René Le Hénaff


Death Is Nimble, Death Is Quick
Two Yanks are hired to protect a rich lady from a sinister underworld group. Lots of jungle thrills, martial arts, ancient temples, huge explosions, & even sci-fi elements. Watch for Harris' great karate fight inside a crumbling temple, surrounded by masked members of an ancient sect.
Las vírgenes de Roma
La acción tiene lugar cuando Roma aún no domina Italia. Derrotados sus ejércitos por los pueblos vecinos, los romanos deben entregar a sus jóvenes vírgenes como rehenes.
El recreo
Una norteamericana que vive en un internado desarrolla una fascinación por un escultor al que ve subida al muro del colegio. La amante de éste le anima a seducir a la colegiala. Una mañana, la joven es testigo de un accidente de coche en que un soldado resulta muerto. El conductor escapa...
Un ángel sobre la tierra
Cuando su novia, la Princesa Augusta, le da calabazas y se escapa con un cantante, el piloto de carreras Pierre Chaillot decide ahogar sus penas en el alcohol y luego matarse. Antes de que pueda cometer el acto fatal, su ángel de la guarda aparece, en el cuerpo de una bella azafata que, aunque Pierre lo ignora, está locamente enamorada de él. La misión del ángel es la de conseguir que Pierre se enamore para que encuentre una razón para vivir.
El médico de Stalingrado
1943. La gran batalla de Stalingrado ha terminado. Batallones de prisioneros alemanes son conducidos a campos de concentración. A uno de estos campos, el 5110/47, llega el médico militar Fritz Böhler, Böhler no puede olvidar su juramento hipocrático y se salta todas las reglas del campo para poder operar de peritonitis a un alférez. El médico y su equipo además de robo, pueden ser acusados de asesinato en caso de que fallezca el alférez. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ingrid - The Story of a Fashion Model
Strange Desire of Mr. Bard
A terminally ill Mr. Bard, a casino bus driver forced to quit his job, miraculously wins a fortune playing roulette. Instantly becoming a millionaire, he wants to fulfill his life's dream: to become a father. This plan is opposed by his greedy relatives who would go any low to take this money away from him. They are being led by a small-time crook. Mr. Bard's natural shyness and good heart lead him to the journey of self-exploration and finding his true love.
Caught in the Foreign Legion
André Duroc pretends to be a duke in order to extort money from Aunt Solange. But his trickery is discovered, he must flee and, thanks to a uniform, takes part in the great maneuvers.
Women Without Names
Women Without Names (Italian:Donne senza nome) is 1950 Italian drama film directed by Géza von Radványi and starring Simone Simon, Vivi Gioi and Françoise Rosay.[1] It is set in a displaced persons camp after the Second World War. It was made at Cinecittà in Rome.
A young woman who inherits her uncle's nightclub, invents a gangster husband in order to gain respect.
Les maris de Léontine
Léontine, an old baroness, opposes her granddaughter's wedding for moral reasons. But Adolphe, her first husband reminds her that her own conduct in the past was far from irreproachable. Didn't she cheat on him ? And after her divorce from him and her remarriage with a baron, didn't she do the same thing to her second husband? Léontine then realizes she is in no position to lecture her granddaughter, all the more as she loves her fiancé truly.
Monsieur de Falindor
A time lord of Valois must go to war. He learns by a prophecy that his honor risks being affected. He entrusts his wife to Maxime de Falindor who, despite the temptation, will know how to restore her wife and honor intact.
Christine se marie
In order to engage in life experiences, Christine takes the civil status of her three sisters to marry as many times.
St. Val's Mystery
Désiré Le Sec has just won the "amateur policeman contest" and he is so glad he 's telling all the people around.He is an insure agent ,and his boss,his uncle,is annoyed :a man took out a big life insurance and died soon afterward.
Hoboes in Paradise
In a Provençal village, two jolly good fellows, Boule and Pons, decide to dress as Saint Anthony and Saint Nicholas for the distribution of presents to the children on the feast of Saint Nicholas. They unfortunately get killed by a cart and find themselves in Hell where Lucifer and his demons duly torment them. They are saved by a prayer which helps them to climb the stairway to Paradise. Saint Peter, taken in by the applicants' disguise, lets them in. When the two true Saints show up, trouble follows. Luckily, thanks to the intervention of the Virgin Mary, the two friends are acquitted at their celestial trial and allowed to return to Earth.
Coup de tête
A sporty and chivalrous young man creates, with some comrades, a society whose goal is to protect honest people against rogues. He finds himself thrown into unforeseen adventures, at the end of which he will discover love.
Coup de tête
A sporty and chivalrous young man creates, with some comrades, a society whose goal is to protect honest people against rogues. He finds himself thrown into unforeseen adventures, at the end of which he will discover love.
Colonel Chabert
The story of a French officer who is assumed dead during the Napoleonic Wars, but returns ten years later to a very different France, both on a political and personal level. The film is based on the novel Colonel Chabert by Honoré de Balzac.
Des jeunes filles dans la nuit
Six young boarding girls return home unexpectedly after their college has been destroyed by fire. Their unexpected presence arouses melodramatic reactions.
The Lover of Borneo
Lucien Mazerand, a bookseller from Châteauroux, goes to Paris to spend a few days in the French capital. At the music-hall, he discovers Stella Losange, a singer who literally enthralls him. Determined to seduce her, he is aware that a mere bookseller from the provinces stands no chance. So he resorts to a stratagem: posing for a globe-trotter who has gone through millions of adventures. The scheme works but the lady wants more : why doesn't he take her along with him so that she can share his dangerous life?
Who Killed Santa Claus?
A village in the French Alps is rocked by a series of crimes, including the theft of a sacred ring and the murder of a man dressed as Père Noël (Father Christmas).
Beating Heart
Tells the story of a young woman escaping from reform school who tries to steal a foreign ambassador's watch but ends up falling in love with him.
Al despertar el día
Perseguido por la policía, François (Jean Gabin) se refugia en una casa. Mientras está rodeado, va recordando cómo los conflictivos hechos de los últimos días lo han conducido hasta la apurada situación en la que se encuentra; su pasión por la florista Françoise (Jacqueline Laurent), su compleja relación con la prostituta Clara (Arletty) y el asesinato de Valentin (Jules Berry), un extraño personaje relacionado con ambas mujeres.
Fort Dolorès
Several men of different nationalities have decided to free themselves from the clutches of women and have vowed to help each other in case one of them might relapse. They find shelter in a hacienda on the pampas. They believe they are now safe from the evil influence of the fair sex. Unfortunately there is a farm nearby in which... a gorgeous woman is said to live. Great principles are short-lived, as they soon realize: lust, jealousy and hate set in at once.
Hotel del Norte
En un modesto hotel de un barrio popular de París, Renée (Annabella) y Pierre (Jean-Pierre Aumont), una joven pareja de enamorados, alquilan una habitación para una sola noche. Ambos jóvenes tiene intención de suicidarse: Pierre matará a Renée de un tiro, y luego disparará contra sí mismo. Pero el plan no sale como tenían planeado...
El muelle de las brumas
Un desertor del ejército francés llega a Le Havre, una ciudad permanentemente envuelta en la niebla, para huir en barco. Conoce a Nelly en Casa Panamá, un garito del muelle, y simpatizan de inmediato; ella es una joven de diecisiete años tiranizada por su tutor Zabel, un extraño hombre que mantiene tratos con un grupo de jóvenes que juegan a ser mafiosos.
Precious Fools
Being a tramp is not always a disadvantage. For example when there is a masquerade ball. Indeed wearing flea-ridden rags might just mean having donned a costume. This is what happens to two resourceful Brussels bums, La Cloche and Picolard, who manage to gain entry in a fancy-dress ball. Once there, La Cloche is mistaken by an oriental prince for a respected doctor. His mission will be to give care to a music-hall diva. Even more exciting, he is asked to vaccinate a whole troupe of showgirls. Trouble guaranteed.
Precious Fools
Being a tramp is not always a disadvantage. For example when there is a masquerade ball. Indeed wearing flea-ridden rags might just mean having donned a costume. This is what happens to two resourceful Brussels bums, La Cloche and Picolard, who manage to gain entry in a fancy-dress ball. Once there, La Cloche is mistaken by an oriental prince for a respected doctor. His mission will be to give care to a music-hall diva. Even more exciting, he is asked to vaccinate a whole troupe of showgirls. Trouble guaranteed.
Joli monde
3D film on the basque traditions and culture.
Un de la montagne
The Blue Ones of the Sky
An obscure mechanic falls in love with a an champion pilot.
July 14
A light, comedy romance about a cab driver named Jean and a flower girl named Anna that takes place in Paris during the Bastille day celebration of July 14th.
Viva la libertad
Dos presidiarios deciden llevar a la práctica un plan para fugarse. Pero, cuando están a punto de alcanzar la libertad, son descubiertos. Uno de ellos decide sacrificarse por el otro, que llegará a convertirse en un gran empresario.
Bajo los techos de París
En los años 30, bajo los tejados del París, en las buhardillas, viven los bohemios, los pobres, los artistas y los extranjeros. Entre ellos está Albert, un cantante callejero que se ha enamorado de Pola, una inmigrante polaca a la que también persigue Fred, jefe de una banda de gángsters. Albert y Pola viven juntos hasta que a Albert lo encarcelan por un robo que no ha cometido. Louis, su mejor amigo, se hará cargo entonces de la chica. (FILMAFFINITY)
An ironic look at what it is like to be beautiful for a woman (and handsome for a few men) in the Paris of the late twenties.