
Another Silence (2011)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Santiago Amigorena


Marie is a Toronto police officer. One evening, her husband Joshua and their son Nicky are brutally murdered in their car. Marie quickly links Pablo Molina, an Argentinian drug trafficker who she'd arrested a few months earlier, with the crime. In despair, Marie heads to Argentina on the tracks of the killer. A journey of revenge and a journey to come to terms with her loss.


Marie-Josée Croze
Marie-Josée Croze
Benz Antoine
Benz Antoine
Ignacio Rogers
Ignacio Rogers
Ailín Salas
Ailín Salas
Amber Goldfarb
Amber Goldfarb
Tony's Barmaid
Tony Nardi
Tony Nardi
Alison Louder
Alison Louder
Luis Olivia
Luis Olivia
Martina Juncadella
Martina Juncadella
Luis Ziembrowski
Luis Ziembrowski
Pablo Molina


Santiago Amigorena
Santiago Amigorena
Santiago Amigorena
Santiago Amigorena
Nicolás Buenaventura
Nicolás Buenaventura

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