Carlos Thompson

Carlos Thompson

Рождение : 1923-06-07, Buenos Aires - Argentina

Смерть : 1990-10-19


Juan Carlos Mundin-Schaffter, known as Carlos Thompson, (7 June 1923 – 10 October 1990) was an Argentinian actor.


Carlos Thompson


Жизнь богачей
Конец немецкой оккупации. В маленьком французском городке, в особняке, который французы именуют Шато, скучает очаровательная француженка. Гремят взрывы наступающей армии союзников, а в доме свита устраивает для своей хозяйки праздник. В разгар веселья на территорию Шато попадает парашютист-освободитель, который тоже не прочь присоединится к гуляющим и прекрасной хозяйке дома…
Vacation as Never Before
John Valera
Bank manager John Valera is a man of the world, a dazzling-looking gentleman from head to toe. Tired of his business, he one day leaves everything to have a rest, leaves his workplace in Berlin and travels incognito to Italy, where he wants to unwind and spend a holiday like never before. As his travel budget starts to shrink more and more, Valera is not reluctant to accept various jobs and earns his living as a jazz trumpeter, servant, chauffeur and assistant to a gang of thieves.
Frau Cheneys Ende
Arthur Dilling
The Gypsy Baron
Sandor von Barinkay
The young Sandor comes to Timisoara and immediately takes on the pig farmer Zsupan to help the gypsy girl Saffi. As a result, he has bad cards when he spontaneously falls in love with Zsupan's daughter Arsena. In the castle of the Barinkays, which fell in Ungande, Sandor meets a group of gypsies. The old Czipra realizes that Sandor is the son of the Barinkays. Sandor is looking for the family treasure and has to choose between Arsena and Saffi.
Finden Sie, daß Constanze sich richtig verhält?
Bernard Somerset
Eheinstitut Aurora
Christinow Tomkin
Murder mystery
Das große Wunschkonzert
René von Geldern
Stefanie in Rio
Architekt Pablo Guala
Der Held meiner Träume
Robert Moutier
Mistress of the World - Part II
Peter Lundström
Karin is now continuing her father's research and is also caught in the cross hairs of the mysterious opponents. Johanson himself retreats to a Cambodian monastery in order to escape the gangsters' shots and recover. Meanwhile, the international criminals manage to steal Johanson's energy formula. Karin then goes after the thieves, supported by Lundstrom. But he also has his own goals. The hunt takes them around the world. It soon turns out that a certain Madame Latour is behind the sinister machinations. Eventually old Johanson falls into her hands. In Southeast Asia, a showdown ensues between the kidnappers and Lundstrom and Karin.
Хозяйка мира
Peter Lundström
Шведский профессор Йоханссон совершает открытие, способное разрушить мир. Международная преступная группировка во главе с мадам Лятур начинает за ним охоту и похищает профессора и его помощника. В борьбу вступают агенты спецслужб со всего мира. Швед Лундстрем, итальянец Бьямонте, русский агент Бераков. Вскоре исчезает и дочь профессора Карин. Выясняется, что следы преступников ведут в Бангкок.
Enchanting Arabella
Robert Beaumaris
Der lustige Krieg des Hauptmann Pedro
Pedro Bastiano, Hauptmann
Наполовину нежная
Erwin Dott
Вся семья Дассау из Вены художественно честолюбивая, но безуспешная. Отец, усердный почтовый служащий, пишет «кровавые» детективы, которые не находят издателя. Никто не хочет слушать песни о любви его жены. Их младшая дочь Бригитта — непризнанная художница, а старшая Николь пишет глубоко чувствительные стихи о «листьях, которые шепчут на деревьях». Когда Николь снова получает отказ издательства, она решает поставить «аморальную пьесу», соответствующую духу времени. Под заголовком «Ева — мемуары 17-летней» Николь излагает предположительно автобиографические переживания чувственной девушки, которую обманывает ее супруг. Пьеса на сцене старо-почтенного Венского придворного театра имеет сенсационный успех. Вся Вена гадает, кто же автор… Тем временем, американский кинопродюсер Эрвин Дотт предлагает большую сумму за право экранизации пьесы. Но с одним условием — он желает познакомиться с автором лично…
Architekt Pablo Guala
Raw Wind in Eden
Wally Drucker
Passengers struggle to survive after their plane crashes on a remote island. Director Richard Wilson's 1958 drama stars Esther Williams, Jeff Chandler and Rosanna Podesta.
The Last Rebel
Joaquin Murrieta
Mexican western film about Joaquin Murrieta, the Robin Hood of the West.
Ich war ihm hörig
Nikolei Stein
Харчевня в Шпессарте
Robber Chief
Графиня Франциска с женихом едут в свой родовой замок Зандау. На ночь им приходится остановиться в харчевне в глухом месте Шпессарт. Ночью в харчевню врываются бандиты, чтобы похитить графиню и получить за нее выкуп…
Goodbye, Francesca!
Stefan Roloff
Between Time and Eternity
Between Time and Eternity
Diego Martinez
A luminously beautiful, provocative young woman is rescued near a small fishing village on the Spanish coast. The scene is set for a drama of dangerous passion that threatens to tear apart the simple, tranquil life of the village forever.
Magic Fire
Franz Liszt
Director William Dieterle's 1956 film biography of classical composer Richard Wagner stars Carlos Thompson, Yvonne De Carlo, Rita Gam, Alan Badel and Valentina Cortese.
Valley of the Kings
Philip Mercedes
Hard-boiled archeologist Mark Brandon is searching for ancient tombs in Egypt when he is approached by beautiful Ann Mercedes, who convinces him to help her fulfill her deceased father's life's ambition - to provide solid proof of the biblical Joseph's travels in ancient Egypt. As an ex-pupil of Ann's father, Mark accepts and the two embark on a search for the tomb of the Pharoah Ra Hotep, said to have had some connection with Joseph. The trail to the tomb is fraught with intrigue, betrayal, murder, and the possibility that the tomb itself has been emptied of all its artifacts by ancient looters.
Flame and the Flesh
American woman in Europe romanced by local gigolo; problems ensue.
Fort Algiers
In northwest Africa, a tribal leader tries to stir up a rebellion against the ruling powers.
Naked Passion
A woman who works doing chores in the convent where her paralyzed daughter, that believes that is dead, and falls in love of a doctor.
The Lady of the Camelias
Armand Duval
Margarita, a French courtesan, experiences genuine love for first time in the arms of much-younger Armand.
La de los ojos color del tiempo
A man suffers trauma after the poisoning death of his wife, and starts feeling responsible.
The Tunnel
Juan Pablo Castel
Adaptation of Ernesto Sábato’s masterpiece: The Tunnel.
Emergency Ward
The Argentine Sala de Guardia was released in English-speaking markets as Emergency Ward. South-of-the-Border matinee idol Carlos Thompson stars as an idealistic intern, doing his best to survive a very tough day on the job. When not scurrying from one patient to another, the intern tries to maintain equilibrium in his romance with a nurse (Elisa Galve). Comedy dovetails neatly into tragedy, which in turn segues smoothly into heart-tugging pathos. A box-office smash in Argentina, Sala de Guardia repeated its moneymaking performance all throughout Latin America.
La indeseable
Dr. Carlos Álvarez
Una viuda casi alegre
Dr. Francisco Martínez
A young widow goes to a marriage agency where she is introduced to three hired suitors who end up falling in love with her.
Abuse of Trust
A homeless young woman breaks into a married couple's house claiming to be the man's daughter, but she regrets the deception.
The Crime of Oribe
The story of two men and a mysterious family, who repeat the same day forever in order to save the life of one of its daughters.
La trampa
Mario Casares
A lonely woman marries a man without getting to know him.
Los pulpos
A treacherous provincial girl repeatedly cheats on a young writer who loves her madly.
Los verdes paraísos
Marcelo Velarde
An architect who suffers an attack of epilepsy awoke years later become a famous writer next to get married.
Viaje sin regreso
At the core of this enormously bleak melodrama, there is a beautiful, passionate woman (Florence Marly, Chenal's wife) who capriciously oscillates between two men (Chiola, De Paula), even though she knows her fate is fatally linked to one of them.
Fragata Sarmiento
It narrates the history of the Argentine ship that served for many generations like school for the formation of sailors.
...Y mañana serán hombres
Esteban Rubio
A man who is a director of a reformatory is slowly gaining everyone's trust.