A young bank teller falls for the seductive businesswoman, and moves into an apartment across the street to spy on her. His infatuation sends him into a bizarre world of obsession where things are not always what they seem.
Corre el verano de 1987 y aunque James Brennan (Jesse Eisenberg), un joven recién graduado en el instituto, sueña con hacer un viaje por Europa, la falta de recursos le obliga a aceptar un empleo precario en un parque de atracciones local. Así, James consigue el peor trabajo que nunca imaginó... pero puede que también pase la mejor época de su vida.
Will and Clayton witness a murder, but out of fear decide not to tell anyone. They and their friend Betsy, whose father has been wrongfully accused of the crime, go on a journey to find the real killer, and at the same time redeem themselves.