and utilizing the latest and greatest telephone equipment. This includes color phones to match every decor. Be sure to note the matching wall cords that connect the phone to the wall.
Man in Car at Diner (uncredited)
Norman Maine, un famoso actor adicto al alcohol, descubre a Esther, una joven con un gran talento para la canción y decide impulsar su carrera cinematográfica. Ella consigue la fama y, a los pocos meses, la pareja contrae matrimonio. Pero, a medida que el éxito de Esther aumenta, decae el de Norman, y esta situación lo empuja a la autodestrucción.
Eddie Taylor
Judy is the daughter of a famous opera singer who once bankrolled prospector Andrew "Cactus" Clayton. Now Clayton hopes to repay the favor, but first he must reclaim his stash of gold from the crooked Williams. Judy helps the old coot by taking on not only Williams, but duplicitous private detectives Walter Martin and Eddie Taylor, not to mention gangsters Spider Mike and Louie.
TV Engineer in Booth (uncredited)
Gladys es una joven modelo que se traslada desde su pueblo a Nueva York para conseguir fama y popularidad. No tiene dinero, pero sí mucha ambición. Cuando, por puro azar, consigue hacerse famosa, un ejecutivo del espectáculo se fijará en ella. Un director de documentales también se enamora de Gladys, pero no está de acuerdo en cómo vive su nueva e inmerecida fama.
After being punched in the nose, Sach finds out that he has the ability to read minds. Slip and the gang start up a detective agency try to cash in on Sach's new powers.
Steve Kostain (Lund), nephew of the owner, begins working at a steel mill to learn the business from the bottom up. He rooms with a steel working family, the McNamaras, and falls for the daughter, "Red" (Sheridan), who is already involved with another steelworker, Jim (Duff.) Although he is at first has a hard time with his co-workers, he eventually wins them over, and also wins the girl.
Shy farmboy loves his next-door neighbor, but she dreams of going to the big city. Then she gets mixed up with big-city gangsters.
Lt. Danny Wilson
Un grupo de científicos formado por el Profesor Rostov, el Doctor Philips y el Doctor Briggs, están realizando pruebas con uno de sus valiosos cohetes sobre Nueva Guinea. El cohete desaparece durante las pruebas y el gobierno recluta a un piloto de excepción, el Mayor Nolan, para que lleve una expedición de rescate a recuperarlo. Al volar sobre una isla selvática de la zona, una onda radioactiva inutiliza los controles del avión haciendo que se estrelle en lo más profundo de la selva. Allí descubrirán algo que podría cambiar el futuro de nuestro mundo...
Tobacco Auctioneer (uncredited)
La acción se sitúa entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX, cuando Brant Royle (Gary Cooper), un joven ambicioso se instala en la zona tabaquera más rica de Estados Unidos dispuesto a crear su propio imperio y a desafiar el monopolio de un poderoso magnate. Conseguirá su objetivo gracias a la ayuda de una joven (Lauren Bacall) y a la aplicación de ciertos avances tecnológicos. Su avaricia lo llevará incluso a casarse con la hija (Patricia Neal) de su rival (Donald Crisp), pero acabará comprendiendo que quien verdaderamente lo ama es la otra y que la riqueza no da la felicidad.
Durante un viaje, un actor es confundido con un ladrón de bancos.
Phil Davis
Un clásico de vacaciones conmovedor sobre una familia que tiene mala suerte en Navidad. Poco antes de Navidad, se mudan a un apartamento donde Rupert, la ardilla, vive en las vigas del ático y actúa como el ángel de la guarda de la familia, no solo para salvar la Navidad, sino también para cambiar sus vidas para siempre.
New Year's Celebrant (uncredited)
Justo antes de Navidad, Steve Mason, el dependiente de una tienda, descubre que una de las clientas -una hermosa viuda madre de un niño- es una "espía". Después de desenmascararla, la deja marcharse, lo que le cuesta el puesto de trabajo. Ambos tienen una cita, que no sienta muy bien a Carl, un pretendiente de la mujer. Quien está realmente contento es el niño, porque no quiere a Carl como padrastro.
Joe Bottomley (as Fletcher Chandler)
Philip Ford's crime thriller stars Lloyd Bridges as a city attorney who comes to the dawning realization that a jewelry heist may be behind the discovery of a dead body in the park -- and that the culprit may be one of the town's leading citizens (Ray Collins). Unfortunately, his investigation is hampered by his girlfriend and ex-secretary (Lorna Gray), who could very well be in cahoots with the bad guys.
Soda Clerk
Anabel Sims (Betsy Drake), una dependienta de unos grandes almacenes que desea casarse, se fija en el pediatra Madison Brown (Cary Grant), pero el médico no le presta demasiada atención. Anabel lo intenta todo, pero sin éxito, hasta que se le ocurre una nueva táctica: darle celos contándole que su jefe está intentando seducirla. (FILMAFFINITY)
Taxi driver
Grant Jordan, bachelor botany professor, marries Katie, a widow with three kids, despite the machinations of Grant's former girlfriend Minna. But on the wedding day, Aunt Jo, who was to babysit, breaks a leg; so the kids come along on the honeymoon.
Bickering brothers unwittingly wind up working together on the same musical production.
Thornton J. Poindexter
Veteran Hollywood actor Chick Chandler plays Thorton Poindexter, a hapless everyman who learns that a little kindness goes a long way when the Roman God Jupiter allows him to relive one particularly miserable day.
The story of Joe Ferrill, whose efforts to raise enough money so that his imprisoned father can live comfortably upon release come to naught when the elder Ferrill dies behind bars. Vowing revenge on Society, Joe aligns himself with a bunch of gangsters. He intends to use his mob connections to get even with auditor John Mitchell, the man whose testimony sent Joe's dad to the Big House. But Joe hasn't counted on falling in love with Mitchell's pretty daughter Chris.
Richard Lacey
WWI flyer Eddie Rickenbaker remembers his life which brought him from a car salesman, race driver and pilot in WWI, to an important person in the early years of civil airline service, after his plane crashed in the South Pacific in late 1942.
Eddie Baxter
Older but no wiser, Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead enter a songwriting contest. It's all part of a plan to cover charity checks that they've signed separately but can't cover. Along the way, Blondie's blood boils when Dagwood gets innocently mixed up with beautiful music teacher Rita Rogers.
Jimmy McMillan
An architect (Chick Chandler) studies the doors of six shops and an apartment house to solve a gem theft/double murder.
Tommy Cutter
Maisie está agobiada y su jefe le ordena tomar dos semanas de vacaciones. Al ir a subir al autobús con destino a Reno, donde cantará en una banda, conoce a una chica y un soldado, que le da una carta para su mujer, quien ha ido a Reno para pedir el divorcio. Pero la mujer no es la verdadera, y Maisie se pone a investigar.
Una joven alquila un apartamento a un hombre que se acaba de alistar en los marines. El problema es que ha dado las llaves a media docena de amigos, que no paran de dejarse caer por el piso.
Seaman 'Corny' Welch
Un oficial de la marina que había desertado se alista de nuevo cuando estalla la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Asignado a la unidad de dragaminas, ha de llevar a cabo peligrosas misiones, al tiempo que debe ocultar su identidad verdadera.
Millionaire Sam Winston is an unhappy man. His wife Constance lives a gay life, devoting all her time to parties; his daughter Gloria is in one scandal after another, changing husbands as often as her moods, and son Jerry spends his time getting drunk and chasing women. Sam hires gangster Johnny April to bump him off but Johnny, liking the old man, defers the killing and sets about making the family appreciate Sam.
When the bride's mother is supposedly swindled out of her money by a spurned suitor, the groom's father orchestrates a scheme of his own to set things right. He is aided by a cabaret singer, while placating a jealous wife.
Stew Stewart
People on a train want what's in a Nazi spy bag, unaware it's a time bomb.
Goldberg (uncredited)
Mientras transporta mercancías para sus aliados rusos una nave de mercante americana capitaneada por Raymond Massey es torpedeada. El valor de Massey y su primer oficial Humphrey Bogart sirve como una inspiración a los sobrevivientes que llevan su diminuto bote salvavidas a América donde son recibidos como héroes. A la tripulación se le asigna un nuevo Liberty Ship. A pesar de los miedos de ser torpedeados de nuevo, Massey, Bogart, y los otros hombres llevan su carga con éxito a Rusia a pesar de ser atacados por varios aviones alemanes en el proceso.
A shy bookkeeper accidentally discovers that the company where he works is targeted in a series of late-night robberies.
Jiggers Johnston
A distinguished professor finds his well-ordered life tospy-turvy after he is forced to take in a pregnant widow.
Air Raid Warden (uncredited)
La joven Ruth Sherwood quiere ser periodista a toda costa, así que se traslada de Ohio a Nueva York para ver cumplido su sueño. En el viaje le acompaña su hermana Elena, una aspirante a actriz. Ambas alquilan un humilde apartamento en Greenwich Village, donde se encontrarán con todo tipo de excéntricos personajes. El problema es que nada de lo que escribe Ruth parece ser lo suficientemente bueno para ser publicado, hasta que decide contar sus propias experiencias personales...
Oliver Harrison
When crime boss Big Mike Morgan is killed, his lieutenant, "Doc" Rogers, learns that Morgan has a son named Edward living in the country with his mother. Rogers has naïve Edward brought to the city and installs him as the head of Acme Protective Agency. Good-hearted Eddy assumes his company provides insurance, rather than extortion-- But don't be too hard on the guy, he still doesn't know he's Baby Face Morgan, the most feared gangster in the city!
Frank 'Dancer' Smith
Un gánster, próximo a morir en la cárcel, comienza a rememorar su vida. Condenado cuatro veces, la última fue a cadena perpetua, aunque era inocente. El culpable de todo ello fue un famoso abogado convertido en gánster que lo contrató para un atraco a cambio de una gran suma.
'Hack' Hackett
Radio star Gene Autry returns to his home town of Gold Ridge at the request of his old friend Pop Harrison, who wants Gene to straighten out his wayward son, Tex Harrison, whose gambling and drinking threaten to bankrupt the rodeo organization which he heads. News photographer Clementine "Clem" Benson and reporter Hack Hackett are ordered to follow Gene. The group finds quarters at the "Bar Nothing" dude ranch, winter quarters for Tex's rodeo group, and Tex soon tangles with Hackett in a quarrel.
After inheriting a New York City art gallery, bookie Milton Berle and his partner Cesar Romero decide to go into the art forgery business. Director Ray McCarey's 1942 comedy also stars Carole Landis, J. Carrol Naish, Steven Geray, Richard Derr, Rose Hobart, Elisha Cook Jr., Chick Chandler, Francis Pierlot and Jerome Cowan.
Mr. Mason
Elderly schoolteacher Nora Trinell, waiting to meet presidential nominee Dewey Roberts, recalls him as her student back in 1916 and his relation to Dan Hopkins, the man she married and lost.
Benny Burns
Un cadete de West Point se enamora de una chica que canta en la banda de su hermano. Deciden casarse, aunque ello signifique que ha de dejar la academia, pero cuando el hermano de su novia escribe una balada patriótica, comprenderá que el deber es más importante que el matrimonio...
Cuando la bella Vicky Lynn (Carole Landis) es encontrada asesinada, la policía detiene al empresario Frankie Christopher (Victor Mature) para interrogarlo. Frankie había llevado a Vicky de ser mesera a ser aceptada socialmente y había organizado toda su carrera hasta que recibió una oferta de Hollywood, justo antes de su muerte. Sólo la hermana de Vicky, Jill Lynn (Betty Grable) tiene las suficientes pruebas para dirigir las sospechas, que apuntaban todas a Frankie, hacia otro lado. Pero el detective dueño del caso, Ed Cornell (Laird Cregar), parece especialmente interesado en él.
If a shy sailor marries before his next birthday, he will inherit a fortune.
Frank (uncredited)
Un joven le pide a una encargada del guardarropa que finja ser su prometida para hacer a su padre feliz en su lecho de muerte. Sin embargo, la salud del anciano mejora y ahora su hijo no sabe cómo decirle que está comprometido con alguien más, en especial porque su padre se ha encariñado con la impostora.
Cliff Peters
Dagwood brings home a pedigreed Great Dane which an important company client wants and which Blondie enters in the big dog show. A highlight of this film is the canine burping display.
Un magnate del petróleo contrata a un piloto, practicamente arruinado, para que secuestre a su alocada hija y le impida casarse con el poco recomendable líder de una banda de música, al que acaba de conocer.
On the day that United Broadcasting System's new building is dedicated, bumbling vice-president Harold L. Montgomery, Sr. discovers that he gave the wrong survey to the builders.....
Dan Morton
An ice skater sues Kildare (Lew Ayres) for malpractice after his roadside first aid leaves her paralyzed.
Jockey (Stephens) struggles against gamblers with the help of stable trainer (Pallette) and horse onwer's daughter (Quigley).
Fred Adams
US-to-Central-America freight service pilot gets engaged to radio broadcaster and promises to take a desk job but the urge for adventure is too strong.
A policeman makes the startling discovery that his girlfriend is involved in a waterfront smuggling racket.
Doc Duggan
The Jones family (without father) head for California to open a bungalow court. To increase business they advertise for families with children and pets. A neighbor threatens to sue.
Stories of women who live in an all-women hotel. One (Bari) works hard and marries a millionaire; another (Hughes) cheats and goes to jail.
'Hap' Maguire
Edmund Lowe plays an insurance investigator who interrupts his honeymoon to look into the case of a murder, which could also be a suicide, in which case his company won't have to pay the victim's contract. His wife, played by Margaret Lindsay, insists on following him around, not only to help him solve the case, but to make sure he doesn't get too friendly with any members of the opposite sex, either.
Swanee River is a 1940 American biopic about Stephen Foster, a songwriter from Pittsburgh who falls in love with the South, marries a Southern girl, then is accused of sympathizing when the Civil War breaks out. Typical of 20th Century Fox biopics of the time, the film is more fictional than factual biography.
Jerry Howard
G-Man Bill Collins swings into action when a crooked sweepstakes racket begins insinuating itself upon the honest citizenry of the US. The crooks have flooded the market with counterfeit lottery tickets, reducing many an unwary speculator to poverty.
Cracker McGurk
The Jones family females decide to teach Father a lesson. He's neglecting the family business to run for mayor, so they decide to neglect their household chores.
Assistant Director
Starting in 1913 movie director Connors discovers singer Molly Adair. As she becomes a star she marries an actor, so Connors fires them. She asks for him as director of her next film. Many silent stars shown making the transition to sound.
Ben Ritchie
Guests at a women's residence club help a jilted small-town girl turn to modelling.
Emcee at Theatre (uncredited)
En Nueva York durante los años 20, una cantante lucha por apartar a su novio de los problemas...
Snapper Doolan
A good-hearted reporter attempts to find the loneliest woman in New York so he can give her an old-fashioned Christmas on a farm..
Dan 'Scooter' Casey
Dos actores que interpretan el papel de detectives se verán involucrados en un asesinato en el hotel en el que acaban de registrarse.
Betting Parlor Clerk
Peter Goodwin es el patriarca de una familia que odia a los Dillon desde que ambos clanes se enfrentaron en la Guerra Civil; pero surge un pequeño problema cuando su sobrina Sally (Loretta Young) se enamora de Jack, el hijo de los Dillon (Richard Greene). Además, para echar más leña al fuego en este romance imposible, Jack ayuda a Sally a formarse como jinete y participar en el derby de Kentucky.
Snapper Doolan
Newspaperman (Whalen) looks into the deaths of bond-carriers while romancing a show girl (Rogers).
Snapper Doolan
A bank runner is accused of killing a woman for whom he deposited a large amount. Reporter and bank official investigate.
Chick Davis
In the jungle near Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Mr. Moto poses as an ineffectual archaeologist and a venerable holy man with mystical powers to help foil two insurgencies against the government.
Sport Fields
Horse racing provides the framework of this crime drama that centers on an orphan who has been raising a promising horse.
Roger Grant, un reputado violinista, forma una banda denominada Alexander's Ragtime Band, con la cantante Stella Kirby. El compositor Charli Dwyer se enamora de Stella y la recomienda a un productor de Broadway. Éste ofrece un contrato a Stella, que se convierte en una estrella.
Mike Harrison
In this tearful crime melodrama, a waitress becomes so taken with her dream of living in posh luxury and comfort that she leaves her honest boyfriend the district attorney to take up with a notorious gangster who lavishes her with stolen furs and fabulous diamonds. She has no idea that the crook is only using her as a pawn in his scheme to learn the DA's secrets. When she finally does learn the truth, she gives up her life for truth, justice and love.
As part of their public feud, Bandleader Bernie pretends a girl singer is no good so columnist Winchell promotes her in his column.
Lady lawyer Portia Merryman (Frieda Inescourt) defends woebegone Elizabeth Manners (Heather Angel), who is on trial for shooting her lover Earle Condon (Neil Hamilton). Ironically, Portia herself had once had a relationship with Earle Condon, but Earle's father, powerful publisher John Condon (Clarence Kolb), forced them apart. She has a pretty good idea of what is going on in Elizabeth's head, since she herself was on the verge of killing Earle Condon when his father ruthlessly took custody of her illegitimate son. As Portia toils and strains to free her client, she carries on a romance with Dan Foster (Walter Abel) -- the attorney for the prosecution. LA Law and The Practice have nothing on this one!
Steve Crowder
Engineer Owen Merrill travels to the Pacific Northwest where he plans to build a dam. He stays at the Salmon Club, run by attractive Heather McHale. When Heather learns Owen's purpose, she explains that the club has a government lease on the river in order to preserve the area's good salmon fishing. Owen argues that the dam will create jobs, but Heather deplores the loss of beauty....
Charlie Milford
A female journalist travels to a new neighborhood after getting a (false) lead and is surprised by what she finds.
Rival advertising firms compete for a radio show's pickle manufacturing account.
Windy Bowman
Racketeer Jim Barnes is trying to force the independent taxicab-drivers to join his "protection service" at the cost of five bucks a day. Champion race-car driver, Bob Kane, joins with his friends Lee and "Dad" Martin in a fight for the street rights of a big city.
Ted Dooley
A girl escapes marriage and hitchhikes with a young man in whose car a jewel thief has planted his loot.
The Jones family's uncle George enters his trotting horse in the fair grounds race. The family helps raise the entrance fee and care for the horse.
Bob Benton
A crusading sportswriter exposes racketeers involved in paying off fighters to throw their matches.
Blind Mrs. Lind comes to American to visit her three children whom she thinks are successful.
Jerry Bassett
A truck driver and a gold-digger meet at a swank hotel and both think the other is wealthy. A drama of greed and society.
Three vaudeville actors after being suspected of a jewel theft and going off to war in 1917 are reconciled in 1917.
Oliver Huston
Believing his wife to be unfaithful, a husband deserts her and his child. Destitute, the woman is forced to take a job as a tango dancer.
Jimmie Kane
A taxi-dancer agrees to pose as a girl who had been kidnapped as a child 18 years before.
James Richard 'Jim' Baldwin
A reporter sets out to provide how unreliable circumstantial evidence is by faking a murder and then taking the rap for it. However, the "fake" murder victim turns out to be really dead
Chandler induces Kennedy to ask the boss for a raise, and to pretend he is married, because the chief has a soft spot for his married employees. So Tom gets a $10 raise, and then the boss invites himself out to his house for dinner and to meet the missus, whereupon it becomes necessary for the boys to produce a wife in a hurry, and a dizzy blonde cutie from next door is elected.
Dick French
A schoolteacher and amateur sleuth suspects foul play when a fellow passenger on a seaplane gets sick and dies. The third and final film with Edna May Oliver and James Gleason as the astute schoolteacher Hildegarde Withers and the New York Police Inspector Oscar Piper busy solving crimes.
Chick is trying to sell his cheap horse to a lady with a grating and annoying voice...sort of like Betty Boop. Jeanie is married to Tom and apparently she got the money from him. However, the pair accidentally take the wrong horse...instead of a broken down nag, it's a top racehorse. When they find out, they do their best to hide it by painting the horse. Hilarity ensues...or should have ensued.
Marty Hicks
An actress goes up to a dude ranch for relaxation, when she falls in love with a ranch owner recently acquitted of his wife's murder.
Bruce Blakely, a meek, mild-mannered certified public accountant, finally gets fed up with his money-grubbing family sponging off of him, and decides to partake of a different side and slice of life. A blonde secretary helps guide him.
A young reporter pines for his high-school sweetheart, but she's preoccupied with appearing in their small town's community musical show. This 1934 comedy, with numerous songs, was inspired by the popular Depression-era comic strip of the same title. With Hal Le Roy, Rochelle Hudson, Guy Kibbee, Hugh Herbert,Douglass Dumbrille and Patricia Ellis.
Drury Darling
The title refers to the business of affable, ambitious bail bondsman (and politically-connected grifter) Bill Bailey, who, in the course of his work, crosses paths with every kind of offender there is, from first-time defendants to career criminals.
A bachelor millionaire on a cruise is protected by a friend from the avid attentions of a crowd of husband (and fortune) seeking girls.
Gene's Friend (Uncredited)
Daniel es un hombre que se ha hecho a sí mismo. A partir de la nada construyó uno de los almacenes más grandes e importantes de Chicago. Sin embargo, cuando llega el momento de que sus hijos lo releven, no le resultará nada fácil compaginar sus intereses con los de sus vástagos.