Santiago Amigorena

Santiago Amigorena

Nacimiento : 1962-02-15, Buenos Aires City, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Santiago Amigorena


Un paso adelante
Élise, de 26 años, es una gran bailarina clásica. Sufre una lesión durante una función y le informan que tendrá que dejar de bailar. A partir de ese momento, su vida da un vuelco y Élise tendrá que aprender a reconstruirse...
Last Words
Original Story
La humanidad lleva más de una década sin asistir a ningún nacimiento. Un grupo de supervivientes responden a la llamada de reunirse en Atenas, donde el narrador de la película, Jo, un chico de origen africano, intenta hacer la última película del mundo.
Tan cerca, tan lejos (Alguien, en algún lugar)
Rémy y Mélanie tienen treinta años y viven en el mismo distrito de París. Ella acude a múltiples citas fallidas por las redes sociales mientras que él lucha por hallar una conexión con alguien. Ambos son víctimas de la soledad de las grandes ciudades, en una era hiperconectada, donde encontrarse debería ser más sencillo. Dos personas con dos caminos, que sin saberlo, toman una ruta que los llevará hacia una misma dirección…
Gloomy Eyes
Poor Gloomy. It’s 1983, and the fact that he’s a zombie makes him an outcast. Hiding out in the forest, Gloomy has his sights on a human girl. But her uncle happens to be one of the most feared zombie-hunters in the land. Set in a surreal universe that owes a debt to the visual stylings of Tim Burton, this awardwinning VR experience pairs surreal animation with a darkly humorous take on zombie-human relations.
Si pudieras ver su corazón
Expulsado de su comunidad insular, un hombre dañado y desilusionado se tambalea entre una vida de crimen y el camino a la redención.
Nuestra vida en la Borgoña
Jean dejó a su familia y a su Borgoña natal hace diez años. Al enterarse de la inminente muerte de su padre, regresa a la tierra de su infancia. Él se reencuentra con su hermana, Juliette, y con su hermano, Jérémie. Su padre murió justo antes del inicio de la cosecha. En el espacio de un año, al compás de las cuatro estaciones, los tres jóvenes se recuperarán y reinventarán su fraternidad, floreciendo y madurando junto con el vino que producen.
Primera sesión
Ivan tiene su primera cita con su psicólogo.
Natural Resistance
Ten years after Mondovino, his analysis of the increasingly standardised wine production in France, wine expert Jonathan Nossiter picks up the thread again and shows what it means to be rooted in the soil you're working on. During walks through the vineyards and relaxed gatherings with a group of alternative Italian wine growers, he trades experiences and arguments. What looks like a bucolic paradise, where intelligent people produce wine according to time-honoured and organic methods, is actually revealed to be a battleground. The DOC association, which is supposed to look after the interest of independent vintners, promotes winemakers who produce vast amounts in a standardised quality; and the agricultural industry with its hygiene regulations excludes traditional methods of production. The only thing saving the landscape from being totally destroyed is affluent foreigners using the old vineyards as summer holiday homes.
Les enfants rouges
Les enfants rouges
This film brings together in sequence shots men, animals and plants. It is an inventory of the cohabitation of living beings. Man's awareness of being alive among other living beings is diminishing. Gradually, we stopped considering animals and plants as truly alive. These cinematographic haiku tell the story of two snails crossing a road, a baby and a physiotherapist, two ripening tomatoes, a cow, a crying body, field flowers and cities.
En la flor de la vida
Gaspard Dassonville tiene 63 años, pero vive como si fuera joven. Es un famoso productor de TV, que colecciona novias treintañeras y se niega a reconocer signo alguno de envejecimiento. Gaspard se ve obligado a acoger en su casa a su padre, que ya no puede vivir solo, pero el indómito anciano fastidia los juveniles planes de su hijo. La llegada de Zana, una extravagante cuidadora de imaginación galopante, acaba enfrentando a padre e hijo, pues cada uno a su manera se siente atraído por ella. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un amor entre dos mundos
Adam es aparentemente un tipo corriente dentro de un universo extraordinario. Vive humildemente de lo que gana, pero su espíritu romántico conserva en la memoria el recuerdo del amor imposible por una chica que conoció en un mundo distinto, en un lugar que se halla fuera de su alcance. Sin embargo, cuando vuelve a verla en la televisión, no habrá nada en el mundo que le impida encontrar el camino que lo lleve hasta ella.
Another Silence
Marie is a Toronto police officer. One evening, her husband Joshua and their son Nicky are brutally murdered in their car. Marie quickly links Pablo Molina, an Argentinian drug trafficker who she'd arrested a few months earlier, with the crime. In despair, Marie heads to Argentina on the tracks of the killer. A journey of revenge and a journey to come to terms with her loss.
Another Silence
Marie is a Toronto police officer. One evening, her husband Joshua and their son Nicky are brutally murdered in their car. Marie quickly links Pablo Molina, an Argentinian drug trafficker who she'd arrested a few months earlier, with the crime. In despair, Marie heads to Argentina on the tracks of the killer. A journey of revenge and a journey to come to terms with her loss.
Algunos días en Septiembre
1 de septiembre de 2001. Elliot (Nick Nolte), un agente de la C.I.A que posee una información vital sobre el futuro inmediato del mundo, desaparece de repente con la intención de buscar a su hija (Sara Forestier), a la que abandonó diez años antes. Irène (Binoche), una antigua amiga, y David (Tom Riley), su hijo adoptivo, le ayudarán a encontrarla. Pero, inesperadamente, se cruza en sus vidas Guillermo Pound (John Turturro), un asesino sin escrúpulos, que escribe poesía en sus ratos libres.
Regarde-moi (en face)
Antoine lives with his father Gaston. The latter is a voyeur and keeps his son at home through emotional blackmail. Gaston is forced to make a financial agreement with the neighbor across the street, Goran, in order to be able to continue watching Dune, his girlfriend. Antoine meets her and runs away with her.
Ni a favor ni en contra
Caty tiene 27 años y es periodista. Es una joven convencional que no tiene ganas de seguir siendo alguien normal. Su vida cambia cuando conoce a Jean, un ladrón que le propone filmar un atraco a cambio de mucho dinero. Intrigada, acepta seguirle y conoce a la banda que trabaja con Jean. Freddy, llamado Lecarpe, es el mayor del grupo; Loulou, que es violento; y Mouss, quien dirige los interese de unas bailarinas de cabaret. Poco a poco, Caty se acerca cada vez más a ellos. Un día comprende que Jean la utiliza y quiere hacerle participar en un último gran golpe. Un descenso a los infiernos con final impredecible.
Ma caméra et moi
Max has two obsessions: filming God and the girls. His first camera, he drowns him at the age of six while trying to film a friend's "dick". The second, he steals it from a Japanese tourist couple. For the third, he seduces the saleswoman who ends up agreeing to undress. Until one day, understanding that the blind are decidedly more gifted than the sighted, she decides to cheat on him ...
Great Idea
In this comedy, five French students in their early twenties decide it's time they saw a bit more of the world, so Clementine, Caroline, Lionel, Bruno, and Brigitte buy cut-price rail passes and set out to visit 15 of the great cities of Europe. But it doesn't take long for their great plans to unravel, as the group's desire to see the important sights gets sidetracked by their fondness for partying and the opposite sex, and as they roll through Amsterdam, Berlin, Athens, and Bologna, they stumble into a wide variety of misadventures and meet all manner of unlikely people, from a former teacher who has come rather dramatically out of the closet to a washed-up dance-pop star.
Nada que hacer
Un hombre. Una mujer. Casados... pero no juntos. Están desempleados. Él desde hace algunas semanas, ella desde catorce meses. No tienen nada que hacer de sus jornadas. Se convierten, primero en amigos, luego en amantes. Es una amistad, que día tras día, sin que sea voluntario, acaba en amor. Un amor clandestino, insolente, despreocupado, imprevisto para días de desempleados.
Nada que hacer
Un hombre. Una mujer. Casados... pero no juntos. Están desempleados. Él desde hace algunas semanas, ella desde catorce meses. No tienen nada que hacer de sus jornadas. Se convierten, primero en amigos, luego en amantes. Es una amistad, que día tras día, sin que sea voluntario, acaba en amor. Un amor clandestino, insolente, despreocupado, imprevisto para días de desempleados.
Arthur is invited to a New Year's Eve party to celebrate the year 2000. His girlfriend Lucie would like a baby from him but he refuses. Through the ceiling of the toilets, he discovers a passage leading to this futurist Paris. There, he meets an old man Ako who affirms he is his son and that he wants to exist. Otherwise he will vanish into the air. Arthur is still hesitant because his life is an unfulfilled one: a has a little lucrative job, is uncertain about his future and things are getting out of hand when Ako discovers the passage and interferes in the party.
La révolution sexuelle n'a pas eu lieu
As she approaches 30, Anne Buridan becomes anxious over what she has so far managed to make of her life. She decides the time has come to sort out her head and unravel the muddle that has resulted from her desires, her dreams and her work for Radio Ultime, a radio station she has founded with her closest friends. To that end, she attaches a sensor to her forehead and sets to work...
The police are tracking a man who shoots at people. But the young sister of a detective finds that he's not the mad vigilante portrayed in newspapers.
Post Coitum, animal triste
Diane, una mujer parisina casada con un abogado y con dos hijos, comienza una relación extramatrimonial con un joven ingeniero veinteañero.
Kini & Adams
Kini and Adams are two friends leaving in a Zimbabwe village who dream of repairing an old broken car, and moving to the city and starting life over.
When The Stars Meet The Sea
The film traces the destiny of Kapila, an outcast child who had been deemed by his fellow villagers to have supernatural powers of destruction, because of the timing of his solar eclipse birth.
Good Old Daze
Scenario Writer
Ten years after their Upper Sixth, Bruno, Momo, Leon and Alain meet together in the waiting room of a maternity hospital. The father of the awaited baby is Tomasi, their best friend at that time, who died one month before due to an overdose. They remember their teenage, their laughs, their dreams, their stupid pranks... a description of the French youth in the middle of the seventies. Part of ARTE's series "The high school years".
The Son of the Shark
Brothers Martin and Simon, not yet teens, are incorrigible vandals; Martin runs away from reform school, Simon from foster homes, and they always find each other in a seacoast town of Lignan, where their destructive behavior is infamous. (It may date to their mother's leaving the family.) Martin is philosophical, romantic, and poetic: he dreams of being the son of a shark; he holds tight to a book about goldfish his mother gave him. In both halting and wild ways, he tries to court Marie, a neighbor girl. Simon, with a pocketknife and an intractable will, seems more dangerous to others. What, on earth, is there for these children-becoming-men?
Normal People Are Nothing Exceptional
Martine is 25. Since breaking up with François, she has the feeling that the world is caving in on her. Between small jobs and one-night stands, she can't seem to get a fix on herself. In desperation, after a last quarrel with François, she unintentionally causes an accident that leads her to the emergency ward of a psychiatric hospital. During her brief stay, she unexpectedly sparks into life. She takes an interest in two young patients, Pierre and Anne, convinced that she is doing the right thing in supervising their love life...
Samba Traoré
Samba (Bakary Sangare) has returned unannounced to his home village, bringing with him a suitcase full of money. Despite his protests that this is money that he earned in the city, the villagers have their doubts. In fact, he held up a gas station and unintentionally killed its attendant, and is in hiding here. Meanwhile, he has married a woman (Mariam Kaba) with a child who left her husband and built a house for her. He is building a bar with his remaining money, but he encounters a situation which makes him believe that he will be exposed to the police, and runs away, leaving a pregnant, very ill wife behind, much to the disgust of the villagers and Samba's own family.
Jean Galmot, aventurier
Evocation of the life of the journalist Jean Galmot, adventurer, who established himself as a gold digger in Guyana in 1906. Madly in love with this country, he will die for having wanted to give dignity and freedom to the Guyanese people.