Self / Fru Svendsen
Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the creative challenges Lars von Trier presents his cast and crew to bring his vision to life from script to shoot and to the screen at home.
Bente Bentesen (voice)
Karen Blixen
Karen Blixen de 63 años está en la cima del éxito y parece ser la próxima en ganar el Premio Nobel de Literatura. Tras dejar atrás su renuncia a la famosa granja en África para regresar a su Dinamarca natal y habiendo perdido al amor de su vida, ahora Karen se ha reinventado a sí misma como una sensación literaria. Ella sigue siendo un genio aislado. Sin embargo, su vida se tambaleará el día que conoce a un talentoso poeta de 30 años. Karen le promete el estrellato literario si él a cambio la obedece incondicionalmente, incluso a costa de perderlo todo en su vida...
Danish film has never felt stronger on the international stage than it did with the Dogme films, which at the world premiere of 'The Party' and 'The Idiots' during the Cannes Film Festival in 1998 put Denmark on the film world map. Another eight films under the strict Dogme rules followed and created great international careers for several of the talents in front of and behind the handheld camera. Thomas Vinterberg, Søren Kragh-Jacobsen, Paprika Steen, Ulrich Thomsen, Trine Dyrholm, Iben Hjejle, Anders W. Berthelsen, Lone Scherfig, Sonja Richter and many more of the country's greatest filmmakers look back on when Denmark became Dogme.
Tove Ditlevsen
Autumn 1973, few days before her first suicide attempt, two journalists visit danish poet Tove Ditlevsen, for a talk on her self-made obituary.
Dinamarca, 9 de abril de 1940. Un industrial danés coopera y se beneficia de la ocupación alemana de Dinamarca. Mientras que su familia se encuentra en lados opuestos del conflicto.
In a Copenhagen motel, a politician's hookup doesn't go to plan. Meanwhile at a nightclub, a mother and son are connected via song. Whereas in the suburbs, a football team prepares for the big outing - of one of its players.
The 5 short films are: Hotel Boy (2018); Poz (2016); Young Man's Dance [Ung mands dans] (2014); Swans [Svans] (2016); Ladyboy (2011).
Helle has been waiting forever for her workaholic husband Peter to retire, so they can enjoy the autumn of their life together. She really wants to travel and explore the world with him – but when Peter comes home from his last day at work, life takes a surprisingly new turn, as he has a big surprise for her; he is pursuing a new career as a wine importer and has invested all their savings in an exclusive vineyard in Austria! Helle and Peter split up and they each set out on a blazing journey of discovery, filled with new opportunities, problems and dreams… But can you start over after 50 years of marriage? And can you live without each other after all?
Old Nete
Tras una pared falsa se hallan tres cadáveres momificados alrededor de una mesa, junto a un asiento libre. Carl y Assad siguen las pistas hasta una institución donde tenían lugar experimentos médicos. Allí, intentan descubrir quién debía ocupar el cuarto asiento.
Ældre Dame (voice)
Vitello is brimming with energy and has good friends in Max and Hasse, but misses having a father in his life, so he decides to go off in search of one, only to find he isn't the person Vitello was quite expecting.
En Jutlandia, dos artesanos y amigos, Ib y Edward, están hartos de sus anodinos matrimonios, y sueñan con una vida en solitario en la que poder gastar el dinero negro que tienen ahorrado. Pero los divorcios son caros. Un día, estando borrachos, contratan a un asesino ruso para que acabe con sus esposas; sin embargo, los dos amigos han subestimado a sus esposas, y de pronto son sus cabezas las que tienen una recompensa.
Iqbal y Sille son dos jóvenes que además de amigos son vecinos y deberán luchar por seguir siéndolo, ya que Easelman y The Swine son dos villanos que pretenden robar todo el petróleo de la zona en la que viven estos jóvenes. Para continuar siendo vecinos y conservar sus hogares, estos chicos utilizarán un chip mágico que ha descubierto Iqbal y que complicará los planes de los malvados Easelman y The Swine. Basado en el libro de Manu Sareen.
Munch-Fals’ script follows Adam, who has so far been spoiled by life – a good job, a lovely wife, an expensive villa, an independent son – but still it isn’t good enough. Even the swinger weekend trips he has been taking with his wife have become a joyless routine, and his youthful optimism and appetite for life are distant memories. Then, one day, at another swingers’ club, he does what swingers don’t do – he falls in love.
Inger Lis
Comedia negra sobre dos hermanos marginados, que tras la muerte de su padre descubrirán una horrible verdad acerca de sí mismos.
Discarded by society, let down by their bank and evicted from their homes, three senior citizens plan a nice little bank robbery to set things right. But things don't go quite that easy...
Mark (Casper Crump) and Laura (Mille Lehfeldt) are lovers. He is a singer in a failed boyband. She is getting tired of playing second fiddle to the relationship. But one day Laura is measured by the talent seeker Aslan, and it turns out that she is unbelievably talented. Laura becomes confident and successful. At the same time, Mark’s career is going downhill. Mark discovers that talent can not only be measured but also stolen by Aslan’s machine. In the name of love Mark sucks all of the talent out of his unsuspecting girlfriend and shoots for the stars – with massive consequences at home.
Anne's mother
Anne has given up trying to find a man who will fit into her sensible and controlled life. Therefore she has chosen to become pregnant with an anonymous sperm donor who has been carefully chosen. But as her hormones get the better of her she realizes that the child may come to resemble the father and possibly get his less flattering characteristics. Anne feels compelled to find the sperm donor and ensure that he is as perfect as she imagines.
Office Lady
La directora de origen danés Susanne Bier ('En un mundo mejor') después de ganar el Oscar a la Mejor Película de Habla no inglesa, aborda esta comedia romántica centrada en el choque entre dos muy diferentes que se encontrarán en una bonita finca italiana, en medio de una arboleda para celebrar una romántica boda, meticulosamente planeada hasta el más mínimo detalle. Por supuesto, nada saldrá como los organizadores habían pensado, porque explotarán todos los secretos que los participantes mantenían guardados. En medio de ese desastre, algunos de los participantes, intentarán buscar el amor, como es el caso de Ida (Trine Dyrholm, 'Celebración'), que acaba de ser víctima de una infidelidad por parte de su pareja, y Philip (Pierce Brosnan, 'Muere otro día'), con quien se encontrará casualmente. Entre risas y llantos, música y baile, alcohol y convites... ¡todo puede pasar!
Fru. Sørensen
Ivan Olsen está plagado de matones en la escuela, constantemente perseguido por una pandilla cuyo mayor placer es llenar sus pantalones con agua y burlado por su padre antipático. Ivan apenas puede creer su suerte cuando una bruja amiga mezcla una poción mágica que lo hace "el mejor en todo" por un solo día.
Kristian, who is a transvestite, still lives at home with his mother Emma, because she loves him just the way he is. Life as a transvestite offers many humiliations from the outside world, but with his mom, Kristian feels that he can be himself. Until one day when Emma meets the alcoholic Søren, who does not have the same tolerance...
Anton es un idealista médico danés que trabaja en un campo de refugiados de un país africano que está en guerra. Su mujer y su hijo Elia viven solos en Dinamarca. El niño es maltratado en la escuela por sus compañeros y se siente aislado. Pero cuando llega al colegio Christian, un niño huérfano de madre que expresa su dolor por medio de la violencia, él y Elia simpatizan y se hacen amigos. El problema es que esa amistad se convierte en un peligroso juego de venganza y rabia que, además de perturbar la vida de sus familias, lleva a Anton a cuestionarse sus ideales
Bitten Gabrielsen
An english tv-team discovers a special white flower in the indonesian rainforest, but they never get to investegate it further, before the danish recluse Severin has shot them down. A danish special enforcement with a psychiatrist in front is sent off, and they find out, that Severin claims, that he is 129 years old, and it's the flower, which keeps him young. Soon all hunts the white flower, which apparently gives eternal life.
It's not easy to be Barry. An earthworm gets no respect. He lives at the bottom of the food chain. But one day, an old disco record turns his life upside down. Suddenly he sees before him his own destiny, the star of the world's greatest disco band: Sunshine Barry & The Disco Worms! Okay, he's got no arms, no rhythm and no band. But as Barry says: "We'll do it anyway!"
Annika's Mother
»Dancers« is centred round a dance school run by the bright and lively Annika and her no-nonsense mother. One day Annika meets Lasse and falls passionately in love. But there is something Lasse hasn't told her, something he has done that is not so easy to forgive. Confronting an unknown darkness in Lasse, and in herself, Annika is forced to recognize the high cost of saying yes to love.
Three friends are sent out on a quest to get money for a summer fair.
The Black Madonna is a 2007 action comedy film written by Nikolaj Peyk and Lasse Spang Olsen and directed by Lasse Spang Olsen.
Grandmother (voice)
Morten the hedgehog suddenly acquires a baby brother and getting mummy and daddy's attention becomes very difficult. Morten decides to get rid of his baby brother and put back the clock.
Elias is at a toy fair in Paris. His wife Ingrid and his entire family are waiting for him to come home. They have organized a surprise party for his 60th birthday. Unaware of their plans, Elias decides to stay in Paris and celebrate his birthday on his own. This decision triggers an avalanche of events that brings family conflicts out into the open, but is also a cause of reconciliation.
Anne has started a wedding planning biz with happily flaming designer Lars and grumpy accountant Jesper. Hoping to make a big public splash, they land upcoming event that will marry TV chat hosts Anders and Signe. Instant attraction between Anne and Anders is complicated even further by her planned nuptials with boring b.f. Simon.
While changing the pipes in the tanningbeds at Golden Sun, Tommy meets the owner. A middleaged former Miss Fyn called Susse. Slowly an unusual love affair begins. Tommy's two friends Ole & Flemming give him tips on how to give Golden Sun some masculine appeal. Susse just happens to have a sleazy lawyer that does not appreciate the new look.
Morten Arnfred's warm comedy Lykkevej (Move Me) begins with Sara (Birthe Neumann) being left by her husband of a quarter century. Sara gets a job and moves into a new home on a street populated by eccentrics. Neighbor Robert (Jesper Lohmann) showers in his backyard, has been in mourning since his wife's death, and annoys his neighbors by keeping junk on his front yard. Sara and Robert tentatively strike up a relationship, while a couple on the street, Sus and Bo (Ditte Grbl and Asger Reher), have their own marriage issues to deal with. Move Me was screened at the Gothenburg Film Festival.
Asta K. Andersen
Hodder tiene nueve años, vive solo con su papá, que coloca posters de noche de profesión. Una noche un hada pide a Hodder salvar el mundo. Él comienza a planificar una expedición, y se junta con el muchacho más fuerte en su clase, Philip, y el muchacho más inteligente, Alex. Pero ellos dicen que van, pero sólo para engañar a Hodder. Suceden demasiadas cosas y Hodder escapa en su propio mundo, de tal modo que Hodder está a punto de perder totalmente el toque con la verdadera vida, Philip descubre que él y Hodder tienen más en común de lo que pensó
Mother of Eli
In his new film, an intriguing and delicately crafted drama, Malmros portrays the poignant story of a man, who grew up in very modest circumstances in the early years of the 20th century, but whose diligence, intelligence and willingness to endure hardship helped him to become a leading brain surgeon. A success story on the face of it, but a story about a man - who is none other than the director's father - a man of powerful emotions. The film explores the nature and origin of the guilt that repeatedly deprived him of happiness.
Cècile (Sonja Richter) y Joachim (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) están a punto de casarse, pero ven truncado su futuro porque él sufre un accidente y se queda tetrapléjico. Sin embargo, lo más terrible es que Cècile se enamora del marido de la responsable del accidente, un padre de familia con tres hijos.
Rasmus is a commissioning editor prepared to go to lengths to keep people happy - which is just what he has to do, because Rasmus has a problem. He can't say no. To his ex-girlfriend who wants a baby or his new girlfriend, who wants things clear cut, or his author pal, who wants to write for a limited audience, or his new boss, who wants to publish sex guides.
While out and about tending to his herd, young shepherd Larus meets a mysterious little girl named Tinke. Quickly realizing that the girl is alone, Larus brings Tinke some food and slowly builds a friendship with her. Tinke, whose parents died within the past year, has managed to survive by her own devices in the wild and has hence become quite feral. Larus convinces Tinke to come to his home so that his parents can take care of her
Nete is a tough woman of 37 who runs her job, husband, and teenage daughter with a firm and efficient hand. Her father suddenly becomes ill. Seriously ill. Nete forces a doctor to tell her how much time he has left. 3 weeks, hardly any longer. Nete's father becomes bitter and introvert, but Nete insists that he come to live with her and her family the few weeks he has left. "You should die with your family." Nete's father moves in and puts even more strain on Nete's family and everyday life. They all try to cope with the situation - he has only three weeks left, and you don't argue with a dying man. Three weeks pass by. A month. Nete's father does not die, his appetite comes back, the doctors begin to have doubts as to the prognosis, and Nete has a problem.
Dennis and Carl are brothers who live on a small farm in the country. None too bright, Dennis wants a girlfriend for Christmas. Carl makes sure that Dennis gets just that when he meets Rita at the local pub. She is on the run from her husband and she doesn't turn down the chance to hide away at Carl and Dennis's place.
Erik Lund is a professor in child psychology. When his sister and her husband go on vacation, he is left in charge of their five children. He really feels up to it, since he is now going to be able to try out his skills in child psychology. However, reality is something else than theory and children do not always do as they are supposed to, according to his book on child psychology. The children soon fool him into doing as they please when it comes to food and pleasures. However, soon they start to realise that if they can make him serve them hot dogs and hamburgers and let them watch TV as much as they like, they can also make him help them restore their old house, so that they won't have to move, as their parents want to. And, as their uncle is nice enough to help them, they also decide to try and get him a wife.
Gloria Neimann
Released after three years in prison, Max finds out her father, a wealthy businessman, has hired a stranger to play his son. Meanwhile, the ex-husband of the Rent-a-Family director plans to rob Max' father.
Madam Olsen
The story of Juliane, a young woman who learns how to take her fate in her own hands and to trust nobody but herself. The plot is set in the Copenhagen tenements of the 1880s. Juliane is trapped in an unhappy marriage to a man who suffers extended periods of insanity. They have two children. She struggles to improve her social status, however, striving to attain the level of her two elder sisters is not easy. The great upheaval comes when she meets Otto, a smith, younger than Juliane, and in many ways her opposite. He is an ardent socialist, whereas she believes in herself. It is love at first sight when they meet and waltz on the pavement, but their passion really bursts into flame as time goes by. At last Juliane has found a man as strong-willed as she is.
Director: Søren Fauli Drama Also known as: The Cable Club
Fru Basse
Los Klingenfeldt, una familia de la alta burguesía danesa, se disponen a celebrar el sesenta cumpleaños del patriarca, un hombre de trayectoria y reputación intachable. Sin embargo, sus tres hijos, aunque muy diferentes entre sí, están dispuestos a aprovechar la ocasión para sacar a relucir los trapos sucios de la familia.
Anne Marie
Three siblings ingeniously avoid being sent off to a children's home while their solo-mother serves a short sentence in a prison for shoplifting. Rather than have the news leak out and have to be escorted off with the eccentric welfare officer, they invent a 'never present' dad who is looking after them.
Fru Svendsen
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", "Riget" means "the realm" or "the kingdom" and leads one to think of "dødsriget", the realm of the dead.
Kate Suhr
Honey, it's your turn
Hannibal is a nice and polite boy, but Father and Mother think he hangs too much in front of the television. They therefore give him the dog Jerry, whom he is very pleased with. It turns out that Jerry, as the dog is called, is not an ordinary dog, because it can not bark, but on the other hand it can speak. The crafty toy maker Uncle Grandfather and his henchman Uncle Harry would like to grab Jerry, and it involves various conflicts involving a cheeky dog trader, an unlucky glazier and a distinct police cops.
Else Willumsen
Four high school friends meet up in an abandoned house to play 'Backstabbed', a game of murder with headphones and plastic weapons. Meanwhile, a serial killer is leaving a trail of blood on his way to the house, and soon the game of murder becomes much more than make-believe.
Svend Aage is an aging prisoner. His son, Max, is doing well in the world "outside" - or so Svend Aage's wife tells him - and is quite unaware that his father is in jail. One day, a new inmate arrives at the gates to serve the most severe sentence ever handed out for violence and drug-related crime. It's Max.
The Mother
The basic story of a young criminal not quite living up to his won ideals of "not to give a damn" sidesteps out of his criminal career while dragging his younger brother into it, could have been interesting. Unfortunately the implementation is simply not good enough. As so often with Danish movies, there is little appreciation for detail thus leaving us with hoodlums talking like they've done time at a business academy rather than a prison. Dialects completely out of here and idiosyncratic bikers without bikes or even character for that matter. An ever accelerating surrealism towards the end doesn't help to clear the slow pace of this film but it does give a glimpse of what the story could have unfolded to become.
Moster 'Bob'
PUK SCHARBAU plays Lise Nørgaard in the epic film adaptation of her fascinating life story. In a chronicle of both love and war, masterfully directed by Peter Schroeder, we follow the woman who would later give us 'Matador', from her early childhood to her controversial career as a journalist with a Denmark of yesterday, and a Europe in flames as convincing backdrop.
Torben's Mother
Torben's father and farmer Jacob make a trade. Jacob gets a gearbox and Torben's father gets peace: Torben must be at farmer Jacob on the farm the rest of his summer holidays. It was Jacob never have done ...! Absolutely terrific Danish family comedy in the best action-style. Wild bass played by Robert Hansen, known from Anja and Viktor films and family Gregersen. Moreover contributes among other Preben Kristensen, Viggo Summer and Dick Kaysø and many more ...
A disturbed loner can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
Fru Nielsen
At their 25th high-school anniversary some bourgeois citizens remember their time in school as a happy one. In reality it was quite the contrary. The school was a madhouse in which the teachers, especially Blomme, tormented the students. As a result one of them became a murderer.
Kirsten's mother
A young woman who falls in love with her teacher is hit by heartache and challenges she is not prepared for and struggles to escape her dark frame of mind.
Fru Mortensen
Lasses mor
At age 12, Lasse is a tough guy and a bright one. His life is changed when his mother, pregnant at the time, abandons his beloved father. She takes Lasse with her to live with her new paramour, a dentist as authoritarian as Lasse's Elvis Presley-fan butcher dad was easy-going. The dentist has a daughter, too, and she is a jealous schemer. Lasse tries hard to conform, but can a tiger change its stripes?
Metaphysical comedy and love film about two young angels, who are tasked by the archangel Gabriel to find a stupid pig down on Earth and turn him into a good person.
A German scientist works on a way of quelling overly aggressive soldiers by developing implants that directly stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain.
En gruppe unge mennesker ønsker at ændre samfundet, hvorfor de skærer hoved af en statue af Christian IV. Hovedet gemmes i arkivet hos direktør Lund, hvor Anna netop er blevet ansat. Anna lærer direktør Lund i at være ung og frigjort. Lund følger med men svigtes til sidst af gruppen.
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