Brian West

출생 : 1928-04-27, London, England, UK

참여 작품

Lust Life
Caught between what was and what could be, a woman who has lost her lust for life in the world's most passionate city, takes a chance.
Daisies in December
A seaside hotel for senior citizens is the setting for late-season love as costars Jean Simmons and Joss Ackland meet and make a match in this romantic human drama. Gerald's a stuffy ex-stockbroker who's been placed in the facility for his own best interest. Katherine's a warm and friendly resident with a soaring spirit and a zest for life. Their union is a transforming one, and also timely, as Katherine stands on the threshhold of a painful and very frightening battle with cancer. Poignant storytelling with a winning pair of costars.
Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson get involved with Balkan terrorists to save Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria from an assassination at the opera house and prevent World War I.
상처 뿐인 훈장
Director of Photography
코네티컷의 어느 작은 마을에서 조용히 살고 있는 디브와 마사. 이제 겨우 아침이 밝아오는 이른 시각에 남매의 단잠을 깨우는 메구스. 그에게는 예전에 트럭을 급정거 시키는 바람에 차를 부숴버린 사건 이후 잭나이프라는 별명이 붙어있다. 잭나이프의 돌연한 방문을 조심스런 눈으로 경계하는 마사....
The Christmas Wife
An aging and recent widower, not wanting to spend his first Christmas alone, responds to an ad in the newspaper which reads: "You are not alone. We make social arrangements of all kinds." When he visits the Social Arranger, he makes it very clear his only interest is in "social company" and is subsequently introduced to a woman who agrees to spend the holiday with him. The woman bids him to not ask any questions about her personal life, which harbors a secret that threatens their developing friendship, and could ultimately change both their lives.
84번가의 연인
Director of Photography
가난한 작가인 헬레인 헨프는 대단한 독서광으로 읽고 싶은 고전들을 싸게 사보기 위해 영국 런던 84번지에 있는 중고책방에 편지로 책을 주문한다. 이를 계기로 서점 직원 프랭크 도엘과 평생을 정신적 교류를 나누는 정신적 연인이 되어 편지로만 희노애락을 함께 한다. 때론 귀한 책 한 권에 함께 감동하고 때론 분노하면서 사소한 주변 얘기도 곁들며 가며 인생을 논할수 있었던 건 프랭크, 헬레인 두 사람다 따뜻한 인간애와 문학과 예술을 사랑하는 정신적 여유에 유모가 풍부한 점에서 비슷하기 때문이다. 프랭크가 죽기까지 영국엔 한 번도 가보지 못했던 헬레인 프랭크가 죽고 난 후 어느날 문득 그토록 동경했던 그 서점에 가서 감상에 젖는데...
We're Puttin' on the Ritz
Director of Photography
Two employees of a reclusive millionaire, Micki the secretary and Max the chauffeur, decide to attend a society function to which their employer has been invited. In the course of the evening, Max and Micki establish new identities in the world of high society and, while rubbing shoulders with the elite, they uncover a scam that tests their sleuthing skills as much as their social skills.
Follow legendary news reporter/commentator from his radio broadcasts from the rooftops of London during the Blitz to his TV documentary series "See It Now" and his confrontations with the Senator from Wisconsin that helped put an end to the witch-hunts.
Out of the Darkness
Director of Photography
A gripping thriller telling the true story of the hunt and capture of David Berkowitz, a.k.a. "Son of Sam" — the infamous serial killer who stalked New York in the 70s.
Marvin & Tige
Director of Photography
Marvin, a heavy-drinking widower meets Tige, an 11-year-old orphan. With nowhere else to go, Tige moves in with Marvin and they develop a close friendship. Marvin wants to adopt Tige but knows that he is too poor to give him a good home. Then he discovers who Tige's father is a rich suburbanite who doesn't even know Tige exists. Should Marvin, and can he, give up the boy he loves, and who loves him, in favor of a stranger with the right genes and bank balance?
Czech Mate
Director of Photography
Vicky's ex-husband, John, invites her on a trip to communist Prague. First John disappears, then her passport. Vicky finds herself alone and penniless in Prague and becomes a tragic pawn caught in a web of espionage and murder.
The Late Nancy Irving
Director of Photography
A famous US golfer with an extremely rare blood type is taken to a private hospital after falling ill. Her recovery prolongs and she befriends the people there. One day, she sees a TV news report on her death and realizes she's trapped.
거울 살인 사건
Director of Photography
미스 마플은 오랫동안 알고 지낸 친구 캐리 루이즈의 아들인 크리스천 걸브랜슨의 런던 사무실을 방문한다. 크리스천은 그녀에게 그의 의붓어머니 캐리 루이즈가 큰 곤경에 처했다며 스토니게이츠를 방문해줄 것을 요청한다. 크리스천은 다음날 저녁에 가서 자세한 상황을 설명해주겠다고 하고, 미스 마플은 스토니게이츠로 향한다. 캐리 루이즈와 10년 전에 결혼한 루이스 세러콜드는 스토니게이츠에 소년범 교화 시설을 설립해 운영한다. 미스 마플은 세러콜드 원장으로부터 누군가가 자신의 아내, 캐리 루이즈를 서서히 독살하고 있다는 말을 듣는데, 크리스천 걸브랜슨은 도착한 그날 저녁, 타자기로 편지를 쓰다가 머리에 총을 맞은 시체로 발견된다. 서에서 나온 커리 경위는 캐리 루이즈에 대한 독살 시도가 상속과 관련돼 있으며, 범인이 자신의 정체가 밝혀질 것을 두려워한 나머지 크리스천을 죽인 것으로 보고 수사를 전개한다. 과연 캐리 루이즈를 독살하려고 하고, 크리스천을 죽인 범인은 누구일까? 참견장이 미스 마플의 활약이 펼쳐진다
The Sweet Scent of Death
Director of Photography
An overworked American ambassador working in the UK attempts to spend more time with his wife by visiting a countryside mansion, but soon the trip turns into a nightmare with his wife haunted by a stalker seemingly from her past.
Black Carrion
Director of Photography
Two journalists search for a rock band that was popular 20 years ago but just seemed to have vanished and was never heard from again. Their investigation leads them to discover more about the band than they bargained for.
A Distant Scream
Director of Photography
Lying on his deathbed, an elderly man who has spent most of his life in prison for the murder of the woman he loved is granted a supernatural chance to go back to that fateful weekend and attempt to discover what really happened...
Last Video and Testament
Director of Photography
Rich old businessman suspects his much younger wife of cheating on him. When his weak heart forces him to have a risky surgery he leaves a videotaped last will and testament - with a sadistic twist.
파인더스 키퍼스
Director of Photography
On the run from the police and a female roller derby team, scam artist Michael Rangeloff steals a coffin and boards a train, pretending to be a soldier bringing home a dead war buddy. He gets more than he bargained for from the train and the coffin.
Bloodbath at the House of Death
Director of Photography
Six scientists arrive at the creepy Headstone Manor to investigate a strange phenomena which was the site of a mysterious massacre years earlier where 18 guests were killed in one night. It turns out that the house is the place of a satanic cult lead by a sinister monk who plans to kill the scientists who are inhabiting this house of Satan.
외로운 법정
Director of Photography
작가적 재능이 있던 젤리(Jerilee Randall: 피아 자도라 분)는 학교에서 문학상을 수상하게 된다. 시상식이 끝난 후 친구들과 함께 파티에 간 젤리는 그 곳에서 유명한 극작가 월터 쏘톤(Walter Thornton: 로이드 보흐너 분)의 아들을 만난다. 그리고 아버지를 소개시켜 주겠다는 말에 그의 집으로 가지만 함께 간 일행 중 하나인 죠에게 능욕을 당하게 된다.
The Appointment
Director of Photography
Prophetic nightmares precede a family's confrontation with an evil, unseen force.
300 Miles for Stephanie
Director of Photography
A San Antonio cop, as an act of faith, vows to run more than 300 miles in five days, hoping his critically ill five-year-old daughter will survive to greet him at the finish.
The Day the Women Got Even
Director of Photography
Four suburban housewives, with a love for the theater, set out to foil an unscrupulous talent agent who has threatened to blackmail another woman to the point of an attempted suicide.
A Man Called Intrepid
Director of Photography
During World War II, a wealthy Canadian uses his own money to help the Allies form an espionage network.
Yesterday's Hero
Director of Photography
Successful soccer player Rod Turner spirals into drunken self-pity until he develops a friendship with an inspirational orphan and a beautiful singer. Learning from them what truly matters in life, Rod regroups and returns to form.
Age of Innocence
Director of Photography
A British schoolteacher finds trouble in a conservative Canadian town.
Russian Roulette
Director of Photography
An RCMP officer is ordered to discreetly take a Russian immigrant into custody in advance of a state visit by the Soviet premier. When the prisoner is kidnapped, the officer is drawn into a complicated assassination scheme.
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
Director of Photography
The younger son of a working-class Jewish family in Montreal, Duddy Kravitz yearns to make a name for himself in society. This film chronicles his short and dubious rise to power, as well as his changing relationships with family and friends. Along the way the film explores the themes of anti-semitism and the responsibilities which come with adulthood.
스파이크 갱
Director of Photography
감수성이 예민한 십대의 윌, 레스, 토드는 총을 맞고 쓰러져 있는 한 남자를 도와주게 된다. 그는 유명한 은행 강도 해리 스파이크스로 쫓기고 있는 신세다. 그는 세 소년에게 자신을 도와준 것에 대해 빚을 꼭 갚겠다는 약속을 하고 윌의 말을 타고 떠난다. 말이 사라진 것을 안 윌의 아버지가 이를 수상히 여기고 윌이 거짓말을 하자 심한 구타를 가한다. 윌은 더 이상 참지 못하고 레스, 토드와 함께 도망치는데… (채널 더 무비)
황야의 2인조
Director of Photography
딘스와 빌리는 은행 털이를 시도하다 미수에 그친다. 그들은 도주하지만 빌리는 보안관에게 붙잡힌다. 딘스는 굴하지 않고 빌리를 탈주 시키지만 보안관의 총에 맞아 걸을 수도 말을 탈 수도 없다. 인디언 혼혈인 빌리는 딘스와 끝까지 도주하기 위해 인디언식 간이 침대를 만들어 말로 끌고 계속해서 도망을 가는데... (CNTV)
Director of Photography
Stanley Evans, a Welsh schoolteacher, decides to emigrate to Australia for a better life but ends up working in a school in the dead-end town of Kookaburra Springs. He forms a school choir and decides to compete in a singing competition in Sydney
웨이크 인 프라이트
Director of Photography
오스트레일리아의 오지 마을 티분다에서 학교 선생으로 일하는 존 그란트는 크리스마스 휴가에 여자 친구를 만나기 위해 시드니로 떠날 계획이다. 존은 시드니로 가는 비행기를 타기 위해 인근 소도시 분든야바에서 하룻밤를 보내는데...
Second Unit Cinematographer
The outbreak of World War I places Scots officer Geoffrey Richter-Douglas in an uncomfortable position. Although his allegiance is to Britain, his mother was from an aristocratic Bavarian family, and he spent his summers in Germany as a child. When Geoffrey is approached by a German spy who offers him a chance to defect, he reports the incident to his superiors, but instead of arresting the spy they suggest that he accept her offer--and become an Allied agent. In Germany, among old friends, Geoffrey discovers that loyalty is more complicated than he expected, especially when he finds himself aboard the maiden voyage of a powerful new prototype Zeppelin, headed for Scotland on a secret mission that could decide the outcome of the war.
굿바이 미스터 칩
Second Unit Director of Photography
Academy Award-honoree Peter O'Toole stars in this musical classic about a prim English schoolmaster who learns to show his compassion through the help of an outgoing showgirl. O'Toole, who received his fourth Oscar-nomination for this performance, is joined by '60s pop star Petula Clark and fellow Oscar-nominee Michael Redgrave.
Second Unit Cinematographer
영국의 한 구빈원. 남루한 차림을 한 아이들이 죽을 받아먹기 위해 줄을 서있다. 올리버(마크 레스터)는 죽 한 그릇을 더 달라고 요구했다가 다른 곳으로 팔리고 만다. 그가 팔린 곳은 장의사의 집. 올리버는 그곳에서 인간 이하의 취급을 받게 되고, 결국 그곳을 도망쳐 나와 런던으로 간다. 런던 시장에서 소매치기 도저를 만난 올리버는 그들 조직에 합류하게 되고, 소매치기 기술을 배운다. 처음으로 소매치기를 하게 된 날, 올리버는 그만 노신사 브라운로에게 잡히고 마는데....
침묵의 살인
Camera Operator
Charles Dobbs is a British secret agent investigating the apparent suicide of Foreign Office official Samuel Fennan. Dobbs suspects that Fennan's wife, Elsa, a survivor of a Nazi Germany extermination camp, might have some clues, but other officials want Dobbs to drop the case. So Dobbs hires a retiring inspector, Mendel, to quietly make inquiries. Dobbs isn't at all sure as there are a number of anomalies that simply can't be explained away. Dobbs is also having trouble at home with his errant wife, whom he very much loves, having frequent affairs. He's also pleased to see an old friend, Dieter Frey, who he recruited after the war. With the assistance of a colleague and a retired policeman, Dobbs tries to piece together just who is the spy and who in fact assassinated Fennan.
Life at the Top
Camera Operator
Successful businessman Joe Lampton is married to the wealthy Susan, has two children, and lives in the mill town of Warley in northern England. But his career seems to have plateaued, leaving him disillusioned. This feeling is only exacerbated when he discovers his wife's infidelity with local man Mark. So he takes up with attractive TV host Norah and moves with her to London, aiming to reignite the fire that drove him to the top.
더 힐
Camera Operator
North Africa, World War II. British soldiers on the brink of collapse push beyond endurance to struggle up a brutal incline. It's not a military objective. It's The Hill, a manmade instrument of torture, a tower of sand seared by a white-hot sun. And the troops' tormentors are not the enemy, but their own comrades-at-arms.
The Ceremony
Camera Operator
A man has an affair with his condemned brother's girlfriend while plotting his escape in Tangier.
Term of Trial
Camera Operator
A schoolteacher plagued by alcoholism and his refusal to serve in World War II, Graham Weir inspires contempt in almost everyone around him, including his bitter wife, Anna. When the lovely young Shirley Taylor, one of Weir's students, falls for her unfortunate instructor, he is tempted and flattered but turns down her advances. Taylor's subsequent actions make Weir's life even more complicated.
Old Mother Riley at Home
Clapper Loader
Old Mother Riley and her daughter's true love, Dan, go in search of Kitty who has run off with her new boyfriend to a gambling den.