Richard Bracken


Робинзон Крузо
По роману «Жизнь и приключения Робинзона Крузо» Дэниэля Дефо. Открывается фильм сценой дуэли на шпагах, из-за которой Робинзону Крузо и пришлось стать моряком и отправиться на встречу со своей судьбой.
An Unfinished Affair
When a man ends a regretful love affair that occurred during his wife's illness, his mistress plots revenge by targeting his family's most treasured possessions, a priceless painting and his son.
Buffalo Girls
The bold escapades of tough-talking Calamity Jane Canary and her illustrious cohorts. It's the waning days of the Wild West and Jane, the rough 'n' rugged cowgirl, is searching not only for her long-lost daughter, but the Wild West she once knew. Jane traverses plains, mountains and continents until she finally discovers the answer to her problems: Dora, the vivacious, gold-hearted madam who's been her one true friend all along.
My Name Is Kate
Kate (Donna Mills) is an alcoholic--and, as is often the case, she is in full denial regarding her illness. Only when she is threatened with mass desertion by her husband, children and best friend does the sullen Kate agree to seek out treatment.
Between Love and Hate
An older woman seduces a younger man and then breaks up with him. He becomes obsessive and refuses to accept the break up and subsequently turns violent.
Revenge on the Highway
At his wedding Claude Sams has an argument with his son about his life-style; in anger Paul leaves. Together with a friend he sets out for Vegas to search a job. While changing a tire on the highway, he's killed by a passing truck. The police believes it's been an accident, but Claude doesn't accept this and frantically searches for a yellow truck and it's crazy driver at all truck stations.
A Killer Among Us
Theresa is one of the twelve jurors who have to decide about a case of assassination. She believes very strongly in the innocence of the young man, but can't convince the others. During the discussions, she realizes that one member of the jury knows details that he couldn't know from the trial alone. Since no one believes her suspicions, she investigates on her own.
Four very different women, best friends during high school many years earlier, gather in the small town where they grew up for a reunion as bridesmaids in preparation for a wedding for a fifth friend.
I Saw What You Did
Two teens, Lisa and Kim, are playing games making prank calls on the phone. But when they call Adrian Lancer who has some mental problems, and say "I saw what you did", they ignite a human time bomb. Adrian has just killed someone and thinks they saw him do it. Now he is trying to find them.
У холмов есть глаза 2
Группа молодых мотоциклистов спешит на соревнования. Ребята сильно опаздывают и решают сократить расстояние через холмистую пустыню. Но бензин предательски заканчивается, и начинаются неприятности. Оказавшись в зловещем, но явно обитаемом месте, члены бравой команды начинают исчезать один за другим. Братья-мутанты начали свою кровавую охоту. Они жестоки и голодны и совершенно не намерены оставлять кого-то в живых…
Детективы Агаты Кристи: Зеркальное убийство
Мисс Марпл по просьбе своего знакомого, сэра Кристиана, решила провести пару недель в гостях у другой пожилой леди, своей приятельницы. Мисс Марпл оказалась к месту: через два дня после ее приезда сэра Кристиана нашли убитым в гостиной хозяйки дома…
The Hearst and Davies Affair
Dramatization of the scandalous, long-time love affair between the powerful but married publisher and the chorus girl he helped turn into a Ziegfeld star and 1930s film personality.
The Jesse Owens Story
The Jesse Owens Story is a biographical film about the black athlete Jesse Owens. Dorian Harewood plays the Olympic gold-winning athlete. The drama won a 1985 Primetime Emmy Award and was nominated for two more.
Travis McGee
Travis McGee is a world-weary private eye trying to help boat skipper friend Van Harder salvage his reputation that sank when his boat ran aground, resulting in a death that might have been faked.
Silent Rebellion
A Greek immigrant (Savalas) and his son return to Greece, where they reunite with mother and brother and re-discover their heritage and each other. Cross-cultural misunderstandings abound; could have been interesting, but the story is just too generic and uninspired.
Болотная тварь
Фильм повествует историю о том, как группа ученых объединяет усилия, для создания специального состава, заставляет растения, расти с огромной скоростью и таким способом избавить мир от голода, поблем связанных с вырубкой лесов и многого другого. Однако они и не подозревают, что есть люди, которые планируют использовать эту формулу в своих корыстных целях. В результате несчастного случая доктор Алек Холланд превращается в монстра - получеловека-полурастение. Но, даже не смотря на это, он продолжает любить свою возлюбленную. И теперь должен защитить её от козней своего бывшего коллеги доктора Антона Аркэйна и не дать ему использовать формулу во зло.
Смертельное благословение
Девушку Фелисите преследует в поле истошно кричащий Уилльям Глунтц, член хеттского братства. Обычаи и образ жизни этой секты сродни амишам. Марта выходит замуж за Джима и селится на его ферме. Единственный недостаток фермы в том, что она находится на территории этого братства. Кроме того, Джим — сын главы братства Исайи. Но его женитьба на девушке «со стороны» исключила Джима из секты. Вскоре в амбаре фермы кто — то жестоко убивает Джима. Исайя просит Марту покинуть деревню, но та отказывается и приглашает к себе погостить двух подружек: Лану и Викки. Атмосфера на ферме далека от спокойной. Лана становится жертвой ужасных ночных кошмаров, а Марту пугает внезапно появившаяся в ванной комнате змея…
A Matter of Life and Death
The true story of a nurse who spent her life caring for terminally ill patients.
To Find My Son
A young man wishes to adopt a problematical eight-year-old boy being kept in an institution. Simply because he is single, he has an uphill battle with the government bureaucracy, and particularly with a power-hungry administrator. After many delays, they deny his application. Then, he finds a way to turn the tables on them for the boy's own good.
The Scarlett O'Hara War
The trials and tribulations of David O. Selznick as he attempts to find an actress to play the role of Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind (1939).
A Shining Season
The true story of University of New Mexico track star John Baker who, dying of cancer, spent his remaining time coaching a losing girls' track team to a winning season.
Love for Rent
Two small-town sisters go to Hollywood and find themselves seduced by the glamor of the big time and big money as high-priced professional escorts.
The Best Place to Be
A widow's life is thrown into turmoil by her hippie daughter, her rebellious teenage son, and an ill-starred love affair she is having with a much younger man -- and then a former suitor comes back into the picture.
Suddenly, Love
Despite their different backgrounds working class Regina Malloy and wealthy Jack Graham fall in love leading to marriage and the birth of a son. All is bliss until tragedy strikes.
Семейный беспорядок
An elderly married couple find that as their physical and mental health deteriorates, they find themselves dependent more and more upon their grown children.
An Arizona state trooper, who is also an Indian, pursues a gang of paramilitary-type robbers into the mountains. The gang has killed the trooper's uncle and taken a woman hostage, and the trooper must use his tracking and hunting skills to find the gang and rescue the hostage.
In the Glitter Palace
The ex-girlfriend of a laywer, who left him for a lesbian lover, asks him to defend her lover in a murder case.
Инцидент с НЛО
В начале 1960-х межрасовая супружеская пара подвергается гипнозу и вспоминает события, произошедшие на пустынной дороге. Вскоре они начинают верить, что были похищены инопланетянами.
Sarah T. - Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic
Finding herself unable to cope with the divorce of her parents and the stress of daily life, 15-year-old Sarah Travis starts drinking in secret. At first, alcohol provides comfort and release. Then it sends her life spiraling out of control.
Lucas Tanner
A high school teacher's career is threatened because of a student's death when the rumor is spread that his negligence killed the boy. This pilot film led to a short-lived series later the same year.
Senior Year
Pilot for the short-lived series "Sons and Daughters" set in a high school in the 1950's and seen through the eyes of five carefree seniors.
A Case of Rape
When she was raped, Ellen thought it was the worst thing to ever happen to her. What was worse, was the treatment by the hospital staff, police and the court system, when she reported it, and the man was caught.
The Gamblers
Card cheats travel by cruise ship to the Adriatic coast to fleece a wealthy aristocrat.
Don't Just Stand There
In exchange for helping writer-adventurer Lawrence Colby smuggle 300 watch parts into Paris from Switzerland, Martine Randall asks Colby to help solve a complicated situation involving her friend Sabine Manning, a well-known author of sex novels.
The Thrill of It All
Assistant Editor
A housewife's sudden rise to fame as a soap spokesperson leads to chaos in her home life.
Tammy and the Doctor
Tammy becomes a nurse's aide, works in a hospital, cares for an old rich woman, and causes romantic commotion in the life of Dr. Mark Cheswick.