The Appointment (1981)
A chilling tale of the supernatural!
장르 : 공포
상영시간 : 1시간 30분
연출 : Lindsey C. Vickers
Prophetic nightmares precede a family's confrontation with an evil, unseen force.
An erotic amnesiac lures a police psychologist into a world of lust and danger.
After years of questioning why people fear him, Death takes on human form so he can mingle among the mortals and find an answer. However, events soon spiral out of control as he falls in love with the beautiful young Grazia, the only woman not afraid of him. As he falls in love with her, her father sees him for what he is and begs him to return to his duties. Death must decide whether or not to seek his own happiness or sacrifice it so that Grazia may live.
In the 14th century a village seeking escape from the Black Death are guided by a boy's vision to tunnel into an abandoned mine and emerge into 20th century New Zealand.
Dr. Bill Cortner and his fiancée, Jan Compton, are driving to his lab when they get into a horrible car accident. Compton is decapitated. But Cortner is not fazed by this seemingly insurmountable hurdle. His expertise is in transplants, and he is excited to perform the first head transplant. Keeping Compton's head alive in his lab, Cortner plans the groundbreaking yet unorthodox surgery. First, however, he needs a body.
In 1958, two teenagers take their pride and joy, a hopped-up Chevy, and start a cross-country journey to enter it in the National Championship drag races in California. Along the way they hook up with a pretty but dingy waitress who quits her job and hops in their car--and turns out to be more trouble than they thought--drag-race a gang of town punks who lose to to them and then accuse them of cheating, and come up against a local cop who is obsessed with putting these two "juvenile delinquents" in jail.
Driverless is about three love stories that are intertwined by a car accident. It deals with several relationship issues, including the infamous seven year itch, reuniting with a first love, one night stands, an old husband with a young wife, and extramarital affairs.
A woman's dark and absurdist nightmare vision comprising a continuous recitation of the alphabet and bizarre living representations of each letter.
11살 생일을 맞은 소녀 안나는 공책에 상상 속의 집을 그린 뒤부터 그 집을 방문하는 꿈을 연속적으로 꾸게 됩니다. 안나는 그녀가 그려넣은 그림 속의 불구 소년 마크와 꿈 속에서 친구가 되는데, 꿈이 반복될 수록 이야기는 점점 위험해지며 드디어는 안나의 현실까지 잡아먹기 시작하죠. 꿈 자체를 거부하려 하던 안나는 마크가 정말로 존재하는 소년이고 자기가 그린 그림과 꿈이 마크에게 영향력을 끼친다는 것을 알게 되고...
Pin, a plastic medical dummy, has been the fixation of Leon since youth. Now grown up and orphaned in an accident, Leon brings Pin home to live with him and his sister Ursula, much to her reluctance. Soon, however, Leon's fixation on Pin spirals out of control, and Ursula must face the devastating consequences.
앙트와넷의 가족은 자마이카에 정착해 사는 부농이다. 아버지가 죽자 어머니는 부유한 영국 상인과 결혼하지만 원주민과의 갈등으로 불안해 하던중 그들의 폭동으로 앙트와넷의 집은 불에 타고 동생이 죽고 만다. 또한 양아버지는 어머니를 영국으로 데려가 정신병동에 집어넣는데, 어머니는 그곳에서 외롭게 죽어간다. 세월이 흘러 앙트와넷은 양아버지의 죽음으로 재산을 물려받음과 동시에 양아버지가 소개한 에드먼드라는 남자를 알게 되어 그와 결혼한다. 그러나 재산을 탐내고 있는 에드먼드는 숲속의 생활을 지겨워하고, 이때 하녀 에밀리가 그에게 접근한다. 앙트와넷의 충실한 보모 크리스는 에밀리의 접근을 막으려 애쓰지만 에드먼드는 간섭하는 크리스를 못마땅해 하면서 앙트와넷과 에드먼드, 크리스의 갈등은 깊어간다.
Teenagers from a small town and their high school science teacher join forces to battle a giant mutant spider, living in a cave nearby and getting hungry.
수년 간 몸담아온 낡은 전차를 폐차시키겠다는 결정에 화가 난 두 젊은 직원(운전사와 차장)은 낡은 전차를 몰고 멕시코 시내를 여행한다. 이들의 환상적인 여정을 따라 멕시코의 가난한 이웃들의 삶이 사실적으로 드러난다.
A drug-treated schizophrenic plagued by horrible nightmares is released from the hospital and goes on a killing spree.
아내가 암으로 죽은 지 2년, 마이클의 삶은 2년 전 그 시간 이후로 멈춰 있다. 떠난 아내에 대한 죄책감과 상실감이 매일 밤 악몽으로 나타나 그를 짓누르고, 아버지로서의 책임감 또한 그에게는 버겁다. 그의 유일한 취미는 소설 습작. 고등학교 목공예 교사로 일하고 있는 마이클은 매년 아일랜드의 문학 페스티벌에서 자원봉사를 하고 있다. 마이클은 축제에서 소설 를 집필한 리나 모렐이라는 매력적인 여성작가를 만나게 되고 마이클과 리나는 특별한 교감을 느끼고 점점 가까워진다. 그러나 리나 모렐을 흠모하는 유명 소설가 니콜라스 홀든이 축제에 참가하면서 마이클은 점점 혼란스러워 지는데..
A young girl witnesses her brother murder a man through a reflection in a mirror. Twenty years later the mirror is shattered, freeing his evil spirit, which seeks revenge for his death.
A cheerleader named Alison is plagued by nightmares about the upcoming all-state finals and attends a summer training camp with her teammates. When a number of deaths start occurring at the camp, Alison's nightmares turn twisted and brutal, and she begins to believe that she may be responsible for the mayhem.
An insane surgeon finds himself up to his armpits in eyeballs after guilt prompts him to begin removing the eyes of abducted people in hopes of performing transplants on his daughter who lost her own in a car-accident he caused.
Kelby Unger is a young man from a dysfunctional family that lives with his girlfriend Amelia Gates and has sleeping problems with dreadful nightmares. When he proposes Amelia, he coincidently receives a phone call from the warden of the prison of his hometown telling that his father had just died from heart attack. He decides to return to Bisbee for the funeral and Amelia goes with him. Kelby and Amelia lodge at his mother's house and he meets his slut sister Trish, his former friends James Lilly and the policeman Wally and his unknown uncle Tom. When Wally has a nervous breakdown with the name of Joshua, Kelby is haunted by the evil past in Bisbee.
In the world of the Murwoks where nightmares are made, the evil Botch hatches a scheme to make bad dreams real. Only Ralph and Mumford, misfits from the cheery land of Frivoli, can stop him.
After leaving work one night, Los Angeles attorney Jeff Mills and his colleague rescue a young, beautiful woman from an abusive boyfriend. Jeff soon becomes romantically involved with her and embroiled in the web of intrigue that follows her, despite a string of ominous happenstances and repeated warnings from his secretary.