Nicholas Mead

Nicholas Mead


Nicholas Mead


Le Mans 1955
Pierre Levegh
The 24 Hours of Le Mans, 1955. 300.000 spectators are watching from the sidelines. It is 6:00 PM when Pierre Levegh's car ploughs into the spectator stands, scattering the crowd with his car engine's hot debris.
le soldat blessé
En junio de 1940, las tropas alemanas ocupan París. Odile, una profesora viuda, sucumbe al pánico general y huye de la ciudad con sus dos hijos. Poco después son atacados por un avión alemán. Aparece entonces un muchacho que los ayuda a escapar. A continuación, se refugian en una casa abandonada. Allí, aislados del mundo, sin radio ni reloj, los cuatro van conociéndose poco a poco. Odile no puede evitar desconfíar de ese joven salvaje y analfabeto que miente continuamente, pero que, sin embargo, cuida de ellos.
Algérie, Mémoires du Raï
French Announcer
Arrogant aristocrat Rupert Campbell-Black has a high social position, woman at his feet, money and fame in the world of show jumping. But Rupert has a rival - the brooding gypsy Jake Lovell, whose loathing for the Pin Up of Penscombe has driven him to the top of the riding world to match Rupert's skills. A bitter feud festers between the two stars, who have fought and fornicated their way round the show rings of the world, and now come to a showdown at the Lod Angeles Olympics. As rivals in love and sport, the stage is set for what becomes a compulsive blend of sex, romance, and adventure.