Axel Düberg

Axel Düberg

Nacimiento : 1927-10-17, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

Muerte : 2001-10-06


Axel Düberg was a Swedish stage and screen actor. He appears in more than 80 feature films and televisions productions.


Axel Düberg


Locuras de muchachos
Inspector Gissle
Basada en la novela autobiográfica de Roland Schutt. Trata sobre la vida de un niño de 12 años que, en la década de los años 20 en Estocolmo, lucha contra los prejucios sociales que le rodean, utilizando su carácter alegre y su desbordante imaginación.
There's No One Safer
Out jogging Peter discovers an ongoing rape. He intervenes and neutralizes the rapist who is later taken into custody by the police. Three years later he is on TV being interviewed about his new book about the incident. What he doesn't know is that the rapist was just released from prison and is coming after Peter and his family.
"The Ticket Inspector" - 60-year-old Alfred lives alone with his cat. He is doing his job with zealous diligence until he meets the love of his youth.
Sanna kvinnor
The father
"True Women" - About the Bark family and their daughter Berta, who will fight against the house patriarchal order, includes the same problem as "A Doll's House". But Berta, unlike Nora, remains in the house and becomes a daily threat against those who seek to oppress her.
Den inbillade sjuke
Dr. Diafoirus, läkare
Fyra dagar som skakade Sverige - Midsommarkrisen 1941
Ivan Pauli
At dawn on June 22, 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. On the same morning, Germany demanded permission from the Swedish government to transport 18,000 German soldiers from Norway to Finland across Sweden by railway. This was a difficult problem for the Swedish government. On one hand remaining friendly with Germany at the height of its power, on the other maintaining a strict neutrality. The Swedish cabinet meet in Stockholm to decide upon the best reply to the German demands.
Ondskans år
Spring 1944 - shortage of fuel, refugees, antisemitism and Swedish home made nazism. Eleven year old Ragnar grows up in a home where the parents look forward to a Nazi power takeover in Sweden. At his grandmother, Ragnar meets other thoughts and opinions than at home. Karl Gerhard entertains on the radio. As well as Zarah Leander. It's a chaotic and contradictory time for a boy. Ragnar's Nazi parents still hope for a Nazi-German victory in the war.
A bunch of homeless people becomes interested in a rehab facility for alcoholics, run by a religious foundation. They think it will be an easy and comfortable stay/cure to sober up and get fat. But they don't know what they are getting themselves into. The staff at the foundation are very eager to treat the newcomers.
Peder Mortensgård
Rebekka West lives with widower Johannes Rosmer in his mansion since his wife, and her friend, committed suicide a year ago. When Rosmer supports the new government his friend starts to spread rumours about him and Rebekka's relationship, implying that they caused his wife's suicide.
Tryggare kan ingen vara
Kaj has come to pick up Berit and the children. The sea, the new apartment and the fine furniture are in Gothenburg. And the job, of course. However, the new life is quite fragile.
Fanny y Alexander
Witness to Bishop's Death
Fanny y Alexander son dos hermanos que pertenecen a la pintoresca familia Ekdahl, a principios de siglo XX. Sus padres, Oscar y Emilie, son el director y la actriz principal de la compañía local de teatro, respectivamente. Tras la repentina muerte de Oscar, Emilie se vuelve a casar con un predicador autoritario que les obliga a mantener una vida ascética. "Fanny y Alexander" fue mimada por la crítica y consiguió cuatro Oscars en la edición de 1984: dirección artística, fotografía, vestuario y película de habla no inglesa.
Broken Sky
Erika is 13 years and lives with her parents and her grandmother in the far north of Sweden in the 1940's. The family is depressed and disappointed in life. Erika dreams of a separate being in another world.
Pedro Sin Cola
Peter-No-Tail is a cat who's born without a proper tail on a farm by the Swedish countryside. Due to economical difficulties, the farmer is forced to get rid of Peter. The farmer can't bring himself to drown the cat, so he sneaks Peter inside the car of a family who are renting a house close to the farm for their summer vacation. When the family finally reach their home in Uppsala, Sweden, they find Peter and decide to keep him. Without a tail, he becomes the talk of the town among the other cats and, especially Mike, who teases him cruelly. Mean Mike and his two companions, Bill and Bull, are notorious for the nasty tricks they like to play on other cats. Mike is currently trying to court Molly Silk-Nose, but his rough and silly approach does not impress her, since she becomes interested in the kind and gentle Peter. But Mike won't give up that easily and he has a plan for how he'll get his revenge.
A Dream Play
"A Dream Play" - Agnes, a daughter of the Vedic god Indra, descends to Earth to bear witness to problems of human beings. She meets about 40 symbolical characters.
Min älskade
"My Love" - A drama rich in symbols about an unsuccessful Norwegian bookseller. With a bag filled with quirky literature he wanders through Stockholm, trying to find book buyers.
Janne, 24, gets a job as dishwasher at a restaurant in Stockholm. He meets a number of people with repressed feelings and amazing dreams.
The Lion and the Virgin
After young film writer Leo has his latest screenplay rejected he retreats to his summer home on an island, on his way he meets the flight attendant Virgo and a romance soon blossoms.
The Father
La vergüenza
Huyendo de la guerra civil que asola su país, Jan y Eva Rosenberg, dos músicos, se van a vivir a una isla, completamente apartados del mundo. Llevan una vida sencilla y apacible, preocupados únicamente por la música. Hasta que un día llegan unos soldados y todo cambia radicalmente. La pareja es arrestada bajo la acusación de colaborar con las fuerzas rebeldes. Al frente de la unidad militar que tiene la misión de defender la isla está el coronel Jacobi, un antiguo amigo de Jan y Eva. Pero esto no hará más que empeorar la situación. Con ciega brutalidad, la guerra sigue su curso con su cortejo de incendios de napalm, de sumarias ejecuciones, de redadas, de torturas.
The journalist Gunnar meets the cancer-patient Seija and love arises. Seija has only a short time left to live. The doctors advice her not to become pregnant, because radiotherapy could harm the fetus. She interrupts the radiotherapy and give later birth a healthy child. Meanwhile, it turns out that pregnancy has cured her cancer.
Woman of Darkness
Johanna Hansson's man
Sweden 1889. The young Per Nilsson has a very dominant mother, Anna Månsdotter. His father died many years ago and he and his mother have for a long time been in a incestuous relationship. But Per marries Hanna for the sake of her money and Anna is mean and evil towards her, and Per refuses to have sex with her. She starts to suspect that something is going on between her husband and stepmother.
¡Esas mujeres!
El pretencioso crítico Cornelius está escribiendo una biografía sobre un famoso violonchelista y para investigar un poco va a quedarse en su casa unos días. No consigue una entrevista con el hombre, pero al hablar con todas las mujeres que viven con él, aprende mucho sobre la vida privada del músico. Cornelius luego decide usar esta información e intenta chantajear al violonchelista para que interprete una composición que él, Cornelius, ha escrito. Escrito por Leon Wolters
Adam och Eva
Eva discovers a contest of an altarpiece. Her husband Adam makes a simple sketch. Adam wins the competition. The success makes Adam famous.
An escaped convict assumes the identity of a professor in order to reveal a criminal syndicate who smuggle diamonds together with Parisian haute couture.
El ojo del diablo
La castidad de Britt-Marie, hija de un pastor protestante, le provoca a Satán una verruga en un párpado. Para deshacerse de ella, manda a la Tierra a don Juan para que seduzca a Britt-Marie.
A Swedish TV movie based on the play L'Hôtel du Libre échange from 1894.
El manantial de la doncella
Thin Herdsman
Suecia, siglo XIV. Como cada verano, una doncella debe hacer la ofrenda de las velas en el altar de la Virgen. El rey Töre envía a su hija Karin en compañía de Ingrid, una muchacha que odia a Karin en secreto. Antes de cruzar el bosque, Ingrid se detiene y abandona a la princesa, pero la muchacha prosigue su camino y se encuentra con unos pastores, aparentemente afables, que la invitan a compartir su comida.
Ice man
An elderly gentleman lives alone with his maid Louise. He spends his days chatting with the confectioner who lives and works downstairs, playing chess with his brother Karl Fredrick, and content with his memories. His young wife Gerda ran out on him five years ago, taking their young daughter with her. Now, unbeknownst to the gentleman, she’s back… and living in the upstairs apartment with the child and her new husband. When Gerda finally faces the man, sparks will fly and old wounds will be reopened. Bergman's TV adaptation of August Strindberg's play "Storm" was presented on the 111th anniversary of the author's birth. The production was also shown in Denmark and Norway and received glowing reviews. Bergman was celebrated as an outstanding TV director and was praised for his tact and sympathy in depicting old age, his superior lighting and fine camera work as well as his understanding of the medium in his use of close-ups.
El rostro
Suecia, mediados del siglo XIX. Dentro de un vehículo sumergido en la niebla, viaja una compañía de artistas ambulantes, cuyo jefe es el doctor Vogler, mago e hipnotizador que va acompañado de una anciana bruja, experta en pócimas de amor, y de su mujer y ayudante. Al pasar por una ciudad se convierten en el blanco de las burlas y humillaciones de un comité encabezado por el cínico doctor Vergerus, un médico que le pide a Vogler una representación.
A relay race of "scenes from human life". Depicts the human characters inferior traits are spreading like a disease: the person who gets rejected / humiliated / oppressed takes it out on someone else.
Susanne es dueña de una agencia de modelos en Estocolmo. Doris, su modelo más popular, tiene una discusión con su novio, Palle, justo antes de que ella vaya con Susanne a Gotemburgo para ser fotografiada en una nueva colección. En Gotemburgo, Doris se encuentra con un cónsul de edad avanzada, que ve en ella un parecido sorprendente con su esposa, ahora en un hospital psiquiátrico. El cónsul satisface los deseos de Doris, comprándole ropa fina y joyas, y los dos pasan un día emocionante juntos, hasta que llega la hija del cónsul y, sin piedad, expone el egoísmo de su padre.
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