Carlos Thompson
Nacimiento : 1923-06-07, Buenos Aires - Argentina
Muerte : 1990-10-19
Juan Carlos Mundin-Schaffter, known as Carlos Thompson, (7 June 1923 – 10 October 1990) was an Argentinian actor.
A finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Marie (Catherine Deneuve) y su marido Jerôme (Philippe Noiret) viven en un castillo cerca de Normandía. Marie sueña con ir a París, pero Jerôme, intimidado por la guerra y preocupado por la fidelidad de su esposa, prefiere permanecer aislado en el campo. Un paracaidista de la resistencia y un grupo de soldados alemanes ponen fin a la tranquilidad de los habitantes del castillo.
John Valera
Bank manager John Valera is a man of the world, a dazzling-looking gentleman from head to toe. Tired of his business, he one day leaves everything to have a rest, leaves his workplace in Berlin and travels incognito to Italy, where he wants to unwind and spend a holiday like never before. As his travel budget starts to shrink more and more, Valera is not reluctant to accept various jobs and earns his living as a jazz trumpeter, servant, chauffeur and assistant to a gang of thieves.
Arthur Dilling
Sandor von Barinkay
The young Sandor comes to Timisoara and immediately takes on the pig farmer Zsupan to help the gypsy girl Saffi. As a result, he has bad cards when he spontaneously falls in love with Zsupan's daughter Arsena. In the castle of the Barinkays, which fell in Ungande, Sandor meets a group of gypsies. The old Czipra realizes that Sandor is the son of the Barinkays. Sandor is looking for the family treasure and has to choose between Arsena and Saffi.
Bernard Somerset
Christinow Tomkin
Murder mystery
René von Geldern
Architekt Pablo Guala
Robert Moutier
Peter Lundström
Karin is now continuing her father's research and is also caught in the cross hairs of the mysterious opponents. Johanson himself retreats to a Cambodian monastery in order to escape the gangsters' shots and recover. Meanwhile, the international criminals manage to steal Johanson's energy formula. Karin then goes after the thieves, supported by Lundstrom. But he also has his own goals. The hunt takes them around the world. It soon turns out that a certain Madame Latour is behind the sinister machinations. Eventually old Johanson falls into her hands. In Southeast Asia, a showdown ensues between the kidnappers and Lundstrom and Karin.
Peter Lundström
Professor Johansson has made a huge scientific breakthrough; a device that will create a huge magnetic pulse that knocks out all electricity over a continent-wide area. The military applications are already being thought of when Dr. Johansson is kidnapped by a group of profit-seeking mercenaries. Meanwhile, his daughter, Karin, finds herself having to consort with all manner of shady characters as she searches for her father.
Robert Beaumaris
Pedro Bastiano, Hauptmann
Erwin Dott
The story of the Dassau family, a family of artists: Frau Dassau is a composer, her husband is a writer, and their children are equally gifted as painters, poets and musicians. But unfortunately, no one wants to invest money in their art. The family is about to starve when Nicole comes up with a marvelous idea: She is going to write the "most scandalous book", the sex memoirs of a teenager. For this, she hides under the pseudonym of Eva. The book becomes an enormous success indeed, but Nicole's parents are decent people, and the public interest in their sluttish daughter begins to bother them. Things begin to get even more unpleasant when Nicole falls in love with an American publisher who'd prefer a virgin…
Architekt Pablo Guala
Wally Drucker
A una isla idílica del Mediterráneo llegan dos supervivientes de un accidente de aviación, una supermodelo y su novio playboy. Un triángulo amoroso se iniciará en breve con los habitantes de la isla...
Joaquin Murrieta
Mexican western film about Joaquin Murrieta, the Robin Hood of the West.
Nikolei Stein
Robber Chief
Countess Franziska "is kidnapped" by a band of robbers. However, her father is not willing to pay the ransom so Franziska changes sides.
Stefan Roloff
Between Time and Eternity
Diego Martinez
A luminously beautiful, provocative young woman is rescued near a small fishing village on the Spanish coast. The scene is set for a drama of dangerous passion that threatens to tear apart the simple, tranquil life of the village forever.
Franz Liszt
Recrea la vida del controvertido compositor del siglo XIX, Richard Wagner, y su extraña relación con Ludwig II, conocido como "El Rey Loco" de Bavaria.
Philip Mercedes
Un grupo de arqueólogos viaja a Egipto con la intención de encontrar un importante sarcófago enterrado en el Valle de los Reyes. Durante su estancia deben enfrentarse a los ladrones de tumbas, que buscan lo mismo que ellos.
Cuando a Madeline, una americana que vive en Nápoles, la echan de su apartamento, Ciccio, un compositor de buen corazón, la aloja en su casa. Madeline tiene una aventura amorosa con un amigo de Ciccio, un guapo cantante que, aunque está a punto de casarse, se fuga con Madeline poco antes de la boda.
Norte de África. Jeff (Carlos Thompson) es un soldado que participa en la lucha de Francia contra la independencia de Argelia. Allí encontrará a Yvette (Yvonne De Carlo), una antigua novia, que trabaja como espía al servicio de Francia. Gracias a su impresionante belleza, Ivette Comte (Ivonne De Carlo), lleva numerosas acciones de alto riesgo con gran sutileza y habilidad para salirse siempre con la suya. Se trata, nada más y nada menos, que de una película de acción y espionaje, tiznada de romanticismo, con la actuación del Servicio de Inteligencia Francesa en un país con todos los ingredientes del exotismo, el peligro y el misterio: Argelia. Ivette tendrá que afrontar numerosos dificultades para llevar a cabo sus planes. Así, deberá atraer a un espía, pero a ello tendrá que unir el alto precio de utilizar al hombre que ama. Su recompensa pasará por prestar ayuda a numerosas empresas del gobierno.
Una mujer que, en su juventud, fue engañada por un hombre, se dedica a vengarse de todos los demás. Para ello, utiliza la pasión que despierta su belleza como un arma para destrozar hogares y causar la ruina entre sus numerosos amantes. Pero una grave enfermedad de su hija, internada en un asilo, la empuja al arrepentimiento. (FILMAFFINITY)
Armand Duval
Margarita, a French courtesan, experiences genuine love for first time in the arms of much-younger Armand.
Una joven es contratada como dama de compañía por una mujer adinerada que vive en un castillo, el cual encierra dentro de sus muros una historia siniestra.
Juan Pablo Castel
Adaptation of Ernesto Sábato’s masterpiece: The Tunnel.
The Argentine Sala de Guardia was released in English-speaking markets as Emergency Ward. South-of-the-Border matinee idol Carlos Thompson stars as an idealistic intern, doing his best to survive a very tough day on the job. When not scurrying from one patient to another, the intern tries to maintain equilibrium in his romance with a nurse (Elisa Galve). Comedy dovetails neatly into tragedy, which in turn segues smoothly into heart-tugging pathos. A box-office smash in Argentina, Sala de Guardia repeated its moneymaking performance all throughout Latin America.
Dr. Carlos Álvarez
Dr. Francisco Martínez
A young widow goes to a marriage agency where she is introduced to three hired suitors who end up falling in love with her.
Una joven sin hogar irrumpe en la casa de un matrimonio aduciendo ser hija del hombre, pero se arrepiente del engaño.
Carlos Oribe, un joven poeta del interior, asumirá la culpa por un periodista que causó de la muerte de una bella joven del pueblo.
Mario Casares
Mediante un aviso, una muchacha conoce a un hombre, con el que se casa. El tiene el propósito de apoderarse de la fortuna de ella, y al ser descubierto, trata de matar a su mujer, que se salva mediante un ardid. Luego, el delincuente muere en manos de un gendarme.
Un joven escritor se enamora de una muchacha que viene de la rpovincia. Para darle todos los gustos, trabaja fervientemente y agota su salud. Descubre que es engañado, pero con sus enredos, ella lo atrae nuevamente. Llega al borde de la ruina física y ella otra vez lo engaña y cuando vuelve a atraerlo, él ya agotado, se muere.
Marcelo Velarde
An architect who suffers an attack of epilepsy awoke years later become a famous writer next to get married.
At the core of this enormously bleak melodrama, there is a beautiful, passionate woman (Florence Marly, Chenal's wife) who capriciously oscillates between two men (Chiola, De Paula), even though she knows her fate is fatally linked to one of them.
It narrates the history of the Argentine ship that served for many generations like school for the formation of sailors.
Esteban Rubio
A man who is a director of a reformatory is slowly gaining everyone's trust.