Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway

Nacimiento : 1899-07-21, Oak Park, Illinois, USA

Muerte : 1961-07-02


Description above from the Wikipedia Ernest Hemingway (journalist), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia. Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American journalist, novelist, short-story writer, and sportsman. His economical and understated style—which he termed the iceberg theory—had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his adventurous lifestyle and his public image brought him admiration from later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and he won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short-story collections, and two nonfiction works. Three of his novels, four short-story collections, and three nonfiction works were published posthumously. Many of his works are considered classics of American literature. Hemingway was raised in Oak Park, Illinois. After high school, he was a reporter for a few months for The Kansas City Star before leaving for the Italian Front to enlist as an ambulance driver in World War I. In 1918, he was seriously wounded and returned home. His wartime experiences formed the basis for his novel A Farewell to Arms (1929). In 1921, Hemingway married Hadley Richardson, the first of four wives. They moved to Paris where he worked as a foreign correspondent and fell under the influence of the modernist writers and artists of the 1920s' "Lost Generation" expatriate community. His debut novel The Sun Also Rises was published in 1926. He divorced Richardson in 1927 and married Pauline Pfeiffer; they divorced after he returned from the Spanish Civil War, where he had been a journalist. He based For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) on his experience there. Martha Gellhorn became his third wife in 1940; they separated after he met Mary Welsh in London during World War II. He was present with the troops as a journalist at the Normandy landings and the liberation of Paris. Hemingway maintained permanent residences in Key West, Florida (in the 1930s), and Cuba (in the 1940s and 1950s). He almost died in 1954 after plane crashes on successive days; injuries left him in pain and ill health for much of the rest of his life. In 1959, he bought a house in Ketchum, Idaho, where, in mid-1961, he ended his own life.


Ernest Hemingway


Across the River and Into the Trees
In post WW2 Venice Italy, American Army Col. Richard Cantwell, haunted by the war, is a bona fide hero who faces news of his illness with stoic disregard. Determined to spend a weekend in quiet solitude, he commandeers a military driver to facilitate a visit to his old haunts in Venice. As Cantwell's plans begin to unravel, a chance encounter with a remarkable young woman begins to rekindle in him the hope of renewal.
Ernest Hemingway: 4 Weddings and a Funeral
Self - Writer (archive footage)
A look at the intimacy of the US writer Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), a man infinitely more complex than his public image suggested, through the story of his relationship with his four wives.
Randy Writes a Novel
Randy Feltface teams up with a typewriter in this hilarious hour of spoken word and gratuitous arm movements.
The Man With the Orange Head
A regular night in a japanese restaurant in the middle of nowhere takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of two gangsters looking for a man known as the Swede. The killers take the clients hostage and start to systematically expose their prejudices and hypocrisies through physical and psychological abuse while they wait for their target to arrive. Based on Ernest Hemingway's Short Story.
White Elephants
An adaptation of Hemingway's story "White Elephants". The action takes place on a godforsaken old train station in the middle of beautiful Ukrainian mountains. We are witnessing the most difficult conversation in the lives of a man and a woman who are trying to justify their difficult decision and attempting to save the relationship.
Self - Writer (archive footage)
Una profunda investigación sobre el mundo privado del escritor americano J. D. Salinger (1919-2010), que vivió la mayor parte de su vida detrás del impenetrable muro de un aislamiento autoimpuesto: cómo sus dramáticas experiencias durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial influyeron en su vida y en su trabajo, sus relaciones con mujeres muy jóvenes, sus obsesivos métodos de escritura, sus muchos secretos literarios.
Hemingway Unknown
Ernest Hemingway is an almost mythical figure. In addition to being an author, he is literary work himself - a real rock star ante litteram. Much of his life has been an eternal holiday, minutely documented and continues to be a source of inspiration for himself. Wherever there are places that share their quotes: true or presumed. The pictures that portray him are thousands. Hemingway had built a fame as a captain of ventura, expressing a strong personality, man and myth, joining the life lived in the imagination of his characters.
Hollywood contra Franco
Self - Writer (archive footage)
La Guerra Civil española ejerció un fuerte impacto en los artistas de Hollywood. Muchos de ellos apoyaron campañas contra la política de no intervención del gobierno de Estados Unidos, participaron en mítines o pagaron ambulancias para el bando republicano. El documental muestra cómo se utilizó el conflicto en la meca del cine entre 1937 y 1975.
Garden of Eden
En vísperas de la Gran Depresión, David Bourne (Jack Huston), un exitoso y joven escritor americano, pasa la luna de miel en Europa con su bella esposa Catherine (Mena Suvari), pero ella pronto empieza a aburrirse e impulsa a su marido a actuar traspasando los límites de su imaginación. De repente, conocen a Marita (Caterina Murino), una seductora italiana que no dudará en unirse a las aventuras del matrimonio.
Night Express
Short Story
Adaptation of the Ernest Hemingway short story "Hills Like White Elephants".
El chico que conquistó Hollywood
Himself (archive footage)
Documental basado en la autobiografía (de mismo título) del famoso productor de la Paramount Robert Evans, controvertido personaje nacido en Nueva York en 1930 y productor entre otros títulos de "Chinatown" (1974), "Marathon Man" (1976), "The Cotton Club" (1984), "Jade" (1995) o "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" (2003). Éxito, escándalos, sexo, tragedia e infamia en un personal retrato de Hollywood en el que aparecen famosos del mundo del cine americano como Francis Ford Coppola, Roman Polanski, Paul Newman o Dustin Hoffman
Hills Like White Elephants
Hills Like White Elephants is a 2002 short film based on a story by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway's story was published in 1927 in the second collection of short stories titled Men without Woman.
Tras la tormenta
Arno es un joven que se gana la vida como pescador en las caribeñas islas de las Bahamas. Cuando presencia el naufragio de un yate de lujo en una tormenta acude al lugar de la catástrofe sin pensarlo y descubre en la embarcación una fortuna en joyas con la que decide quedarse para salir de su anodina vida. El botín no pasa desapercibido y poco a poco se van sumando más personas al barco que también quieren su parte de las joyas. El descubrimiento resultará no causarles más que problemas y desesperación a todos a la hora de repartir el tesoro.(FILMAFFINITY)
El viejo y el mar
Un viejo pescador cubano, Santiago, sale a la mar todos los días, aunque la mala suerte le persigue y no consigue regresar con una buena captura. Una mañana sale a navegar en su pequeña barca y, mientras espera con el cebo en el agua, un pez, aparentemente enorme, pica el anzuelo. A partir de ahí se entabla una durísima lucha entre el viejo pescador y el pez.
Ernest Hemingway: Wrestling with Life
Archival Footage
A&E's long-running biography series takes a look at one of the 20th century's most emblematic figures, Ernest Hemingway. Through a collection of still photography, narration by granddaughter Mariel Hemingway, commentary from author A.E. Hotchner and publisher Charles Scribner, and readings from Hemingway's writing (including personal letters and unpublished works) by Scott Glenn, the film takes us from the man's Midwestern childhood roots up through the tragic suicide that serves as a bittersweet exclamation on what is otherwise considered to be a life of profound accomplishment.
A Clean and Well Lit Place
An ex-boxer who is pursued by professional criminals, tries to take refuge in a Caribbean town with his girlfriend and his disciple. Story loosely inspired on "The Killers" by Ernest Hemingway.
Women and Men: Stories of Seduction
This trio of tales, based on classic short stories, chronicles the complicated relations between the sexes.
El viejo y el mar
Un viejo pescador se hace a la mar, como todos los días, aunque hoy capturará el pez más grande de su vida. La lucha que tiene que mantener para poder llevarlo a tierra hace que tome cariño con el mastodóntico pez. Adaptación para televisión de la famosa novela de Ernest Hemingway.
Gary Cooper, el héroe modesto
Himself (archive footage)
Clint Easwood presenta este documental escrito y dirigido por el crítico Richard Schickel que recorre la carrera y los mitos que rodearon al actor.
Captain Khorshid
Captain Khorshid is a sailor who although only having one hand, manages to sail his little boat. In his village, due to its hot climate and hard living conditions, dangerous criminals are sent into exile. They want to escape from the area, so they ask a middleman to strike a deal with Khorshid. Khorshid is asked to illegally take them out of the country with his boat. At first he is reluctant, but because of the hardships of living he accepts the job.
My Old Man
Short Story
An unlucky horse trainer, Frank Butler, wins big at the track and buys his 16-year old daughter a horse to salvage their relationship. When Frank is hurt prior to the opening race, Jo must go it alone.
Islands in the Stream
TV version of a play based on Ernest Hemingway's posthumous novel.
La isla del adiós
Thomas Hudson (George C. Scott) es un escultor norteamericano cuyo aislamiento voluntario en las islas Bahamas se ve truncado por la visita de sus hijos y por el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
Código del hampa
Dos asesinos reciben el encargo de acabar con la vida de un antiguo piloto de carreras. Ejecutado el trabajo, uno de ellos, intrigado, decide averiguar por qué la víctima ni siquiera intentó defenderse o huir. La investigación lo lleva hasta uno de los jefes del crimen organizado. Ésta es la segunda adaptación del relato corto "The Killers" de Ernest Hemingway. La primera ("Forajidos", 1946), indiscutible obra maestra del cine negro, fue dirigida por Robert Siodmak y protagonizada por Burt Lancaster ("el Sueco").
Mäed kui valged elevandid
Short Story
A man and a woman are trying to solve a problem that is crucial to their relationship, but their ideas and beliefs have a different vision.
Cuando se tienen veinte años
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Nick Adams, un joven inquieto e hijo único de una familia un poco excéntrica, emprende un viaje a Nueva York para conseguir un trabajo como reportero, pero antes se alista en el ejército italiano como conductor de ambulancia. Durante la guerra conocerá el amor. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Snows of Kilimanjaro
A writer reflects on his life as he lies dying from an infection after a safari in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, after Earnest Hemingway's short story.
The Fifth Column
A TV film made as part of The Buick-Electra Playhouse.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
During the Spanish Civil War, an American allied with the Republicans finds romance during a desperate mission to blow up a strategically important bridge.
El viejo y el mar
Adaptación de la famosa novela de Hemingway que narra la historia de Santiago, un viejo pescador portugués que lleva 84 días sin pescar un solo pez. El anciano lobo de mar, viudo y sin hijos, es amigo de un joven que lo adora porque le ha enseñado todo sobre la mar, pero los padres del chico creen que la suerte ha abandonado a Santiago y que nunca volverá a capturar un pez. Sin embargo, al día siguiente, sale a faenar decidido a apresar el pez más grande que se haya capturado jamás.
Balas de contrabando
Sam Martin, un antiguo oficial de marina, se gana la vida en Key West (Florida) alquilando un barco de recreo a los turistas. Un traficante de armas americano le paga una enorme suma de dinero por dejarlo cerca de La Habana. En plena revolución castrista los viajes a Cuba estaban prohibidos.
Adiós a las armas
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Antes de que los EE.UU. entraran en la contienda (1917), un periodista americano se alistó como voluntario en el Cuerpo de Ambulancias italiano para poder seguir de cerca el desarrollo del conflicto. Segunda adaptación cinematográfica de la novela homónima de Hemingway. La primera la dirigió Frank Borzage en 1932. (FILMAFFINITY)
Después de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), Jake Barnes vaga sin rumbo por Europa en busca de emociones que compensen la impotencia que le ha causado una herida de guerra. En París encuentra a Lady Brett Ashley, que lo había ayudado a recuperarse de sus heridas durante la guerra. Jake se marcha a Pamplona con su amigo Bill a vivir los Sanfermines. Lady Brett y algunos amigos ya están allí. La tensión entre los hombres va en aumento, pues todos desean a Lady Brett; pero ella se interesa por el joven matador de toros Pedro Romero.
The Killers
The Killers is a 1956 student film by the Soviet and Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky and his fellow students Marika Beiku and Aleksandr Gordon. The film is based on the short story "The Killers" by Ernest Hemingway, written in 1927. It was Tarkovsky's first film, produced when he was a student at the State Institute of Cinematography.
The Battler
Wandering around America, young Nick Adams encounters a washed-up punch-drunk boxer known as "The Battler".
Las nieves del Kilimanjaro
Harry es un escritor que resulta herido en un accidente durante un safari cerca del Kilimanjaro. Mientras espera la llegada del equipo de rescate, hace un repaso de los momentos más importantes de su vida.
Punto de ruptura
Basada en la novela de Ernest Hemigway. En Florida, el propietario de un barco con problemas económicos, acepta alquilar su barco a unos criminales para que huyan de la justicia. Las cosas se complicarán cuando un amigo suyo sea asesinado.
Under My Skin
Set in Paris, Under My Skin stars John Garfield as a washed-up jockey who has stolen money from a crooked gambler (Luther Adler).
Pasión en la selva
Short Story
A Wilson, un cazador profesional afincado en Kenya, lo contratan Margot y Francis Macomber para hacer un safari por la sabana africana. Wilson organiza para ellos una cacería, pero, cuando llega el momento de enfrentarse con un león, Francis, dominado por el miedo, huye despavorido. Por otra parte, el señor Macomber empieza a sospechar que su mujer se ha enamorado de Wilson y trama un plan para comprobarlo.
Una vez terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Swede Lunn, un soldado veterano y boxeador en declive, encuentra dificultades para reincorporarse a la vida civil. Un día conoce a la novia de un gángster, la irresistible y misteriosa Kitty Collins.
Tener y no tener
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Harry Morgan y su compañero Eddie son dos marineros que están en la isla de Martinica, esperando inútilmente que algún barco los contrate. Al final, se verán obligados a trabajar para la Resistencia.
Por quién doblan las campanas
El estadounidense Robert Jordan (Gary Cooper), apodado "El inglés", que lucha en la guerra Civil Española (1936-1939) dentro de la Brigada Lincoln, es un experto en acciones especiales detrás de las líneas enemigas: ha volado trenes, redes eléctricas, depósitos de armas... En vísperas de una gran ofensiva, el mando republicano le encarga la destrucción de un puente, la principal arteria logística del ejército de Franco. María (Ingrid Bergman), una joven salvada del pelotón de ejecución, y Pilar, la esposa de Pablo, un hombre rudo y testarudo, participarán en la operación y mantendrán el espíritu de lucha hasta el final de la contienda
Hedda Hopper's Hollywood No. 3
Hedda reports on a dog training school and a Hemingway hunting trip.
The Spanish Earth
A propaganda film made during the Spanish Civil War in support of the Republican government against the rebellion by Gen. Francisco Franco's forces who were backed by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The film would have been seen by those making it as a documentary.
The Spanish Earth
Narrator (voice)
A propaganda film made during the Spanish Civil War in support of the Republican government against the rebellion by Gen. Francisco Franco's forces who were backed by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The film would have been seen by those making it as a documentary.
Spain in Flames
A compilation propaganda film produced during the Spanish Civil War.
Adiós a las armas
Antes de que los Estados Unidos entren en la guerra en 1917, Frederick, un periodista norteamericano, se alista como voluntario en el Cuerpo de Ambulancias italiano para poder seguir de cerca los acontecimientos. Tras recibir una herida, ingresa en un hospital y se enamora de Catherine, una enfermera británica.