Margaret, 35, tiene un historial violento que ya le ha costado una relación sentimental. Se ha mudado con su madre Christina, una mujer frágil e inmadura de 55 años que culpa a Margaret de arruinar sus sueños de tener una carrera como pianista. Durante una discusión, Margaret golpea a Christina y entra la ley. Mientras espera el juicio, a Margaret se le prohíbe entrar en contacto con su madre y tiene que mantener una distancia de 100 metros respecto a su casa. Esto intensifica sus deseos de acercarse a su familia. Cada día, Margaret aparece a 100 metros para ver a su hermana de 12 años y darle clases de música.
When their father dies, the ambitious police officer Guillaume offers the management of the bowling alley he inherited to his outcast half-brother Armand. The inheritance is cursed, and the two men wind up in a world of violence.
En la Bélgica actual, un niño y una chica adolescente que llegaron solos de África enfrentan su invencible amistad contra las difíciles condiciones de su exilio.
En la Bélgica actual, un niño y una chica adolescente que llegaron solos de África enfrentan su invencible amistad contra las difíciles condiciones de su exilio.
En la Bélgica actual, un niño y una chica adolescente que llegaron solos de África enfrentan su invencible amistad contra las difíciles condiciones de su exilio.
To give creativity free reign, in the space of fifty minutes: this is the strength of the documentary series Cinémas mythiques. This episode gives the critic Alain Bergala complete freedom to commemorate the original Éden de La Ciotat cinema. The oldest continuously operating cinema in the world first opened as a theatre in 1889, but the very same year it also hosted its first commercial film screening, comprised of nineteen Lumière “views”. Threatened with closure in the 1980s, the cinema was reopened in 2013 after a restoration project. This luminous documentary accompanies Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne over the course of a few days in October 2021 as they walk through the Teatro Éden, the shipyard and the Palais Lumière built by Antoine Lumière, the father of Auguste and Louis. And it does not forget the legendary station from L’Arrivée d’un train en gare de La Ciotat.
Brahim es un hombre joven y secretamente gay. En la fiesta de cumpleaños de su madre, las tensiones en torno a su sexualidad no aceptada se vuelven insoportables. Brahim huye de la opresiva casa familiar hacia la noche, donde le espera un terrible encuentro...
Marion se enfrenta a París por la noche con un sentimiento de vulnerabilidad relacionado con la pérdida de su hermana. Se cruza con Alex. Su encuentro evolucionará al ritmo de sus paseos sin rumbo por la ciudad, como un viaje a través de la noche.
Freshly hired as a labor nurse in a chemical factory, Nour discovers that small arrangements exist between management and her father, Slimane, the staff representative, and the company's pivot. Lies about polluting discharges, hidden illnesses of employees, hidden accidents ... Nour, little by little, no longer accepts the compromises of his father to preserve the image of the company. She decides to launch the alert.
Cielo es una madre cuya hija adolescente es secuestrada en el norte de México. Cuando las autoridades no ofrecen apoyo para la búsqueda, Cielo toma el asunto en sus propias manos y se transforma de ama de casa en una militante vengativa.
Self - Interviewee
In eight films, Jacques Audiard has renewed French cinema, without alienating either the critics or the success. It is only at the age of 42 that he starts directing, after having been an editor and a scriptwriter. In 1994, he directed his first film, "Regarde les hommes tomber", whose conflicting shooting was an ordeal for this misanthropic beginner. It was with "Sur mes lèvres", in 2001, that he forged his cinematographic language: contained lyricism, deliberate imperfection of images, ellipses plunging the audience into a maelstrom of sensations. With each of his films, Jacques Audiard intends to renew himself, at the cost of challenges and doubts always more vivid.
A fable about the Goddess Mari and her two sons, born of a mortal father, whom she entrusts to the devil for their education. Mikelats decides to stay with his master but Atarrabi flees—but the devil manages to hold onto his shadow.
París, 1993. Selma, 17 años, vive en una familia bereber burguesa y laica. Cuando conoce y se siente fuertemente atraída por Julien, un joven apuesto, se da cuenta por primera vez de las estrictas reglas de su familia patriarcal y cómo afectan su intimidad. Mientras el islamismo se apodera de su país de origen y su familia se desmorona, Selma descubre el poder de su propio deseo. Ella debe resistir y luchar. A través de la fuerza de su gente, comienza a caminar por el camino de lo que significa convertirse en una mujer libre.
En la Bélgica actual, el destino del joven Ahmed, de apenas 13 años, se ha quedado atrapado entre los ideales de pureza del que le habla su imán y las pasiones de la vida.
En la Bélgica actual, el destino del joven Ahmed, de apenas 13 años, se ha quedado atrapado entre los ideales de pureza del que le habla su imán y las pasiones de la vida.
En la Bélgica actual, el destino del joven Ahmed, de apenas 13 años, se ha quedado atrapado entre los ideales de pureza del que le habla su imán y las pasiones de la vida.
Año 1763. Obligado a exiliarse, el célebre libertino Giacomo Casanova abandona París y viaja a Londres, donde conoce a Marianne de Charpillon, una joven prostituta por la cual se siente tan atraído que llega a olvidarse del resto de mujeres.
Extremism slices through a Tunisian family with the realization that their teenage son has become an ISIS fighter.
"Together with Jean-Pierre we've produced 'Fatwa', from Mahmoud Ben Mahmoud, a Tunesian living in Belgium. The film tells the story of a father who returns to Tunesia to bury his son who died from an apparent suicide. The scenario had repeatedly been rejected by some French producers because the film supposedly stated that the murderers are among us. Mahmoud, who knows a lot about Muslim culture and knew the Muslim recruiters who are at the origin of Sharia4Belgium, said to me: "That's crazy, they don't understand what's happening." And that was in 2008." (Luc Dardenne)
Lisboa, Portugal, 1927. El escritor y periodista Fernando Pessoa acepta de su jefe el encargo de crear un eslogan publicitario para la bebida Coca-Louca; pero las conservadoras autoridades del Gobierno consideran la nueva bebida tan revolucionaria como diabólica.
In one fell swoop, nine-year old David Van de Steen lost his mother, his father and his sister in an attack by the Brabant Killers in Aalst. His grandfather, Albert, has the well-nigh impossible task of giving David a new perspective on life, a future.
1850. Los hermanos Charlie y Eli Sisters viven en un mundo salvaje y hostil, en plena fiebre del oro. Tienen las manos manchadas de sangre, tanto de criminales como de personas inocentes. No tienen escrúpulos a la hora de matar. Es su trabajo. Charlie, el hermano pequeño, nació para matar. Eli, sin embargo, sueña con llevar una vida normal. Ambos son contratados por el Comodoro para encontrar y matar a Hermann Kermit Warm, un buscador de oro. De Oregón a California arranca una caza despiadada, un viaje que pondrá a prueba el demencial vínculo entre los dos hermanos.
Associate Producer
1850. Los hermanos Charlie y Eli Sisters viven en un mundo salvaje y hostil, en plena fiebre del oro. Tienen las manos manchadas de sangre, tanto de criminales como de personas inocentes. No tienen escrúpulos a la hora de matar. Es su trabajo. Charlie, el hermano pequeño, nació para matar. Eli, sin embargo, sueña con llevar una vida normal. Ambos son contratados por el Comodoro para encontrar y matar a Hermann Kermit Warm, un buscador de oro. De Oregón a California arranca una caza despiadada, un viaje que pondrá a prueba el demencial vínculo entre los dos hermanos.
1850. Los hermanos Charlie y Eli Sisters viven en un mundo salvaje y hostil, en plena fiebre del oro. Tienen las manos manchadas de sangre, tanto de criminales como de personas inocentes. No tienen escrúpulos a la hora de matar. Es su trabajo. Charlie, el hermano pequeño, nació para matar. Eli, sin embargo, sueña con llevar una vida normal. Ambos son contratados por el Comodoro para encontrar y matar a Hermann Kermit Warm, un buscador de oro. De Oregón a California arranca una caza despiadada, un viaje que pondrá a prueba el demencial vínculo entre los dos hermanos.
La reaparición del famoso criminal Paul Sánchez se convierte en una obsesión para un joven oficial de policía que hará cualquier cosa para atraparlo.
En el amanecer de sus treinta, Mona intenta implacablemente despegar como actriz. El tiempo pasa y las propuestas no llegan. Sin recursos, se ve obligada a mudarse con Sam, su hermana menor.
When her babysitter doesn’t show, a single mother is forced to leave her precocious five-year-old daughter with the girl’s estranged father for a long weekend.
Self (archive footage)
A nostalgic look at the birth and death of arthouse film distribution in the early 2000s in Russia. The story of the "Cinema Without Borders" company and its two founders, Sam Klebanov and Anton Mazurov.
The fates of three entwined families. Joséphine and Tomas have just got married. It was a joyful celebration. But soon, Joséphine’s parents will discover a darker side lurking behind the couple’s sunny happiness. Meanwhile, Mélanie tells her parents that she is pregnant but the father is not ideal.
Dos hermanas que tienen la habilidad de comunicarse con los fantasmas, todo se complica cuando sus caminos se cruzan con un productor de cine francés mientras están actuando en el París de los años 30.
Una noche, después del cierre de su consultorio, Jenny, joven médico generalista, escucha el timbre, pero no va a abrir. Al día siguiente, se entera por la policía de que han encontrado, no lejos de allí, a una joven muerta, sin identidad.
Una noche, después del cierre de su consultorio, Jenny, joven médico generalista, escucha el timbre, pero no va a abrir. Al día siguiente, se entera por la policía de que han encontrado, no lejos de allí, a una joven muerta, sin identidad.
Una noche, después del cierre de su consultorio, Jenny, joven médico generalista, escucha el timbre, pero no va a abrir. Al día siguiente, se entera por la policía de que han encontrado, no lejos de allí, a una joven muerta, sin identidad.
Nada destinaba a Loïe Fuller, oriunda del oeste de Estados Unidos, a convertirse en un icono de la Belle Époque y mucho menos en bailarina del teatro de la Ópera de París. A pesar de sufrir dolores de espalda y de tener los ojos dañados por las luces del teatro, no dejará de perfeccionar su danza. Sin embargo, la llegada de Isadora Duncan, joven prodigiosa sedienta de éxito, precipitará su caída.
Romeo es un médico de casi 50 años que dejó atrás las ilusiones relacionadas con su matrimonio, ahora acabado, y su Rumanía, destrozada por los acontecimientos. Para él todo lo que importa ahora es su hija, de 18 años. Tras los exámenes finales, la joven irá a estudiar a una prestigiosa escuela en Inglaterra. En la víspera del examen, la hija es atacada en la calle. A partir de entonces, hará todo lo posible para garantizar que ello no perturbe el destino que ha elegido para su hija.
Un matón que sodomiza a sus víctimas por encargo, deberá escapar de la mafia tras una misión fallida.
Vicente, un adolescente, crece con el amor de su madre, María, pero ella siempre se ha negado a revelar el nombre de su padre. Un día descubre que éste es una editor parisino egoísta y cínico, Oscar Pormenor. El joven tiene un plan de venganza pero su encuentro con Joseph, un hombre algo marginal va a cambiar su vida y la de su madre.
Samir has given much of his time and money developing ski equipments for a Swedish Olympic athlete. When the contract fails, his business partner and closest friend plans to save their company by sending Samir to represent Algeria at the Winter Olympics! Already broke, and expecting his second child, Samir trains to become the first Algerian cross-country skiing male athlete to participate in the winter games. Samir, the eldest son of an Algerian emigrant must first go back to his father's homeland in order to achieve this goal.
Túnez, tras la primavera árabe. Hedi es un chico de 25 años que trabaja en un concesionario de coches y está a punto de contraer matrimonio con una chica elegida por su familia. Pero se enamora de una guía turística y se planteará rebelarse contra los que han diseñado su vida.
Two people meet again after more than 50 years. They were lovers once, but their lives took different turns: she married his best friend. Fifty years later, they meet again and passion flares up. But is it possible to pick up the thread of a life that unraveled fifty years ago? The story of a wonderful last love affair, which is relived with the intensity of a first.
Una inmensa pradera, en el este de Francia, acoge un encuentro de amantes del estilo de vida country y del Lejano Oeste americano. Alain baila con su hija Kelly, de 16 años, mientras su esposa y el hijo pequeño de la familia, Kid, los miran desde un segundo plano. Pero ese mismo día Kelly desaparece y la familia se desmorona. Alain emprende una búsqueda sin tregua para encontrar a su hija, aunque le cueste todo lo que tiene y le lleve a recorrer lugares remotos: lugares siniestros e inquietantes en los que el único apoyo se lo dará Kid, quien sacrifica su juventud para acompañar a su padre en una misión que parece interminable.
In a despairing, fatalistic Rome, Nicola finds himself flirting with the city’s dark side. Drinking too much and living among drifters, petty criminals and anxious immigrants, Nicola becomes entwined in an insurance scam that leads him further into a netherworld he may never escape.
French Cinema Mon Amour is an ensemble film in which each contributor brings their own voice, their own particular approach, their culture, and their language to produce a portrait of French cinema.
From Martin Scorsese to Jane Campion, from Emir Kusturica to Quentin Tarantino, some of the greatest recipients of this trophy recall special moments relating to the award ceremony which closes the Cannes Film Festival. This film brings to light moving and personal stories, as surprising as they are varied, which all contribute to further enhancing the legend of the Palme d’Or.
Directors Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne return to some of the key locations used in Two Days, One Night and explain how various sequences were shot.
The Dardenne brothers discuss their early documentary films, their relationship with Armand Gatti (who inspired them to become filmmakers), the impact various political events had on their career and work and the shooting of When Leon M.s Boat Went Down the Meuse for the First Time.
Narra la historia de una camarera parisina, Célestine, que llega a una casa de campo, en Normandía, para servir a una peculiar familia de la burguesía, los Lanlaire.
Resuelto a no trabajar para otros, Jerome intenta iniciar su empresa a toda costa, a pesar de la oposición de Laura, su esposa. Ugo, su hijo de 11 años, juega al tenis y quiere convertirse en campeón. Para ello, se debe entrar en el centro de entrenamiento nacional en Roland Garros. Como su padre, él está dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa para salirse con la suya. Juntos, Ugo y Jerome aprenderán que no se puede pasar por alto todas las reglas para alcanzar el éxito.
The new film by French director Cédric Kahn focusses on Philippe Fournier, a man who lives with his 2 sons, having decided not to give them back to their mother after she won custody of the children. The children Okyesa and Tsali must grow up in the shadow, hunted by the police but always free and on the move.
Self - Guest
Sandra dispone sólo de un fin de semana para ir a ver a sus colegas y convencerlos de que renuncien a su paga extraordinaria para que ella pueda conservar su trabajo. Su marido la acompaña para apoyarla.
Sandra dispone sólo de un fin de semana para ir a ver a sus colegas y convencerlos de que renuncien a su paga extraordinaria para que ella pueda conservar su trabajo. Su marido la acompaña para apoyarla.
Sandra dispone sólo de un fin de semana para ir a ver a sus colegas y convencerlos de que renuncien a su paga extraordinaria para que ella pueda conservar su trabajo. Su marido la acompaña para apoyarla.
Documental que narra el día a día de un recinto para niños especiales. Los niños con discapacidad mental y con algún problema de adaptación tienen su espacio en un pequeño colegio en la frontera entre Bélgica y Francia. A la búsqueda de hacer más fácil sus vidas, los docentes tratan de resolver las incógnitas que les plantean las dificultades de estos muchachos. Siempre tratando que estos niños sean felices.
Jean, a forty-year-old struggling, out-of-work actor has hit rock bottom. Although open to any kind of work, he can't get a break. At the unemployment office, his counselor has a rather odd proposal: he can get a job helping the police reconstruct crime scenes, by standing in for the dead victim. Jean's obsession for detail impresses the detectives, allowing him to take a leading role in a sensitive investigation in Megève ski resort, during low season, after a series of murders
Película basada en los recuerdos infantiles del cantante italo-belga Rocco Granata que logró la fama con la famosa canción que da origen al título de esta película.
En los años sesenta, el cineasta sueco Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) construyó una casa en la remota isla de Fårö, situada en el mar Báltico, dejó Estocolmo y se fue a vivir allí. Cuando murió, la casa fue conservada. Un grupo de cinéfilos muy especial, llegado de todo el mundo, viaja a Fårö en busca del genio y su legado. (Versión abreviada de «La videoteca de Bergman», 2012).
My name is Ion. Who could have imagined the fate that awaited me: my birth under the Romanian dictatorship, the loss of my eyesight through an accident, my sudden escape from my homeland to seek a future that was a little too idyllic? One thing is certain: fate is like all the criminals that I listen to today for the Belgian federal police. With a little willpower, there is always a way to dodge its tricks. The person who taught me that is a close and loyal childhood friend. That friend is literature. Without her, I probably would not be what I am now, here, among you.
Después de haber vivido varios años en Alemania, Alina se reúne con una amiga en un aislado convento ortodoxo rumano. Su amistad se remonta a la época en que, siendo niñas, se conocieron en un orfanato. Alina pretende que su amiga vuelva con ella a Alemania, pero ésta se niega porque no sólo ha encontrado refugio en la fe, sino que las monjas constituyen su familia.
En los años sesenta, el cineasta sueco Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) construyó una casa en la remota isla de Fårö, situada en el mar Báltico, dejó Estocolmo y se fue a vivir allí. Cuando murió, la casa fue conservada. Un grupo de cinéfilos muy especiales, llegados de todo el mundo, viajan a Fårö en busca del genio y su legado. (Documental estrenado en 2013, editado y abreviado, como Trespassing Bergman).
De repente, Alí tiene que hacerse cargo de su hijo Sam, un niño de cinco años al que apenas conoce. Como no tiene casa, ni dinero, ni amigos, se refugia en Antibes, en casa de su hermana, que los acoge cariñosamente. Tras una pelea en una discoteca, conoce a Stéphanie, una domadora de orcas en Marineland.
Gerónimo es un hombre de 45 años devastado por un suceso trágico. Su amigo Julián intenta sacarlo a flote animándolo a participar en el proyecto de un poblado marginal de los alrededores de Buenos Aires. Los dos son sacerdotes católicos que decidieron dedicar su vida a los más pobres: Gerónimo en el Tercer Mundo y Julián en Argentina. Mientras trabajan en Villa Virgen, Gerónimo empieza a cuestionarse si la Iglesia es la institución adecuada para proteger a los más débiles. Julián, por su parte, decide que el mejor camino para cambiar las condiciones de vida de los necesitados es la política. El contrapunto lo representa Luciana, una abogada atea, que tiene una perspectiva distinta sobre las reformas sociales.
At the 60th anniversary of Cannes Film Festival, 34 famous directors are followed by camera.
12-year old Anton is spending his summer holidays at Kaskad military training camp, where he and 60 other Russian children are subjected to tough exercise regimens created by President Putin for the fight against Muslim Chechens.
A Bertrand Saint-Jean, ministro de Transporte, lo despierta en plena noche su secretario personal para comunicarle que un autobús ha caído por un barranco. No tiene más remedio que dirigirse inmediatamente al lugar del accidente. Empieza así la odisea de un político que debe moverse en un mundo cada vez más complejo y hostil: luchas de poder, caos y crisis económica. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cyril, un niño de once años, se escapa del hogar de acogida, donde su padre lo dejó después de prometerle que volvería a buscarlo. Lo que Cyril se propone es encontrarlo. Después de llamar en vano a la puerta del apartamento donde vivían, para eludir la persecución del personal del hospicio, se refugia en un gabinete médico y se echa en brazos de una joven sentada en la sala de espera. Así es como, por pura casualidad, conoce a Samantha, una peluquera que le permite quedarse con ella los fines de semana.
Cyril, un niño de once años, se escapa del hogar de acogida, donde su padre lo dejó después de prometerle que volvería a buscarlo. Lo que Cyril se propone es encontrarlo. Después de llamar en vano a la puerta del apartamento donde vivían, para eludir la persecución del personal del hospicio, se refugia en un gabinete médico y se echa en brazos de una joven sentada en la sala de espera. Así es como, por pura casualidad, conoce a Samantha, una peluquera que le permite quedarse con ella los fines de semana.
Cyril, un niño de once años, se escapa del hogar de acogida, donde su padre lo dejó después de prometerle que volvería a buscarlo. Lo que Cyril se propone es encontrarlo. Después de llamar en vano a la puerta del apartamento donde vivían, para eludir la persecución del personal del hospicio, se refugia en un gabinete médico y se echa en brazos de una joven sentada en la sala de espera. Así es como, por pura casualidad, conoce a Samantha, una peluquera que le permite quedarse con ella los fines de semana.
A woman kills with her eyes and protects herself with dark sunglasses. She suffers with her condition and roams the city looking for love.
Self - Interviewee
Documentary about the making of Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne's 2011 film "The Kid with a Bike"
Documental en el que Martin Scorsese, con la ayuda del crítico Kent Jones, evoca su infancia y juventud en el barrio neoyorquino de la "Little Italy" a través de las películas de Elia Kazan. Fue presentado en el Festival de Venecia 2010. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Midnight Sun Film Festival is held every June in the Finnish village of Sodankylä beyond the arctic circle — where the sun never sets. Founded by Aki and Mika Kaurismäki along with Anssi Mänttäri and Peter von Bagh in 1985, the festival has played host to an international who’s who of directors and each day begins with a two-hour discussion. To mark the festival’s silver anniversary, festival director Peter von Bagh edited together highlights from these dialogues to create an epic four-part choral history of cinema drawn from the anecdotes, insights, and wisdom of his all-star cast: Coppola, Fuller, Forman, Chabrol, Corman, Demy, Kieslowski, Kiarostami, Varda, Oliveira, Erice, Rouch, Gilliam, Jancso — and 64 more. Ranging across innumerable topics (war, censorship, movie stars, formative influences, America, neorealism) these voices, many now passed away, engage in a personal dialogue across the years that’s by turns charming, profound, hilarious and moving.
Warsaw, Poland, end of the Seventies. Following the workers’ revolt against the rise of prices violently repressed by the communist power, a group of opponents create the KOR (Workers’ Defense Committee). Heir to the currents of opposition to the Communist regime since the end of World War II, sponsored by intellectual and moral personalities who had been standing up against social injustices since the Twenties, the KOR tries to break the information monopoly of the State and to set up an autonomous labor organization.The action of the KOR leads in 1980 to the birth of Solidarnosc, first independent trade union of Eastern Europe.Three members of the KOR remember and tell us the story of a victory against communist power in Europe.
Italia, 1989. Sergio Segio, un joven ex-comandante sirio cuenta su historia desde una cárcel de Turín. En los años 70 fue uno de los fundadores del grupo armado de extrema izquierda “La prima linea”, un movimiento clandestino y revolucionario. Fue condenado a más de veinte años de cárcel por el asesinato del juez Emilio Alessandrini en 1979, Sergio habla de la época anterior a su detención: en un piso de Venecia se reúne con un grupo de militantes para planear una peligrosa misión: asaltar la prisión de Rovigo para liberar a cuatro presas, entre las que se encuentra Susanna Ronconi, la mujer a la que ama y con la que espera empezar una nueva vida.
Documentary about the Belgian filmmakers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne trying to reveal their 'secret working method'
Executive Producer
The story of Prof. Shaul Harel is the tale of resilience of all the hidden Jews in Belgium. This gentle film allows a peek at a very personal story which embodies the courage and perseverance of those who survived the Holocaust. The story of the Jewish community in Belgium has not been previously explored and in this touching film we meet adults who survived the war and went on to become successful –and even happy adults. A remarkable story told through the experiences of a remarkable man.
Tras un matrimonio de conveniencia con un drogadicto, Lorna, una joven albanesa, está a punto de conseguir la nacionalidad belga. El plan es de su novio Fabio e incluye también provocarle una sobredosis al joven belga para que Lorna quede viuda y pueda casarse con un ruso que también quiere obtener la nacionalidad belga. Lorna no está de acuerdo con Fabio, ella prefiere solucionar el problema pidiendo el divorcio. Lorna y su novio están ahorrando para realizar su sueño: abrir un bar.
Tras un matrimonio de conveniencia con un drogadicto, Lorna, una joven albanesa, está a punto de conseguir la nacionalidad belga. El plan es de su novio Fabio e incluye también provocarle una sobredosis al joven belga para que Lorna quede viuda y pueda casarse con un ruso que también quiere obtener la nacionalidad belga. Lorna no está de acuerdo con Fabio, ella prefiere solucionar el problema pidiendo el divorcio. Lorna y su novio están ahorrando para realizar su sueño: abrir un bar.
Tras un matrimonio de conveniencia con un drogadicto, Lorna, una joven albanesa, está a punto de conseguir la nacionalidad belga. El plan es de su novio Fabio e incluye también provocarle una sobredosis al joven belga para que Lorna quede viuda y pueda casarse con un ruso que también quiere obtener la nacionalidad belga. Lorna no está de acuerdo con Fabio, ella prefiere solucionar el problema pidiendo el divorcio. Lorna y su novio están ahorrando para realizar su sueño: abrir un bar.
First day in a new school. Margot is scared to become the scapegoat once again. Only this time could shift.
A former policeman resentfully enters a retirement home. To deceive his boredom, he will investigate the murder of another resident.
Reunión de 33 cortometrajes de unos tres minutos cada uno realizados por 35 directores con motivo del 60 aniversario del Festival de Cannes.
Reunión de 33 cortometrajes de unos tres minutos cada uno realizados por 35 directores con motivo del 60 aniversario del Festival de Cannes.
Inside a dark movie theater, a man attempts to pickpocket a girl.
Inside a dark movie theater, a man attempts to pickpocket a girl.
A portrait of Rita, who claims that her mother was never a mother for her. Rita gives birth to her own five children and forces her mother to take the role of a mother.
A "Reformed Colonel" is found dead in Paris, a couple of decades after Algeria's struggle for independence was won from France. Lieutenant Galois is assigned the investigation of this murder. She receives the diary of Lieutenent Guy Rossi who served under The Colonel in Algeria in 1956, and has been reported as missing in action since 1957. The revelations found in Rossi's diary go far beyond The Colonel's actions in Algeria, and give an insight on how dirty Algeria's War for Independence really was.
Eleven years after the genocide, the film accompanies survivors and executioners before and after the first Gacaca trials where they come face to face. There is Obede, accused of killing children and whose request for forgiveness is just a cynical strategy to be released. There is Gahutu, who has "no remorse" and who in front of his judges, always speaks of "snake" to talk about those who were exterminated. Finally, there is François, forced to kill his own brother in order to survive and who is now trying to reconcile with his sister-in-law. Through these three stories, the film weaves a portrait of a society at war with the ever-present ideology of genocide.
Bruno tiene veinte años. Sonia, dieciocho. Son una pareja que sobrevive en los suburbios de Lieja, gracias a que ella cobra un subsidio mientras que él y su banda se dedican al robo. Cuando Sonia da a luz a su hijo Jimmy, entonces empieza a preguntarse si Bruno será capaz de comportarse como un buen padre o seguirá viviendo como siempre de sus trapicheos.
Bruno tiene veinte años. Sonia, dieciocho. Son una pareja que sobrevive en los suburbios de Lieja, gracias a que ella cobra un subsidio mientras que él y su banda se dedican al robo. Cuando Sonia da a luz a su hijo Jimmy, entonces empieza a preguntarse si Bruno será capaz de comportarse como un buen padre o seguirá viviendo como siempre de sus trapicheos.
Bruno tiene veinte años. Sonia, dieciocho. Son una pareja que sobrevive en los suburbios de Lieja, gracias a que ella cobra un subsidio mientras que él y su banda se dedican al robo. Cuando Sonia da a luz a su hijo Jimmy, entonces empieza a preguntarse si Bruno será capaz de comportarse como un buen padre o seguirá viviendo como siempre de sus trapicheos.
Il fare politica - Cronaca della Toscana rossa (1982-2004) is a 2005 documentary film written and directed by Hugues Le Paige. For over twenty years, starting in 1982, the director has periodically met and filmed four militants of the Italian Communist Party in the Tuscan town of Mercatale, telling their individual stories within the transformations of their party and Italian society as a whole.
Executive Producer
Is it possible, when you come from a family of Maghreb immigrants and you are a girl or a woman, to invent your life, to choose to leave the traditional universe, to break up with your family, without renouncing that which bases you, to the recognition of your own? Four portraits of women bear witness to a generation that lives its life through its own choices. Their mothers were illiterate but dreamed of a university education for their daughters. They invested their children with their hopes, but also with their lacks, their solitudes.
Bruno Davert es un alto ejecutivo que trabaja desde hace quince años en una fábrica de papel. Debido a la reestructuración económica de la empresa, él y cientos de empleados son despedidos de la noche a la mañana. En principio la medida no le preocupa; es joven (ronda los cuarenta), tiene una preparación excelente y confía en encontrar pronto un puesto de trabajo similar. Tres años después, aún sin trabajo, sólo piensa en sobrevivir y garantizar el futuro de su familia. Por ello, decide, con la ayuda de un arma, pasar a la acción y aniquilar a la competencia de una forma ordenada y lógica. Al mismo tiempo prepara el asalto a la Corporación Arcadia, el último obstáculo entre él y el puesto laboral que ansía.
Self - Interviewee
An amused and impertinent chronicle that shares with us a few months of the life of independent art house cinemas with demanding programming. The film talks about freedom, independence, possible alternatives to multiplexes and programmed normalization, the role of the spectators in a process of resistance that is growing and takes us far beyond the cinema.
The poet Jean Sénac is also a radio presenter. A Pied-noir, he opted to stay in Algeria after the country achieved independence in 1962. Ten years later he is monitored by the police of the present regime. His poems have a large public following and his radio show is a great success, especially with the young. The poet allies himself with two students, aspiring playwrights Hamid and Belkacem, to fight for the freedom and culture of Algerian youth.
A documentary about the act of filmmaking.
A funny, charming faux-fairy tale about ogres, knights and maidens.
The psychiatry department of a young doctor Cora has just admitted a young lady who refuses to speak and whose identity remains unknown. Cora becomes fond of her patient and establishes a relationship which goes beyond the usual course of treatment. She feels a kind of "call" from this woman as a strange and strong tie grows between them. One day, Cora learns that the identity of her patient has been discovered. Her name is Loa, she is a stranger, she has been sent back home…to Iceland. Cora, who had no idea of this woman's life outside their relationship, is deeply moved : she decides to meet up with her in order to finish the treatment.
Award-winning filmmakers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne profess their love for the classic "Modern Times." The directors expose their views on the many aspects of the film, Chaplin's brilliancy and they also provide interesting details about the making of Chaplin's masterpiece.
Olivier es un carpintero belga dedicado a enseñar su oficio a adolescentes conflictivos. Un buen día aparece en su clase Francis, un chico recién salido del reformatorio donde ha cumplido cinco años de condena por homicidio. Entre los dos surgirá una relación marcada por el respeto, la distancia y, sobre todo, por un terrible secreto que comparten sin saberlo.
Olivier es un carpintero belga dedicado a enseñar su oficio a adolescentes conflictivos. Un buen día aparece en su clase Francis, un chico recién salido del reformatorio donde ha cumplido cinco años de condena por homicidio. Entre los dos surgirá una relación marcada por el respeto, la distancia y, sobre todo, por un terrible secreto que comparten sin saberlo.
Olivier es un carpintero belga dedicado a enseñar su oficio a adolescentes conflictivos. Un buen día aparece en su clase Francis, un chico recién salido del reformatorio donde ha cumplido cinco años de condena por homicidio. Entre los dos surgirá una relación marcada por el respeto, la distancia y, sobre todo, por un terrible secreto que comparten sin saberlo.
Romances of earth and Water is a film designed for a choir of 14 adult characters and 6 children, each of whom also recognizes himself in the echo of the words of others. No lamentation or reproaches, the characters of the film do not complain, they are lucid. Through voice but also through music, poetry, dances and clay-based creations, they tell the fragility of every moment, couples who love each other, drought, the owner, dreams, culture, animals, the future for children, the price of things, money, and the earth.
An intimate portrait of director Peter Brook by his son, Simon Brook.
In a schoolyard, kids play tag at recess. Back in class, Pol sits beside Justine. When the teacher's back is turned he twirls her hair. After school the boys scoff some candy and share it with the girls... The class is at the swimming pool. One boy diverts the teacher's attention so the others can sneak a peek into the girls' change room. But the surprise is on Pol when he finds himself trapped inside with the girls, his swimsuit still outside!
A woman, scared by motherhood and her new born baby, runs away from her home and family to find a shelter at her upstairs neighbour's place.
Line Producer
On February 18, 1976, La Devinière, a place of institutional psychotherapy, opened its doors to 19 children deemed incurable refused by all. Neither common sense, nor psychiatry, nor pedagogy could admit them, recognize them.
Wahid and his daughter Soufiya return to Tunisia after a long stay in West Africa.Wahid would like to transform Soufiya into a real Tunisian, a true daughter of their land, but the country has changed a lot in there absence.
Rosetta, una joven de 17 años que vive con su madre en una caravana, busca desesperadamente un trabajo digno.
Rosetta, una joven de 17 años que vive con su madre en una caravana, busca desesperadamente un trabajo digno.
Rosetta, una joven de 17 años que vive con su madre en una caravana, busca desesperadamente un trabajo digno.
Executive Producer
Gigi, his girlfriend Monica and some friends are living near the train station Bucharest-North. When 15-year-old Monica gets pregnant, Gigi is forced to find a solution.
Executive Producer
Gigi, his girlfriend Monica and some friends are living near the train station Bucharest-North. When 15-year-old Monica gets pregnant, Gigi is forced to find a solution.
La vida de Igor, un adolescente belga, es plácida. Carece de toda ética y trabaja ayudando a su padre, Roger, un déspota que utiliza a inmigrantes ilegales para sus negocios de construcción. Cuando un inspector se presenta de improviso en la obra, uno de los empleados sufre un terrible accidente y, antes de morir, arranca a Igor la promesa de que protegerá a su esposa e hijo.
La vida de Igor, un adolescente belga, es plácida. Carece de toda ética y trabaja ayudando a su padre, Roger, un déspota que utiliza a inmigrantes ilegales para sus negocios de construcción. Cuando un inspector se presenta de improviso en la obra, uno de los empleados sufre un terrible accidente y, antes de morir, arranca a Igor la promesa de que protegerá a su esposa e hijo.
La vida de Igor, un adolescente belga, es plácida. Carece de toda ética y trabaja ayudando a su padre, Roger, un déspota que utiliza a inmigrantes ilegales para sus negocios de construcción. Cuando un inspector se presenta de improviso en la obra, uno de los empleados sufre un terrible accidente y, antes de morir, arranca a Igor la promesa de que protegerá a su esposa e hijo.
Lucie (Sara Haxaire) is a stripper who has a difficult relationship with her disappointed mother (Evelyne Ker). When Charles, the strip-club emcee, brings his blind brother Jean (Jean-Jacques Benhamou) to work, Lucie starts a relationship with him, just for the perverse reason that he can never see her even though she is on view for any paying customer. Jean recently lost his eyesight in an accident, and is bitter and possibly suicidal. His relationship with Lucie is abusive and violent, but that seems to be just what the two of them want.
Belgium, 1980. On the banks of the Meuse river, against the background of a steel-producing city, factories close down one after another and lay off workers. One of those made redundant is Fabrice, who, at thirty-five, is proud of his trade, rendered mythical by fire and steel, but feels he has become useless. His wife, Céline, tries to renew his interest in life. Despite a few moments of rediscovered happiness, Fabrice remains trapped in his confusion and one day disappears. Céline, her intense love leading the way, goes looking for him and eventually finds him. Once again, she tries to save him from himself. Can love resuscitate a languishing man? That is Céline's wager.
Belgium, 1980. On the banks of the Meuse river, against the background of a steel-producing city, factories close down one after another and lay off workers. One of those made redundant is Fabrice, who, at thirty-five, is proud of his trade, rendered mythical by fire and steel, but feels he has become useless. His wife, Céline, tries to renew his interest in life. Despite a few moments of rediscovered happiness, Fabrice remains trapped in his confusion and one day disappears. Céline, her intense love leading the way, goes looking for him and eventually finds him. Once again, she tries to save him from himself. Can love resuscitate a languishing man? That is Céline's wager.
Belgium, 1980. On the banks of the Meuse river, against the background of a steel-producing city, factories close down one after another and lay off workers. One of those made redundant is Fabrice, who, at thirty-five, is proud of his trade, rendered mythical by fire and steel, but feels he has become useless. His wife, Céline, tries to renew his interest in life. Despite a few moments of rediscovered happiness, Fabrice remains trapped in his confusion and one day disappears. Céline, her intense love leading the way, goes looking for him and eventually finds him. Once again, she tries to save him from himself. Can love resuscitate a languishing man? That is Céline's wager.
John, a television director, is preparing a show on speed. A phone call from his girlfriend Sophie makes him leave the studio in a hurry. Ηe drives fast and quarrels with another driver. John is upset; he insults the other man and drives off. In the meantime, the producer of the show changes John’s editing. John’s assistant calls him at home but John tells him that they should talk later. John hears the sound of another car and looks out the window. We hear the sound of an accident. John shouts and runs out onto the road. Sophie has hit a pedestrian. She was on her way to tell John that they are expecting a child.
In an apparently empty airport, a Jewish family has gathered to greet one of its members who has come there to be with them. However, the airport is actually the ante-room of Death, and the family member is a recently deceased American survivor of the Holocaust. Although the party begins by greeting the man with warmth and affection, the gathering soon degenerates into a squabble about why most of those assembled failed to heed the warnings about the Holocaust and flee Germany.
John, a television director, is preparing a show on speed. A phone call from his girlfriend Sophie makes him leave the studio in a hurry. Ηe drives fast and quarrels with another driver. John is upset; he insults the other man and drives off. In the meantime, the producer of the show changes John’s editing. John’s assistant calls him at home but John tells him that they should talk later. John hears the sound of another car and looks out the window. We hear the sound of an accident. John shouts and runs out onto the road. Sophie has hit a pedestrian. She was on her way to tell John that they are expecting a child.
In an apparently empty airport, a Jewish family has gathered to greet one of its members who has come there to be with them. However, the airport is actually the ante-room of Death, and the family member is a recently deceased American survivor of the Holocaust. Although the party begins by greeting the man with warmth and affection, the gathering soon degenerates into a squabble about why most of those assembled failed to heed the warnings about the Holocaust and flee Germany.
We do not have an overview for this movie.
Camera Operator
The Dardenne brothers profile left-wing playwright Jean Louvet in this documentary focused on memory and revolutionary activism.
The Dardenne brothers profile left-wing playwright Jean Louvet in this documentary focused on memory and revolutionary activism.
The Dardenne brothers profile left-wing playwright Jean Louvet in this documentary focused on memory and revolutionary activism.
Director of Photography
After the implementation of the state of siege in Poland and the banning of the independent trade union Solidarnosc in 1981, the Dardenne brothers visited five Polish immigrants from different generations. Five Poles who left the country, fleeing the Nazis, pogroms or communism.
After the implementation of the state of siege in Poland and the banning of the independent trade union Solidarnosc in 1981, the Dardenne brothers visited five Polish immigrants from different generations. Five Poles who left the country, fleeing the Nazis, pogroms or communism.
After the implementation of the state of siege in Poland and the banning of the independent trade union Solidarnosc in 1981, the Dardenne brothers visited five Polish immigrants from different generations. Five Poles who left the country, fleeing the Nazis, pogroms or communism.
For three months, the Dardenne brothers investigated independent local radio stations in Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland. The result is a fascinating picture of the arrival of independent radio in Europe as a subversive alternative to the official media (public broadcasters and commercial mass media). To do this, the filmmakers spoke with pioneers. They also took an interest in the installations, such as hidden transmitters. One of them is a radio which broadcasts in the Alsatian dialect in order to protect a minority language. R… ne répond plus is a virtuoso work in which the Dardennes experiment with sound, only logical since the subject concerns radio stations. The film ends in an almost deafening cacophony of voices, static and other sounds that fill the airwaves.
Director of Photography
For three months, the Dardenne brothers investigated independent local radio stations in Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland. The result is a fascinating picture of the arrival of independent radio in Europe as a subversive alternative to the official media (public broadcasters and commercial mass media). To do this, the filmmakers spoke with pioneers. They also took an interest in the installations, such as hidden transmitters. One of them is a radio which broadcasts in the Alsatian dialect in order to protect a minority language. R… ne répond plus is a virtuoso work in which the Dardennes experiment with sound, only logical since the subject concerns radio stations. The film ends in an almost deafening cacophony of voices, static and other sounds that fill the airwaves.
For three months, the Dardenne brothers investigated independent local radio stations in Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland. The result is a fascinating picture of the arrival of independent radio in Europe as a subversive alternative to the official media (public broadcasters and commercial mass media). To do this, the filmmakers spoke with pioneers. They also took an interest in the installations, such as hidden transmitters. One of them is a radio which broadcasts in the Alsatian dialect in order to protect a minority language. R… ne répond plus is a virtuoso work in which the Dardennes experiment with sound, only logical since the subject concerns radio stations. The film ends in an almost deafening cacophony of voices, static and other sounds that fill the airwaves.
For three months, the Dardenne brothers investigated independent local radio stations in Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland. The result is a fascinating picture of the arrival of independent radio in Europe as a subversive alternative to the official media (public broadcasters and commercial mass media). To do this, the filmmakers spoke with pioneers. They also took an interest in the installations, such as hidden transmitters. One of them is a radio which broadcasts in the Alsatian dialect in order to protect a minority language. R… ne répond plus is a virtuoso work in which the Dardennes experiment with sound, only logical since the subject concerns radio stations. The film ends in an almost deafening cacophony of voices, static and other sounds that fill the airwaves.
Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne profile a former electrical worker and his involvement in the production and distribution of an underground workers’ rights newspaper within his factory that led to his termination in the brothers’ early experimental TV documentary.
Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne profile a former electrical worker and his involvement in the production and distribution of an underground workers’ rights newspaper within his factory that led to his termination in the brothers’ early experimental TV documentary.
Documentary about a man remembering his struggles while floating on a boat down a river.
Director of Photography
Documentary about a man remembering his struggles while floating on a boat down a river.
Documentary about a man remembering his struggles while floating on a boat down a river.
Documentary about a man remembering his struggles while floating on a boat down a river.
A video film in which seven people who resisted Nazism talk, relate and recall their struggle in the Liège region.
In the wake of the disaster, a 15-year-old girl is treated by a community in mourning as a saviour with a special talent to heal.
During World War II a French Jewish family is deported to Auschwitz. On the train to the death camp, in a desperate gesture, the father throws one of his twins out into the snow, where he’s discovered by a childless Polish couple.
The exits of a Berlin courtyard are blocked by the police due to an ambiguous event outside and a state of emergency occurs. Among the residents of the building, insecurities start to pump fear. Suspicion takes over panic, prejudices bring polarization and another question appears: Is the real danger coming from inside or outside?