Brian West

Nacimiento : 1928-04-27, London, England, UK


Lust Life
Caught between what was and what could be, a woman who has lost her lust for life in the world's most passionate city, takes a chance.
Daisies in December
A seaside hotel for senior citizens is the setting for late-season love as costars Jean Simmons and Joss Ackland meet and make a match in this romantic human drama. Gerald's a stuffy ex-stockbroker who's been placed in the facility for his own best interest. Katherine's a warm and friendly resident with a soaring spirit and a zest for life. Their union is a transforming one, and also timely, as Katherine stands on the threshhold of a painful and very frightening battle with cancer. Poignant storytelling with a winning pair of costars.
Sherlock Holmes y la Prima Donna
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson get involved with Balkan terrorists to save Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria from an assassination at the opera house and prevent World War I.
Director of Photography
Dos veteranos de la guerra de Vietnam se reencuentran varios años después del conflicto. Sin embargo, el trauma persiste ya que uno de ellos culpa al otro de la muerte de un tercer compañero.
Una esposa para Navidad
The Christmas Wife es un drama televisivo basado en una historia de Helen Norris. Un viudo viejo y recién nacido, que no quiere pasar su primera Navidad solo, responde a un anuncio en el periódico que dice: "No estás solo. Hacemos arreglos sociales de todo tipo". Cuando visita el Arreglista Social, deja muy claro que su único interés es en la "compañía social" y posteriormente se presenta a una mujer que acepta pasar las vacaciones con él. La mujer le pide que no haga preguntas sobre su vida personal, que esconde un secreto que amenaza su amistad en desarrollo y que finalmente podría cambiar sus vidas.
La carta final
Director of Photography
Helene Hanff (Anne Bancroft), escritora norteamericana con residencia en Nueva York, es una apasionada de la literatura, especialmente de la británica. El problema es que en su ciudad no hay tiendas dedicadas a la venta de ese tipo de libros. Un día contacta con una librería londinense especializada en libros usados, en el número 84 de Charing Cross. En este establecimiento, su propietario, Frank Doel (Anthony Hopkins), se ofrece a mandar libros a todas partes del mundo, al gusto del consumidor. Helene, maravillada, empieza a intercambiar cartas y libros con Frank. Con el tiempo, la amistad entre el librero y la escritora se vuelve tan fuerte que es capaz de acortar la distancia que les separa, aunque solo sea entre párrafos, comas y puntos. Durante veinte largos años, a pesar de no haberse visto nunca, los amigos no dejan de escribirse.
We're Puttin' on the Ritz
Director of Photography
Two employees of a reclusive millionaire, Micki the secretary and Max the chauffeur, decide to attend a society function to which their employer has been invited. In the course of the evening, Max and Micki establish new identities in the world of high society and, while rubbing shoulders with the elite, they uncover a scam that tests their sleuthing skills as much as their social skills.
Follow legendary news reporter/commentator from his radio broadcasts from the rooftops of London during the Blitz to his TV documentary series "See It Now" and his confrontations with the Senator from Wisconsin that helped put an end to the witch-hunts.
Out of the Darkness
Director of Photography
A gripping thriller telling the true story of the hunt and capture of David Berkowitz, a.k.a. "Son of Sam" — the infamous serial killer who stalked New York in the 70s.
Marvin & Tige
Director of Photography
Marvin, a heavy-drinking widower meets Tige, an 11-year-old orphan. With nowhere else to go, Tige moves in with Marvin and they develop a close friendship. Marvin wants to adopt Tige but knows that he is too poor to give him a good home. Then he discovers who Tige's father is a rich suburbanite who doesn't even know Tige exists. Should Marvin, and can he, give up the boy he loves, and who loves him, in favor of a stranger with the right genes and bank balance?
Czech Mate
Director of Photography
Vicky's ex-husband, John, invites her on a trip to communist Prague. First John disappears, then her passport. Vicky finds herself alone and penniless in Prague and becomes a tragic pawn caught in a web of espionage and murder.
The Late Nancy Irving
Director of Photography
A famous US golfer with an extremely rare blood type is taken to a private hospital after falling ill. Her recovery prolongs and she befriends the people there. One day, she sees a TV news report on her death and realizes she's trapped.
Murder with Mirrors
Director of Photography
When Miss Marple arrives at palatial Stonygates, one thing is certain. Before there's time to lather a warm scone with marmalade and place a tea cozy, murder most foul is bound to occur.
The Sweet Scent of Death
Director of Photography
An overworked American ambassador working in the UK attempts to spend more time with his wife by visiting a countryside mansion, but soon the trip turns into a nightmare with his wife haunted by a stalker seemingly from her past.
Black Carrion
Director of Photography
Two journalists search for a rock band that was popular 20 years ago but just seemed to have vanished and was never heard from again. Their investigation leads them to discover more about the band than they bargained for.
A Distant Scream
Director of Photography
Lying on his deathbed, an elderly man who has spent most of his life in prison for the murder of the woman he loved is granted a supernatural chance to go back to that fateful weekend and attempt to discover what really happened...
Last Video and Testament
Director of Photography
Rich old businessman suspects his much younger wife of cheating on him. When his weak heart forces him to have a risky surgery he leaves a videotaped last will and testament - with a sadistic twist.
Finders Keepers
Director of Photography
On the run from the police and a female roller derby team, scam artist Michael Rangeloff steals a coffin and boards a train, pretending to be a soldier bringing home a dead war buddy. He gets more than he bargained for from the train and the coffin.
Baño de sangre en la casa de la muerte
Director of Photography
Comedia terrorífica en la que Vincent Price y sus amigos deben luchar contra unos científicos locos que poseen extraños planes.
The Lonely Lady
Director of Photography
A young screenwriter allows others to exploit her in the hopes of "making it" in Hollywood.
La cita
Director of Photography
Una niña toma un atajo a través de un bosque para llegar a su casa, allí es tomada por una fuerza malévola invisible. Desde ese instante no se sabe nada de la niña y las autoridades deciden cerrar el lugar por una valla para que nadie pueda pasar. Tres años más tarde, un estudiante visita la zona y es poseído por la fuerza maligna, que hace que tenga pesadillas y poco a poco se apodere de su familia.
300 Miles for Stephanie
Director of Photography
A San Antonio cop, as an act of faith, vows to run more than 300 miles in five days, hoping his critically ill five-year-old daughter will survive to greet him at the finish.
The Day the Women Got Even
Director of Photography
Four suburban housewives, with a love for the theater, set out to foil an unscrupulous talent agent who has threatened to blackmail another woman to the point of an attempted suicide.
Un hombre llamado intrépido
Director of Photography
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un canadiense adinerado usa su propio dinero para ayudar a los Aliados a formar una red de espionaje.
Yesterday's Hero
Director of Photography
Successful soccer player Rod Turner spirals into drunken self-pity until he develops a friendship with an inspirational orphan and a beautiful singer. Learning from them what truly matters in life, Rod regroups and returns to form.
Age of Innocence
Director of Photography
A British schoolteacher finds trouble in a conservative Canadian town.
Russian Roulette
Director of Photography
An RCMP officer is ordered to discreetly take a Russian immigrant into custody in advance of a state visit by the Soviet premier. When the prisoner is kidnapped, the officer is drawn into a complicated assassination scheme.
El aprendizaje de Duddy Kravitz
Director of Photography
Relato de un judío canadiense que a mediados de los años cuarenta trata desesperadamente de encontrar un lugar en el mundo donde establecerse él y su familia.
Tres forajidos y un pistolero
Director of Photography
Tres muchachos, deseosos de vivir aventuras y de escapar de una vida de miseria y malos tratos, se unen a un viejo y legendario atracador de bancos, al que consideran un héroe.
Billy Dos Sombreros
Director of Photography
En un pueblo del Oeste, el sheriff (Jack Warden) recibe la orden de localizar y capturar a dos fugitivos por su participación en el atraco a un banco: son Arche Deans (Gregory Peck) y un mestizo apodado “Billy dos sombreros”. Hay una recompensa de 100 dólares para quien los capture vivos o muertos.
Director of Photography
Stanley Evans, a Welsh schoolteacher, decides to emigrate to Australia for a better life but ends up working in a school in the dead-end town of Kookaburra Springs. He forms a school choir and decides to compete in a singing competition in Sydney
Despertar en el infierno
Director of Photography
John Grant, un excelente profesor que llega a una ciudad de mineros situada en un inhóspito desierto, decide pasar allí la noche antes de coger un avión para Sydney. Pero pasan cinco noches y parece que Grant se está acercando poco a poco a la autodestrucción. Cuando los efectos del alcohol empiezan a distorsionar su percepción de las cosas, surgirá un aspecto de su personalidad muy poco agradable, que se traduce en un gran desprecio por sí mismo.
Second Unit Cinematographer
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, el ejército alemán desarrolló una nueva arma mortífera: el Zeppelin, un globo dirigido que ofrecía la posibilidad de volar aún más alto que los aviones convencionales. Los ingleses envíarán a un espía hacia Alemania con la misión de conseguir los planos... (FILMAFFINITY)
Adiós, Mr. Chips
Second Unit Director of Photography
Mediados del siglo XIX. A la escuela de Brookfield, llega el joven profesor Mister Chips, que pasará allí toda su vida como maestro de varias generaciones, hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial... Nueva adaptación musical de la novela de James Hilton que supuso el debut como director de Herbert Ross.
Second Unit Cinematographer
En el siglo XIX, Oliver Twist (Mark Lester), un pobre niño inglés, escapa de un orfanato y llega a Londres en busca de fortuna. Allí es reclutado por un granuja llamado Fagin (Ron Moody), jefe de una banda de jóvenes ladronzuelos que roban a los transeúntes. Adaptación en formato musical de la famosa obra de Dickens.
Llamada para un muerto
Camera Operator
Un agente secreto inglés debe averiguar todo lo concerniente al aparente suicidio de un compañero. Las investigaciones apuntan a que la viuda es la principal sospechosa de la extraña muerte de su marido...
Vivir en la cumbre
Camera Operator
Joe Lampton pensó que había realmente hecho bien al casarse con la hija del jefe en la ciudad del molino del norte. Sin embargo, descubre que está siendo marginado en el trabajo y su vida privada manipulada por su padre. Aún así, hace caso omiso de una oferta de un puesto de trabajo en Londres y se mantiene lejos de una atractiva presentadora de televisión, Norah. Cuando se entera de que su esposa está teniendo una aventura, reconsidera ambos casos.
La colina de los hombres perdidos
Camera Operator
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un grupo de prisioneros ingleses se encuentra encarcelado en un campo militar del norte de África. Allí sufren la ira de un sádico sargento.
Encrucijada mortal
Camera Operator
Tras cometer un asesinato durante un atraco, un ladrón de bancos entra en prisión. Su hermano entonces idea un plan para sacarlo de la cárcel, pero con una condición: poder salir con su novia.
Term of Trial
Camera Operator
A schoolteacher plagued by alcoholism and his refusal to serve in World War II, Graham Weir inspires contempt in almost everyone around him, including his bitter wife, Anna. When the lovely young Shirley Taylor, one of Weir's students, falls for her unfortunate instructor, he is tempted and flattered but turns down her advances. Taylor's subsequent actions make Weir's life even more complicated.
Old Mother Riley at Home
Clapper Loader
Old Mother Riley and her daughter's true love, Dan, go in search of Kitty who has run off with her new boyfriend to a gambling den.