Adaptación de la novela homónima de Daniel Defoe. El inglés Robinson Crusoe, el único superviviente de un naufragio, va a parar a una isla desierta, donde tendrá que enfrentarse con la naturaleza y la soledad, y también con una tribu de caníbales, a quienes arrebata un nativo al que bautiza como Viernes. El nativo pertenece a una tribu de la que ha sido expulsado, por lo que decide quedarse a vivir con Crusoe.
When a man ends a regretful love affair that occurred during his wife's illness, his mistress plots revenge by targeting his family's most treasured possessions, a priceless painting and his son.
Salvaje. Salvaje. Legendario. En esta película hecha para televisión, Buffalo Girls celebra las atrevidas aventuras de Calamity Jane Canary y sus ilustres cohortes. Son los últimos días del Salvaje Oeste y Jane, la vaquera áspera y resistente, está buscando no solo a su hija perdida, sino también al Salvaje Oeste que una vez conoció. Jane atraviesa llanuras, montañas y continentes hasta que finalmente descubre la respuesta a sus problemas: Dora, la vivaz señora de corazón de oro que ha sido su única y verdadera amiga desde el principio.
Kate (Donna Mills) is an alcoholic--and, as is often the case, she is in full denial regarding her illness. Only when she is threatened with mass desertion by her husband, children and best friend does the sullen Kate agree to seek out treatment.
An older woman seduces a younger man and then breaks up with him. He becomes obsessive and refuses to accept the break up and subsequently turns violent.
Un camión con remolque amarillo se dedica a sembrar el pánico en las carreteras arrollando a cualquier coche que se ponga por delante. Cuando el hijo de Claude Sams es asesinado por el camión, éste empezará una persecución imparable para encontrar al culpable de la muerte de su hijo. Todo el mundo se movilizará para capturar al anónimo conductor pero no será tarea fácil.
Theresa is one of the twelve jurors who have to decide about a case of assassination. She believes very strongly in the innocence of the young man, but can't convince the others. During the discussions, she realizes that one member of the jury knows details that he couldn't know from the trial alone. Since no one believes her suspicions, she investigates on her own.
Four very different women, best friends during high school many years earlier, gather in the small town where they grew up for a reunion as bridesmaids in preparation for a wedding for a fifth friend.
Two teens, Lisa and Kim, are playing games making prank calls on the phone. But when they call Adrian Lancer who has some mental problems, and say "I saw what you did", they ignite a human time bomb. Adrian has just killed someone and thinks they saw him do it. Now he is trying to find them.
Varios años después de la matanza de las montañas, Bobby, uno de los pocos supervivientes, se ha casado con Ruby. Juntos dirigen un equipo de motocross y organizan un viaje en autobús para competir en una carrera. Cuando están atravesando el desierto, deciden coger un atajo, con la mala suerte de que sufren una avería cerca de las montañas...
When Miss Marple arrives at palatial Stonygates, one thing is certain. Before there's time to lather a warm scone with marmalade and place a tea cozy, murder most foul is bound to occur.
Drama biográfico que cuenta el largo romance real que mantuvo el magnate del periodismo William Randolph Hearst con la corista y actriz Marion Davies.
The Jesse Owens Story is a biographical film about the black athlete Jesse Owens. Dorian Harewood plays the Olympic gold-winning athlete. The drama won a 1985 Primetime Emmy Award and was nominated for two more.
Travis McGee is a world-weary private eye trying to help boat skipper friend Van Harder salvage his reputation that sank when his boat ran aground, resulting in a death that might have been faked.
A Greek immigrant (Savalas) and his son return to Greece, where they reunite with mother and brother and re-discover their heritage and each other. Cross-cultural misunderstandings abound; could have been interesting, but the story is just too generic and uninspired.
Un equipo científico, de investigación en un pantano, es atacado por los secuaces de un malvado doctor. Durante el ataque, el doctor es contaminado por un peligroso producto que lo convierte en un monstruo... Adaptación del cómic del guionista Len Wein y el dibujante Berni Wrightson.
En una comunidad de fundamentalistas (secta religiosa que considera los adelantos técnicos como manifestaciones diabólicas), se introduce Martha, como esposa de uno de los miembros. A partir de entonces se desencadenarán una serie de acontecimientos terroríficos.
The true story of a nurse who spent her life caring for terminally ill patients.
A young man wishes to adopt a problematical eight-year-old boy being kept in an institution. Simply because he is single, he has an uphill battle with the government bureaucracy, and particularly with a power-hungry administrator. After many delays, they deny his application. Then, he finds a way to turn the tables on them for the boy's own good.
Historia sobre la elección de uno de los grandes papeles en la historia del cine: Scarlett O'Hara en "Lo que el viento se llevó".
The true story of University of New Mexico track star John Baker who, dying of cancer, spent his remaining time coaching a losing girls' track team to a winning season.
Two small-town sisters go to Hollywood and find themselves seduced by the glamor of the big time and big money as high-priced professional escorts.
A widow's life is thrown into turmoil by her hippie daughter, her rebellious teenage son, and an ill-starred love affair she is having with a much younger man -- and then a former suitor comes back into the picture.
Despite their different backgrounds working class Regina Malloy and wealthy Jack Graham fall in love leading to marriage and the birth of a son. All is bliss until tragedy strikes.
An elderly married couple find that as their physical and mental health deteriorates, they find themselves dependent more and more upon their grown children.
An Arizona state trooper, who is also an Indian, pursues a gang of paramilitary-type robbers into the mountains. The gang has killed the trooper's uncle and taken a woman hostage, and the trooper must use his tracking and hunting skills to find the gang and rescue the hostage.
The ex-girlfriend of a laywer, who left him for a lesbian lover, asks him to defend her lover in a murder case.
Película para la televisión de 1975 basada en el libro "El Viaje Interrumpido" de John G. Fuller, con la historia del matrimonio Betty y Barney Hill, que en un viaje en auto por la carretera sufrieron una perdida de horas, que la hipnosis reveló como un secuestro alienígena.
Sara, una adolescente de quince años, es alcohólica. Aparte del divorcio de sus padres, no parece que haya motivos que justifiquen su problema. Es una chica atractiva, vive en una casa confortable y está enamorada. Empezó a beber en una fiesta para vencer la timidez, pero después se hizo adicta al alcohol.
A high school teacher's career is threatened because of a student's death when the rumor is spread that his negligence killed the boy. This pilot film led to a short-lived series later the same year.
Pilot for the short-lived series "Sons and Daughters" set in a high school in the 1950's and seen through the eyes of five carefree seniors.
When she was raped, Ellen thought it was the worst thing to ever happen to her. What was worse, was the treatment by the hospital staff, police and the court system, when she reported it, and the man was caught.
Card cheats travel by cruise ship to the Adriatic coast to fleece a wealthy aristocrat.
In exchange for helping writer-adventurer Lawrence Colby smuggle 300 watch parts into Paris from Switzerland, Martine Randall asks Colby to help solve a complicated situation involving her friend Sabine Manning, a well-known author of sex novels.
Assistant Editor
La esposa de un conocido ginecólogo toma una importante decisión: convertirse en actriz, lo que le permitirá lograr fama y unos ingresos extras. Pero, a partir de entonces, los conflictos son constantes y desaparece la armonía conyugal.
Tammy becomes a nurse's aide, works in a hospital, cares for an old rich woman, and causes romantic commotion in the life of Dr. Mark Cheswick.